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Kinetic Architecture

Authors Name: Prof. Sharmila Ganguly

JBR College of Architecture
Hyderabad, India

Biography of Author
Born in Kolkata, India. Studied in South Point School, Kolkata. B. Arch (Hons.) from
Jadavpur University, Kolkata. M. Arch (Hons. with Gold Medal) in Environmental
Design from JNAFAU, Hyderabad. Worked in many companies in USA (Virginia), India
(Kolkata, Pune, Hyderabad). Taught in SVCA, Maestro SPA, VSAP, JBR College of
Architecture in Hyderabad.

I profusely thank my family, friends, and Professor Sunil Kumar for their constant
encouragement in my endeavor.

Kinetic Architecture

Kinetic architecture is a concept through which buildings are designed to allow parts
of the structure to move, without reducing overall structural integrity. A building's
capability for motion can be used just to enhance its aesthetic qualities, respond to
climate change, and perform functions that would be impossible for a static
structure to create energy efficiency. By incorporating motion into architecture,
designers give occupants another dimension to interact with their surroundings.
Architects can not only communicate motion but can also engage occupants in what
it means to have transition and morphing states of architecture. When done
properly, kinetic architecture can inspire, surprise, and even touch the soul. This
introduction to kinetic architecture highlights its purposes and benefits and provides
strategies for designing and constructing moving building elements that optimize
sustainability in architecture. A thorough understanding of kinetic systems that are
relevant to architecture and their usage is important because it enables architects to
think about the major aspects of kinetics and explore their potential for architectural
applications. In this context, the research presents a methodology for the definition
and classification of different terms, concepts, and approaches in kinetic
architecture. This article proposes an initial conceptual framework for the
exploration of the sustainable engaging attributes of kinetic architectural structures.

Keywords: motion, respond to climate change, create energy efficiency.

Word Count : 5076

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction of the Problem with its Background

Kinetic architecture, which moves or changes to adapt to seasonal, functional or

daylight requirements, has roots dating back to medieval times. The futurists and
constructivists of the Russian art movement of the early 20th century explored
kinetics by infusing their proposals with notions of highly mechanized, sleek,
modern, industrial construction. Tuning the building to respond to seasonal climatic
conditions is an old strategy, perfected in many buildings from the 1890s to the
1930s, constructed before the mass adoption of air-conditioning.

Nicholas Negroponte coined the term “Responsive architecture” in the mid-

seventies when spatial design problems were beginning to be explored through
digital technologies. In recent examples, responsive and kinetic architectural design
can primarily be found in building envelopes or skins. These approaches to designing
architectural skins comprise the adoption of kinetic mechanisms for environmental
adaptation and responsiveness. William Zuk and Roger H. Clark introduced the term
“Kinetic architecture” in the early seventies when dynamic spatial design problems
were explored in mechanical systems.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

• A thorough understanding of kinetic systems that is relevant to architecture

and their usage, because it enables architects to think about the major
aspects of kinetics and explore their potential for architectural applications.
• To develop a framework of design strategies to identify different kinetic
phases based on the main issues concerning the design, construction, energy
efficiency, sustainability, and maintenance.

2. Literature Review
What Is Kinetic Architecture?
• Design of building which change /move/mobility/geometry movement
according to climate, need or purpose.
• Modern design concept in architecture + add complex components
Kinetic, dynamic, and responsive facades have a common factor that is the
regulation of energy as part of overarching sustainable strategies. A moving facade
becomes another device to alter the interior environment of a building and make
occupants feel more comfortable.

3. Methodology
The research presents a methodology for the definition and classification of different
terms, concepts, and approaches in Kinetic Architecture and explores the
approaches that innovative architects, engineers, and consultants have taken with
Kinetic Architecture which modulate the internal environment of building, through
data collection, case studies followed by analysis and inferences.

