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Module 3: Theories Related to Gender Development Lesson 1 Stand Point Theory and Social Learning Theory Gi INTRODUCTION) ‘Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” - George Bemard Shaw Gender and development is an interdisciplinary field of research and applied study that implements different approaches in order to understand and address the disparate impact that an ‘economic development and globalization have on people. This will be based upon their location, gender, class background and other socio-political identities. Its framework was being shifted from ‘one perspective to another in accordance with the theory it was being anchored, This part will focus in discussing the definition, characteristics, features and other concepts about the two theories which are related to gender development. It will give a great help to the learners in deepening their awareness on the various theories related to gender. This will also lead to a better understanding of the various perspectives of each theory in relation to the development of their own insights based on their gender. Also, the lessons will acquaint them with important information which will serve as their guide in creating a connection of themselves to the society. Moreover, this: module will allow them to gain knowledge on the relevance of theories to the gender development concept. The module will include the following sub-topics. 8. Standpoint Theory: Its History, Perspectives, Features and Criticisms b. Social Learning Theory: History, Perspectives, Features and Criticisms So, strike while the iron is hot Have fun in learning! (© anew) At the end of the module, you should be able to: 1. Give the meaning implied in the pictures about the perspectives of the two theories; 2. Define what is standpoint and social learning theory; 3. Make a stand on the given topic; 4, Present a behaviour or skill which will show the concept of Social Learning Theory; 5, Compare and contrast standpoint theory and social learning theory based on its perspectives on gender development; and 6. Describe the perspectives of standpoint and social learning theory. 12 (oe Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory «é | MAIN CONTENT ) Topic #1: Standpoint Theory People see the world from where they stand; this is their standpoint. Everybody have different standpoints depending on their social, political, economic, life, which affects their worldview. It sets the attitude of a person and changes their perception. The theory that defines this viewpoint is known as Standpoint Theory. Standpoint theory, a feminist theoretical perspective that argues that knowledge stems from social position. ‘The perspective denies that traditional science is objective and suggests that research and theory have ignored and marginalized women and feminist ways of thinking. The theory emerged from the Marxist argument that people from an oppressed class have ‘special access to knowledge that is not available to those from a privileged class. History of Standpoint Theory The theory was first introduced by Georg W. F. Hegel in 1807 by studying the standpoints of masters and slaves and their differences. Karl Marx (a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, and revolutionary socialist) also added to this theory by explaining how one’s working environment shaped their point of view. Later on in 1983, Nancy Hartsock (feminist philosopher) studied both the philosophies and formed “Feminist Standpoint Theory”, where she studied about the differences between men and women. The new feminist. theory was used for communication by Sandra Harding and Julia T. Wood to explain how people see the world defined how they speak and behaved (Bajracharya, 2018). Perspectives of Standpoint Theory with Proponent 1. The American feminist theorist Sandra Harding coined the term standpoint theory to categorize epistemologies that emphasize women's knowledge. She argued that it is easy for those at the top of social hierarchies to lose sight of real human relations and the true nature of social reality and thus miss critical questions about the social and natural world in their academic pursuits, In contrast, people at the bottom of social hierarchies have a unique standpoint that is a better starting point for scholarship. 2. The concept of a standpoint employed in feminist standpoint theories takes a narrow meaning, owed to Marxist theory, according to which a standpoint is an achieved collective identity or consciousness. The establishment of a standpoint is the political achievement of those whose social location forms its starting point; it is not merely ascribed from beyond that location. There is @ consensus among feminist standpoint theorists that a standpoint is not merely a perspective that is occupied simply by dint of being a woman (Harding, 2004). 3. That perspective was shaped by the work of the Canadian sociologist Dorothy ‘Smith. In her book The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology (1989), ‘Smith argued that sociology has ignored and objectified women, making them the “Other.” She claimed that women's experiences are fertile grounds for feminist knowledge and that by grounding sociological work in women's everyday experiences, sociologists can ask new questions. 