054 Bracket SACI - Namura Tehnik Sejahtera

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, PT. ENVIROMATE TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL KIRANA TWO OFFICE TOWER 17TH FLOOR JL. BOULEVARD TIMUR NO. 88 T JAKARTA UTARA - OKI JAKARTA, PESANAN PEMBELIAN / PURCHASE ORDER ama Proyek/Proeet Name: CONVEYOR PLTU SEBALANG ‘PT. NAMURA TEHNIK SEJAHTERA NOMOR REKENING / ACCOUNT NO: | Wo. Pesanan/No.PO — : 054/PO/ETIJPS/V/2022 Bank BCA JL. MERCEDES BENZ RT. 02 RW. 10 NO. NO. REK : 4069020233 Taheoet/Dee searram 49CICADAS, GUNUNG PUTRI, BOGOR asia Ee Denes Tee INDONESIA /SEJAHTERA |TERMIN PENGIRIMAN / DELIVERY TERM: ExSWORK WAREHOUSE NAMA NPWP VENDOR /VENDOR TAK NO SE OTTSET OR Harga por Ui Tena No, Kode Barang/ Dessps Description gumian!| une [Unies | Tl Hrge/ Total | pengiman = oR) rice (IDR) Delivery Date 1 JPRO-0005 TOR] BRACKET SAR [SELF ALIGAWENT ae — a 7800%0) Tae 7a0e00| — TOME er RETURN IDLER) LOWER FRAME, UPPER Irawe, side RACKET siDE SUPPORT, JGUDE BeacKET oan PIVOT AS DRAWING Total Total: oR 138,750,000 Termin dan Kendisi /Teeme and Conditions [TERMIN DAN KONDISI TERLAMPIR MERUPAKAN SATU KESATUAN DENGAN PESANAN PEMBELIAN INI ]KONDIS! UMUM PEMBELIAN PADA PESANAN INI ADALAH AGIAN INTEGRAL DARI PESANAN INI/ GENERAL CONDITION OF PURCHASE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS PO, IMOHON KONFIRMASI PESANAN INI DENGAN MENANDATANGANI DAN DIKENBALIKAN NELALUI SUREL / PLEASE CONFIRM THIS PURCHASE ORDER 8Y SIGNING AND RETURN VIA EMAIL Dipersiapkan Oleh / Prepared by Diperksa Oleh/Reviewed by Disetujul Oleh Approved by ___Dikonfirmasi Oleh / Contrimed by SWRI KUSUMANINGATI LITO M. ELWARIN AFIN PT. NAMURA TEHNIK SEJAHTERA PURCHASE ORDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 00.0 DEFINITIONS Purchase Oeder mean the ageement entered into between the UYER and he SELER Price mean the price payable tothe SELLE as specified inthe Purchase Order Product mean all the commedites, raw materi, machinery and ‘aulomen, and/or other materials that the SELER required to supply tthe BUYER under te Prchase Order Spectieations mean the codes, standards, tecnica specications and design data required to make the Product 01.0 PRICE AND TAX Al prices quoted are frm, Fed and nt subject to ay revision or ‘range as stated onthe face ofthe Purchase Order, are nat subject 1 theres any specication changes within the Purchase Order, the SELLER shal quote a rew pice tthe BUYER with prorated pice Frie are exude VAT cept otherwise agreed, the Pie sal include ll tones, levies, ‘ats, duties and other charges imposed inside SELLERs country on the production, manufacture, sale and tansport of the Product der this Purchase Order and SELLER shall be able to pay such 02.0 DELIVERY TERMS AND LOCATION ‘xwork Warehouse Namura + Delivery 22 days after recelved order + Partial delvery alowed 03.0 PAYMENT TERMS 30 % payable by Telegraphic Transfer after received ‘order and against complying presentation of document 41, Original involee 2 Copies 2, Taxinvoiees 2 Copies 3. Signed Copy of Purchase Order 70 % payable by Telegraphic Transfer before delivery against complying presentation of document: ‘SYARAT DAN KETENTUAN PEMESANAN PEMBELIAN 00.0_DEFINISI Purchase Order adalah Kesepatatan yang khan antara PEMAELI dan PENIUAL, Marga adalah harga yang haras dbayaran kepada PENIUAL sebagnlmana dtentlan dalam Purchase Order. Produk aéalan semua komodtas, bahan baku, mesin dan feraatan, dan / atau bahan lain yang atus asedikan oleh PENJUAL kepada PENBELberdasatan Purchase Orde. Spesfiasi adalah todo, standar, spesiiasi tobris maupun

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