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Tanda Tangan
Orang Tua Nama : ........................................ Nilai ...................
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Ttd Guru
Hari/Tanggal :
(......................) Waktu : 60 Menit (........................)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the option!

1. We use the .... to tidy up our clothes.
a. heat c. iron
b. sun d. stove
2. Could you ... (mematikan) the ... (lampu), please?
a. turn on, lamp c. turn off, fan
b. turn on, iron d. turn off, lamp
3. My father has both chicken ... bird.
a. and c. or
b. nor d. but
4. My uncle ... like coffee or tea.
a. and c. or
b. neither d. either
5. Mr. Ardian is ... teacher and athlete.
a. both c. neither
b. either d. but
6. This thing is both cold and sweet. What is this?
a ice cream c. cake
b. tea d. meatball
7. The negative form of “She will go to Surabaya zoo” is ....
a. will she go to Surabaya zoo? c. She will go not to Surabaya zoo.
b. She will not go to Surabaya zoo. d. She will not to go Surabaya zoo.
8. The translation of “Erika use the washing machine to wash the clothes”
a. Erika menggunakan setrika untuk merapikan pakaian
b. Erika menggunakan mesin cuci untuk merapikan pakaian
c. Erika menggunakan mesin cuci untuk mencuci pakaian
d. Erika menggunakan setrika untuk memasak makanan
9. In the night, we turn on the lamp. But in the day light, we have to ... the lamp.
a turn on c. buy
b. turn off d. bring
10. To make spicy fried rice, we need ....
a sugar c. chili
b. salt d. coffee
11. We watch ... to get any information.
a radio c. newspaper
b. magazine d. television
12. These things are using electricity, except ...
a television c. sun
b. magic com d. washing machine
13. This things are the heat source, except ....
a stove c. sun
b. oven d. radio
14. Arrange into a good sentence! “Dian – chicken – eat – will – fried”
a Dian eat will fried chicken. c. Dian will eat fried chicken.
b. Will Dian eat fried chicken. d. Fried chicken will eat Dian.
15. The translation of: “Ibu memasak keduanya, nasi dan mie.”
a. Mother cooks either rice or noodle.
b. Mother cooks neither rice nor noodle.
c. Mother cooks both rice and noodle.
d. Mother cooks both rice or noodle.
Read the text to answer no 16-20
Save The Energy
We need to save the energy. This picture will tell you 12 tips to save energy at home.

16. When leaving a room, we have to ....

a. turn on the lights c. wash clothes
b. turn off the lights d. use solar power
17. When television is not in use, we have to ....
a. use LED lights c. unplug the device
b. use smart meter to track usage d. use solar power
18. When washing clothes, it is better to use ....
a. cold temperature c. hot temperature
b. warm temperature d. high temperature
19. In using water, we have to ....
a. reduce it b. enrich it c. induce it d. stop it
20. The following are ways to save energy, except ....
a. turn off lights when leaving room c. reduce water consumption
b. unplug devices when not in use d.plug devices when not in use
II. Answer the questions with the correct answer!
The Use of The Water
Every day we use water. Water is very useful for living things. For plants, it is
used for photosynthesys. For animals, it is used for drinking and bathing. For humans, it
is used for drinking, cooking, washing the clothes, bathing, and also produce electricity.
21. The text tell us about ....
22. The is very useful for ....
23. What is the use of water for plants?
24. What is the use of water for animals?
25. What are the uses of water for humans?
26. My mother is using both stove ... oven to cook.
27. My brother ... a doctor nor nurse. He is a teacher.
28. (+) I will go to Jakarta next week.
(-) .......................................................
29. (?) Will he go swimming tomorrow morning?
(+) ....................................................................
30. Malik will not buy a bicycle.
(?) .....................................................................

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