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AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education

“KALI-UGYON FESTIVAL” An Ethnography of its Multidimensional


Alojipan, Manuel Erison

Antonio, Joanna Rempillo

Zonio, Mark Alvin Amigo

Zonio, Mirry Joy Lorezo


Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education


AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education



Title Page

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Appendices



Background of the Study

Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Definition of Terms


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Research Design

Locale of the Study

Respondents of the study

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Ethical Consideration

Data Analysis Procedure


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List of Tables
Table 1. Title of your table here
Table 2.
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List of Figures

Figure 1. Title of your figure
Figure 2.

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List of Appendices
Appendix A
Research Instrument
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Background of the Study

Kali-Ugyon is a form of street dancing that began in 1987

as a concept and was developed through the skill and artistry of

Libacaonon youth organizations. Every year, the Kali-Ugyon

Festival brings together the entire Municipality of 24

Barangays. To emerge as a team to beat in the competition, each

participating group must instill unity in their hearts and


Bearing the spirits of unity, amity, solidarity and

happiness in their mind and hearts, those youths grouped and

organized themselves to assemble at the town plaza at dusk and

start to play drums and other noise-producing materials to

create noise and lively sounds. People occurring the streets

chanting and yelling to express contentment, pleasure,

cheerfulness and to drive away the evil spirit believed to

poison the minds.

Street dancers swaying to the beat of drums were also

carrying homemade torches to illuminate their way across the

Poblacion district as they moved from one street corner to the

next. Participants are young and old, from well-off and less-
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fortunate families, and come from all walks of life. Despite the

severe weather, these are all completed.

A group of local professionals advocating purpose for joy

and unity signified to openly support the street-dancing

activity and unanimously moved the festivity as KALI-UGYON, an

acronym that means KALIPAY (happiness) and HILIUGYON (unity).

While the yearly “Baesa Parada” Festival is held every

November of each year, the Kali-Ugyon Festival is held every

December 31-January 1 of each year where local folks, foreign

and local tourists clad with customized native apparel dances on

the streets in merry-making to drive away evil spirits as the

new-year comes.

In addition, the ceremony illustrates the Libacaonon

people's sense of belonging, ownership, and social

participation. Taking part in such a large event involves a lot

of effort, patience, and financial considerations. Participation

is critical to keeping this activity alive, successful, and

long-term. This celebration is said to be held every year and

involves the entire municipality of 24 barangays. United effort

is inculcated in the hearts and minds of each participating

group to emerge as a team to beat in the contest that will only

fall should UNITY is not the name of the game. (Orbista, 2017)

Street dancing does not only emphasize merry making but

rather exemplifies the Libacaonons strong faith and genuine

gratitude to the lord for bringing them his precious gift as

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
another year is about to peacefully end and yet here they are

still receiving the bounteous blessings of love for their family

and mankind and more significantly is the gift life and good

health. The prestigious award shows the constant devotion of the

district of Libacao and its people to the hero, its unerring eye

to beauty, unique aesthetic sense, passion for cleanliness and

orderliness and love for green growing things.

Ethnography literally means an “a portraits of a people”.

It is written description of a particular culture- the customs,

beliefs, and behavior- based on information collected through

fieldwork. It relies heavily on up-close, personal experience

and possible participation, not just observation, by researchers

trained in the art of ethnography (Johnson, 2000).

This research will aim to describe the Kali-Ugyon

Festival's ethnography in terms of its various multidimensional

impacts. This prompted the researchers to conduct the research

in order to see and experience the uniqueness of Libacaonon

culture, protect the people's unity, and promote Libacao as a

future tourism destination.

This is an ethnographic study of the different

multidimensional impacts of Kali-Uyon Festival in Libacao which

means (Kali stands for Kalipayan or Happiness and Ugyon means

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education

Theoretical Framework

This research will be based on Lev Vygotsky's "Social

Interaction Theory," which emphasizes the importance of social

interactions in the formation of cognition, since he strongly

believed that community plays a major role in the process of

"creating meaning." Children's upbringing has an impact on how

they think and what they think about, according to him.