4. Findings
4.1.1 Responsive Facades
Facades with the ability to respond to their environment by either typological
change of material properties alter the overall form or local alteration by regulating
their energy consumption to reflect the environmental condition that surrounds it.
Responsive facades actively adapt their behaviour over time in response to changing
environmental conditions and performance requirements The term responsive in
architecture has been described as the ability of artificial and natural systems to
adapt to varying environmental conditions. The term responsive is used to describe
the interaction between external environmental conditions and facades systems.

4.1.2 Adaptive Shading

The term façade traditionally describes the vertical plane of the construction, while
the term envelope, recently widespread, refers more generally to the total building
enclosure. The expression building skin initially underlines the distinction between
the cladding and the structural part but has more recently been associated with
conceiving the envelope as an intelligent environmental system able to exchange
energy, material, and information. To reinforce this tendency Wigginton and Harris
in their book Intelligent Skins state “the skin operates as a part of holistic building
metabolism and morphology and will often be connected to other parts of the
building, including sensors, actuators and command wires from the building
management system”.

4.1.3 Kinematic Approaches Towards Adaptability

The efficiency of sun shading device is related to the solar altitude angle and varies
over the course of the day and year. Therefore, adaptive systems appear more
suitable than fixed ones since they can be adjusted in relation to the changing of
solar radiation, allowing individual control, optimal shading, and maximization of
daylight use.
It appears that adaptive shading systems may have a significant influence on the
climatic performance of a building although they are not yet widely applied.
Modern building facades with their complex geometries, pose geometrical and
mechanical limits to the shading systems design.

Shading devices like blinds, shutters, and louvers, are usually marketed as
standardized components. The mechanics of these elements are based on a modular
grid; the system is restricted to planar surfaces with orthogonal axes and right

4.2 Elastic Materials For Kinetic And Responsive Architecture

Elastomers based mechanisms:
§ Harnessing elastomer properties for constructing simple mechanisms like
hinges, rotating arms and nets that could become an alternative toolkit for
architectural robotics

Elastomers based Architectural Components:

§ Walls, ceilings, dividers, screens etc. are architectural components that can
be deployed in existing architecture to increase flexibility in the use of
existing space.
§ Elastomer based constructions like Open Columns and Gravity Screens
demonstrate the feasibility of urethane elastomers to perform at this scale.

Elasticity as computation:
§ Elasticity lays the case for reconsidering analog computational systems that
include biological and chemical processes as controllers.

Expanding the repertoire of elastic materiality in architecture:

§ While elastomers are a special case of elastic materials there are other
materials like fibers that can offer greater control on elastic performance.

4.3.1 Principles Of Movement

The following examination offers a systematic breakdown of aspects and parameters
that inform the good design of movable architecture:

Time is always accompanied movement and material, if the place has three
dimensions, the dimension of time is one to forward, and if the place expresses

about the spread of things existing together, then time refers to the relay existence
of phenomena.

Physics and balance

Mechanics is a science, which follows physics, and it is one of extensive sciences
dealing with movement of objects and their causes. A branch of Mechanics is
“Dynamics”, which deals with objects under effect of forces, which often follows
statics study.

Speed and acceleration

A part of movement is the speed at which movement takes place. Without speed, or
a change between two different states there is no movement. Movement results
from a change in position from a stationary condition via acceleration and
deceleration to a new stationary condition.
Form and serial repetition
Specific forms characterize moving things. But the definition of form is more
complex than with static objects as its form changes with movement. The serial
repetition of movable building elements is very common in architecture. The way in
which elements are coupled in series can have a great effect on the overall
appearance. About the external appearance, one can differentiate between two
different design strategies: choreographed movement follows a predetermined plan
while individual movement means that kinetic element can be moved entirely

Mass and weight

Large masses are more difficult to set in motion as well as to halt once moving. As
ever in architecture, the mass of an element needs to be considered both in terms of
construction as well as design. For architects, the need to consider the implications
of mass in the design of moving architectural elements is comparatively new. The
perceived weight of an element has important implications for its formal
appearance, more so when the constructions, or parts thereof, are intended to be

Complexity and Scale

Complex temporal and spatial sequences in the transformation of an object can also
be used as a means of design. Movement has been and will continue to be
integrated into architecture at all scales and orders of magnitude. The scale of the
movable element - its order of magnitude in relation to the scale of the human being
- has a determining effect on the complexity: the technical realization of movement.
This applies equally to small-scale constructions that require high-precision
execution as well as to large-scale constructions, which have major implications for
the structural framework of rigid building elements, as well as for coordinating
construction work on site.

