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Private Peaceful Chapter by Chapter Questions

Nearly Quarter Past Eleven

1) What song did they sing after they had eaten blackberries at the mouse’s funeral?

2) What does Grandma Wolf mean by ‘proper people’?

3) Why couldn’t Big Joe tell Grandma Wolf about Molly’s present?

4) Do you think Grandma Wolf treats Big Joe fairly? Give a reason.

5) Why did Grandma Wolf have to leave?

Extension Question:

How do we know that Tommo is beginning to feel left out? Choose quotations to support
your response.

Answers: Nearly Quarter Past Eleven
1) ‘Oranges and Lemons’

2) God-fearing/strict/well-mannered.

3) It was a mouse and she would kill it.

4) No; she has no understanding of his needs and doesn’t understand relationships with animals.

5) Colonel’s wife died. She became housekeeper for him.

Extension Question:

Many answers are suitable but could include:

• feeling left out;

• whining;

• Molly and Charlie becoming a pair;

• they run ahead of him;

• he feels miserable;

• a range of quotations can be used to support these points.


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