4. According to standpoint theorists, when one starts from the perspective of women or other marginalized people, one is more likely to acknowledge the importance of standpoint and to create knowledge that is embodied, self-critical, and coherent (Borland, 2020), 106 (a Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and S ing Theory Features of Standpoint Theory It focuses on the concept of knowledge and awareness, ‘Standpoint is a mental position of an individual or group. Social construct of the world and social reality are set by standpoints. The important issues of the world are also decided by standpoints. ‘Standpoints act as a reference for comparison of truth and judgments. It supports strong objectivity. Marginalized viewpoints are more objective and accurate. Oppressing groups are unique in position and do not have wider viewpoint but they have more social power to validate them. Standpoints differ due to differences in social groups like class differences. Itincreases a sense of belonging to a group. Standpoint also defines how people talk with themselves or intrapersonal communication. The theory views world through a single lens. Criticisms Standpoint Theory Feeling of one person by just being a part of a group cannot be generalized as every person has different viewpoints. The theory is mostly used for feminism and is taken as feminist standpoint, Understanding of whole group is not same. Women are not minority, they are slowly rising above marginalization, but focus should be on poor and marginalized. The theory does not talk about the struggle of people from ruled groups and ruling group. It ignores the diversity within a same group of people that exists. The theory says that there should be no dualism but it promotes duality by itself in the case of subjectivity and objectivity. Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory Topic #2: Social Learning Theory Social learning theory is a theoretical framework that guides several evidence-based practices and approaches to assessment for criminal justice populations. Social learning theory is based on several theoretical assumptions, Individuals learn behaviours, attitudes, and behavioural consequences from other individuals in their social environment (Bandura, 1977). History of Social Learning Theory Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura proposed one of the most influential theories of learning and development ~ the ‘social learning theory’ (Bandura, 2007), Bandura stated that “most human behaviour is learned observationally through modelling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviours are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves a5 @ guide for action’ (Bandura, 1977). The incorporated social aspect of this theory is known as “observational leaming (or modelling)’ as people have the ability to learn by simply watching others (Social Learning Theory: Understanding Bandura's Theory of Leaming, n.¢.). Found within the social leaming theory lies three main concepts. * First, as previously mentioned is the notion that individuals have the ability to leam through observation. * Second is that mental states are a fundamental part of this process. * Thirdly, the theory alleges that when something is learned this does not always follow by a change in behaviour. Perspectives of Social Learning Theory 1. The theory stands to reason that if individuals leam certain behaviours, attitudes, and behavioural consequences from others. these can be unlearned or changed through ‘observing. imitating, or modelling others. Bandura’s research conducted in the 1960s and 1970s focused on the role of observational /eaming of behaviours and attitudes, aS well as ‘opportunities for intervention that emphasize observational leaming, modelling, and selt- efficacy (Grusec, 1992) 2. Social leaming theory regards gender identity and role as a set of behaviours that are leamed from the environment. The main way that gender behaviours are leamed is through the process of observational learning. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways, some of which relate to gender. They pay attention to some of these people (models) and encode their behaviour. At a later time they may imitate the behaviour they have ‘observed. They may do this regardless of whether the behaviour is ‘gender appropriate’ or not but there are a number of processes that make it more likely that a child will reproduce the behaviour that its society deems appropriate for its sex (Sammons, 2018). For example: Imagine three siblings, James (4 years). John (5 years) and Sarah (6 years) Sarah and John play ‘dressing up’ and both put on dresses. Their dad reinforces Sarah for this, by saying she looks pretty but punishes John by saying he looks silly and boys should not dress that way, In future, Sarah is more likely to wear dresses and John is less likely. James, who has Deen watching all this, is unlikely to imitate the behaviour of wearing a Gress because he has seen his brother (who he perceives as similar to himself) getting punished for doing it. 3. Modelling is a major concept used in Social leaming theory. Modelling refers to observing other behaviours which in return will change your own. These behaviours could be both negative and positive. Modelling can change our cognitions about our abilities and improve ‘our self-efficacy which will have an impact on how a person feels, thinks, motivates themselves, and behaves. Not all observed behaviours are effectively leamed. Factors involving both the model and the learner can play a role in whether social learning is successful {https://theoriesinps ychology. html), 109 ««' Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory Features of Standpoint Theory It focuses on the concept of knowledge and awareness Standpoint is a mental position of an individual or group. Social construct of the world and social reality are set by standpoints. The important issues of the world are also decided by standpoints, Standpoints act as a reference for comparison of truth and judgments. It supports strong objectivity. Marginalized viewpoints are more objective and accurate. Oppressing groups are unique in position and do not have wider viewpoint but they have more social power to validate them. Standpoints differ due to differences in social groups like class differences, It increases a sense of belonging to a group. Standpoint also defines how people talk with themselves or intrapersonal communication. The theory views world through a single lens. Criticisms Standpoint Theory Feeling of one person by just being a part of a group cannot be generalized as every person has different viewpoints. ‘The theory is mostly used for feminism and is taken as feminist standpoint. Understanding of whole group is not same. Women are not minority, they are slowly rising above marginalization, but focus ‘should be on poor and marginalized, The theory does not talk about the struggle of people from ruled groups and ruling group. It ignores the diversity within a same group of people that exists. The theory says that there should be no dualism but it promotes duality by itself in the case of subjectivity and objectivity. II) 110 Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory (A) ANALYSIS NAME: COURSE/YEAR: DATE: SCORE: ay ls x Direction: Read and answer the following questions in minimum of 30 and a maximum of al J 50 words, 1. Fof you a8 a Student, why is it important fo study Standpoint Theory and Social Learning Theory? Justify your answer. 