Acid Remedies Homeopathy

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Acids derived from the mineral kingdom: (Mineral acids)

1. Arsenious acid
2. Flouric acid ( from distillation of fluorospar- calcium fluoride)
3. Muriatic acid
4. Nitric acid
5. Phosphoric acid
6. Silica or silicic acid
7. Sulphuric acid

Acids derived from vegetable kingdom ( Organic acids)

1. Acetic acid ( principal ingredient of vinegar)

2. Benzoic acid ( obtained by sublimation of gum resin)
3. Butyric acid ( acid obtained from butter)
4. Citric acid ( found in Oranges and lemons)
5. Hydrocyanic acid ( or prussic acid contained in great number of plants )
6. Lactic acid ( source sour milk)
7. Malic acid ( source apples, pears, raspberries )
8. Oxalic acid (source rhubarb )
9. Salicylic acid ( found in Spiraea blossoms&Gaultheria)

General features of acids (physiological and medicinal effects )

1. They decrease the acid secretions in the body and increase the alkaline secretions of the body.
For example; if a quantity of citric acid is taken into the stomach it will diminish the secretion of
gastric juice. On other hand it will increase the secretion of saliva which is alkaline in nature.

2. Antidotal and complimentary action to certain drugs. Example;

a) Vinegar retards the action of Belladonna, but lemonade aids the action of the remedy.
b) Antimonium crudum will not tolerate acids but you may use tamarind water.

3. Dyspepsia :
Vegetable acids are useful in dyspepsia.
Example; Allow the patient to drink lemonade before meals and we can find that the usual heart burn
and sour rising after eating are diminished. Some persons are greatly relieved by drinking sour milk (
Lactic acid). Muriatic acid and Hydrocyanic acid favor digestion. Some persons have been cured of
dyspepsia by eating peach kernels which contain these acids.

4. Antidote for intoxication.

Vinegar ( acetic acid) has been used as an antidote for intoxication.

5. Corrosive action:
Discharges are acrid and excoriating .
Example; Lactic acid: It will eat into every tissues of the body . It will dissolve enamel of teeth. Dr.
Hering was in the habit of recommending that the teeth be washed occasionally with milk cream that
had become sour by keeping 24 hours.

6. Weakness:
Mineral acids produce irritability of fiber with weakness and prostration.
Vegetable acids produce weakness without irritability.

7.They produce and check hemorrhages.

Example: Acetic acid, Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid, Arsenious acid.

8.They produce pseudo membranes:

Hence they are indicated in the treatment of diphtheria. Example: Muriatic acid, Phosphoric acid,
Sulphuric acid, and Nitric acid. So do not permit a child, convalescing from croup to partake of acid
fruits, because any one of these acids may tend to produce this disease again.

9.Debility resulting from defective nutrition especially blood disease, blood poisoning etc.
Example: Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid and Arsenious acid,

10. Useful for treatment of drunkards:

Example: Sulphuric acid.

11. Indicated in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.

Example: Phosphoric acid and Lactic acid.

12. Many of the acids are useful in the treatment of scurvy resulting from a diet of salty food with
deprivation of vegetables.

Common features of Acids in detail:

1. Antidotal action:
a) Acetic acid: antidote anesthetics and sausage – poisoning.
b) Muriatic acid: It is a powerful antidote to mercury and opium.
c) Nitric acid : Antidotes mercury ( after its abuse in syphilis) and kali iodide (in syphilis or non
syphilitic cases)
d) Sulphuricum acidum: Antidotes Lead poisoning.

2. Corrosive action:
a) Arsenicum album:   Fluent coryza which is corrosive, reddening the upper lip with burning.
b) Carbolic acid:   Foetid, acrid discharge from erosion of cervix. Irritating leucorrhoea causing
itching and burning.
c) Chromic acid:   Corrosive discharge from nose with ulceration scab.
d) Fluoricum acidum:  It acts on long bones causing necrosis and caries and favors the expulsion of
the necrosed part.   It produces acrid leucorrhoea.
e) Muriatic acid:  Coryza with thick yellow or serous and corrosive mucus.
f) Nitric acid :  Discharges are offensive, thin, excoriating. Discharge of  thick and corrosive mucus
from the nose.

