1-CPM Notes

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e Cons TRUCTION PLANNING AND Management % Con TRACT * An Ggiee went which th ‘entyeceable” by tow > It a an andar taking given ng Peer not by “Q wveenment Peeron)! ¥ Quali feet ion Cont tect Enlisted Bi Pwd @ Foe buslcling + oads, th Sanitory jmtollotions ord wotee supply Wd Foe — elerticol onl Gi& lorditioning qw oe, tute. F ow ‘Must fave void Licence to pe Afpem these. °< Wetka, + But j_Eartiguake ji. > tor > Civil Engincesing leguee Quali wotion a Contior a i 7 o pe > Phat save Givi. Engines Nik Author ites Competent to Enter Contine ts Fou 0b ) Chieg Engineeee > th dove Lokhg Unctene' Ore b U) 2300 Laktgs Appiovel of A (iid 1600 Lakbur Axprovel of DG a * 23 Supenident Erginers (S-tl» ) 260 Lokis @) Executive Engine (E6) > th 45 lokhs (4) Myistont Enpineese > wd Bleek ae ee Me tee | 1 ~~ Seanned with CamSeanner 1 Di Yercent e @) Ttem tote Contact [wit pice Cont toe? MO Cubic Content tote Cnticet @) Lumpaem Contioct. @) Peetentose rete Contiort (6) Combiretion — of above: @ Tem tate o% unit price Conticet » Bued upon upon tote — of cou items + Swtayle when Complete Schedule of Take ate not averlasble o% when rnumbue of non Schedu- led items ate prerentieg Poteet tote, Lab, bun toteete - + Bane upon Gesteng week [m L Commonly ued in = nowe o~ Bays > Q@) Lumps: con Conticet + Grice dave “fo Quote 4 Le 7 meptonrn Giguere be Courple p tin 6 Pieject ok pee pian Sfeaiffiotions ard Atewingt + Adopted in exteptronel Cones @ Peter tote _lontieut Daten ore Bred by reportnent aed te Cont fart. ogies to do o proik of fume forte ntoge- v Adopted , whete Complet fre disle of: ote%® “| available . nine =a a ir el eriee Scanned with CamScanner ¥ TEndeR + Weiten Cocument submitted 4y o Gutteet~ in Terpome to 6 tevder Cel notice » to execu fe Cectain wote within « stifuloted time. ® Tendee fem *Puinted (ptm of Cont toet gry teams avd ition og the tenolere - It & genertally leniat off ¢ W Cenesol deresiption of, work ti Estimated lost is Stipulete time. we Earnest money w Hgrotute column ete, & VALVA TION ee - ban ‘To find -out value of property on the ani istieod ote. ° It ey olepends upon Location, purpose, supply auel Clemente: Purpose o veluotion, * Foe huping om Selling » Foe montgage » secturity of Loom (Y Deteeminetion of tent pr Anererent of, tow 2 Acquistion = | | | | | | | | | I I I I I I l ! I 1 c t Lo gudgement, enpeefence a televen I I I I I I I I I I ! i ! i Scanned with CamScanner % Pevve plea 2 Supply cmd Aemews 0 frroferty 1» Derrign , — Spesiggrations. of matewals 2 Locedtion : Obnodecere 2 Purpose profecty 2 Pier ent ond uf~ute- UA 2 Stotinticel Aotn wf Scanned with CamScanner Lmboetont Technical Teeny, In_ Comtuction A Planning And PMarogemeyt 5 WW Montet yalue : hho ang puofesty fut to ober = “tole either, aaeretion 0% thtongh eal. > ea heh by a willivg, aellee, the > Gmmomt whi is exputed to be 5 ieved by dim th known on morket 5 Value, m2) Voluc: It h 0 price ertimoted to hb teolined ina sole ptoveed between a buyer aud a sellee, It & bende mental OK, whet quvdg cud seeviler Pays You @ Paice » what you pay fpr guock ant seevices Gequite, Itt. an Crbitasy. 