According to the research, how people engage socially during the

Kali-Ugyon Festival has a significant impact on their cognition

or style of thinking. On the other hand, their interactions with

festival attendees may have a direct impact on their perceptions

of the festival and its impact on human behavior. During the

event, people surely assign meaning to what they observe in the

neighborhood. This also has something to do with the

celebration's cultural side, as people see festival symbols and

assign significance to them. "Learning is an essential and

universal part of the process of creating culturally organized,

specifically human psychological function," according to

Vygotsky. To put it another way, social learning tends to come

before development. Vygotsky lays a greater emphasis on the

social aspects that influence cognitive development. There is

always a broad sociability at the Kali-Ugyon festival, where you

can interact and socialize with anyone, including those you

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don't know. Learning occurs as a result of this socialization.

You will learn how to manage your social relationships in a

crowd, how to communicate, and how to have flexible attitudes

when dealing with individuals of various personalities.

Vygotsky emphasizes the role of culture in influencing or

molding cognitive development. His idea assumes that cultural

differences in cognitive development exist. The culture of a

Libacaonon or Aklanon was also examined in this study. It was

clear how the festival's beliefs, customs, practices, and values

shaped that culture, all of which altered people's cognitive


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presented the spider map of the study. Kali- ugyon

Festival was the independent variable, achievements and future

directions were the intervening variables, while the different

multidimensional impacts such as historical, social, cultural,

economic, and political were the dependent variables.


Economic Political
Impacts Impacts
Kali- ugyon

Historical Social
Impacts Impacts
AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
Figure 1. Spider map illustrating the conceptual framework of
the study.
Statement of the Problem

This study is aimed to describe the Kali-Ugyon Festival

in terms of its multidimensional impacts. More specifically, the

researchers sought answer to the following research questions:

1.What are the Historical origins of Kali-Ugyon Festival?

2.What are the Social impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival in

terms of organizations, symbol, and social interaction?

3.What are the Cultural impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival in

terms of costumes, music or sound, norms, values,

practices and religion?

4.What are the Economic impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival in

terms of Livelihood, souvenirs, tax collection and

tourist attraction?

5.What are the Political impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival in

terms of political participation, ordinances and support

from Municipal or Provincial tourism?

6.What are the achievements and future directions of Kali-

Ugyon Festival?


Based on the aforementioned specific problems, a hypothesis

was tested:
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The culture of Libacaonon has a significant influence on

their cognition or perception. This is an ethnography study of

the different multidimensional impacts of Kali-ugyon Festival in

Libacao which means (kali stands for Kalipay or Happiness and

Hili-ugyon stand for unity.

Significance of the Study

This study is highly significant to sought answers on how

the Kali-Ugyon became the most highlighted scene of festival.

The main purpose of the study was to describe the ethnography of

Kali-Ugyon Festival in terms of its different multidimensional

impacts: historical, social, cultural, economic, and political

and to describe its achievements and directions.

Department of Tourism- This study will be beneficial to the

Department of Tourism for it will help them to create new

strategies and explore the uniqueness of Kali-Ugyon Festival

this can be their baseline for showing off to the tourist the

importance and the experienced that will give them feeling of

coming back and celebrate with the people again.

Local Government Unit(LGU)- This study will be beneficial to

Barangay Officials for it will give new strategies on how to

improve the Kali-Ugyon Festival and help them to create new

ideas on how the Kali-Ugyon look more beautiful and awesome.

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
Student- This study will be beneficial to Students because

it will educate them about the existing culture that our

Indigenous people celebrated annually and they can use the media

to promote the festival of Libacao so more people will visit and

witness the Kali-Ugyon Festival.

Libacaonons- The outcome of the study will serve as reminder

to the Libacanons to patronize the Kali-Ugyon Festival, they can

also promote the culture of Libacao as the next tourist

destinations. They will also encourage to join the street

dancing and enjoy the beat of the drums.

Future Researchers- This will provide additional information

and background when they making the same study. They can also

benefit this study for it will give them the idea on how

students on their School will knowledgeable enough about Kali-

Ugyon Festival.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aimed to seek answer on how the people of

Libacao came up with Kali-ugyon as one of the highlighted scene

of festival in Libacao as well as the historical, social,

cultural, economic, and political impacts and to describe its

achievements and the future directions of the event. This study

would be in qualitative form of research wherein the data

gathered is in descriptive form.