Mystery and interaction

Some movements generate interest precisely because one cannot see where they
come from or how they work. Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or

more objects influence one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the
concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect. A closely related term
is interconnectivity, which deals with the interactions of interactions within systems:
combinations of many simple interactions can lead to surprising emergent
phenomena. Interaction has different tailored meanings in various sciences. Changes
can also involve interaction.

4.3.2 Typologies of Actual movement in architecture

In architecture, rigid bodies are most common and are usually connected by hinged
joints to form movable elements. Elastic bodies are also employed in movable
elements at a small scale. At a larger scale, and therefore in a load bearing capacity,
the use of elastic bodies is relatively rare, except for flexible membrane structures.

Translation describes movement of a component in a consistent planar direction;

rotation allows movement of an object around any axis, while scaling describes
expansion or contraction in size. These are the basic building blocks of kinetics,
which are combined to produce more complex motion, such as a directional twist or

Considering that the movement is one of the branches of mechanical physics, the
typologies of actual movement in architecture can be divided into five types:
1. The movement of rigid architectural elements.
2. The movement of deformable architectural elements.
3. The movement of soft and flexible architectural elements.
4. The movement of elastic architectural elements.
5. Pneumatic forms.

The movement of rigid architectural elements

Mechanical movements can always be reduced to basic types of movement:
Rotation, Translation, and a combination of the two. This classification is used
regardless of where the hinge or joint is located and without considering gravity

The movement of deformable architectural elements

Deformable architectural elements play an important role in small-scale movements
and in the flexible transformation of larger surfaces. Depending on the specific
material properties and combinations of the materials used one differentiates
between soft and flexible bodies and elastic bodies.

The movement of soft and flexible architectural elements

Flexible architectural elements can change shape permanently when external forces
are applied without losing their overall formal consistency. Soft and flexible
architectural elements can be divided into two types: Linear and Flat elements.
Linear examples include fibers, cords, or ropes; flat examples include textiles and
woven or knitted fabrics. Elastic materials are used extensively in architecture, most
commonly in the form of textiles.

The movement of elastic architectural elements

In contrast to flexible or supple materials, elastic materials can regain their original
form after deformation without the need for additional external force. In theory,
elastic materials offer a variety of architectural applications, however most elastic
materials are not available on the market at the necessary size, durability, or visual
quality. The use of this group of materials is therefore restricted to small-scale
elements and less design related functions, for example steel springs or rubber

Pneumatic forms
Flat deformable materials can be transformed into three-dimensional objects by
inflating them under pressure. As with air balloons, pneumatic constructions are
rarely able to oscillate elastically between two different forms of expansion but
instead change between two different defined states: inflated and deflated.

4.3.3 Actual Movable Architectural Components

Actual movable architecture consists of several interrelated elements and dynamic
transition structures, and consists of: Structure, Connections, Actuators, Materials
and Control systems.

Movable structure
In the evolution from static to dynamic, movable structures became lighter and
became more dynamic, active, and less limited. There are six types of movable

• Convertible structures: Which can change both their form and mode of
• Compact convertible cantilevers: Where the transformation of a beam from a
compact state to an extended state can be considered as a cantilever.
• Flexible convertible cantilevers: Where systems do not have to be mobile and
where their construction may also hinder accessibility, it may be necessary to
develop a cantilever system that is itself flexible.
• Flexible and compact cantilevers: A compact and simultaneously flexible
construction is achieved by combining the scissor extension principle with
telescopic elements, while stabilizing the structural system using a truss like
geometric frame. Example: the mobile bridges.
• Movable bridge structures: Moving bridge structures are a further example
how the cantilever principle is employed for many different types of
construction. This is the case, for example, with swing bridges and bascule
• Movable roof structures: Have been increasingly used since the 1970s as
temporary weather protection in the form of roofing for stadiums or
swimming pools.