3. Dyspepsia:
a) Acetic acid:
Burning in throat, nausea, retching and sour rising. This is found in cancer stomach. There are
gnawing ulcerative pains in stomach. Pain and burning in stomach. Profuse exhausting diarrhea with
colic pains and tenderness of abdomen. Insatiable burning thirst. Disgust for salted things and cold.
Cold drinks lie heavy. Vegetables except potatoes disagree.

b) Ars alb:
Cold food and drinks < stomach irritation. Complaint from drinking ice water and eating ices and
fruits. The lips are so dry and parched and cracked that the patient often licks them to moisten them.
Least food or drink causes distress or vomiting or stool or both together. Thirst for little and often.
Unquenchable thirst. Want of appetite. Colic pains in stomach, nausea, vomiting, and eructation
after a meal.

c) Benzoic acid:
Hiccough, pressure in stomach and eructation, weak digestion.

d) Butyric acid:
Poor appetite. Much gas in stomach and bowels. Stomach feels heavy and overloaded. Bowels

e) Carbolic acid:
Burning in mouth to stomach. Constant belching, nausea, vomiting, dark olive green in color. Painful
flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen. Fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and breath.

f) Flouric acid:
Frequent eructation and discharge of flatus, which gives relief. Nausea with lassitude. Fullness and
pressure in epigastrium – pressure as from weight in stomach between meals. Heat in stomach
before meal. Bilious vomiting after slight errors in diet with increased alvine discharges. Increased
thirst. Craves refreshing drinks. Tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions.

g) Gallic acid:
Appetite lessened with nausea. Faint, sick, gnawing sensation in bowels; extending to stomach with
an astringent taste in mouth . Pyrosis.

h) Hydrocyanic acid:
Anorexia, repugnance to food. Vomiting of a black liquid. Burning pain in stomach. Fluids enter
stomach with gurgling noise. Taste sweetish, fetid, acrid and irritating. Tongue coated white ,
afterwards dark and dingy. Hiccough and great prostration. Sudden cessation of all discharges -
cholera sicca.

i) Hippuric acid:
Acid rising. Soreness and pressure over liver.

j) Lactic acid:
Eructations of hot acrid fluid, which burns from stomach to throat which must be constantly hawked
up; < smoking tobacco. Constant nausea with waterbrash or vomiting persisting for days < on rising
in the morning; after breakfast. Tongue coated thick white or yellow coating with bad taste in the
morning. Increased salivation tasting salt.

k) Muriatic acid:
Putrid or bitter rising ; hiccough before and after dinner. Vomiting of bile at night with and eructation .
Sensation of emptiness in stomach as if it were retracted. Cannot bear the sight or thought of meat,
it is so distasteful.
l) Nitroso-muriaticum-acidum:
Evacuation of flatus and eructation. Food took longer to digest than usual. Sudden increase in
secretions of bile. Free, loose, yellowish, pappy stool after breakfast. Constipation, with desire for

m) Nitric acid:
loss of appetite. Milk is not digested. Bitter taste in mouth especially after eating. Complaint< while
eating. Dislike meat, and sugar. Vomiting from eating bread. Craving for fat food, earth, chalk, lime,
and herring. Waterbrash after drinking quickly. Borborygmus.

n) Oxalic acid:
Pain in stomach < by thinking the complaint, and > by eating. Eructation, nausea, rumbling in
abdomen, and urging for stool after eating. Eructation with hiccough. Unquenchable thirst. Morning
diarrhea. Pain in back > after stool. Diarrhea after coffee.

p) Phosphoric acid:
Aversion to coffee. Violent thirst for cold milk or for beer. Insatiable thirst excited by a sensation of
dryness in whole body. Pressure in stomach after a meal; with confusion of head , uneasiness,
fullness and disposition to sleep , or dejection as if about to faint. Nausea at sight of food. Sour
vomiting. Painless, fetid, yellowish diarrhea.

q) Picricum acidum:
Eructation ; empty, sour, of gas and ingesta. Waterbrash. Nausea on retiring . Weight in pit of
stomach with ineffectual desire to eructate. Jaundice.

r) Salicylicum acidum:
Nausea, gagging, waterbrash, frequent vomiting – erosions and ulcer in stomach and bowels.
Burning in epigastric region. Fermentative dyspepsia. Putrid belching. Constipated bowels. Cholera
infantum. Caused expulsion of tape worms.

s) Sarcolactic acidum:
Nausea. Uncontrollable vomiting even of water, followed by extreme weakness; especially in case of

t) Sulphuric acid:
vomiting in morning. Burning in chest and stomach. Sour, acid or foul eructation. Water is not
tolerated, unless qualified with alcohol it chills the stomach. Rumbling and borborygmi in abdomen.
After eating, pain in stomach and rising of food by mouthful. Lassitude and flatulence after drinking

u) Sulphurosum acidum:
Ulcerative stomatitis. Headache relieved by vomiting. Loss of appetite. Obstinate constipation.