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
The study will focus on the different

multidimensional impacts: historical, social, cultural, economic

and political and to describe its achievements and directions.

There may still be other variables that may influenced their

current status nevertheless, only the variables cited in the

study were used. The study commenced after the approval of the


Definition of terms

To ensure the understanding of important terms utilized in

this study, the following will be defined operationally:

Kali-ugyon. In this study, Kali-ugyon refers to the

spirit of unity, amity, solidarity, then begun to move out the

streets chanting and yelling to express contentment.

Festival. In this study, festival refers to the Kali-

Ugyon, which is held in Barangay Poblacion Libacao, Aklan

Ethnography. In this study, ethnography refers to the

Kali-ugyon Festival in Libacao, Aklan. (“Ethnography,” 2019).

Multidimensional. In this study, multidimensional refers

to the different aspects of Kali-ugyon Festival in Libacao.

Social. This referred to the relating to human society in

terms of organizations, symbol, and social interaction.

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Political. In this study, political refers to the

political participation, ordinances and support from Municipal

or Provincial tourism

Economic. This referred to Livelihood, souvenirs, tax

collection and tourist attraction.

Cultural. In this study, cultural refers in terms to

costumes, music or sound, norms, values, practices and religion

in Libacao.

Historical. In this study, historical to the history of

Kali-ugyon Festival in Libacao, Aklan.

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Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Historical origins of Kali-Ugyon Festival

Originally a street-dancing started in 1987 as

conceptualized and initiated through the craftsmanship and

artistry of creative and dynamic youth groups of Poblacion.

Bearing the spirit of unity, amity, solidarity and happiness in

their minds and hearts, the youths grouped and organized

themselves to assemble at the town plaza at dusk and start to

play drums and other noise-producing materials just to create

noise and lively sounds. People occurring the streets chanting

and yelling to express contentment, pleasure, cheerfulness and

to drive away the evil spirit believed to poison the minds.

Street dancers swaying to the tune of drum beats were also

carting with them improvised torches to light up their way

moving from one street corner to another around the Poblacion

area. Participants come from all-walks of life, both young and

old from well-off and less fortunate families. These are all

done despite bad inclement weather.

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
Later on, a group of local professionals advocating the

tenacity of the purpose for joyfulness and unity signified to

openly support the street-dancing activity and unanimously

resolved to name the festivity. The street-dancing does not only

emphasize merry-making but rather exemplifies the Libacaonons’

strong faith and genuine gratitude to the Lord for bringing them

His precious gifts as another year is about to peacefully end

and yet here they are, still receiving the bounteous blessings

of love for their family and mankind, and more significantly is

the gift of life and good health.

Meaningfully, the event also demonstrates the sense of

belongingness and ownership and social participation among the

Libacaonon folks. Engaging in such a big activity entails much

effort, patience and financial considerations. Participation is

very important as a key to make this activity alive, successful

and sustainable. It is understood that this festival is held

annually to involve the whole municipality of 24 barangays.

United effort is inculcated in the hearts and minds of each

participating group to emerge as a team to beat the contest that

will only fall should UNITY is not the name of the game.

Part also of the celebration is to accord the highest honor

to Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the country’s national hero when he was

shot to death by the Spanish authorities at the Bagumbayan (now

Luneta) last December 30, 1896. A flower wreath is offered by

each participating groups to his historical monument found in

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the town plaza of Libacao that has been preserved and protected

by the Local Government in cooperation with the Department of


Proof to this joint endeavor was the Certificate of Honor

endowed to the Department of Education (DepEd), District of

Libacao in 1998 by the Order of the Knights of Rizal, Supreme

Council, Manila as a result of the Search for the Most Beautiful

Monument and Park of the National Hero during the Centennial

Year of his martyrdom.

The prestigious award shows the constant devotion of the

district of Libacao and its people to the hero, its unerring eye

to beauty, unique aesthetic sense, passion for cleanliness and

orderliness and love for green growing things. It also gave

importance to the noble desire to build a niche, a blessed spot,

a lovely shrine worthy of a hero; hence a reflection of the love

of country, nationalism and patriotism par excellence of the

residents of Libacao. KALI-UGYON, an acronym that means KALIPAY

(happiness) and HILIUGYON (unity). (Orbista, R., 2017).

