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CE 141-2 Q1-A

1. The storage in a reach of a river is 15 acre-ft at a given time. Determine the storage in acre-ft
after 2 hrs if the average rates of inflow and outflow during the 1st hr are 700 cfs and 630 cfs; 2nd
hr are 630 cfs and 670 cfs, respectively.
2. A catchment has a four raingauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfall recorded by the gauges
are as follows:
Station A B C D
Rainfall(cm) 102.9 180.3 110.3 136.7
a.) Determine the standard error in the estimation of mean rainfall in the existing set
b.) For a 10% error in estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the optimum numbers of
raingauge stations in the catchment.
3. The watershed of a stream has 3 rain gauge stations inside the basin. When Thiessen Polygons
were constructed three more stations lying outside the watershed were found to have
weightages. The details of Thiessen Polygons surroundings each raingauges in the month of
June 2015 are given below:
Raingauge Station A B C D E F
Thiessen Polygon Area (Km² ) 720 1380 1440 1040 419 1456
Recorded Rainfall (mm.) 153 145 137 128 99 101
During June 2015
Stations B, D, and E are outside the watershed. Determine the average depth of rainfall on
watershed in June 2015 by
a.) Arithmetic Mean Method
b.) Thiessen Mean method.
4. The mass curve of rainfall in a storm of total duration 90 minutes is given below.
Time (minutes) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Cumulative 0 2.1 6.3 14.5 21.7 27.9 33 35.1 36.2 37.0
a.) Draw the hyetograph of the storm at 10 minutes time step.
b.) Plot the maximum intensity-duration curve for this storm.
c.) Plot the maximum depth-duration curve for the storm.

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