0% lat % Commidity | quo et ele upon the ee Bee a Bprnrount CF meoneg | inpilts incutted in P codu wing o fitoduct . @® Book value ; Original inventment shown in the “Guount Suvks « Conep ant. re Veduees yent, to gee depend te cepsiciation ard wilt be om the ~serop value at the end of i wer Ball Lig. ‘ S is (6) Anened value: It vm the valve ~ the pre tecorded in the Tegiter o% Loval Wy es Yh Scanned with CamScanner 7 iy placement velue: Jp 4 that value ose propecty Coleutatest ov the poeveslirg matket tote to ep Loe the same: E © Peteable volve : Net annual value of pr pecty | chtoned te, deducting georly tepettement army Ont and Manipal fares ftom —groas income + Potentio£ velue , Volue of Lov goes ine tearing : duc to pomege yy time. that intetent Volue Called potential Valeiey listiens value ; phen a ptofeaty sole at Low, te patce thom thot Gs an Pen motket tele die fo fjninvol puoblem, wor, riots ete Ww Annwity + Anuol tobe ments Ye fa ement OT the. re tak atmdine aoe in Oo prepeety oy 6 patty cS) Chrolencence + Loose of puvetionat utility clue te tA fonbiovet Chenign , He Anme ollie, feanoms re Earthquake , natural climofie ef fet ete: (2) Scrap values the velue ey properly of the ent oy obs Une fuel Lifes by being Hiamentoe led Tt 6 Geo Ein % “June 0¢ Bemobtion Velue: (4) Salvage value : te Value of ‘fRopety at the end oy Us we bull bite With-out _ being Anmetolect | Bd > \g (2 users, income Totak tevenue Collected (fom & fre prety either ftom dent o% leme money caving a yee Matkewat ically : Giom “er = NetIncome + Outs y Scanned with CamScanner ff (/ EpOutqeirgs - Expennes incutted to muintrin the pifeety.| by wndlerctakingr pecivdicat tepares, It aho inclucla tunes, wate, charges , eleetaie, cheayer a : Out geingt = Gen inewe- Net Inowe: Qt) Net Income; Net ammount ds money left fo ow- ates affer deductins out govigs [em gros into o NetInwome & Gtom Intome= Out goings 7) Plot goge - Leone ; Lents % money against the Cuity of propeaty is Called most gage. * Perron boamowing mone Ph bp. * Resron | poaty lene: c= ott poy ot " De + Rlevent Aovsment "9 money > eMetgagee “moctgoge ceed’ &) Eagnent money cle Porlt’ ¢ Ammount oh woney cept. et by the Conticater at te time terdeccing, Tt generally tetoy of tofak ammount (@o) Scerrity cepostt : Earvest morey eposit 4 tke Lowest tenderer. whore terde, 4 auepted fh Tetoined by Te Aepartwent ma port Security de ponist fre ue fpeetat mance os @ Gntsoctor: lee mostgcge Hansoctin is Called oa AY AYA CF 1 FP VV Te QD Fee~tole picfeety the aren of the property has not tequited to fay ary sent, fa hag tight te co any-thing stk hin frropencty, thet to Kln a fice-hold paopeety- ; Q2? Leane-hold picpeety ; When the Cwree of the ptofeety ge his property fo aneothe, [9% “Some- time ~ hecre Cousments , that known % ‘bed FRY BBY PSY BBY FY BY BY BY ‘Scanned with CamScanner ae - oy (aa ‘Leane= hol pepentye sur @ “Letting a lenoven a Leone Pucron whe gions lene > lenor + Peapon Who takes Lease ~~ Lewee ve Lencholden » Ceneralty upte & 49-999 yest > Scanned with CamScanner wSINKING FOND ‘ a bent depesited = in Kegulon inttabments in ank With an = isutanee Company fo tat pret penicel %. Ofibity a a builcting Ommouvit will “be avla be 4 Yep-| : hh Sas Sereda NO satiny bund / R Se Veouly into! Se Sn xk Re Rete of Infetest' Gre ne Lie pan of building Co-efpoien? of Snking Get Sus zg » Taking Snot C4 Ro mt. Numesicas problem Cy the sinking fun ammount