4.3.4 Movable connections

To facilitate movable connections between two-load bearing elements, independent
components, bearings, or hinges are required. One differentiates between hinged
connections that can accommodate rotation or translation, as well as a combination

of both movements, which can allow up to five degrees of freedom. Depending on

the construction of the hinge, the maximum degree of movement can be artificially
restricted using constraints.

“Actuator” is a device that moves the system, which is supplied with a power source
that is usually electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic power and turns it into movement.
It is the last part in a series of controls and is responsible for the movement of the
body in accordance with the orders given by the control system. There are actuators,
which depend on pressure such as hydraulic pistons that are pressurized fluid or
pneumatic muscles, which produce linear movement.

4.4 Kinetic Facades

The application of kinetic facades is not a new concept for reducing the energy
demand of lighting and space air conditioning. According to the International Energy
Agency of Energy conservation in Building and community systems (IEA-ECBCS, 2011)
kinetic facades are put forward as a “necessary step towards further energy
efficiency improvements in built environments” (ECBCS - Annex 44 - Integrating
Environmentally Responsive Elements in Buildings, 2011).

Four stages of designing elastic modular systems are:

• Skeleton - The first stage of the design requires modular components of
skeleton to be sketched, modeled, and fabricated. They are represented in
the form of parametric digital and physical modules (tetrahedral) as part of
experimentation process.
• Skin - The second stage investigates accessible elastic and form changing
materials such as silicone rubber, nylon coated stainless steel string and
SMAs (shape memory alloys) for physical implementation.
• Transformation - The third stage focuses on the new possibilities of the
elastic and form-changing materials to emulate simple transformable
mechanisms like joints, actuators and hinges that could become an
alternative toolkit to conventional mechanical components.
• Adaptability - The last stage of the system discusses the adaptability of
models in order to achieve morphing skins that display elastic properties,
able to respond to digital and physical stimuli, and facilitate a feedback loop
to the system.

4.5 General Kinetic Typologies In Architecture

Kinetic structures in architecture are classified into three types:
Embedded Kinetic Structures
These systems exist within a larger architectural whole in affixed location. Primary
function: To control the larger architectural system or building in response to
changing factors. Changes brought by both humans and environmental may include
axial, torsion, flexural, instability and vibration and sound.

Deployable Kinetic Structures

They exist in a temporary location and are easily transportable. Such systems
possess the inherent capabilities to be constructed and deconstructed.
Applications: travelling exhibits, pavilions, and self-assembling shelters in disaster

Dynamic Kinetic Structures

These systems act independently with respect to the architectural whole.
Applications: louvers, doors, partitions, ceilings, walls, and various modular

Figure 1: General kinetic typologies (embedded, deployable, dynamic) ( Source: Ozge Zenter, Tayfun
Yildirim. Proposal of bio-inspired kinetic mechanisms utilization for providing functional flexibility in
architectural design, from