Social Impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival

To describe the social impacts of Kali-ugyon Festival,

there are three perspectives along this area such as:

organization, symbol, and social interaction.

Organization: Festival serves as an instrument to unite

people for them to socialize, and join with each other and

merry making. Most of the respondents observed that there

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are a lot of organization who annually join the festival.

Many groups or organizations participated in this festival

because they believe that through this, their group will

become strong and part of their socialization.

Symbols: Based from the key informants, the following

are the symbols surrounding the Kali-Ugyon Festival: unity

and camaraderie, spiritually, beat of drums and the “sad-

sad” or street dancing. Unity and Camaraderie. When it

comes to symbolism the flocks of people symbolize unity and

camaraderie during festival, people with different

personalities and goals in life could be united together as


Social Interaction: In terms of interaction among

participants, the festival greatly influences people

socially in the manner that there is free manner of

interaction among the participants during the festival.

People who come to witness the festival is free to join in

any group as long they behaved and feel the reality of


Cultural Impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival

To describe the cultural impacts of Kali-Ugyon

festival there are six perspectives such as: Costumes, music or

sounds, norms values, practices, and religion.

Costumes. The cultural impacts of Kali-Ugyon in terms

culture costume shows the people’s creativity and

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resourcefulness that costumes are colorful and fascinating

which catches the eyes of every spectator especially the

tourist. Many tribal groups are having different ideas to

make their own costumes unique and colorful.

Music or sounds. As time passed by, the festival had

been open to use to the use of drums, lyre, and other

instrument and some groups would follow the beat of modern

songs which enjoyed by the young ones because it is most

enjoyable when all the parade are matched with loud coming

from drums and other musical instrument.

Norms. During this Festival, people eternalize on what

is the proper social behavior and it is sometimes neglected

especially those teenagers who chose to be during daring

the sad-sad. Another norm is drinking alcohol because they

would even join the street dancing in their wildest and

drank image but still nobody would care because people are

used to this during festival.

Values. Values which is they joining on groups and

learn to value friendship and alliances and hospitality

through the festival, the hospitality of the people are

developed, people see to it that they give the best

treatment on their visitors.

Economic Impacts of Kali-ugyon Festival

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To describe the economic impacts of Kali-Ugyon Festival

there are four perspectives along this area such as: livelihood

or business, souvenirs, tax collection and tourist attraction.

Livelihood or Business. The festival could influence us

in terms of different kind of vendors along the corners of

the street are found, a great help in earning living. The LGU

Libacao must monitor all those who sell products or who open

business during the Festival.

Tax Collection. Another aspect of the economy which is

influenced by the festival is the tax collection. Due to the

volume of business, there are also plenty of tax have been


Tourist Attraction. One undeniable economic influence of

Kali-Ugyon Festival to people is in terms of tourist

attraction. As popular as it is, the number of tourist who

come to witness the festival is widely increasing annually.

Tourist should continue to invest here in Libacao and still

witness the Festival annually since they are great

contribution for its continues development

Political impacts of Kali-ugyon Festival

To describe the political impacts of Kali-ugyon there are

three perspectives along this area such us: government

participation, ordinances and support from Municipal or

Provincial Tourism.
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Government Participation. They also give some funds for

Festival and the LGU provides budget but it also came from

the income generated from the festival to makes the Festival

memorable for the tourist and also Libacaonons.

Ordinances. In terms of ordinances are implemented in

relation to the festival, these include ordinances instill

discipline among individuals, making it more organized,

secured and peaceful just like providing a security.

Municipal or Provincial Tourism. The two offices

coordinates with each other from promotion of the festival to

some events in which they are assigned to manage on. The

Municipal Tourism, as mentioned by the Municipal Tourism

Officer assigned to deal with the visitors of the LGU and

their accommodation.

Achievements and future directions of Kali-Ugyon Festival

LGU has surprisingly exceed beyond expectation and come up

with respectable performances and even managed to post revenues

which foundation plowed it back to the community through its

various advocacy project. This year, LGU will award 100,000

pesos to those participants who will win in the festival and

expected to have a many participated groups to join.