of 6 profenty a4 trtinatect to 850, 0v0 + Whotelife 14 20 vemra Fire the eonly —imtalment of Sinleing funed which howl be set aricle @ ae Sof » Given bute Sinking pet = Sn = ®S5e, c00 Lig spam * n = doYears Rote of Inteest =2 = 5% Finck, Yeotly inntekwent = ; Pe we _know tot a Se _Soxh Fortwo x 0-08 (+R Ge owe mt i BRS RE RRP EE eee eee eee D EPRecratizon : Geadual decteam of value of propey eae y us parerinnes we: Its genetally " ii 6 Utility pewied ard its mosntenance 2 Balding Comtneted with stondord woteaial — 904 | “m0 ma we thodty but which ive He fea tendt, ate: iv ied os CD) Streight Lire wetted @Q Gokei rg bud dep ririotion metiod (4) Stteight Line rettoxt + Te tp orumed that bined ammount best owen peo and of ts cleductfd fiom inal ‘out! b cs Anmucl depticiotion = Ctigieltot Seve Bok volue @ Sinki cand depreciation wetiod | ~ gmawed tot cepreictin ts equal te in| Numan cal probleme 20, 00000 » Aang 4 > Given data Original Cost Sahvege value s 5 2 intallotion choapes 4M Ginn date Gat ocbirery Solvoge value Life Sper ey) mire the ammount Qt A pewter purchaed 2 property for A fet te ret selvoge Value apter 30 Yeors th RS Brovoon ders Ca Cepriviation from geen: Lie Popentys "= 30 Yoo db = Qn He fotel lst meh ; , ” in ~y eee R - 10, 000. —Calewtore tke ‘clotet Cost | Above copter 26 Years Se atege ven 4 Bgooo. Li spin machiresy 4 toy’ Li} au deovece—_dooeve Cz Ps 8e,00000 ve &s Yoooee a 30 a boctoy Ye Selvoge Value Rs 120, 0v0 c= ve Rs @e,000 as 40 Yeat, C-v = [dv 000= —= b a Depricatien » epee ici aleet = &s8eo [yore isy ets = ABowx US = 2S 42000 tat mechan y = /3e,000 — 42000 iS yeota ie . i AHO fy Scanned with CamScanner meomiewents ate ‘tecoided fpr te work Clore by the Contractor - ‘ Prcyements ate dee on tke bans meanutem ets bok « It bus _d- Types cD Geb nary meooutement @ Stordae A meoutement @ Chek rreanatemen? (4) Grcbraty ewent —_berk . nhick ae wotks., Te puiting moteciod supply record is Whitten. Stondave _reosictement bok: Detailed memutements | Syeaty me “ oy a buildings ate Cotte Fetcided on ifs Completion $° ertimoter on peniodical ow te pecilitate 1 the. pie portation «| Tepes sie Mhitemaating} cuinting een beet Tt & an impotent veo | a : : ‘ i i | x be - cheeked ea every (¢ Years @ Check meanaement bok : Papored_ Sdo to | 1 r ate the «= memuete ments WitK at tee >a Camp nth fille » Rauasds ¢ fasenbation details, Stee, Eon 6 sth « _fardnin Scanned with CamScanner oo K Cork books A book whith includes all Canh yeci pts and Lbhutements, inclucling hank. ceposits ard witk-Atomals- Enters ot Olin adhd in Gereral Lectger Tt hos d- Types ST O Girge Colemn Canh bets. | + Shows only Reuipts 4 Puyerents . Py & io- @) Double Column Cah bree Rasp ee ae ©) Tripple Column Cork Et Sig — It” by @° detiband Credit tection + Safe tecotds qf Account © Bate. section. + Repone, ebinecumt Gah e | Bank buy. |x Inventory Contiot : Abe Known as stool Control Shops oT « the activity oF hee king a i pres 6h ersenting thot Wht am. mount of suphy & availebde pith 6 buti-| EEE EEE SEIE'SESS—CI So’ EEN EE EE RR ee Gustity Contiol : typically inv olves insusirg- Compliance prith minimum —stardotds of mater ia’ and Wetkrran Ohi b in _ or des to inoue, the! pirate Cn tke faulity according te the dertgn * Scanned with CamScanner SS, values Th & the Valve (ot