4.6 Materials
The form of materials and their proportions are used in serving the idea of the
movement (agile materials such as steel or interactive as smart materials), and
impact of materials related directly to dynamics of structure system; the more
flexible, lightweight materials are used, modulation flexibility increased and the link
between the structural elements increases and continues which gives the
opportunity to create sophisticated applications for the dynamic equilibrium.
The following section provides an overview of the technological possibilities of
material development and the available material for lightweight, flexible
applications, for movable components. This classification is according to the nature
of the materials’ composition:
1. Metals: are frequently used in engineering applications because of its multiple
mechanical properties, such as Ductility, High Strength, Hardness. It is divided into
two types as follows:
a. Ferrous: such as Steel and Stainless Steel is also appropriate for the purposes of
construction in addition to its resistance to rust.
b. Non-Ferrous: such as Aluminum, Copper, and Zinc.
2. Polymers: Plastics are more versatile, lighter, softer, more durable, more colorful,
and cheaper than any other materials. In terms of their physical constitution,
polymers can be divided into three groups:
a. Thermoplastics: become formable at a particular temperature range.
b. Elastomers: have a predefined shape but can deform elastically. Under tension or
compression, they change shape elastically; returning to their original shape after
pressure is released.
c. Thermosetting plastics: once hardened can no longer be shaped. Thermosets are

hard, glass-like polymers. Characterized by the presence of chemical bonds between

its constituent chains therefore cannot be converted to liquid state and thus cannot
be recyclable, such as epoxy resins, which enters in the manufacture of some
composite materials.
3. Natural Materials: Strips of natural materials such as bamboo, cotton, paper or
leather can be woven into fabrics with deferent degrees of transparency and are
particular suitable for use in interiors.
4. Carbon fiber: Carbon in the form of diamonds or lonsdaleite (a stone formed by
meteorite impact) is the hardest naturally occurring material known to man.

4.7 Control Mechanisms

Internal control
These systems possess potential for mechanical movement in constructional sense,
yet they do not have any direct control device or mechanism. These systems have
inherent constructional rotations and sliding constraints.

Direct control
Movement is activated directly by any one of the numerous energy sources including
motors, human energy, or biomechanical change in response to environmental

Indirect Control System

Movement is activated indirectly via a sensor feedback system. The basic system for
control begins with an outside input to a sensor.

Responsive Indirect Control

Like in-direct control system, but the device might make decisions based on input
from numerous sensors and send optimized decision to the energy source to activate
the system.

Indirect control by multi-input

The process and motion control is a result of a number of input devices through a
combination of sensors that can receive data from various sources to take the
optimum decision to move one element.

Indirect Control, Intelligent and Heuristic

In this case the system has the learning viability to choose the style of its own
motion, where to learn from previous experiences to try to find the best solutions
and decisions.

4.8.1 Case Study 1

Moving Landscapes


Figure 2: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo Associates, from

Location: Ahmedabad, India

Building Type: Residential
Designed by: Gurjit Singh Matharoo, Matharoo Associates
Date of construction: 2012
Area : 1900 sq.m
Number of floors: 2


Figure 3: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo Associates, from

Sustainable Features
The plan of the house is interpreted as a linear pavilion, ensuring that every space in
the house is lined with glass on the facing sides – the first enclosure. The rest of the


structure is i200mm thin walls in concrete, eliminating the need for any beams and
columns and making for cleanest interior volumes. Additionally, this saves
constructed dead space by about 3% and for the 18,000 total covered area, this
equals to 540 sq.ft or the size of an average sized room. Resonating with the
harshest aspects of nature, in motion, the walls intermingle with the glass inside and
the wild landscape outside, the third enclosure, to sometimes allow a glimpse of the
outdoors, sometimes reflect it and sometimes reflecting themselves.

The architects chose to create these panels using a polished yellow marble
called Bidaser. Lights are machined out of alabaster stone providing for the most
natural ambience. Lights and water under the moving walls light the water to make
the heavy stones appear floating on water.

Sliding and spinning walls animate facade of house. At the touch of a button, the
chunky marble walls that surround this house divide up into spinning and sliding
panels, revealing a more lightweight glass facade behind.

Figure 4: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo Associates, from

The house transforms from an "impregnable shell" into a glass pavilion,

allowing residents to vary the amount of light, ventilation and privacy in their home.
On some walls, two tiers of panels pivot in alternate directions, while other walls
feature panels that slide back and forth. The motorised systems and supporting
structures are all concealed, heightening the effect.