v) Tannic acid:
Loss of appetite. Obstinate vomiting of bilious substance. Violent pain in stomach. Obstinate

w) Tartaricum acidum:
Pasty taste in morning, ceases in eating. Nausea and eructaions, continuous vomiting. Vomited
matter deep green. Pain in umbilical region. Coffee ground colored stool.
4. Pseudomembranes:
a) Acetic acid: White false membranes in throat. Children thirsty, but swallow with difficulty even a
teaspoonful of water. Lining membrane of larynx and trachea covered with a fibrinous exudation as
in true croup.
b) Arsenic album: Burning in throat> by eating or drinking hot things. Inflammation and gangrene of
the throat. Spasmodic constriction of throat and of the esophagus, with inability to swallow.
c) Carbolic acid:  Diphtheria with fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids; but little pain.
Fauces are red, covered with exudation.
e) Chromic acid: Diphtheria; sore throat. Tough mucus with inclination to swallow it.
c) Muriatic acid:Mucus lining of throat and fauces deep dark red, swollen and burning, covered with
grayish-white diphtheretic membrane like deposits. Attempting to swallow produces violent spasms
and choking.
d) Sulphuric acid:  Thick yellow membrane on fauces, sticks like glue. Stringy, lemon – yellow mucus
hangs from posterior nares in diphtheria.

a) Acetic acid:Excessive wasting and debility. Anaemia with waxy pallor of face.
b) Ars. Alb: Prostration with desire to move or be moved constantly. The patient is exhausted from
slightest exertion. Anemia, chlorosis, pyaemia. Rapid failure of strength wishes to lie down.
Emaciation and atrophy of the whole body with colliquative sweats < during night. Earthy face eyes
sunken with dark ring surrounding them.
c) Benzoic acid: Great weakness, weariness and lassitude with increased perspiration.
d) Boracicum acidum: Collapse.
e) Flouric acid: Lassitude – Loss of strength, limbs go to sleep.
f) Gallic acid: Weakness with irritability. Profuse night sweats.
g) Hydrocyanicum acid:  Speedy failing and weakness of limbs; especially thighs. Extreme
weakness and weariness. Nervous weakness. Diminution of vital heat. Continued inclination to sleep
coma vigil.
h) Lacticum acidum: Weakness as if from exercise with rheumatic pains in the bones. Debility with
weariness of limbs.
i) Muriaticum acidum:  Muscular poisoning from blood – poisoning; going on to paralysis; finally of
brain or heart. Excessive depression on sitting down, the eyelids close, the lower jaw hangs down,
he slides down in bed. Tottering gait, from weakness of thighs and knees. Paralysis of tongue and
sphincter ani.
j) Nitroso- muriaticum acidum: Weak, physically and mentally depressed.
k) Nitric acid:
Great weakness and general lassitude, with trembling, heaviness of legs and desire to remain lying
down, especially in evening or morning. Inclination to sleep during day from weakness with vertigo.
l) Phosphoric acid:
Mental weakness. Marked action on emotional and sensorial faculties, a drowsy, depressed,
apathetic state is produced. Stupor, from which he is easily aroused and is then fully conscious.
Indifference prostrated and stupefied with grief, effects of disappointed love. Confused mind. The
legs tremble in walking and limbs are as difficult to control as the thoughts. Though the weakness is
very great the patient is rested by a short sleep. It is suited to persons of originally strong
constitution, weakened by loss of fluids, excesses, violent acute diseases; chagrin; or a long
succession of moral emotions. Weakness of sexual organs with onanism and little sexual desire.
Exhaustion after coition. Scanty milk with debility and great apathy. Great weakness after walking.
m) Picric acid: Anemia, brain fag. Cancerous cachexia. Spinal exhaustion. Mental prostration after
reading a little, after writing a little. Weakness from a short walk.
n) Salicylicum acidum: Weakness and faintness. Prostration after influenza.
o) Sarcolactic acidum:
Violent retching and great prostration in epidemic influenza after Arsenic alb had failed. Muscular
prostration with tired feeling , worse any exertion. Tired feeling in morning on getting up. Paralytic
weakness. Wrist tires easily from writing . extreme weakness from climbing stairs. Arms feel as if no
strength in them.
p) Sulphuricum acidum:
Sulphuric acid is suited to cases where the weakness is out of proportion to the disease. Weakness
seems to come from deep seated dyscrasia. Useful for inebriates. Nervous fatigue. Weakness with
trembling of the body.
q) Tannic acid: Weakness with Palpitation.
r) Tartaricum acidum:
Paralysis of thighs and legs. Extreme weakness in evening. Feels very tired can scarcely drag
himself along. Paralytic debility. Frequent yawning.

