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Government of tna Ministry of Railways — (allway Board) — RBA.No 92 72022 ‘No, 2022/AcU2V4 Now Delhi, Dated 6, 62022, 1. General Managers PRA ete (As per Standard list 2. All Attacked Offices Subordinate Offices (As per standard ts It) ‘Sub: Revised Cod fe of Assets. Kindly refer to para 219 of Indian Relay Finance Cod, Voll, detilicg the normal lie of various asses In this regard Electrical, Mechanical and Signalling Diesorates have proposed revision of cava life of cera ases, The sme have been exanined by the mulcacplinay Exeenae Weick {Committe setup in Railay Board. Their resommendations have cn aceped by Boar. Aceon, ‘Advance Correction Slip No. 92 amending Para 219, Indian Railay Fieanes Code Voll is caceccene information and becesary action, Enc: As above. (Sanjecs Satay OSDiAccounts Railway Board Copy to: |. DyCAAG of nda (Ritways), Room No. 224, Ril Bhawan, New Delhi (wih 45 sare copies. 2.GM) ConsUNFR, CAOMCE (Const Indian Raita, 3, PEDIA, PEDICE/Planning, PEDIEE (Dovelopmeat), EDME/Freigh and ED/Signal ‘4. ACI(Comp), ACI 6 copes) ACI V, Code revision, Accounts Inspostion, Ascous ‘Appropriation, Finance (Budge) 5 AdvisorMR, OSDIMR, OSDICo-rd/MR, Additonal PSMR. Se oom No, 419-4 Rail Bhawan, Raina Roa New Delh- 110001 Advance Correction slip No.92 Indian Railway Finance Code olume 1 (1998) Para 219: 1. Replace the existing cas of asset and ther average fein the table given under Para 219 Indian Raitway Finance Code —Volune1(1998) as der 2. Cadal feof other lems nor covered nthe ACS wil remain as per extant insrucions “for thse tems aye |LUCTRICAL ASSETS Cast of Asset ‘Average fe Remarks [Water Cooter, Reigeraton, Air Conditone hospital and domestic applisnce 0 al replace al be based condition ofthe ast intemal wiring of bling) Cons are ial eplocement sal based condition ofthe asset Nom coastal arc! 3 Actual replant shall be based condition ofthe asst I lecne Pompe w ual ephceet sal be bare] condition ofthe ast DE [1D TRD Equipments fi. fElgaing Arrestor (Gaples Type) ipments required Tor replacement through DRFT Saking Fu 15 Pa elcome abd \erceakvy on condition of the asset . 20 Psat pacvent sal Bal (98x 20KVF 984) ey fay Char Psat piconet a fe al conden ft ast JOH condactors& components ~ For Naval Zane 3) fiber an Heed vrata Tp Cavers Esa coe al Ba condone th at is yan Wo tapos al Be asad 9 byAttape tists condone ant (® Composie | ——25 Reta elasnant dal Bad condition ofthe asct Game : ji) [BotonATD tal placental be Based ow fo) oltre | 30. Fenton ofthe asst al replacement Sal be based on ae 32 endtion ofthe asst y Wires ky ona Wie e [Fetal repasament sail be bad of nition ofthe art TiN. JOHE conductors & components For Pollut Zone™™ |* Definition of Potted Zone for tem xi under OHE Conductors & components Gor pole? J-Zanes having ESDD (Equivalent Salt Deposit Desiy) 0.3 shouldbe considered as pol 1” [Canleverassenbly and [Canlever cial epasement salle hssembly ase on coution ofthe asset, Iepe of insulators | instr: mpi 3 “aal_rophcement dal! be son cvdition ofthe art 7 At 7m tual repacomnt sal sedonconton ofthe wast i (a) Silver 0 years onthe bai 7 tcondemning di RBW hicheversearir Asta eplisement shall be ese on conliion ofthe asset, ontat Wire Continuous Syearion the basis ast (CC) pe bf condemning di, fichier in) FST Egaipments (@) Substation’ Equipments fi) Pid capacitor bank 2 Acualreplcement all ase on conition ofthe asset, Gas, (1) MECHANICAL Asser SNe, Chass of Aste Taveraee] Remar Wein T [Machine tools Tike ates, Panne, Driling, Boringand | 20 chal repacaman— dalle IMiing machines sed om ctniton ofthe aset 2 [High Precision and special purpos machines Ike Wheels | 20 Actual reqlacement shall" bj fates 14.0 canton ofthe aset 3 ]feat room and teting aboratary pment 5 eta velacoent — salle sed on cxition ofthe asset 7 fFoundiy and Forge Equipment 23 Retal_repicemeat ald fused on condition ofthe asset 