This layer of stone panels helps create a buffer between the inside and the outside,
protecting the inner layer shell of concrete and glass from intense sun light and 45-
degree heat, thereby reducing the total heat gain on the air-conditioning. Moreover,
this space doubles up as passages, verandahs, entrance vestibule and circulation
space, and as protection from rain, eliminating the need for air-conditioning in
8000sq.ft out of a total of 18000 habitable spaces. This saving is substituted with
enhanced living and direct contact with nature in what we term as energy efficient
Resonating with the harshest aspects of nature, in motion, these walls intermingle
with the glass inside and the wild landscape outside, the third enclosure, to
sometimes allow a glimpse of the outdoors, sometimes reflect it and sometimes
reflecting themselves. It is in this layering of space and screen, the houses’ entire
envelope becomes an interface to mediate between the artifice of the inside and
verdant site outside.

4.8.2 Case Study 2

SDU– Campus Kolding

Figure 5: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Location: Universitetsparken 1, 6000 Kolding, Southern Denmark

Building Type: Educational
Designed by: Henning Larsen Architects
Date of construction: 2014
Area :13700 sq.m
Number of floors: 6


Figure 6: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from


Figure 7: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Sustainable Features
Architect aimed to set a benchmark for green design with this university building
featuring a climate-responsive kinetic facade and a triangular form. According to the
architects, the building is also the first to meet the stringent energy targets of
Denmark's 2015 building codes.

The mechanical facade is in fact a form of dynamic solar shading, comprising of 1600
sensor-controlled perforated aluminum shutters, which adjust to changing daylight
and heat levels, and the behaviour of users inside, to create a comfortable working
environment. Sensors monitor heat and light levels around the building, allowing the
facade panels to shift from open to half-open to fully open. Even when fully closed, a
controlled amount of natural light can shine through a custom pattern of round
holes, some of which are linked to create amoeba-like openings.

The aim was to create a building that changes throughout the year, becoming more
open in the wintertime, when there is less daylight, or more closed in late spring,
when the sun is low, or at other problematic times of year, in terms of solar control.
This reduces the heat load on the building, cutting the cooling requirement and
energy consumption.

Sensors positioned around the building monitor internal heat and light levels and
feed the data into a central building management system. The BMS triggers small
electric motors, hidden at the base of each shutter, or between pairs of adjacent
shutters, moving them to fully open, closed or positions in between.
Although the shutters are controlled by electric motors, energy consumption is
minimal as they move gradually and remains in one position for several hours at a


Figure 8: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

A few shutters on the plaza elevation form part of an artwork by German artist
Tobias Rehberger, themed on time and emphasizing the building’s dynamic, seasonal
nature. Shutters in three colours close or open to indicate 1 minute, 10 minute or
60-minute intervals, making it possible to work out the time of day. Each of the
shutters is either fully movable to an angle of 0-90˚, or fixed at a 30˚, 60˚ or 90˚
angle, depending on location. Shutters on the south and northeast elevations are
moveable except for those that offer shading to the toilets, two staircases and in
front of terraces, where they are fixed to either 30˚ or 60˚. Fewer shutters are
installed on the northwest elevation, which has a lower heat load and is used less in
the evenings.

Efficient LED lighting is used throughout, while photovoltaic and solar-heating panels
dramatically reduce the amount of energy taken from the grid. The energy demand
is reduced by 50 per cent compared to similar buildings of the same typology in
Denmark through passive design measures and the implementation of efficient and
intelligent systems.

The sustainability strategy has not just minimized the building's energy requirement
for lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation, but also the work of optimizing the
building's passive characteristics, so that its form and structure solve some of the
tasks that would otherwise require energy-intensive technology. This has resulted in
energy consumption of just 48 kWh/m²/year, equivalent to 20-25 percent of similar
buildings' consumption. This makes Campus Kolding Denmark's – and one of the
world's – first low-energy universities.


