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Quarter 4, LAS 4
Learner’s Name: Rengalota, Gabbie R.
Grade Level/Section: 10-Newton Date: _________________________



A. Most Essential Learning Competency:

 Observe correct grammar in making definitions

B. Objectives
At the end of this learning activity, I would be able to:
 Make definitions using graphic organizer e.g. vocabulary map


Making definition is essential in an academic writing particularly to a 10th grade

student like you since you will be writing a research paper as one of the requirements
in your subject. Writing basic definitions requires skill, practice and help. This skill is
needed in the Definition of Terms, a part of the research paper which gives the
technical and operational definitions of the words used in the paper. One way to do
this in easier way is to know how to make a vocabulary map.
Vocabulary Map is a strategy used to guide the students visualize the
components of a definition. This helps students to develop understanding of a word
and build upon prior knowledge and create new information.

In order to develop a meaningful definition, the map needs to contain three
1 .What is it? – category of the word
2. What is it like? - properties
3. What are some examples? – illustrations/ examples

Study the given example.

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Therefore, the definition now includes properties, categories, and examples. It
should be grammatically correct and must follow the following guidelines.

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Practice Task 1. Try Me

Write your own definition of the word FATIGUE on your answer sheet. Be
guided by the given category, property and examples.

Practice Task 2. Fill Me Up

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Give the properties, characteristics and examples of YOGURT. Search, cut out
and paste a picture of this on the graphic organizer below. Then write your
definition of the word on the petal provided for it.

Unstrained, traditional Yogurt is a dairy product made by

cow's milk yogurt. fermenting milk with a yogurt culture. It
Greek yogurt. provides protein and calcium, and it
Goat's milk yogurt. may enhance healthy gut bacteria.
Sheep's milk yogurt.
Icelandic yogurt.
Australian yogurt.
Yogurts can be high in protein, calcium,
French-style yogurt.
vitamins, and live culture, or probiotics,
Soy yogurt.
which can enhance the gut microbiota.
Almond yogurt.
These can offer protection for bones
Cashew yogurt.
and teeth and help prevent digestive
Coconut yogurt.
problems. Low-fat yogurt can be a
useful source of protein on a weight-
loss diet.

a semisolid food prepared

from milk fermented by
added bacteria, often
sweetened and flavored.

Practice Task 3 - You Complete Me

Your final output in this quarter is a research paper. Let’s try defining this
word by answering the questions given. Be guided by your answers on the
questions in making the definition of the word RESEARCH PAPER.

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Abortion Research Paper.
Bullying Research Paper.
Diversity Research Paper.
Divorce Research Paper.
Drugs Research Paper.
Environmental Issues Research Paper.
Evolution Research Paper.
Food Research Paper.

A research paper is a type of academic

writing that provides an in-depth
A research paper is an essay in which you
analysis, evaluation, or interpretation
explain what you have learned after
of a single topic, based on empirical
exploring your topic in depth. In a
research paper, you include information
from sources such as books, articles,
interviews, and Internet sites. You can
also use your own knowledge, ideas and
Research is defined as the generation of opinions.
new concepts, methodologies, and
understandings through the
development of new knowledge and/or
the creative application of existing
knowledge. This could include synthesis
and analysis of existing research that
leads to new and innovative results.


The next word is quite familiar to you, PANDEMIC. Copy the vocabulary
map on a 1 whole sheet of paper and supply the needed information. Consider
the tips given in making your definition of the word pandemic.

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Worldwide Epidemic Area

DESCRIPTION/CHARACTERISTIC. Pandemic-causing viruses have three characteristics in common.

The virus:
Has the ability to reproduce rapidly and spread through human-to-human contact. Infected
members of the population unknowingly incubate the disease and spread it to others. Has the
ability to mutate rapidly. The potential for a virus to undergo a natural mutation after release into
the population is higher for pandemic viruses than for other influenzas. Causes a “second wave” of
victims. The effect of a highly virulent strain of virus causes a second series of victims, often
among healthcare workers and others who are working to contain it.

 The 1918 Spanish Flu  Flu

Pandemic  Diarrhea
 The HIV/AIDS pandemic  Headache
 The 2009 swine flu pandemic  Allergies
 COVID-19 pandemic

: an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (as multiple
countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the

: a pandemic outbreak of a disease.

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Flower Petal picture. AnonMoosh.


Image of Love and a haggard person.


Tips in Making Definition.

Vocabulary Map definition.


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