a) Acetic acid:
Hemorrhage from bowel. Metrorrhagia after parturition with great thirst. Haemoptysis.
b) Ars. Alb:
Metrorrhagia, Haemoptysis, resulting in anemia or chlorosis. Violent bleeding of nose. Swelling and
bleeding of gums. Catamenia too early too copious, attended by much suffering.
c) Benzoic acid: Epistaxis
d) Carbolic acid: Bloody stool like scrapings of intestine.
d) Chromic acid: Haemorrhoids- bleeding . Bloody foul smelling lochia.
e) Gallicum acidum: Pulmonary hemorrhage in phthisis. Excessive menstruation. Nose bleed.
f) Hippuric acid:Menstrual flow for three days with complete relief of muscular and joint pains.
g) Hydrocyanicum acidum:Haemoptysis with sharp pains in chest.
h) Lactic acid: Nose bleed – every morning.
i) Muriatic acid:
Continuous discharge from nose. Scorbutic gums, swollen, easily bleeding ulcerating. Discharge of
blood during stools- bleeding hemorrhoids. Scurvy.
j) Nitric acid:
Ulcers are easily bleeding. The dressing causes bleeding and every touch causes splinter like pains.
Frequent hemorrhages, bright red, profuse. Hemorrhage from bowels with pain after stool. In
pthisical cases there is frequent hemorrhages, bright red, profuse with sharp stitches through right
chest to scapula. Haematuria, bright red, profuse with strangury and strong odor like horse’s urine.
Hemorrhages occurring in cachetic women after confinement or abortion. Epistaxis < morning,
excited by weeping . Blood is black. Gums bleed, are white and swollen.
Hemorrhoids- bleeding after every evacuation.

k) Oxalicum acid:
Gums bleed and are painful in spots. Blood coagulate very slowly. Petechiae appearing on face,
head, chest and nates.
l) Phosphoric acidum:
Scurvy- gums bleeding easily, swollen, stand off from teeth. Hemorrhage is passive, profuse and
dark. Nose bleed at the beginning of typhus. Uterine ulcer with copious, putrid, bloody discharge.
Too copious menses.
m) Picric acid:  Haemoglobinuria
n) Salicylicum acidum: Retinal hemorrhage. Haematuria.
o) Sulphuric acid: Scurvy. Epistaxis in evening. Swelling and easy bleeding of gums. Discharge of
blood during evacuation. Long continued Haemoptysis.
p) Tannic acid: Haemorrhagic pharyngitis. Painless bloody discharge from bowels.

7. Diabetes:
a) Acetic acid: Urine increased in quantity , pale, phosphatic. Diabetes with burning, unending and
unquenchable thirst and great debility.
b) Ars alb: Frequent inclination to urinate with excessive exhaustion from least exertion.
c) Benzoicum acidum: Nocturnal enuresis with strong smelling dark urine, urinous odor is highly
d) Boric acid: Frequent and urgent desire to urinate. Quantity of urine double. Albumen in urine.
e) Carbolic acid: Diabetes with almost black urine. Irritable bladder with frequent urination at night.
f) Flouric acid: Indicated after phosphoric acid. Free discharge of light colored urine. Whitish purple
colored sediment in urine.
g) Gallic acid: Excessive dryness of mouth and throat with increased urine.
h) Hydrocyanic acid:Frequent emission of aqueous urine or pale or pale yellow urine, depositing a
turbid cloud.
i) Lacticum acidum:Frequent desire to urinate large quantities. Urinate frequently day and night, the
attempt to retain it causes pain.
j) Muriatic acid:
Frequent desire to urinate with abundant emission-immoderate emission of aqueous urine- both day
and night.
Patient cannot urinate without having the bowels moved at the same time.
k) Nitric acid:Frequent want to urinate which is fetid; offensive.
l) Oxalic acid:
Thinking of urinating produce desire for urination. Frequent and copious urination; which is clear,
straw-colored. Oxaluria and albuminuria.
m) Phosphoric acid:
The child passes a great quantity of urine. Polyuria with dry mouth and throat; with history of sexual
excess or severe mental or emotional overstrain. White, milky urine. The urine may be passed clear
but, turns milky at once and is very offensive. Frequent and profuse emission of aqueous urine
which immediately deposits a thick white cloud.
n) Picric acid:
Frequent micturition in morning . Urine dark yellow with strong odor . specific gravity increased.
Urine contained much indican , numerous granular and fatty degenerated epithelium.
o) Salicylicum acidum:
Diabetes Mellitus- albuminuria. Urine – clear, brown; three hours after passage has a green tinge
and a feathery deposit of crystals of Salicylic acid.
p) Sulfuric acid: Diabetes with lassitude, despondency. Emission of urine at night. Urine watery and
as if it contained casts.