3 eat Treatment equipment etal easement — sal son condition ofthe asst © (OT Canes 36 feial_replaament — shall Pe sed on condition ofthe asset, 7 Power Generation Machinay & Swiehes Dalat [General purpose Tight machinery eg band saw, Moor 5 fetal” eepacoment — salle indore sedan couton ofthe ase: bo 3 ircompressors 30 Rewal_ephcement ha sed on cordition ofthe asset 10" fr miscellaneous machines eg Tht cleaning machines] Daleod equipment in loco sheds, workshops, depo sick bins TI fp Consraton Machinery equipvent Deleted "Track mainfonance Equipment (ay Taping, Ballast cleaning & handling, DTS and 20 Picual_ropicement shal te relaying machines Secon wc (6) Materia Randng machines 3 fietal_repoement — shall Pe sed on condition ofthe asset (© Rall Grinding Machines 13 fetal repeement shall sed on coalition ofthe asset Gouue Say Glass of sets Average Remar ein 13 [MiseTineour machine and suipmet Tor bose, fice et. 0) [Retal replacement shall ba sed on canton ofthe asset TH [oshanicl Weigh Brides TS Flearonis a motion weigh Biase TE Petal replacement —sall pesed on cndition of the asst cs 16 [Wes npact oad desta WILD) TE fisual”weplaconent stall b sed on ection ofthe asset TF ies paps TS Rew relacement shall sed on cenition ofthe asset TE Weng equipments TO Peto relacement sald don canton ofthe ssat Ts TD [iasl Refrigeration equipment 20” Patra Handling equipment Tks FLT, Later TO fRewal reacement shall te sed on cxiton ofthe asset BT [iravenen 3S etal_reacemeat — dal 1 on condition ofthe asst 3 [el Staton Disponsation Equipment TO fetal replacement sal sed on condition ofthe asset, Bf Balloaer and 30 [ictal recent — shal based on condition ofthe asset aie earth moving suipmanE Deis 2 tor Boats 13 Pete replacement — shall fused on coniton ofthe asset 2 [Rodaule Revalling Pgipment To fetal vepacement salle sed on condition ofthe asset "ROAD VEHICLES 736 Bia crs ncloding eepe sed on couton ofthe asset tual repacenent shall bd 7 Howe TN] Chas or Ta Remaris Weis TT ar oS 1b sears eval Teyacenent tall for paid on cndton of te wt Dios 2 ey Noa vis ts [Ra ease — sal {arf on enon fh ast ear fo 29° [ivactors Petro a ad replacement shall nt, hase on con of set E I ore (QV) MECHANICAL ASSET ROLLING STOCK ‘SNe | Claws of Assets “Average Hein years Remarks [20 [Open Bogie wagons with ar brakes and casaub bogies @ | BOXN, BOY, BOBRN, SSyears (abject io] Actual rplacenent shall Be BOBSN ‘outcome of structural and_| sed on conan ofthe aset Finacial jusication tobe conducted for extension L beyond 30 yeas) W/ BOYS 3. “Acad replacement all be based on condition ofthe asset | Other open wagons W “Actual replacement sal be tsed on condion ofthe asset ZT Bogie tank wagons with ar brakes and Casnub bogies a] BTPN, 45 eas (abject “Aciual placement sal be ‘uicome of structural ait | based on condFion ofthe asset tobe conducted for | Oiher an wagons @ “Acad eplacanent wall be used on condion ofthe asset with aif Drakes and Casaub bogies a] CN 0 years (sbjet to ‘Aca easement shall outcome of structural audit | sed om condion ofthe aset and fianeajustieation {oe conducted for extension beyond 35 | Allother wagons cs ‘Actual eplacenent sal be based on condion ofthe set | Open Wagons wih vaca Deleted ‘wakes and UIC bogies _| | Other Wagons with vacuum Deed bakes and UIC bogies WB _[ towheeler wagons (open and Dele |_| covered) 8 | eolertaak Wagons (wih Deleted plaia bearings F_ fewhecler tank wagons ih Dele roller bearings) (V) SIGNAL & TELECOMMUNICATION ASSETS (9) SIGNALLING SYSTEM SNo. | Cass of Aves ‘Averagelifoin | Remar - years ‘@ Elesronie Signalling Qeiem ike | 20 yearabased | Achal replaement aha be ‘Axle Counter, AFTC, IPS et ‘on | based on condition ofthe asset 3 ohsolescence G)Ravach (Automatic Train Prowetion | 1S) Actual replacement Sal We ATP) based on coalition ofthe asset (Authority Board's ter no, 2022/4C WI dated 6.62022) Gree

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