Gen Soc. L2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes

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Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Steroypes NTRODUCT: on) Gender socialization is a lifelong process. The beliefs about gender that we acquire in childhood can affect us throughout our lives. The impact of this socialization can be big (shaping what we believe we are capable of accomplishing and thus potentially determining our life's course), small (influencing the color we choose for our bedroom walls), or somewhere in the middie. As adults, our beliefs about gender may grow more nuanced and flexible, but gender socialization can still affect our behavior, whether in school, the workplace, or our relationships. Even if you are not familiar with the concept of “gender socialization’. it is most likely that you have been influenced by it and in turn passed on your own beliefs about what constitutes gender-appropriate attitudes and behavior to others. Gender socialization begins at birth, intensifies during adolescence and contributes to gender inequalities in education, employment, income, empowerment, and other significant outcomes of well-being during adolescence and later in life ‘The gender stereotyping of men and women has a profound impact on our society. Due to the advances made in recent years to establish equality between sexes, society reflects fewer attitudes that support discrimination and inequality between men and women. However, even though we are liberated in our beliefs and attitudes, many of our actions are still influenced by gender stereotyping and misconceptions about men and women that have been passed down through the generations. In spite of their stated values, @ surprising number of people today relate to each other based on a gender stereotype. In this module, the students will learn about: 1. Gender Socialization; 2. Areas or agent of socialization; 3. Gender Stereotyping: 4. Kinds of gender stereotyping 5. 6 Hyper femininity; and Hyper masculinity At the end of the module, you should be able to: ee the influence of socialization on roles and their 3. Narrate personal experience or observation relating to gender stereotyping 6s (Ep © Brave boy, pretty girl + Boys don't cry, gifls don't hit playmates ¥ SHELL WEED ro AND He BETTER NOW WER PLACE NOT CRY 4. Activity exposure — familiarizing children to their gender-appropriate tasks. Example: * Girls help their mother with housework. + Boys are encouraged to play outside the house Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes CHURCH Gender roles in Christianity vary considerably today as they have during the last two millennia. This is especially true with regards to marriage and ministry. MASS MEDIA Socialization is one of the most important factors that define a human being. The need to socialize has seen people invent various channels of socialization. Technological advancement has reduced the world into a small village. Some areas, such as the mass media coverage, have attracted the attention of many individuals globally, With the current mass media, much has changed, especially in terms of socialization. This includes the radios, television, newspapers, and many more, They deliver and carry messages or information from one place to the other. Socialization process has extremely taken a new look in the current society. What the media displays has attracted a lot of attention from the public. Information on major societal issues, such as sexuality, is displayed clearly to the public. Unlike in the traditional society where such sensitive information could not be addressed openly, all forms of information are openly discussed fearlessly in the modem society. Mass media has become so advanced to an extent that people fram different regions can chart over various issues affecting them in life. This has greatly helped people in terms of expressing thei views freely in areas of interest. By so doing, a social network is created. Issues of family and marriages are addressed. Relationship issues are discussed through the mass media as well. 1 (oe Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotyp Gender Stereotyping in Mass Media + Media's sexualization of young female celebrities '* Music lyrics and music videos that promote negative stereotypes and violence Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes SCHOOL A. Instructional Language + The use of generic words to refer to both girls and boys Example: he, his, man + The use of stereotyped language Example: freshman... first year student mankind... humanity fisherman ...fisher folk chairman ..... chairperson B. Classroom Management + Assigning of groups — (boys and girls together not boys against giris) + Tasks given by teachers + Discipline C, Instructional Materials * Textbooks * Direct Teaching Materials Peripheral Teaching Materials 23 Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes Basic kinds of gender stereotypes: © Personality traits- for example, women are often expected to be accommodating and emotional, while men are usually expected to be self-confident and aggressive. Domestic behaviours — for example, some people expect that women will ake care of the children, cook, and clean the home, while men take care of the finances, work on the car, and do the home repairs. © Occupations — some people are quick to assume that teachers and nurses are women, and that pilots, doctors, and engineers are men. © Physical Appearance ~ For example, women are expected to be thin and graceful, while men are expected to be tall and muscular. Men and women are also expected to dress and groom in ways