amment) a piopect » the equal to ‘ net inone ort the fro-p | fest. E Example i Sppne e an emer Want fo sell bin 0 butt : ee ondt kno what’s fs Value - pepe A Suppre you & buyer art weet tr buy thet Drhirer gettivg tent fpom that propenty = RS teovo| Now » You want doy eter or yours investment , Let the invertwent i > de 4 = do, 006 ' low _ iy oy x =z § 400000 = Capitalised Value { veloc pfs o VP ak “Copitatind Gale, 6% YP oe Fil Ww nS aioe It wears the itilised Value Which neeck to be ence pe all to Yeoeve a rot annual in-| Come, RS4 by Nay of intexeat af te Plevoilirg tote. Suppose, To get M2. oe bas to dapoit 2320 fer anumat SY. tate | | Year's Purchow. = doo | Rote. of Interest l Capitolive eee ae 6 api A value = Y:Px Net tefusn Ba Se f Calculate te Value Yeens — fartehene — toy a operety of tts Life 2 years and the tate eh — intevert = Sk, foe Arining 6" ; rh the tote of infest A 84 i ee re i S Rise 7 O08 4 Se ‘ Se = ee = 0046 = O03Iq t WHAT Cros) at . ayp 2 otk. tked Amy . OvoS-+0-0 3 NE - Scanned with CamScanner I" | Okeganizetion s Agno eeple that otted hr elkee to A pee pete goat - 7 It hos a- Types & @ Line organization. (2) Line and stop erganigotinn l | ¢ \. @ Furctionel crganiyation- & em is sttibuted ftom tp | (4) CAganipation : + Pow bottom, 1+ % bovtowed qo militory otganigptin aB8 ‘sinple imple, Genveet ShiIongs deaplger: neckgn be / Q linn avd dey ee ganizotion ‘Hh unsuitable pr Loage projects «Pach — similod to Live organi sotion except thot aw tm ifgerent heod i ayjerent be, Advanteges : + Advice experts ib awilale of alt level + Sto at site Competent to tole eciaton 7 delayed heme wok a not ant ecomomcal sytem: | | eae | ae ised vontoge b 4 the experts od.’ | we oo iS the y ae property ved ther be Con. on between rguirarn i ® Funetionel Cegan ction pA thes o1gongefion . Re wok 6 advid- in such G@ W that each Jar- gon hen fo fexporm “4 mini mur «he % furctions: Seanned with CamSeanner Advemtages * Division of Wowk ts done =m the bans 4 Labour, speetlination + Manual wok i” seperoted from mental wotk pisod vantages palcctten hr wad * It's dipgicwt to tun and = manoge ‘ Ne, Cleats cut Lire authority * Funetions Corstguction Management alms manegement — in Comt welt Wek me to exec te er Gonthution Wowk in Planned — manner - ye win functionn — of monogewent AE 3 WD Planning : what to do how to do Lohour, moteriel a finance ete ny Ceg ammvy: iy eg ory’ Creation of an Ofganizotional senp + Finny of jeaponsi bilities + Depends upa Volume ye Wore and @tethed excution» di) Directing : I+ involves , motivation, Guidétires, ” — Supereviaion and. Lecding He enployen. iA of wotk , dw Conttolling 3 -PMonitovig the poy -Componing rose with atual clvonng 5 checking Quabity Contiol 6 Work! M Coordinating: ima] ved envitonment ss! + It will surely betb Pct stat. a = ao Scanned with CamScanner * Cons tucction Planning co . Bedding what to do, When to co, Aw to do » Finenciel source, Labour moteriol , men. mat Bin. Lt has following types. {@ Job planning: . » Method of execution of Work + Dutation % ob ~ + Planning gp Teroutees Q) Technical Li cesechnelll des mre: + Pae poration % ob Layout \ * Finatisetion % dewign avd S ations © Prepesations o de tovled a soning, @rtimates ete I (2 { i ie Preten dee flava: Conttoetos doe, fietender be anning — of fee