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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Jenjang : MA MUHAMMADIYAH 1

Jenis Ujian : PAS TA. 2020/2021 Jadwal : 07/12/2020 s.d. 07/12/202
Jumlah Soal : 50 XI IPS Durasi : 90 menit



A. You won’t. Thanks!

B. No, absolutely, no!

C. No, I don’t trust you.

D. No, I don’t need you to.

E. No, thanks. I’ll be fine.

2. “If you wouldn’t mind, please”.

What does the expression indicate?

A. Offering a help.

B. Giving an offer.

C. Asking for a help.

D. Accepting an offer.

E. Declining an offer.


A. You ought to saving your account wisely

B. How about going to the post office?

C. You had better save your account wisely

D. You ought to go to the police station

E. I advised you to save your account carelessly


A. I’ll be fine. It’s very kind of you to offer.

B. How about you? Do you need more money?

C. It’s okay. Don’t think too much.

D. I’ll be okay. Thanks for asking.

E. It’s wonderful idea! Thanks.

5. You are in a restaurant and the waiter takes your order and then asks if there’s anything else you need. In fact,
you’d like a different glass as yours looks dirty. What do you say?

A. I would like to stay.

B. Actually, this glass is so dirty.

C. I would like to see your manager.

D. I would like to order me one more glass of juice.

E. If you wouldn’t mind, could you get me another glass?

6. Do you want me t bring this box over?

A. You are deadly wrong.

B. Don’t worry, I can do it.

C. It’s so heavy.

D. My father gave me last year.

E. Always to be the great one.

7. My car is not working.

A. Call the mechanic.

B. Let’s buy the new one.

C. You are not good.

D. That’s your problem.

E. Should I care?

8. Salwa : There is nothing interesting on

TV. Reyna : …

A. Well, I like movies.

B. I like this TV program.

C. What about other channels?

D. Let’s go the market then.

E. We have to go to the playstore.

9. Habibi : What do you suggest I do now?
Fadhil : What about go to the den tist?

The response above is grammatically error because ….

A. It should be “what about to go …”

B. It should be “what about going …”

C. It should be “what about gone …”

D. It should be “what about have gone …”

E. It should be “what about having gone …”

10. A good way to give advice is ….

A. “Shall we go for walk?”

B. “It may be a good idea to tell your parents.”

C. “You definitely have to tell your biggest secret.”

D. “I really think you should do what I’ve told you.”

E. We can’t tell anyone about this. What do you say?

11. What does the text tell us about?

A. A girl’s idea on the best club at school.

B. A girl’s idea on the benefits of gardening.

C. A girl’s idea on the best way to do gardening.

D. A girl’s idea on how to grow healthy food.

E. A girl’s idea on the best way to exercise at school

12. Which of the followings is not true about what Nadine believes?

A. Gardening is a hard work.

B. Gardening equals exercising.

C. Everyone loves gardening.

D. Gardening is not competitive.

E. Consuming vegetables prevents us from diseases.

13. Based on Nadine’s point of view, the garden she considers great is ….

A. flowers garden

B. fruit garden

C. animal garden

D. fruit and flower garden

E. vegetable garden
14. “Weeding” means ….

A. watering the plants

B. trimming the grass

C. eradicating the weeds

D. plowing the soil

E. digging the holes

15. Sandra : Do you have any idea on what we should do now?

Aninda : …..

A. I don’t care

B. Camping is boring

C. Solo seems interesting

D. We don’t know what to do?

E. To my view, we can go to Solo

16. Bima : What should we do now? What do you think?

Yusuf : Well, ….

A. I don’t agree with you

B. I think I don’t understand you

C. it seems that we missed the bus

D. to my mind, we should get lunch first

E. I guess you are asking the wrong person

17. What is Zahrah’s opinion on this year’s study tour destination?

A. She is looking forward to going there.

B. She wants to go there with Farhan.

C. She wants to go, but she couldn.t.

D. She doesn’t want to go.

E. She couldn’t make it.

18. What does Farhan think of this year’s study tour destination?

A. He wouldn’t go if they are going anywhere else.

B. He doesn’t like their destination.

C. He wants to go there with Zahrah.

D. He could go, but he wouldn’t.

E. He is excited to go.
19. Shidqi : What can you say about Singapore?

Nabila : I think it’s a beautiful place, but a bit too crowded for me.

A. What does Nabila mean with her expression?

B. She wants to live there.

C. She thinks it’s hot there.

D. She thinks there are too many people there.

E. She thinks it’s messy and dirty.

20. Anggia : Do you agree with me?

Kalyca : Yes, I am agree with you.

