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Phllippme Jntema oon;iJ Convenoon Center. Vicenta Sr., Pasay Ory. Meuo Mamlil

3 1 May 202c


Philippine COVIU-19 Vaccin e Deployment and Vaccination Camp aign

Advisory on Archivi ng of th e Vaccination Reports thro ugh the DICT

Vaccination Operati ons Reportin g System (VORS)

This Advisory is issued to inform all Regional and Local Vaccination Operations
Centers (R/LVOCs), Implementing Units and Vaccination Sites of the guidelines on the report
generation from the Vaccination Operations Reporting System (VORS).

Study of the system revealed that rendering of the requested download of accumulated
vaccination data is limited in terms of size and fil e capacity. Therefore, the National
Vaccination Operations Center (NVOC), through the Department of Information and
Communications Technology (D ICT}, is providing this advisory to provide information and
guidance in cognizant of the operational needs of the vaccination program implementing

I. All vaccination data of the year 2021 shall be archived and stored in another data

2. All Cumulative Accomplishment and Vaccination Data that can be downloaded

arc from January I, 2022 to present.

3. The One-Time Cumulative Data of the Centers for Health Development,

Provincial Health Offices and MunicipaVCity Health Offices accounts shall still
be locked. Any changes shall be coursed through the NVOC. For any edit request.
kindly email an official communication to the NVOC addressed to:


Undersecretary of Health
Chair, National Vaccination Operations Center

The NVOC shall inform DICT to open the requestor's account for a limited time
to make the adjustments.

4. Subsequently. the previous week's data submission shall likewise be locked every
Sunday and any chan ges to the submissions shall be requested to the CHDs. The
CHDs shall , in tum inform the NVOC of any changes made.
5. Since all data from 2021 vaccination dates arc already locked. any adjustments on
the data brought about by data reconciliation being done by the LG Us, should be
referred to the CHDs. Please refer to Item #4 of this Advisory for guidance.

6. The copy of the archived 2021 vaccination data of the LGU shall be provided by
our Data Management Team, through the NVOC. However for subsequent
requests, the requestor can send an email request to the NVOC and copy furn ish
the VIMS Contact Center at Please allow 24 to 48
hours of processing for the data.

All RVOCs, LVOCs and Implementing Units are instructed to ensure the
dissemination of this Advisory. For any issues and concerns related to this Advisory, you may
email to c 19, nccincopccn(a'

This Advisory is effective immediately, and for wide dissemination and compliance.

Undersecretary of Health, Field Implementation and Coordination Team

Department of Health

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