4.8.3 Case Study 3

Qizhong Stadium, China

Figure 9: Qizhong Stadium ( Source:, from


Location: Shanghai Qizhong Forest Sports Tennis Center, Minhang District, Shanghai,
People's Republic of China
Building Type: Sports Stadium
Designed by: Mitsuru Senda + Environment Design Institute
Date of construction: Built: 2003 Opened: October 5, 2005
Area : 30,649 sq.m
Building cost: 200 million
Capacity: 15000
Height: 40 m
Number of floors: 4
Client: The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Construction and Administration, and
Qi Zhong Group Company

Sustainable Features
The international sport event center located on an 80-hectare area includes
residences for athletes and facilities for other sports and is designed as an adaptable
multipurpose structure to basketball games, Ping-Pong, volleyball, or gymnastics. It
is aimed to realize the city's development into movable roof system for the main
stadium in this sports center, which is introduced for sports stadiums for the first
time in China and world.

The architect was inspired by the national flower of Shanghai, the magnolia, Paeonia
suffruticosa. As magnolia blossoms are known with their ability to open and close
their petals in response to weather condition as well as season, the stadium was
designed to respond to weather conditions by acting like a flower allowing it to open


and close its roof. The roof enables the stadium to host both indoor and outdoor
tennis events. As the weather in Shanghai varies between many rains and strong
sunshine, a roof system for the stadium was necessary.

The roof opens like flowering. When the roof opens, many sunshades are given
around the stadium. It will offer comfortable environments like shades given by trees
for people gathering inside and outside of the stadium. The dynamic roof system is
installed to respond to changing weather conditions. When the weather is sunny, the
roof petals are opened providing sunshades all around the stadium. On the other
hand, when the weather is rainy, roof petals are set to close. Also, this dynamic roof
system is used to control the internal temperature of the stadium. When the roof
petals are opened, they help drawing cool air from the outside down to the seating
area. On the other hand, when the petals are closed, the stadium is kept warm by re-
circulating the warm air that rises and ducting it back to under the seats.

Figure 10: Kinetic Roof System ( Source:, from

The roof takes eight minutes to completely open or close. The movable roof of the
main stadium consists of eight petals and each petal turns around on one fulcrum at
the same time. Under the petals, there is a round truss, which has an inverted
triangle section, and it supports petals. Each petal can move by one fulcrum and
three rails, and the total consists of cantilever beam. It brings ability of enough
strength into full play even wind blowing during Typhoon.

Figure 11: Kinetic Roof System ( Source: Ozge Zenter, Tayfun Yildirim. Proposal of bio-inspired kinetic
mechanisms utilization for providing functional flexibility in architectural design, from

Structural Innovation & Materials Advancement
The tension ring structure was used for the stadium that creates strong and reliable
Colosseum-shape. Each of the moveable petals is a steel cantilever structure system.
Each petal was constructed on the ground before hand and tested, then raised to
the roof. Structural System Used Materials Steel, glass and aluminum were used in


the stadium, while 15050 m2 of aluminum sheets were used for the construction of
the moveable roof petals.

Embedded Computation / Control Mechanism

Although the moveable roof is extremely simple, the movement system is the first
time in the world to be used. Each of the eight moveable roof petals moves and
turns around on one fulcrum, all at the same time. Under each petal, a round truss
with an inverted triangle section is located supporting the petal. Each moveable
petal can move by one fulcrum and three rails. This mechanical system allows the
roof to be opened in 8 minutes.

Figure 12: Deformation of roof ( Source: ResearchGate, from

Indoor Environment Quality

The design of the stadium added a sense of unity between players and spectators.
Also, the dynamic roof created a comfortable environment for both players and
spectators. Moreover, this dynamic roof makes it possible to host different events
and activities.

