2016.abacus Mentalarithmetic

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Abacus - mental arithmetic

Article · January 2016


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1 author:

Sanela Nesimović
University of Sarajevo


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mr.sc. Sanela Nesimović1, Senior Assistant
Pedagogical Faculty, Sarajevo

Abacus – mental arithmetic


Abacus is one of the oldest known device for calculation that was used in ancient
civilizations. On it you could run mathematical operations of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, square root and grading. Work on the abacus was once in the
curricula for mathematics 4th grade elementary school. Students of 4th and 5th grade were
taught addition and subtraction using the abacus. The latest curricula for mathematics is not in
operation over the abacus. There is no direct application of calculation using the abacus
because children and adults use calculators for that. Using the calculator children (and adults)
do not have to think about what they do. Using the abacus they have to use both hands and in
the beginning have a lot to think about, and then the process of computing becomes just
thought, mechanical. Children counting on the abacus activate work brain synapses and so
this work has a direct impact on their intelligence. In some countries (such Serbia, Croatia,
etc.) are organized private schools in which children from 5 to 14 years are being trained to
count on abacus. Results of this work are amazing. Just aim of this paper is to draw attention
to the importance of the results that are achieved by using this old but valuable devices. In this
paper, the author will try to explain in a simple way how to apply basic mathematical
operations on the Japanese (Soroban) and Chinese (Suan Pan) abacus, which could encourage
some people to hold various workshops on this subject with children.

Key words: mathematics, mental arithmetic, abacus, calculation.

Abacus – mental arithmetic

The abacus (Latin) or abacus (Greek) is one of the oldest known device that was used

by many ancient civilizations to do basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division) and some complex (grading and root). In some countries of Asia

and Africa abacus is still actively used as an auxiliary device in the calculation. In some shops

we still can found examples of sellers who use the abacus, not a calculator or computer, to

calculate the amount that the buyer has to pay.

There are various types of abacus. They are known as Chinese (Figure 1), Japanese

(Figure 2), Roman (Figure 3), Russian (Figure 4), school (known as the abacus, used to be an

indispensable part of school equipment first grade students, and today it is a rarity), etc. They

all represent a modification of the same devices and they are similarly used.

Figure 12 Figure 2 3 Figure 34 Figure 45

Available on:
Downloaded: 20.6.2015. at 0.12.
Available on:
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Available on: https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abakus_(ra%C4%8Dunanje)#/media/File:RomanAbacusRecon.jpg
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Available on: https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abakus_(ra%C4%8Dunanje)#/media/File:Schoty_abacus.jpg
Downloaded: 19.6.2015. at 23.59.
It is also known as abacus for the blind who have parts covered with a layer of rubber to avoid

unwanted movement of balls.

In China, Japan and Russia, there are still many schools that are actively using the

abacus first three years as part of the formal primary education, regardless of what they have

more modern and advanced techniques. This kind of work implies that children learn to

manipulate numbers, displayed numbers, create accurate impressions of the size the numbers

which manipulate, thus creating a good foundation for further mathematical education and

education in general.

Neighbouring countries, Croatia and Serbia, have organized private schools in which

children aged from 5 to 14 learn how to use the abacus, and they learn the techniques of

mental arithmetic. In some of these schools they are using a Chinese abacus, called Suan Pan,

and in some Japanese, called Soroban. They work on programs that are very similar to each

other. The work is performed in groups. The first group are children aged 5 to 7, the other 8 to

10, and the third from 11 to 14. It is continuous, several times a week, work. In the first phase

of work, children learn the skills of presenting numbers on a plastic or wooden abacus. Then

they learn how to add and subtract using the abacus. Also they learn visual computing to 100.

Then learn multiply and divide using the abacus. To overcome visual computing, after they

have learned to count using an abacus, then counted using paper that is drawn abacus. So

then, they are calculated using an abacus image. After that, they are counted visually, by

moving fingers in the air, and imagining the abacus in their minds. Through constant

exercises children continually improve the skills of visual computing. Counting they use both

hands, while the usual school abacus used only one. This leads to using both hemispheres of

the brain and strengthening of synapses in the brain that, if they are not strong enough,

crumbling after 14 years of age. The level of intelligence depends on the number of strong

synapses. Training children in mastering the techniques of mental arithmetic is achieving

balanced development of the brain and thought processes. This results in development of

many skills, such as for example attention and concentration, creativity, vision, analytical

skills, photographic memory and so on. Children become able to perform multiple tasks at the

same time. On some web sites (eg. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPn6BNP855E)

you can watch a video in which children sing a song while are calculated tasks. It's just one of

the many fascinating examples of the incredible abilities of children who have mastered the

techniques of mental arithmetic.

