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Private Peaceful Chapter by Chapter Questions

Five Past Ten

1) What does it mean when Tommo says his ‘heart is heavy’?

2) Where are the boys going? Why is it an important occasion?

3) Why does the narrator, Thomas Peaceful, change tense when talking about his father’s death?

4) How does Charlie make Tommo feel on his first day of school?

5) How would you describe Mr Munnings, using your own words?

Extension Question:

Do you think Tommo did kill his father? Should he feel guilty? Explain your reasoning below.

Answers: Five Past Ten
1) Sad, miserable, unhappy.

2) School – Tommo’s first day.

3) It had happened in the past.

4) Comforted, reassured, supported.

5) Large/plump/fearsome/strict.

Extension Question:

Any exploration of the fact that Tommo was a child; he should not feel guilty; it was an accident, etc.


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