Building Visual Quality

The kinetic roof petals of the QiZhong Forest Sports City Tennis Centre don't only
create a landmark for Shanghai, but they also create an efficient building altogether.
At night, when the tennis center is lighted up, it glows and radiates light in all


5. Discussions

Project Type of Date of Sustainability

Details Building Construction
Moving Residential 2012 Marble cladded thin concrete walls
Landscape, open and close according to
Ahmedabad, temperature variation thus keeping the
India interiors cool with optimum thermal
comfort for users in hot summer and
opening to outside landscape in
comfortable weather.
SDU Campus Educational 2014 Perforated triangular aluminium
Kolding, sunscreens move throughout the day
Denmark through sensors to control light and
heat, thus reducing heat load in
building during summer and cutting
cooling requirement. Exposed concrete
surface helps in thermal heat gain in
winter. Solar heating panels and
aquifer thermal energy storage system
provide renewable heating and cooling
system respectively.
Qizhong Assembly 2005 Movable steel roof gives sunshade and
Stadium, extreme weather protection in inside
China and outside as per requirement.
Control internal temperature of the
stadium in hot and cold climate.
Table 1: Comparative Analysis of The Desktop Studies (Source : Survey by Author)

6. Conclusion & Recommendations

It is an innovative approach to study the functioning of various components of
Kinetic Architecture in building design and to study the outcome in terms of energy
efficiency of the building. It also shows how the kinetic facades respond with change
in external environment throughout the year and creates optimal thermal comfort
combined with aesthetic appeal for the end users. These solutions can be adapted to
the widest variety of projects, because of its applied nature. It can be applied to
sunshades, light shelves, security devices, privacy elements, freestanding sculptures,
and wind blocks. As architects are increasingly realizing, kinetic facades can be a
powerful tool to approach the age-old issues of architecture – beauty, sustainability,
comfort – in a bold, new, and technologically-driven way.

7. References

1. Engy Mamdouh, Youssef Elkhayat. Interactive Movement In Kinetic

Architecture, from


2. Zeinab El Razaz. Sustainable vision of kinetic architecture, from

3. Adam Donovan. Nature and Kinetic Architecture: The Development of a New
Type of Transformable Structure for Temporary Applications, from

4. Russel Fortmeyer, Charles Linn. Kinetic Architecture Designs for Active
Envelopes, from

5. Omar Khan. Elasticity- the case for elastic materials for kinetic and responsive
architecture, from
6. Eric Reinholdt. Design Workshop: Kinetic Architecture, from

7. Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo Associates, from

8. Dezeen Magazine, from

9. Naglaa Ali Megahed. Understanding kinetic architecture: typology,

classification, and design strategy, from

10.Ozge Zenter, Tayfun Yildirim. Proposal of bio-inspired kinetic mechanisms

utilization for providing functional flexibility in architectural design, from

11., from

12. ResearchGate, from

13., 4 Kinetic Architecture, from

8. Copyrights


Copyright for this article is retained by the author, with first publication rights
granted to the journal.

9. Illustrations and Tables

(A) Illustrations

Figure 1: General kinetic typologies (embedded, deployable, dynamic) ( Source: Ozge
Zenter, Tayfun Yildirim. Proposal of bio-inspired kinetic mechanisms utilization for
providing functional flexibility in architectural design, from

Figure 2: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo

Associates, from

Figure 3: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo

Associates, from

Figure 4: Moving Landscapes (Source: Arch Daily: Moving Landscape – Matharoo

Associates, from

Figure 5: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Figure 6: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Figure 7: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Figure 8: SDU-Campus Kolding (Source: Dezeen Magazine, from

Figure 9: Qizhong Stadium ( Source:, from

Figure 10: Kinetic Roof System ( Source:, from


Figure 11: Kinetic Roof System ( Source: Ozge Zenter, Tayfun Yildirim. Proposal of
bio-inspired kinetic mechanisms utilization for providing functional flexibility in
architectural design, from

Figure 12: Deformation of roof ( Source: ResearchGate, from

(B) Tables
Table 1: Comparative Analysis of The Desktop Studies (Source : Survey by Author)


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