The final outcome of the learning techniques of mental arithmetic is that children

perform arithmetic operations entirely thought through, with some help of two fingers of each

hand, but without any additional use of paper and pencil. All children who are psycho -

physical - motoric on the level of his generation could without any major difficulties to

achieve goals of this type of education. The only restriction is the age of the child. We have

already mentioned that it is 14 years. The working memory of children and adults are

different. The child is able, in the course of computing remembers subscores and used them

later, while adults do not have this ability. By the age of 14, children have the visualizing

ability. It is after 14 years lost and the results can no longer be visualized. Adults can

surmount only the first level, and these are technique of calculating on abacus.

Calculating on the abacus contributes to the development capabilities of computing in

general. There was once work on abacus in our curriculum for mathematics in Bosnia and

Herzegovina for the lower grades of elementary school, but more is not included in them.

Considering that many students use textbooks older editions, some of them are still treated

using abacus lessons. So the students to read at least the name and know that there is a device

for computing called abacus and that is all. Unfortunately, many teachers are not trained how

to use the abacus.

In the world there are various competitions in computing on abacus (eg. see

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEoWmYRwDuI). Often, competitors show that they can

count faster than those are calculated by using a calculator.

In this paper we will try in the simplest way to show how the Chinese and Japanese

abacus used during the presentation of the natural numbers and zeros, and how to perform

basic mathematical operations on them.

1. Chinese abacus - Suan Pan

Chinese abacus is called Suan Pan, which means panel for computing. Abakus known

today was created in the 13th century.

Chinese abacus usually has 13 columns of balls, but can have more and less. Depending

on the size of abacus it will appear certain restrictions in computing, which are related to the

size of the numbers with which we count. (Matić, Ševerdija, Škorvaga, 2009: 75-91)

Each ball has a specific value. Horizontally there is one a barrier that in the columns is

separating the beads according to the principle 2 + 5 in one column.

Values of balls by columns, going from

right to left, are:
5, 50, 500, 5000, ...

and the values of balls below the

horizontal barriers are:
1, 10, 100, 1000, ...
Thus, in the first column from the right side above the obstacles are two balls whose

values 5 and below obstacles are balls that have a value 1. In the next column, there are two

balls whose values are 50 and five balls whose values are 10.

First you need to learn while working on abacus is certainly to represent the numbers

on abacus and practice it. How can it be present zero and the first twenty natural numbers

shown in the following table. In an analogous way it could represent the other natural


Displaying number begin from the right side. If the number you wish to introduce on

abacus for example. triple digits, then we can count three columns of balls, starting from the

right side and then in the third column on the right present first hundreds, and then in the

second column from the right tens and finally in the first column on the right present units and

we can begin to represent a number of starting from the right side and display first units. The

outcome will be the same.

0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11
12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20

If you look carefully at the table, we can immediately see that it is enough to learn

represent a numbers from 0 to 9, and the other (double-digit) present digit by digit, same as

when we write numbers with the corresponding digits.

Explain how the present for example number 4829.

The number is four digit and this means that we need four columns of balls from the right side

in the which we will present each digit individually. Thus, in the mentioned four columns we

will represent digits 4, 8, 2 and 9, starting from left to right, and so we get a display of the

given number.

4 8 2 9

Let us explain now how on suan pan perform basic calculations.

1.1.Addition on the Chinese abacus

We'll start by adding. It is important to pay attention to the choice of tasks that we solve

by using abacus and generally watch on methodical approach to this problem. Examples of

addition could be examples of single-digit or multi-digit numbers and could be with or

without a crossing pass. All these examples have to be methodical arranged because

knowledge necessary for solve one task is an extension of knowledge to solve other tasks.

They are actually arranged in the a single row and in that order tasks can not be skipped.

If we want to add up the number 5 and number 3, we will present the first summand 5, and

then we add in the same column value of the second addend. This is shown in the following


5+3 5+3

5 8

This example is not a problem for us because the whole account happening in one column.

However, if we add up the numbers 7 and 4, then will appear the case when adding crossing.



1 1
So, here we added the first addend 7 and the second addend 4, so we 4 show like 5-1, or we

add ball value 5 and took a ball value 1. When we do this, we get two balls in the value 5, so

we replace them with a ball in the value 10.

Similarly calculate with larger numbers.

If we want for example add up the numbers 762 and 45, then we will first display the number

762, then we will add 40, then 5. In the tens column will appear 5 balls whose values are 10

and we will replace them with one button whose values are 50. Then we two balls values 50

replaced by one button values 100.

762+45 2+5=7;

7 6 2

8 0 7

1.2.Subtraction on the Chinese abacus

Subtraction on abacus we perform in a similar way. For example, if we want to calculate

the difference 11-5, we will first present number 11, and then we a ball whose value is 10

replaced with two balls whose values are 5. Then subtract another ball value 5.

