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Semester Genap VerifikasiKa Prodi:

UTA’45 Tahun Akademik2022/2023

Ujian Tengah Semester UjianAkhir Semester UjianSusulan

Kode MK : SifatUjian : TutupBuku

Mata Kuliah : English for Pre Intermediate Kalkulator : Ya/Tidak

Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 25 Mei 2022 Kamus : Ya/Tidak

Jam : ( 120 menit)

Ruang :

Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris

DosenPengajar : Riagus, M.Pd. Tandatangan

A. Complete the sentences through the audio. Click the link and listen it carefully.
(25 points) TjfOpCLkPz1AEaP/view?

A company in 1. says that it can now 2. your cat. "Actually," said Felix Lee,
President of Twice Is 3. "you don't even have to wait until your beloved cat dies.
We already have 4. whose clone lives with 5. ."

The price is steep. A clone of your cat will cost 6. . First, your 7. must do
a 8. of your cat. This is sent to TwIN, Inc., where it is 9, to grow fresh new
cells. These new cells are stored in 10. until you notify TwIN, Inc., that you are
ready for the clone. At this time, you pay half the amount ($25,000). A cultured cell is
11. into a female cat that is in estrus, and if all 12. well, a kitten is born
about 60 days later. The new kitten is 13. about eight weeks. TwIN, Inc.
14. the kitten to you after it receives 15. $25,000.

"We are 16. company," said Lee. "Our 17. can 18. about 19.
births a year now, but our goal is to 20. about 21. and 50 puppies a
year." The company is currently 22. with stray dogs. Some 23. seem to be
perfect, but some have been bizarre. 24, , Lee believes that they will be
25. cloning dogs in about a year.

B. Answer the questions based on the articles. (10 Points)

The text below is for questions 26 to 27

In the middle of a bright day, I had an appointment with my friend for lunch. I drove along
the main road at reasonable speed.

About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement
suddenly ran across the road in front of my car. I was so surprised that I braked as hard as I
could. I really panicked and I had to swerve to avoid the pedestrian. I crashed into a car
which was parked by the side of the road.

Fortunately, the pedestrian was not injured, but I had a bad cut on my face because my
head hit the wind screen. I did not wear my seat belt.
Then, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital where I had to have five stitches
and rested for a few hours. There was a lot of damage to my car; the wind screen was
broken and the bodywork was badly damaged. Later, I was interviewed by the police at the

26. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

27. While the writer was driving, suddenly …

28. From the text we can conclude that …

The text below is for questions 29 and 30

It was early Sunday morning. The alarm in my cell phone rang. My sister and I planned to
wake up very early that day to make a surprise cake for mother’s birthday.

We walked to the kitchen and prepared all the ingredients. It was our first time at making a
birthday cake so we had to read the recipe on the Internet every time. We did everything in
silence because we did not want mother or father to wake up.

We mixed the ingredients into a batter and then put the batter in the oven. After baking for
several minutes, we took the cake from the oven. It was not very shapely, but it looked
delicious. We put it on an oval plate and put it on a small table near mother’s bedroom door,
hoping that mother saw it right after she opened the door. Then, we went to our bedroom.

Suddenly, we heard a sound “Prank!!!!!”. We ran out of our bedroom and were very
surprised. Our cat had stood on the table and the cake spread on the floor. We were
speechless, thinking that our hard effort was useless. Then, mother opened the door and
asked us what happened. We told her what happened and she smiled. She hugged us and
said thanks for the spoiled gift.

29. Why did the writer and her sister make the cake in silence?

30. What is the best title for the text above?

C. Fill in the blanks with the best answer. Use the words in the box! (20 points)

Member together unlike inothercollectrestthat

suchduring spanwhen laidoverlatter

The honey bee is a very unusual kind of insect. 31 other insects which live
alone, the honey bee lives as a 32 of a community. These bees live 33
in what is known as a bee colony.

The head of the colony is called the queen bee. She is larger than the 34 of the
bees. Her main task 35 the colony is to lay eggs. Most of the 36 bees
are the worker bees. These bees 37 nectar and pollen from flowers. The nectar
38 is carried by the worker bees is deposited on the hive and then converted
39 honey. The worker bees also help look 40 the young bees. as soon
as the eggs are 41 , the worker bees feed the young bees 42 _ pollen and
nectar. The third type of bee found in the colony is the drone or 43 bee. The
main task of 44 a bee is to mate with a new queen.

The queen bee has a life 45 of about three years. 46 this period, she
would have 47 more than half a million eggs. 48 the queen bee is
dying, a new queen would be groomed. This new queen would eventually take
49 the 'duties' of the old queen when the 50 dies.

D. Complete the sentences with the given adverbial clauses. "before, after, whenever, while,
until and as soon as". (20 points)

51. I went up to my room to drop off my bags I checked in.

52. I saw a stranded dolphin I was walking down the beach.
53. We had better wait here under the tree _the rain slows down a bit.
54. I promise, I will call you soon
we get there.
55. We'd better start our hike back to camp
it gets dark.
56. Don't forget to brush your teeth you go to sleep.
57. I will let you know I get any information about your promotion.
58. 8. Don't bother to call me
you have any problem.
59. You should pick up Daniel from
you finish your dinner.
60. I prefer to drive I have a chance to travel.
61. You can't go anywhere you finish your assignments.
62. I didn't know about the accident I talked to Sam.
63. I called the firefighters I saw the smoke coming from the forest.
64. I feel homesick I eat a homemade cake.
65. My hands begin to shake nervously I am angry.
66. Finish your homework dinner is ready.
67. I feel much better taking a shower.
68. Finish your homework going to bed.
69. The lights went out
I was trying to fix the computer.
70. We are not leaving anywhere
everything is sorted out.
E. Write Paragraphs descriptive essay about your best friend. You must use at least 500
words. (25 points)

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