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I1 Energy on the move Homework

1 Look at the pictures below. All the objects are transferring
energy. They are designed to transfer the energy mainly as
movement (kinetic) energy, light energy, sound energy or
heat energy.


light bulb Bunsen burner bicycle

a Which objects transfer the energy mainly as kinetic
b Which object transfers the energy mainly as both sound
and light energy?
c Copy and complete the sentences below.
i A Bunsen burner transfers energy mainly as
energy, but it also transfers some as
light energy.
ii When a handbell rings, kinetic energy is transferred
to energy.

2 Copy and complete these sentences about types of energy,
using the words below.
kinetic sound electrical thermal

In a loudspeaker, energy transfers along the connecting

wires as energy and out of the
as energy. When a drummer hits his drum
kit, energy in his sticks is transferred to
energy coming from the drum. In between,

© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1

This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
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I1 Energy on the move Homework

the drumskin transfers energy.

© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1

This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
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I1 Energy on the move (continued) Homework

3 Look at the diagrams at the start of question 1.

a When a car is moving, in what form is energy
transferred from the engine to the wheels?
b i In what form is energy transferred into a TV?
ii In what forms is energy transferred out of a TV?
iii Some energy is also wasted, which warms up the
parts inside the TV. In what form is this energy
c Give another term for heat energy.

4 Copy and complete the energy transfer diagrams below by
labelling the arrows.

electrical energy
electric drill
movement energy
alarm clock

energy transferred in (you decide

how many
arrows to
from the gas draw)
gas cooker
electrical energy

© Harcourt Education Ltd 2003 Catalyst 1

This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.
Sheet 2 of 2

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