11-5 11-5=2x5+1-5=5+1

1 1
While we subtract, we must take care that if we can not conducted taking as we needed, then

we perform calculate in the same value. For example, if we can not subtracted 4, then we can

subtract 5 and add 1 (because -4 = -5 + 1). The important thing is to take care not to deviate

from the actual values.

1.3. Multiplication on the Chinese abacus

Now, let us explain how do we multiply by using the Chinese abacus.

For example, if we calculate the product 21x3, we will given factors displayed starting from

the left, as shown in the illustration. Then we show obtained product starting from the right



2 1 x 3 6 3

If we calculate the product 11x11, we will again present both factors starting from the

left, and among the factors we will leave one column unchanged, that us symbolically

represents the multiplication sign. We multiply in a way analogous to our written

multiplication, and the resulting intermediate products,, write down "to the right, as can be

seen in the following illustration. When multiplied by tens, then take care of the local value.

The obtained result will be recorded so that it will move up one place to the left compared to

the previous result. Writing we perform by adding the value that we get the already existing,

that is, we add together them.



1 1 x 1 1


121 - result 1 1 (0)

1.4. Division on the Chinese abacus

Let us explain how we can divide on the Chinese abacus. Calculate for example, quotient

33: 3. Recording quotient 33: 3 we perform like the product, starting from the left. Skipping a

column, on whose site should stand equal sign and then write down the result that we get. We

divide on the same way that we divided in writing. We divid 3 tens by 3. The result is 1 and it

should be written, and then multiply the result that we get (1) with a divider (3) and the

product 3 (1x3 = 3) write down starting from the right. This is shown in the illustration. Since

we have 3 tens already divided, we will reduce them for the last product we received (3-3 =
0). We continue the process of division in the same way. 3 units divided by 3 is 1 and we

write 1 on place where we started to write the result of dividing . Finish the procedure of

division as explained at the beginning.


3 3 : 3 = 1

3-3=0 3:3=1 1x3=3

3-3=0 rest quotient

Explain an example in which, when we divided numbers, appears the rest of division.

For example, lets calculate how much is 897: 21. Perform analog recording of dividend and

divisor on abacus and take care of free columns in the way described above. The process
division is completely analogously to that in the previous example. The process is shown in

the following illustration.


8 9 7 : 2 1 = 4 4x21=84

5 7 : 2 1 = 4 2 2x21=42




Note that is for mastering the above procedures necessary exercise.

2. Japanese abacus - Soroban

Japanese abacus is called Soroban. It is similar to the Chinese, but his balls are not

distributed according to the principle 2 + 5 by columns, but on the principle of 1 + 4. He also

has a horizontal barrier that separates the balls of different values.

Values of balls respectively by

columns, going from right to left, are:
5, 50, 500, 5000, ...

The value of balls below the

horizontal barriers are
1, 10, 100, 1000, ...

For better viewing we will give table of the first twenty natural numbers and zero on Soroban,

like we did for the Suan Pan.

0 1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11
12 13 14

15 16 17

18 19 20

If we would like present for example number 4829, then the display looks like this:

4 8 2 9

So we perform presentation of the numbers analogously as we worked on the Chinese


Now briefly explain through examples how to Soroban used in the calculation.
2.1.Addition on the Japanese abacus

Explain the process of adding on the example 3 + 4. First, we present the first summand.

The second summand we are unable to add immediately, but we have to show otherwise. We

will use balls in the same value. So, summand 4 will add like 5 - 1. This means that we will

first add 5, and then subtract 1. Because 5-1 = 4, we have actually added 4. Look at the

following picture that shows described account.



Now analyze example 7 + 6. First, we present the first summand on abacus.

Considering that we can not add immediately balls value 6, we will do it in a way that we

will add the same value, but we will get that by calculation. So, how is 10-4 = 6, we will first

add 10 and then subtract 4. Also we will not be able to subtract 4, so we will use the fact that

analogously is -4 = -5 + 1, and we will subtract 5 and add 1.

+10 -5


1 3

2.2. Subtraction on the Japanese abacus

Subtraction will be explained on the example 6-3. First we show minuend 6. Considering

that we can not subtract balls in the value 3 directly, we will subtract the same value. We

subtract 5 and add 2, which is in the end the same as if we took 3. The described procedure is

shown in the following illustration.



Let's explain the example 13-6. First, we present minuend. Then we will present -6

like -10 + 4 and 4 we will present like 5-1. The above we can see step by step in

the following illustration.




1.1. Multiplication on the Japanese abacus

To explain the technique of multiplication on Soroban, we must first explain L-R

multiplication on paper (L and R are abbreviations for left and right, and that actually mean

that multiply begins on the left side).

The first example that we will analyze is 21x7. In a given product are involved three

digits. This information we will need later. We are writing in a way that is done below.

