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Yard Management Solutions


Developed By

Home Page ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Entry Gate Functionalities .............................................................................................................. 4
1. Assign OCRID ..................................................................................................................... 4
2. Change Password ................................................................................................................. 5
Admin Roles ................................................................................................................................... 6
1. User Registration ................................................................................................................. 6
2. Manage OCR Tags ............................................................................................................... 7
Add / Update OCR Tags ......................................................................................................... 7
Re Assign OCRID................................................................................................................... 9
3. Machine Master ................................................................................................................. 10
4. Manage Location ............................................................................................................... 11
Area Type master .................................................................................................................. 11
Sub Area Type master ........................................................................................................... 12
Assign locations to area ........................................................................................................ 13
5. Track Container ................................................................................................................. 14
Search in Yard....................................................................................................................... 14
Hardware Message Points ..................................................................................................... 15
Out of grid points .................................................................................................................. 17
6. Change Password ............................................................................................................... 18

Home Page
Load the link

Entry Gate Functionalities
1. Assign OCRID
To assign OCIRD to Container

Login as Entry gate users

Select menu Assign OCRID

2. Change Password
To change the login password

Select menu Change password

Enter current Password

Enter New Password

• Password should be of minimum 8 characters and should have alphabets, numerical and
special characters

Enter Re- enter New Password

Click on Change password to change the password

Admin Roles
1. User Registration
The users for this application are created here

To create a user
Login as Admin
Select Menu User Registration

Enter the First name

Enter Middle name
Enter Last name
Enter Mobile No
Enter Designation
Enter Date of birth
Enter E mail id
Enter User name and Password
Click on Submit to create the users

2. Manage OCR Tags

Add / Update OCR Tags

To Add or update OCR Tags

Login as Admin

Select menu Add/Update OCR Tags


Select Active or Inactive in dropdown

Click on submit

If the OCRID is assigned to Container then editing the OCRID details is not allowed

To edit the OCRID details

Click on edit button for that OCRID

Modify the details and

Click on Update to save the changes

Re Assign OCRID

If the OCIR tags are damaged and need to assign new tag’
Login as admin
Manage OCR Tags →Re Assign OCRID

Enter the existing Old OCRID

Enter New OCRID
Enter Reason and
Click on Re Assign to reassign new OCRID

3. Machine Master
To create machine

Login as admin
Select menu Machine master

4. Manage Location

Area Type master

To set the area master

Login as admin
Manage Location →Area Type master

Enter the Area type Name

Enter Area type description
Select the status and
Click on Submit to save the Area type details

Sub Area Type master
To set the sub area type

Login as admin
Manage Location →Sub Area Type master

Enter the Area type Name

Enter the Sub Area type Name
Enter Sub Area type description
Select the status and
Click on Submit to save the Sub Area type details

Assign locations to area
To assign locations to the area

Login as admin

Manage location→ Assign locations to area. Using this screen specific area type and sub area
type can be given to pre-defined location ids.

Select Filter Location

Select Area Type
Select Sub Area Type and
Under given list click on checkbox in action column in front of location id to which you want to
assign chosen Area type and Sub area type and then click on Assign Area.

If Area type and Sub area type is already assigned to any location ids then it will show in front of
them as shown in image.

Still you will be able to re-assign them by selecting Area type, Sub area type and tick marking
checkbox and then click on Assign Area.

5. Track Container

Search in Yard
To search in the yard

Login as Admin
Track container→ Search in yard

User can search in yard using below criteria or the combination one or more or combination of
all criteria’s
Search by Area Type / Sub Area Type
Search by Occupied / Empty spots
Search by Container Size
Search by Transaction Type(Entry register)
Search by Container Type
Search by Transport
Search by Container Condition.
Above parameters are inter dependent.
Search by Container/OCRID/Location ID gets highest priority if written there anything and it is
independent field for searching inside Yard.

Click on Search to get the details.

Click on Clear to reset map and remove previous searching.

Hardware Message Points
To view the each and every message details of unlock events pushed from hardware’s.
Login as admin
Track container→ Hardware message Points

Click on the map icon in the Location column to view the details and points in the map

Out of grid points
Here you can get the list of transactions (drop/move) for which no pre defined locations are
found and they are stored and can be visualized as Out of grid points.

Login as Admin

Track Container→ Out of grid points

Click on the map icon in the location column to locate the container in the map

6. Change Password
To change the login password

Select menu Change password

Enter current Password

Enter New Password

• Password should be of minimum 8 characters and should have alphabets, numerical and
special characters

Enter Re- enter New Password

Click on Change password to change the password

Exit Gate Role
Release OCR ID

This role and screen can be used when container is going out from the Yard.
Before container goes outside of the Yard, OCR tag must be removed from it and to make this
OCR tag available again one can write that OCR number in above screen and click on Out Entry.

Due to this OCR tag and container number pairing will be dismissed and OCR tag is now
available to use again.


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