2. What do you think are the limitations of. @. social learning theory and b. standpoint 4. What do you think will happen if one of the features of Social Learning Theory cannot be achieved by an individual? Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory 4. Compare and contrast the two theories based on its perspective on gender development. Show its differences and similarities through filling the Venn diagram below Give 3 differences for each theory and § similarities, 0 SI ») 113 on 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory COURSE/YEAR: SCORE: Create Me. |, Direction: Create a collage which will show the descriptions or perspectives of each theory discussed above. Only cut out picture/images will Be used in creating the output and [provide 5-8 sentence explanation for each collage. Hence, please be guided with the ‘given theory and the rubric to be used in doing the task. Use the provided spaces for the output, STANDPOINT THEORY 15 « > & o a z = o z z = a 4 z 3 8 a Rubric: Organization Content Knowedge Format Poor 10 pts. The pictures & words were not organized! balanced and did not cover the 5x7 area. Student did not include several types of pictures, words, art required {or this assignment. The picture collage did not demonstrate student's understanding of gratitude andlor the assignment. Student did not follow format given for this assignment (All pictures must be obtained through cut outs.) Fair 15 pts. The pictures & words were generally organizedibalanced, but may not have covered tha 5x7 area. Student may not have included various types of pictures required for this assignment. The picture cotage generally demonstrated student's understanding of gratitude andlor the assignment, but a few things were lacking. given for this, assignment; (All pictures must be obtained through cut outs. However, there were stil a few things _ missing. There was some own writing or drawings. 117 Good 20 pts. The pictures & words were well organized and included several diferent types of media photos or art required for this assignment. The picture collage clearly demonstrated student's understanding of gratitude andior assignment. Student followed format given for this assignment and required information. (All pictures must be obtained through cut outs.) There was none of the students own writing or drawings. Excellent 25 pts. The pictures were extremely well organized! balanced and included several Gifferent types of pictures, words, drawings required for this assignment The picture collage sincerely demonstrated student's understanding of the gratitude assignment, Student added extra information above what was needed or discussed in class. ‘Student followed format given for this assignment and included all required information, Student may have also included something extra. (All pictures must be obtained through cut outs.) There ‘was no writing Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory Creativity Not much effort put into making the collage colourful, unique, or eye- catching. o>) Some effort was given to make the Collage interesting, 118 The — student demonstrated creative methods = for designing @ collage. Various materials were utlized and colours = were distributed. or drawings by the ‘student. The student demonstrated creatve methods for designing a collage Various materials were utilized and colours were distributed. It was very neat and appealing. Lesson 1 ‘Standpoint Theory and Social Learing Theory €E GLOSSARY The following terms used in this module are defined as follows: Androcentric- This means to focus or to centre on men, Consequences. This refers to a result or effect of an action or condition. Epistemology- It refers to the theory of knowledge, specifically with regard to its method, validity and scope. Itis also the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion Hierarchy- It is as system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority. Imitate- This means to take or follow someone as a model Marginalized- (of a person. group or concept) treated as insignificant or peripheral. Marxist Theory- It is the theory of Karl Marx which says that society's classes are the cause of struggle and that society should have no classes. Social Learning Theory- It is a theory of learning process and social behaviour which proposes that new behaviours can be acquired by observing and imitating others. ‘Standpoint Theory- It is a feminist theoretical perspective that argues that knowledge stems from social position, Status Quo- It is a Latin word which means existing state. This refers to the current state of things. Theory- This is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, ‘especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained Borland, E. (May 13, 2020). Standpoint —Theory-Feminism. hitps:/www.britannica. comitopic/standpoint-theory Culatta, R. (2020). Social Leaming Theory = (Albert_ Bandura). http://www instructionaldesign org/theories/social-learning/ McLeod, S. A. (2016, Febuary 05). Bandura - social leaming theory. Simply Psychology. htm! Patterson, G. (2018). Using Evidence to Inform Clinical. Practice. https:/ Pierre, J. (2014, July 29). Standpoint theory. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://eugenicsarchive. ca/discoveritree/53d831e14c8 7940000000011 Sammons, A. (2018). How does social learning theory explain gender development? http://www uk/newResources/developmental/AS_AQB_gender_SLTBas ics.pat https //,__Theories _of Psychology. Shraddha Bajracharya, “Standpoint Theory," in Businesstopia, January 6, 2018, htips:/www businesstopia net/mass-communication/standpoint-theory, 121

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