A. Kalyca’s response above is grammatically error since ….

B. Kalyca should say,” Yes, I agree with you” because ‘agree’ is a verb

C. Kalyca should say,” No, I am not” because she doesn’t agree

D. Kalyca should say,” No, I do not” because she doesn’t agree

E. Kalyca should say,” Yes, I agreed” because it was a simple past

F. Kalyca should say,”Sorry, I am not” because ‘agree’ is an adjective

21. What is the event talked about?

A. Graduation Ceremony

B. Grand Opening of a boutique

C. Annual Meeting

D. Welcoming Party

E. Wedding Ceremony

22. The event will last for ….

A. an hour

B. two hours

C. three hours

D. four hours

E. all day

23. Which one is formal invitation letter?

A. Application Letter

B. Birthday Invitation

C. Gala Dinner Invitation

D. Complaint Letter

E. Personal Diary
24. Who is the invitee in the invitation?

A. Students

B. All parents

C. Students of 9th grade students

D. All parents of 9th grade students

E. 9TH and 10th grade students

25. How to decline an invitation politely?

A. That’s great.

B. Sure, why not?

C. Thank you for inviting me.

D. That wuld be very nice.

E. Unfortunately, I am not be able …

26. The structure of an invitation letter is ….

A. Greeting, Body, RSVP

B. Orientation, Body, Closing, Signature

C. Heading, Greeting, Body, Closing, Signature

D. Name of the invitee, Time and Date of the Event, Contact Number of the Host

E. Name of the host, kind of the event, RSVP, signature

27. RSVP in an invitation means ….

A. Please reply

B. Regrets only

C. A French sentence

D. Please be there

E. Please register

28. “JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.”

The suitable passive interrogative sentence for the answer is …

A. “Who was the writer of the Harry Potter books?”

B. “Who did write the Harry Potter books?”

C. “JK Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter books.”

D. ‘Harry Potter books were written by JK Rowling.”

E. “By whom were the Harry Potter books written?”

29. Respiratory viruses such as Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19 spread when mucus or droplets containing the virus enter
the body through the eyes, nose or throat. The transmission of the virus often occurs through the hands. We often touch
many objects and interact with many people. They can carry germs or virus. One of the cheapest, easiest and most
important ways to prevent the spread of the virus is to wash your hands often with soap and water.

Our hands touch many objects and there may be germs on them. The contaminated hand then touches our eyes, nose, and
mouth. After that we become sick. Objects in public places may have germs on it. So we must realize that after touching
objects we must wash our hands. We interact with many people. Maybe they carry germs in
their hands when shaking hands with us. Even though we don't touch contaminated objects, we touch that person's hand.
So we must be aware to wash our hands before and after interacting with others.

There is another trend which is hand washing with hand sanitizer. Do you know, how much is the hand sanitizer
right now? Although it is equally effective, it should be done when we do not find water. Washing hands for 20-30
seconds with running water and soap will be easier and cheaper.

To sum up, washing hands is important because we can be contaminated at any time by germs. Keep washing your hands
with soap will be cheaper and easier to do. That way we can keep the health of ourselves and the people
around us, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic.

above paragraphs for numbers 29-34

What does the text tell us about?

A. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic to the world

B. The more expensive cost of hand sanitizer

C. The importance of washing hand

D. The importance of avoiding Covid-19

E. An advice to do hand washing frquently

30. The generic structure of the text above is ….

A. orientation, conflict, resolution

B. thesis, arguments, reiteration

C. introduction, conflict, resolution

D. thesis, arguments, recommendation

E. title, ingredients, instruction

31. Based on the text, it can be inferred that ….

A. since our hands touch many objects many times, we need to wash them

B. the best way to prevent the Covid-19 virus is by washing hand with soap regularly

C. although it is more expensive, it is proven that using hand sanitizer is more effective

D. COVID-19 viruses spread when droplets enter the body through three spots

E. people who always wash their hands will surely free from the COVID-19 Viruses

32. The main idea of paragraph two is ….

A. The causes of the COVID-19 viruses spread rapidly around us

B. The reason why we need to wash hands often with soap and water

C. The three parts in human body that can be good spots for the virus to breed

D. The easiest and cheapest way to prevent from being infected the COVID-19 virus

E. The trend to use hand sanitizer to clean and sterilize hands among society
33. ” Although it is equally effective, it should be done when we do not find water.” The word “it” in the
sentence, refers to ….

A. our hands

B. running water

C. hand sanitizer

D. the current trend

E. hand wash ing soap

34. Which of the following topics is not suitable to be a persuasive text?

A. The Advantages and The Drawbacks of Using The Internet

B. Should Parents Censor Their Children’s Reading Material?

C. The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages In The Global Era

D. Children Should Learn To Play Musical Instrument

E. Bullying and Teasing: No Laughing Matter

35. The word “villainy” in the text above is closest in meaning to ….

A. gyratory

B. aristocracy

C. involvement

D. wickedness

E. amplification

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