2 1

x 7

1 4

0 7

1 4 7
We have written factors one below the other. Then we draw three columns (3 columns for

those three digits that mentioned previously that we will need). Multiply from left to right, so

the first partial product that we get is 2(0) x7 = 14 and this result should be written starting

with the column that to us first came. The following intermediate product is 1x7 = 7, and as a

result every occasion this multiplication must be written like a two-digit, we will write 07 and

the result will be written in the following order with respect to the previous one, but we will

move one position to the right. How do we calculate all intermediate products, underline and

adding the results. The final product is 147.

Next example, which we will also analyze in writing is 357x82. First note that these

factors consists of 5 digits, and we will have so many columns.

3 5 7

x 8 2

2 4

4 0

5 6 x8(0)

0 6

1 0

1 4 x2

2 9 2 7 4

Every time when we multiply, we make sure that the result should have a record like a two-

digit number, so when we get a single-digit number we should add a zero in front. First

multiply 3x8, and 5x8, and 7x8, and the results should be written one below the other, each

time by moving one column to the right. Then multiply analogously with 2, but now the
results begin to write in the second column from the left and we will continue to write

analogously results as before. Underline and we add.

In a totally same way we calculate when we have numbers as factors with more digits

than the ones we had in our examples.

Now apply this to work on the abacus. We'll use the first example 21x7. First we

presente product 21x7 at the beginning of abacus. Then we will conclude that we have 3 digits

in the record of our factors, and we will results that we got, write in the the last three columns

of abacus. The first product is 2x7 = 14, and the other 1x7 = 7, and they are written as was

shown in the illustration below.


2 1 x 7 3 columns for a total of 3 digits



1 4

0 7
1.2. Division on the Japanese abacus

Let us explain division by Soroban on the example 135: 7. Recording of results we get

when calculating needed in this task is very similar to what we have already explained for

Suan Pan, so that we will not spend much time in explaining. Balls of other colors could serve

to help us. In our example, these are the balls of blue.


1 3 5 : 7 =

13: 7=> 1, 1x7=7

1 7


65:7=>9, 9x7=63,

9 6 3

65-63=2 (rest),

quotient = 19

2 (rest) 1 9 (quotient)

Work on the abacus used to be an integral part of basic education. Students generally

had no difficulty in mastering prescribed content, because to them they were interesting and

different from other educational content. They did not have available their abacus but they

had drawn the frame abacus and they are drawing balls. Very often even the school itself did

not have school abacus on which the teachers would be able to demonstrate how they are

used. However, teachers have no difficulty to teaching their students these contents. Then it

was decided that the contents related to the abacus does not need to be part of the mandatory

content that is taught in schools. When it is decided, it was considered probably that the

abacus is obsolete device and that children do not have any benefit from learninig how to use

it. Unfortunately, as often happens, from teaching materials are expected to be directly

applicable in everyday life, and ignores the fact that children when learning specific contents

develop logical thinking, as well as many other capabilities. So many contents, and there

belongs the work on abacus, are not directly applicable to everyday life, but their importance

is indisputable.

For the adoption of the concept of number and practicing basic arithmetic operations

in the classrooms they use a variety of teaching aids, which undoubtedly have their value, but

can not lead students to the same degree as thought computation to which it can lead work on


This paper would like to draw attention to opportunities that are real, but they are

deprived to students, by the operation on the abacus left out of the curriculum. Unfortunately,

the future teachers will not be able to try on their own free activities teach students to work on

the abacus when they themselves do not know how to use.

There is no need to specifically emphasize the differences between the Suan Pan and

Soroban, when teachers generally do not know that they are kinds of abacus that differ in the

number of balls, but that used very similar method. In neighboring countries, as already

mentioned, have recognized the importance of mental arithmetic, but they organized that

teaching in private schools, which means it is available only to certain individuals and not to

all students who are old enough to be reach the maximum of going through this type of


In addition to this work, in purpose of return to work on the abacus in our schools, the

author decided to teach his students of final year of Pedagogical Faculty in Sarajevo for work

on abacus. Considering that this is not included in the Curriculum, the only option for now is

that such training is an optional course. Students have already showed great interest in this


Matić,I., Ševerdija, D. (2009). Metodički aspekti abakusa 1. Matematika i škola 52, 57-62

Matić, I., Ševeridija, D. (2010). Metodički aspekti abakusa 2. Matematika i škola 53, 106-111

Matić, I., Ševerdija, D., Škorvaga, S. (2009). Numerička ograničenja kineskog abakusa.
Osječki matematički list 9, 75-91

Šporer, Z. (1990). Matematički leksikon za nematematičare. Školska knjiga. Zagreb.

Šporer, Z. (1981). Uh, ta matematika. Školsa knjiga. Zagreb.


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