Jenis Getaran

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Timeline pembelajaran


Mahasiswa Mahasiswa
Mahasiswa mampu Mahasiswa Mahasiswa
Mahasiswa mampu mampu
menjelaskan mampu mengetahui
mampu merencanaka merencanakan
pengertian daya merencanaka peristiwa
dukung dinamis pada memahami n konstruksi pondasi mesin
ditinjau dari n isolasi
pondasi. teori getaran pondasi liquefaction.
segi geoteknik. getaran.

W1,W2 W3,W4 , W13
, W7

Review minggu 1 kuliah
• Pengenalan dampak kerusakan dari suatu beban dinamis pada tanah.
• Pengetahuan tentang macam beban dinamik yang bekerja ditanah termasuk
saat melakukan pemancangan pada pondasi.
• Tugas di rumah adalah belajar membaca tentang grafik yang dibuat saat
getaran terjadi. (lihat slide 4).

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 3

1 1

Getaran akibat Gempa


Getaran akibat beban

dinamik Transien

3 Getaran akibat operasi mesin

Getaran akibat Bandingkan antara 1,2,3,dan 4.

pemancangan tiang apakah yang berbeda dari pola
getaran yang terjadi?
Nature and Type of Dynamic Loading on Soils
• The type of dynamic loading in soil or the foundation of a structure depends on
the nature of the source producing it. Dynamic loads vary in their magnitude,
direction, or position with time.
• Periodic load is a special type of load that varies in magnitude with time and
repeats itself at regular intervals, for example, operation of a reciprocating or a
rotary machine.
• Nonperiodic loads are those loads that do not show any periodicity, for
example, wind loading on a building.

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 5

Nature and Type of Dynamic Loading on Soils
• Deterministic loads are those loads that can be specified as definite functions
of time, irrespective of whether the time variation is regular or irregular, for
example, the harmonic load imposed by unbalanced rotating machinery.
• Nondeterministic loads are those loads that can not be described as definite
functions of time because of their inherent uncertainty in their magnitude and
form of variation with time, for example, earthquake loads (Humar 2001).
• Cyclic loads are those loads which exhibit a degree of regularity both in its
magnitude and frequency.
• Static loads are those loads that build up gradually over time, or with
negligible dynamic effects.

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 6

Nature and Type of Dynamic Loading on Soils
• The operation of a reciprocating or a rotary machine typically produces a dynamic load
pattern. This dynamic load is more or less sinusoidal in nature and may be idealized.
• The impact of a hammer on a foundation produces a transient loading condition in
soil. The load typically increases with time up to a maximum value at time t = t1 and
drops to zero after that.
• Dynamic loading associated with an earthquake is random in nature. A load that varies
in a highly irregular fashion with time is sometimes referred to as a random load.

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 7

9/3/20XX 8
• In order to estimate the displacement due to the first loading condition listed above, it
is essential to know the nature of the unbalanced forces (usually supplied by the
manufacturer of the machine) in a foundation such as shown in Figure 2.1.

• Note that a foundation can vibrate in any or all six
possible modes. For ease of analysis, each mode is
considered separately and design is carried out by
considering the displacement due to each mode
• Approximate mathematical models for computing
the displacement of foundations under dynamic
loads can be developed by treating soil as a
viscoelastic material.

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 10

Fundamentals of Vibration
• Free Vibration: Vibration of a system under the action of forces inherent in the system
itself and in the absence of externally applied forces. The response of a system is
called free vibration when it is disturbed and then left free to vibrate about some mean

• Forced Vibration: Vibration of a system caused by an external force. Vibrations that

result from regular (rotating or pulsating machinery) and irregular chemical process
plant) exciting agencies are also called as forced vibrations.

• Degree of Freedom: The number of independent coordinates required to describe the

solution of a vibrating system.

• the position of the mass m.
• a single coordinate z, so it is a single degree of
freedom system.
• A rigid body has total six degrees of freedom:
three rotational and three translational.

9/3/20XX Presentation Title 12
Thank you Mila Kusuma Wardani

Mila Kusuma Wardani


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