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B2+ Test Series (61) Name: ______________________ Score: ______/100

A. Phonemes: Choose the word whose italicised part is pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. treasure B. Asia C. anxiety D. measure
2. A. fairy B. faint C. faithful D. maintain
B. Word stress: Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.
1. A. secure B. vanish C. invent D. demand
2. A. influence B. agenda C. boundary D. atmosphere
3. A. absolutely B. reasonably C. accurately D. responsibly
C. Prepositions: Fill in the blank with ONE correct preposition.
1. I looked up to see Betty aiming a gun ______________________________________________ me.
2. The aim _____________________________________ the research is to find new food sources.
3. Don’t get upset. The criticism wasn’t aimed _____________________________________ you.
4. Many students are aiming _____________________________________ jobs in television.
5. How dare you shout _____________________________________ your mother furiously?
6. We shouted across ___________________________ the driver to tell him to switch off the engine.
7. We could hear them shouting _____________________________________ help.
8. ‘Watch out!’ Danny shouted _____________________________________ the top of his voice.
9. Al shouted ______________________________________________ pain.
10. Don’t shout _____________________________________ the answer. Put up your hand.
D. Word forms: Complete the following sentence with the correct form of the word in the right column.
1. The main ____________________________________________ to the hotel is in Lime Street. ENTER
2. ____________________________________ of speech is one of the most basic human rights. FREE
3. These new light bulbs are much more ______________________________ than the old ones. ECONOMY
4. She did a series of interviews to ______________________________________ her new book. PUBLIC
5. He doesn’t tolerate any kind of __________________________________________________. INTERFERE
6. What a ____________________________________________________ performance that was. MARVEL
7. Global warming is causing __________________________________________ great concern. ECOLOGY
8. I want to take this video back to the shop because the quality’s not very good but I can’t find RECEIVE
the __________________________________________________________________________.
9. New technology is rarely ________________________________________________________ BENEFIT
to anyone other than those who can afford it.
10. Her uncle is a rich and ______________________________________________ businessman. INFLUENCE
E. Grammar: Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. The police _____ to catch the thief but he escaped.
A. will try B. could try C. should try D. tried
2. I finally got used to _____ up early in the morning.
A. get B. getting C. have to get D. have gotten
3. I’m not very busy now but once _____ I’ll have more than enough to do.
A. starting school B. school started C. school starts D. when school starts
4. _____ a trip abroad is always a big job.
A. Organised B. Organising C. In organising D. Having organised
5. If I _____ you were coming, I would have waited.
A. was known B. have known C. would know D. had known
6. Those are the students _____ is always perfect.
A. whose work B. who work C. their work D. who their work
7. The cat’s fur felt as _____ as silk.
A. soft B. softer C. softly D. softest
8. John went to the game _____ the bad weather.
A. spite B. in spite C. despite D. despite of
9. Robin doesn’t work here _____. She left last August.
A. longer B. more longer C. no longer D. any longer
10. That hotel is very _____.
A. high-price B. high prices C. high-priced D. highly-price
Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806
F. Guided Cloze: Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D best fits each space.
Neighbours influence buying decisions
However objective we (1) _____ ourselves to be, most of us do not judge a product solely on its merits,
considering quality, value and style before making a decision. (2) _____, we are easily influenced by the
people around us.
There is nothing (3) _____ with this. It is probably a smarter way to make decisions than (4) _____ on only
our own opinions. But it does make life hard for companies. They have (5) _____ understood that groups of
friends and relatives tend to buy the same products, but understanding the reasons has been tricky. Is it
because they are so similar with (6) _____ to how much money they make and what television ads they
watch that they independently (7) _____ at the same decision? Or do they copy one another, perhaps (8)
_____ envy or perhaps because they have shared information about the products?
Research in Finland recently found overwhelming evidence that neighbours have a big influence on buying
decisions. When one of a person’s ten nearest neighbours bought a car, the (9) _____ that that person
would buy a car of the same brand during the next week and a half (10) _____ by 86 per cent. The
researchers argued that it was not just a (11) _____ of envy. Used cars seemed to attract neighbours even
more than new cars. This suggested that people were not trying to (12) _____ up with their neighbours,
they were keen to learn from them. Since used cars are less reliable, a recommendation of one can (13)
_____ influence a buying decision.
1. A. convince B. guess C. believe D. value
2. A. What’s more B. Instead C. Unlike D. In place
3. A. wrong B. silly C. bad D. daft
4. A. basing B. trusting C. supposing D. relying
5. A. ever B. far C. much D. long
6. A. connection B. regard C. relation D. concern
7. A. reach B. come C. arrive D. get
8. A. for B. as to C. out of D. about
9. A. chances B. potential C. possibilities D. forecast
10. A. boosted B. rose C. enlarged D. lifted
11. A. thing B. point C. matter D. fact
12. A. keep B. stay C. hold D. follow
13. A. fiercely B. strongly C. firmly D. intensely
G. Open Cloze: Fill in the blank with a suitable word to complete the passage.
Believed to (1) _____________________ an ancestor of the domestic dog, the wolf is generally regarded (2)
_____________________ a highly intelligent hunter. Wolves travel in packs and their territory can be
anywhere (3) _____________________ 40 to 400 square miles. As well as marking the borders of their
territory with scent, they (4) _____________________ other wolves know they are around (5)
_____________________ barking and howling.
A pack might (6) _____________________ of up to 30 wolves, although where (7) _____________________
food supply is limited there might only be six or seven animals in the pack. When hunting, they work
together to chase an animal, block (8) _____________________ escape, and finally catch it. In (9)
_____________________ way, they are (10) _____________________ to trap large animals, such as deer or
If farm animals are available, they (11) _____________________ the wolves with an easy source of food.
This, of course, brings them (12) _____________________ contact with humans. Poisoning and shooting
have contributed (13) _____________________ the decline in wolf populations around the world. The red
wolf is now almost extinct (14) _____________________ the wild, while the grey wolf has (15)
_____________________ its habitat reduced to a few areas in Europe, North America and Asia. (16)
_____________________ many other large mammals, the wolf is increasingly (17)
_____________________ threat from human activity.
H. Vocabulary: Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. _____ on the weather, I may go with you.
A. Clearing B. Wondering C. Depending D. Corresponding
2. The ship is carrying some valuable _____.
A. duty B. welfare C. balance D. cargo
3. The doctor said my grandmother’s health is _____ improving.
A. steadily B. widely C. entirely D. eventually

Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806
4. She gave me a _____ look when I asked her where she was going.
A. adopted B. puzzled C. fortunate D. permanent
5. I’ve been sitting too long. I need to get up and _____ my legs.
A. gain B. load C. gather D. stretch
6. I was _____ to hear that no one had been hurt.
A. subjected B. frightened C. relieved D. seized
7. Peter was accepted to the institute but didn’t have enough money to _____.
A. enroll B. enlist C. enable D. enact
8. I had _____ to go with them, but then I couldn’t.
A. pretended B. intended C. reflected D. constructed
9. She seems to be _____ to stay home with her children.
A. content B. necessary C. disabled D. arranged
10. After much thought, the president changed his _____ on that issue.
A. service B. purpose C. condition D. position
I. Verb Expressions: Add a verb in the correct form to complete the expression/collocation.
1. We’re going to ___________________ a tour of the pyramids while we’re in Egypt.
2. We ___________________ on a luxury cruise around the Caribbean last summer.
3. I can’t believe we ___________________ the plane. It’s your fault for spending so long in the duty free shop.
4. I ___________________ my purse somewhere in the department store but unfortunately no one handed it in.
5. The producers finally ___________________ a decision about which star they wanted to use.
6. I’ve seen a few of his films and I’ve ___________________ to the conclusion that he can’t act.
7. The company ___________________ a profit of over $35,000 last year.
8. If you ___________________ your mind about going to the cinema, give me a call.
9. When we’re choosing a video at the shop, we should ___________________ in mind that George
doesn’t really like comedies.
10. You’ll just have to ___________________ up your mind which film you want to see.
J. Phrasal Verbs: In the following sentences, replace the word/phrase in brackets with a phrase containing the correct
form of a suitable phrasal verb.
Example: Choosing the right university is a very important decision – don’t rush into it.
(do it quickly without thinking carefully)
1. Have you ______________________________________________ (discovered) how the machine works?
2. Jane finally ___________________________________________ (arrived) at the restaurant an hour late.
3. The smell from the farm next door is terrible! I don’t know how you ______________________________.
(accept or tolerate it)
4. We asked him for the money he owes us, but he refused to ____________________________________
(pay the money he owes).
5. I didn’t understand the word so I _______________________ (checked the meaning of it) in a dictionary.
6. I’m really _________________________________ (expecting to enjoy) my holiday in Spain.
7. Hey everybody, __________________________________ (pay attention)!
8. Dad didn’t want to cook, so we decided to _________________________________ (eat in a restaurant).
9. She was disappointed that the coach had _________________________________ (not included her in)
the swimming team.
10. The other boys were playing cricket and they asked Michael if he wanted to
_____________________________________. (play with them)
11. There was no air in the crowded room and some people ______________________. (became unconscious)
12. Our children seem to be ________________________ (changing into adults) very quickly.
13. Some important work has _________________________ (happened unexpectedly) and I can’t meet you tonight.
14. The hotel is now completely empty – the last guest just _______________________________________.
(paid their bill and left)
15. The car ________________________________ (stopped working) right in the middle of a busy junction.

Compiled and designed, Nguyễn Vân Anh (M.A. TESOL) ǁ Số 2, ngõ 144, nghách 144/8, phố Quan Nhân ǁ 090 342 1806

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