reupt of tender notice and before cub mitting bid. te Arowings , time Limit et * Cotefully stud, 4 al ’ tequited motevol, Lobout + & Quontities of eh (y Canty the profit meigin ond Limit Sint: @ Cont teef plawning : After te vrteptone % Fender , the Contrartry, hos fo unclrtake further pert ‘Scanned with CamScanner + Sta alteenotives % the Contraction ne > Quantities % motewol, Lobous, equip mente + Layout of site » service toods, farilitien to Labour, ete: | @ Scheduling | @ Need be scheduling * Estimation sEstimate mean to Celculote the abpaonim. ote st of project before stecting actu. aL Corstquction —- Notk » * Bote _iequited to Brepore estimate @ D&anwing, 2. Sfecipivations. @ Rots and Costing Scanned with CamScanner % Types % Estimote He diggerent methods 94 eotimotes ate mentioned below t © Pte-Lininer y estiraie ‘Te i» aso kim os ‘tough o& oppiornmote ete mote “Tt i prepored te [re-out Opp ronimote Gxt | in phost- time to degide: financial oper and policy motte, ete. — Olt prepared to tole the “admintriative dpprovel Tt has 3- Types ® pti PENI OF€0__eatimote 2 plinth oreo Jofefm>x Plinth aree of o buaibeling. ‘a Gives on ideo about Gat of Constwuction mih-ot — actually a Cubic _Gmtent ¢atimote + Estimate a precfored om te bora of tafe of Comtmction | m> + plintkoree x height x tafe/m> dip Typical boy entimote Typical Pag eatimofe "Entiwote piepored on the bavia of tat Cf Gmftpuction pr block o% oportwents of similor , type: () Detailed €stimote ‘Lt Gmiot dete led porticulers fre the Scanned with CamScanner Working: Sa ae a Sh Quantities , totes and Cats 4 all items — inv. olved (ee Grpletion % Work: Tt 6 pauepoted aptee —“Adtminiatyotive Abpw val to +t “Technicol Sanction” » Detailed report, Sfriticationt, Schedule o yates eft g tontity at Eotimate “Complete, estimate oy quantities of all items % work to Complete — inject: Cont of each —indirvichiol item «ds obtained by —mutltiplying — the quantity with te tote. @ evinced Es timate, + Tt & prepared phen hginol Gost Exceeds 5 oe more by eotimotedt Clert (8 Armunl repaite | mainte nance estimate * Foe Keping Atructute in pioper Condition ct needs =— topes maintenance. LIts Cot chould rot exceed move than tS, fiom ginal Cost ©), Suplementory estimates, » phen addition cre ont in the otginal brovk » detwled wtimote nm prepared to s te otgiral wok, Nh len 04 — Supplementary — eatimate- Scanned with CamScanner sctistall D Extension and imptovoreet eoteote phen ome oddations ote clre in oil, WAR potest |p which? Cont wet op annual repaid, "A detailed eatimate of adlitioneh wove = prepared up. HK MIETHODS of Estimation ——— re @ Centie Line Method * Total Cie lengtt % walk ote obtained and bh multiblied with width and — dept to ( > Suitoble fp Rectangular, Hero qunal, Octogonal type of buileng ovirg nO) Chom wal. ———-— Total Centre te Centie leryth = ax 5:30 + 2x 24or 2:40 ef 206m “Net Cle length = Total cfc lergih- 4, bin = aoe febx Hor of Junctions = 208- Ax Qaxe = = 208= Od 9 . @ Long wait and Short wall method Bin mettod also Eln og Pwd method and in generally —fellewed — by Pid Long welk ge measured “out to Out ord shat walk ore memuret “tn +o In’ L ene +> +$—___—_4 2 Its simple td oeeyrote wot there le rm hawe of Seeoe- Scanned with CamScanner

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