When it comes to its future directions, next year’s

festival Libacao Police will be highly strict for the security

in comes of trouble and ensure the safety of every people who

participated in the event. Preparedness for the costumes and

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participating groups for a better outcome of the festival and to

attract more visitors to experience the culture of Libacao.

To strengthen the unity and camaraderie of the

Libacaonon’s, to help the Libacao to improve its culture,

develops the friendships and alliances. And through this

festival, this will be the pride of Libacaonon’s that they will

always be proud of for having a unique culture that they

inherited to their ancestors.


Kali-Ugyon Festival is one of the most awaited events

held every December 30-January 1 at Poblacion Libacao, Aklan.

Originally the street dancing, conceptualize and initiated

through the craftsmanship and artistry of creative and dynamic

youth groups of Libacaonons. Kali-Ugyon Festival is held

annually to involve the whole Municipality of 24 Barangay.

Bearing with the spirit of unity and happiness, must be

inculcated in the hearts and minds of every participating group

to emerge as a team to win in the contest.

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education



This chapter presents the method used in this study. This

is composed of research design and method, locale of the study,

the respondents, sampling method and size, research instrument,

data collecting method, data processing and analysis and ethical

consideration of the study.

Research Design

This study employed a qualitative research, specifically an

ethnographic research design. The study is aim to determine how

the Kali-Ugyon Festival came up as an ethnography of its

multidimensional impact.

Qualitative research is a type of social science research

that collects and work with non-numerical data and that seeks to

interpret meaning from these data that helps us understand

social life through the study of targeted population or places.

It uses in-depth studies of small groups of people to guide and

support the construction of hypothesis. The results of

qualitative research are descriptive.

The research design of this study was ethnographic.

According to Harris and Johnson (2000), ethnography literally

means “a portrait of a people”. Ethnography is a written

description of a particular culture - the customs, beliefs, and

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behavior - based on information collected through fieldwork.

Ethnography is a social science research method. It relies

heavily on up-close, personal experience and possible

participation, not just observation, by researchers trained in

the art of ethnography. These ethnographers often work in

multidisciplinary teams. The ethnographic focal point may

include intensive language and culture learning, intensive study

of a single field or domain, and a blend of historical,

observational, and interview methods.

Typical ethnographic research employed three kinds of data

collection: interviews, observation, and documents. This in turn

produces three kinds of data: quotations, descriptions, and

excerpts of documents resulting in one product: narrative

description. Ethnographic methods can give shape to new

constructs or paradigms, and new variables, for further

empirical testing in the field or through traditional,

quantitative social science methods.

Locale of the Study

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
This research site selected is Barangay Poblacion Libacao,

Aklan. Barangay Poblacion is one of the 24 barangays in Libacao.

Libacao is also rich in cultural heritage, it has different

unique styles of cultural dances, and it is gifted with wide

rice fields and bountiful plantation of banana, coconut, abaca

and palay. The Common source of livelihood of the residents is

Agriculture and Poultry. The place has mountainous topography

and level at the center.

Respondents of the Study

The respondent of the study was selected resident who

participated in the events of Kali-Ugyon Festival. The sampling

techniques is a non-probability sampling particularly purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective

or subjective sampling.) is a sampling technique in which

researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing

members of population to participate in the study. A non-

probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements

selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the

researchers. Researchers often believe that they can obtain a

representative sample by using a sound judgment, which will

result in saving time and money.” (Dudovskiy, 2018)

The respondents were based on the following criteria.

First, the respondent must be residing at Barangay Poblacion

Libacao, Aklan when the Kali-Ugyon Festival held. Second, if the

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respondents have totally witnesses the so could event from the

start till the end of the Festival.

Ethical Issues

A letter of consent and a waiver, was attached to the tools

for the participants to read and sign, stating that all the data

will be voluntarily. The researchers guaranteed ethical

guidelines such as participants is fully informed of the study,

its objectives and their refuse in participating. The reporting

of findings will be done as results of groups and not result of

individuals. Proper citations will be made for references lifted

from literatures.

Data Gathering Instrument

The tool used in this research is a researcher made an

interview guide. This instrument is suitable it allows

flexibility of the researchers in questioning the subject when

the need arises. There are three sessions for the interview. The

interview has two parts the part one will be demographic profile

of the respondents and the part two is in the interview proper.