that are stereotypical to their gender (men wearing pants and short hairstyles, women wearing dresses and make-up). Hyperfemininity is the exaggeration of stereotyped behavior that is believed to be feminine. Hyperfeminine folks exaggerate the qualities they believe to be feminine. This may include being passive, naive, sexually inexperienced, soft, flirtatious, graceful, nurturing, and accepting. Hypermasculinity is the exaggeration of stereotyped behavior that’s believed to be masculine. Hyper masculine folks exaggerate the qualities they believe to be masculine. They believe they're supposed to complete with other men and dominate feminine folks by being aggressive, worldly, sexually experienced, insensitive, physically imposing, ambitious, and demanding, Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes Gender stereotyping is defined as an overgeneralization of characteristics, differences [team =m \\ [a DIN =m ~4 and attributes of a certain group based on their gender. Gender stereotypes create widely accepted biases about certain characteristics or traits and perpetuate the notion that each gender and associated behaviours are binary. If a man or woman act differently from how their gender is expacted to behave there is a disconnect in the evaluator’s mind. As our society moves to a broader construct of what “gender means,” individuals who are. stuck in this binary idea of gender have @ difficult time wrapping their brains around individuals who do not fit into a strict gender dichotomy, or do not identify with any gender at all, For example: assertive women are called “bitches” and ‘whores’, while men who don't appear or act masculine are called “sissies” or “wimps” of assumed to be gay, which is a very offensive stereotype in the LGBT community. Gender stereotypes are dangerous because they can cause us to might be disoriented in our perceptions. When individuals don't conform to our gender stereotypes the result can lead to discrimination and unequal or create unequal or unfair treatment. s to a certain person who chooses to defy people's assumptions about his/her gender. When gender inequality occurs in the background of gender stereotyping, this is in the most basic sense sexism. Gender stereotypes is a form of prejudgment, bias or limitation given to roles and expectations of a male and female. Example: Women Men Child rearing and nursing are exclusively Men are doctors, not nurses women's duties, while men are the workers, tax payers and pension renderers who | support the nation. Women are nurses, not doctors Men are supposed to have a job Women are supposed to cook and do house | Men are though and messy work. Women are caring and friendly Men are leaders Women are followers Men should be good in sports Women should look pretty How do gender stereotypes affect people? A stereotype is widely accepted judgment or bias about a person or group- even though it's overly simplified and not always accurate. Stereotypes about gender can cause unequal and unfair treatment because of a person's gender. This is called sexism. =I) +24 Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes NAME:, COURSE/YEAR: DATE:. SCORE: © P i Answer the following questions below. = by. are In what way you can say ~*~ Where do you think that socialization affect the How are you going to gender stereotyping | ——_gender/identity of a | Goer gender equality when others are started? particular person | especially during | childhood? Elaborate your answer Performing gender stereotyping? Do you believe that the choices Parents make about their children’s toys or movies influence the child's beliefs about the appropriate roles for male and female? Why or why not? ‘Do you think chikiren who play with toys designed for the other sex are treated differently from children who play with gender- typical toys? Why or why not? 26 a Situation 4. The man is on his way to his work. | While riding a bus, there was a lady came and you noticed that there was no vacant seat. The lady was standing and you know that the next bus stop is 30 minutes away. What will you do with this situation? 2. Mother was cleaning the house. She told her daughter to fil the pale with water. Her son was asked to sweep the floor. Will you agree with the task assigned by mother? What will you do when you were in the situation? 2 You are ina hurry because you are about to be late in your meeting. ‘When the taxi arrived, there was a woman who needs help because she needs to bring her daughter to the hospital immediately. Since | you were the first who called the taxi, what will you do with this situation? Lesson 2 Gender Socialization and Gender Stereotypes COURSE/YEAR: SCORE: oO +) Direction, Read and analyse the situations below. On the right column, write down what ‘= would be the action that you are going to do when you are’in the situation, Limit your ‘answer in not more than four (4) sentences. Your Action (=) GLOSSARY The following terms used in this module are defined as follows: Gender The process by which we learn our culture's gender-related socialization _| rules, norms, and expectations Gender ‘An oveigeneralization of characteristics, differences and stereotyping __| attributes of a certain group based on their gender. ‘Hyperfemininity | The exaggeration of stereotyped behaviour that is believed to be feminine. Gender Role | Society's concept of how men and women should behave Hypermasculinity | The exaggeration of stereotyped behaviour that’s believed ‘ to be masculine. https :"www.thoughtco. com/gender-socialization-definition-examples-4582435 https: lity! us = https :/!

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