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Lesson plan

1. How was your holiday? How was it? What did you do? – emphasis on the past tense- introduce
the irregular verbs
2. It’s Monday morning. do you usually tell your friends about the way you spent the weekends?
Watch a video on youtube: task what did each child do at the weekend

After the children watch the video, they are asked if they could tell what each child did and
debate it.
3. They are shown different sequences encountered in the video. The children are asked to identify
the tense of the word in red. What does it mean?
The teacher projects an exercise that requires the Ch. to match the infinitive with the past form.
Sh 1- Encourages the Ch. to come up with examples of their own. As: I ate a lot last weekend.
4. the ch 2 are given a new worksheet in which they are asked to introduce the past tense of the
irregular verbs.

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