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Design Description :
Design Category Intended : Unit Crew Limit : m Date : 16.06.2022

Sheet Item Symbol Unit Value

Length of hull : (as in ISO 8666) LH m 8.88
Mass :
Maximum total load mMTL kg 1580
1 Light craft condition mass mLCC kg 300
Loaded displacement mass = mLCC + mMTL mLDC kg 1880
Minimum operating condition mass mMOC kg 520
Is ratio mLDC/mMOC > 1,15 ? YES/NO YES
1 Is boat sail or non-sail ? SAIL/NON-SAIL NON-SAIL
2 Option selected : 5
Offset load test : Units Required Actual Pass/Fail
3 angle of heel with moment applied degrees < 15.761 6.780 PASS
option 5 and 6 boats : least height to waterline m > 0.9768 1.000 PASS
Downflooding openings : Are all requirements met?
4 Downflooding angle : at mMOC degrees >0 19 PASS
if mLDC /mMOC > 1,15 : at mLDC degrees >0 22 PASS
Downflooding height : Worksheet employd for basic height 4
Basic requirements m >= PASS
4 and 5 reduced height for small openings (sheet 4 only) m >= 0.392 0.7 PASS
reduced height at outboard (options 3 + 4 only) m >= 0.522 0.7 PASS
increased height at bow (options 3, 4, 6 only) m >= PASS
Resistance to waves + wind : (options 1, 3) at mMOC and if mLDC/mMOC>1,15 : must comply at mLDC
Limitation on total recess area : m2 <
Limitation on recess area forward of LH/2 : m2 <
Rolling in beam waves and wind : ratio A2/A1 -- >= 0 PASS
6b Resistance to waves : value of ∅GZmax degrees --- 0 ---------------
value of RMMAX N-m ---
value of GZMAX m >=
Heel due to wind : (options 2, 4, 5, 6) Is ratio ALV/(LH BH) ≥ 1,0 ? NO
7 at mMOC : heel angle due to wind degrees <
If required at mLCC : heel angle due to wind degrees <
Flotation test : (options 3 and 4 only) All preparations completed? YES/NO
Swamped stability : 5 min after swamping, does boat heel less than 45º? YES
Load test : 5 min after swamping, does boat float level with 2/3 showing ?
Flotation elemments : do all elements comply with all the requirements ?
NB : Boat must pass all requirements applicable to option to be given intended Design Category
Design Category given : Assessed by :

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