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Nabasca, Cherry Ann M.

EDUC 204
Chapter 2
Activity 2.2 Interviewing Students from Cultural Minorities
Directions: Interview 3 students in your school who are part of the cultural minority. They could be foreigners or fellow
Filipinos who belong to a different ethno-linguistic group. Ask them about their culture, their difficulties in adjusting to
the mainstream culture, and how students like you can help them.

Interview Protocol
Name of the Interviewer: Cherry Ann M. Nabasca
Name of the Interviewee: Sheila Talam
Course and Year: BEED-I

Lead Questions:
1. How will you describe your culture in terms of the following:
1.1 belief system; 1.3 language; and
1.2 value system; 1.4 expressive culture (music, dance, etc.).
 As a Subanens we performs rituals to please our gods, the mechanisms through which beliefs are
 In spritual core values and beliefs happen in doing some traditional ritual just like for indigenous
people's the subanen tribe lots of beliefs in any calamities or even earthquake's will arise. This
symbolizes respect from their ancestors from the past generations.
 As a Subanen people speak the Subanen(also called Subanon) language.
 We a have a musical instrument such as agong (a large gong), kutapi (a two-string wooden guitar),
sigitan (a bamboo guitar), kulintang (eight small gongs) and budyong (a bamboo blade). We also
perform Buklog as our thanksgiving ritual system. Buklog is performed to appease and express
gratitude to the spirits for many reasons such as a bountiful harvest, recovery from sickness or
calamity, or acknowledgement of a new leader.
2. What difficulties have you encountered when adjusting to the mainstream culture or the other culture
you are now in?
 At first I experienced culture shock just like extreme homesickness, physical complaints and sleep
difficulties, and also I feel significant nervousness or exhaustion.
3. How do you effectively deal with these difficulties?
 Adjusting to a new culture does not mean that we have to change your own values, but it is
important to respect those of other people. When we find ourselves in an unfamiliar situation, try
to think of it as a new adventure. I just allowing myself to be curious about the way things are
perceived and done in this new environment.
4. How will you help other students who, like you, are also having the same difficulties adjusting to the other
culture they are in?
 The process of adjusting to a new culture requires time. It may also require a different amount of
time for different areas of adjustment. Try to encourage yourself to be patient with this
experience and not be overly critical of yourself.
Learning to function in a new environment is not easy. It is natural to feel anxious or frustrated
sometimes. The key is to remind yourself that these feelings are normal and are likely to be situational
and temporary.
Interview Protocol
Name of the Interviewer: Cherry Ann M. Nabasca
Name of the Interviewee: Jerry Dagtum
Course and Year: BSED English

Lead Questions:
1. How will you describe your culture in terms of the following:
1.1 belief system; 1.3 language; and
1.2 value system; 1.4 expressive culture (music, dance, etc.).
 Belief in monotheism is the cornerstone of the Islamic faith. Muslims believe that all the Prophets sent by God
to humanity shared the same central message, and that was the message of monotheism.
 The five core beliefs (pillars) of Islam are the creed of belief (shahada), daily prayers (salah), giving to the poor
(zakat), fasting during Ramadan (sawm), and pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj). These are required for all believers
and are the basis for Muslim life. We also include kindness (to people and animals), charity, forgiveness,
honesty, patience, justice, respecting parents and elders, keeping promises, and controlling one's anger. Islam
also commands love—love of God and those God loves, love of his messenger (Muhammad) and of believers.
 Arabic is the language of the Muslims.
 Islamic music, Nasheed is a Muslim devotional recitation music recited in various melodies by some
Muslims of today without any musical instruments, or possibly with percussion.
2. What difficulties have you encountered when adjusting to the mainstream culture or the other culture you are now
 Feeling incredibly homesick or depressed.
3. How do you effectively deal with these difficulties?
 Stay positive, this is the most obvious, but most important, tip. If you can approach things with a sense of
humor and look at cultural differences as fun and exciting things to discover, you will adjust to your host
culture much more quickly.
4. How will you help other students who, like you, are also having the same difficulties adjusting to the other culture
they are in?
 We need to adapt their culture. Adapting to a new culture takes time. Be patient with yourself and
allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them as you go along. Be open to accepting cultural
differences and alternative ways of doing things. The unfamiliar may be frightening at first but in
time you will find yourself taking these once-unfamiliar situations for granted.

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