Data Gathering Procedure

The study will utilize participant observation and In-depth

interview. Participant’s observation is one type of data

collection method typically used in qualitative research. It is

widely used methodology in many disciplines, particularly

cultural anthropology, European ethnology, sociology,

communication studies, human geography and social psychology.

AKLAN STATE UNIVERSITY-College of Teacher Education
In gathering the necessary data for the study, In-depth

interview using a validated interview guide of at least three

sessions was used. There was a letter of consent that has been

approve by the research adviser and school principal, a signed

letter from the Office of the Municipal Mayors allowing the

researcher to conduct their study outside the school care.

Moreover, a letter of permission to the Barangay Captain of

Barangay Poblacion Libacao, Aklan so that the purpose of the

study is assured confidentiality for the information that is


Data Analysis

Thematic analysis, participant observation and documentary

analysis of the result of the interview was used in

interpretation of results. The gathered was organized and

analyzed according to them. All respondents have been observed

for trends and patterns of the facts collected during the data

gathering procedure.

Thematic analysis emphasizes pinpointing, examining, and

recording patterns within data.



Orbista, E., (2017). Feature: The Kali-ugyon Festival in

Libacao, Aklan.

Dudovskiy, J., (2018). Research Methodology Purposive Sampling.

Vygotsky, L., (1978, March 7). Mind in Society: The Development

of Higher Psychological Processes.



We, the researchers would like to ask cooperation to answer

the following question in the questionnaire. In connection to our
study which is "“Kali-Ugyon Festival”: An Ethnography of its
Multidimensional Impact".

Date: ______________
I. Profile of the respondents
Direction: Please answer the following information needed about

Name: _____________________________ Gender: __________________

Civil Status: ____________ Age: ________

1. What is Kali-Ugyon Festival to you? How is Kali-Ugyon

(Ano ro Kali-Ugyon para kimo? (Paano ginaselebrar ro
2. What can you remember about Kali-Ugyon Festival?
(Alin imong mga hadumduman tungod sa Kali-Ugyon
3. Did you enjoy watching the festival?
(Nalipay ka man baea magtan-aw it sad-sad?)
4. What are your experiences there?
(Ano imong mga haekspereyensyahan tungod idto?)
5. Why is it that many people came to Libacao, Aklan to
witness the Kali-Ugyon Festival?
(Haman kaabo nga mga tawo ro gaagto sa Libacao para eang
masaksihan ro Kali-Ugyon?)
6. How does the celebration of the Festival help in
preservation of the cultural heritage of the town?
(Paano nakabulig sa pagpreserba it atong kultura it
Libacao sa pagselebrar it rayang kapiyestahan?)
7. What are the organizations that supports the
celebration of the said Festival?
(Anong mga organisasyon ro nagasuporta para maeselebrar
ro rayang kapiyestahan?)
8. Why is it necessary for you to participate in the
(Ham-an kinahangean para kimo nga mag partisipar sa
9. What would be the most awaited part in Kali-Ugyon
(Ano ro ginahueat-hueat nga parte sa Kali-Ugyon?)
10. In what reason do the Libacaonons celebrate the
Kali-Ugyon Festival?
(Sa anong dahilan ham-an do Libacaonon hay nagaselebrar
it Kali-Ugyon?)
11. What is the significance of Kali-Ugyon Festival?
(Ano do importansya it Kali-Ugyon?)
12. What are the effects of the event to the political
stability and harmony of Libacao?
(Ano ro mga epekto it nasambit nga selebrasyon sa
kabag-uron it politika ag paghilitugma it kada isaea sa
Libacao ?)
13. What are the perceived effects of the festival on
the economy and tourism industry of
(Ano do mga puyding maging epekto it rayang
kapiyestahan sa atung ekonomiya ag sa turismo it atung
banwang Libacao?)
14. How does today’s celebration of Kali-Ugyon differ
from the fast celebrations?
( Paano naeain ro pag selebrar it Kali-Ugyon sa Makara
ag sa dati?)
15. What are the varied ritual activities embedded in
the Kali-Ugyon Festival that enhance development?
(Ano-ano pa ro ibang seremonyas actibididas ng kaangay
sa Kali-Ugyon ng makapanami sa pag-unsad

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