Individual study of Acids

Prescribing symptoms of individual Acids:

Arsenious acid:

 Mental restlessness with physical weakness.

 Burning pain relieved by heat except in head.
 Fear of death
 Complaints return periodically
 Discharges are acrid, scanty, offensive, putrid, cadaverous smelling
 Thirst for small quantity of water at short intervals in acute conditions but in chronic conditions
there is no thirst
 Excessive exhaustion from least exertion
 All symptoms are aggravated at mid day and mid night
 Chilly patient
 Fastidious
 Ailments from ice cream, cold fruits, decayed food or animal matter, ptomaine poisoning,
tobacco, sea bathing.

Acetic acid:

 Great prostration after injuries, anesthetics and surgical Shock

 Great burning thirst, insatiable even for large quantities but no thirst in fever
 Hemorrhage from every mucus outlets – nose, throat, lungs, stomach, bowels and uterus
 Chlorosis with waxy pallor of the face
 Chilly patient with lax, flabby muscles
 Cannot sleep lying on the back, rests better lying on belly
 Copious exhausting diarrhea with great thirst- in dropsy, typhus, phthisis with night sweats
 Bad effects of surgical shock , sausage poisoning, insects stings and bites.

Benzoic acid:

 Rheumatic or gouty complaints with gonorrheal or syphilitic base

 Urine dark brown and the urinous odor highly intensified
 Nocturnal enuresis in delicate children with strong characteristic odor of urine
 Exhausting diarrhea of children- stool is white, liquid –running right through the diaper, very
 Left sided complaints
 Chilly patient

Boric acid:

 Climacteric flushing (3x potency- Cooper)

 Renal colic with frequent urging to urinate
 Formication of hands and feet
 Headache with noises in ears and vertigo

Butyric acid:

 Impulsive thoughts of suicide

 Headache worse going upstairs and rapid motion
 Cramps in pit of stomach worse at night
 Pronounced sleeplessness
 Profuse , offensive foot sweat

Carbolic acid:

 Pains come suddenly last for a short time and disappear suddenly
 The whole of the body is bathed in cold sweat with prostration and collapse
 Sensation of band around the forehead with dull heavy frontal headache
 Great longing for whisky and tobacco
 Ulceration all over the body with very offensive and putrid discharge
 Constipation with horribly offensive breath
 Dysentery with stool containing substances like scrapings of intestines
 Vomiting of drunkards or in pregnancy, in sea sickness or in cancerous condition of stomach
 General aggravation from cold

Chromic acid:

 Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically

 Offensive discharges
 Foul smelling sanious lochia
 Disagreeable pricking and itching here and there , with uneasiness in limbs
 On turning to right side pain in left side goes off
 Sensation of a vacuum at heart; of emptiness in chest
 Rheumatism aggravated by least draught of air and by cold water

Flouric acid:

 Profound weakness and debility

 Pain in small spots with lightening like sensation; come suddenly , lasts for a short time and
disappears quickly
 Increased ability to exercise without danger
 Less effected by excessive heat of summer or cold of winter
 Premature old looking persons
 Discharges are acrid and excoriating
 Sensation of wind blowing through the eyes
 Itching especially of the orifices
 Desire for highly seasoned food, craves cold water
 Indifference to those who loved best
 Suitable for chronic disease with syphilitic and mercurial history

Formic acid:

 Chronic myalgia, muscular pains and soreness

 Gout and articular rheumatism which appear suddenly
 Pains worse on right side, motion and better from pressure
 Failing vision
 Tremor

Gallic acid:

 Delirium at night, restless, jumps out of bed

 Pulmonary hemorrhage in Phthisis
 Painful distress along ureters into the bladder with cream colored urine
 Passive hemorrhage when pulse feeble and capillaries relaxed, cold skin
 Pyrosis

Hippuric acid:

 Right side is mainly affected

 General muscular soreness relieved menstrual flow
 Constant, dull pain in right eye worse in warm room
 Dryness, soreness and rawness in throat with difficulty in swallowing
 Acid rising with soreness and pressure over liver

Hydrobromic acid:

 Throat dry and puckering

 Constriction in pharynx and chest
 Waves of heat over face and neck
 Pulsating tinnitus with nervous irritability
 Heaviness of arms – seemed as if parts did not belong to them

Hydrocyanic acid:

 Convulsions and paralysis expresses the action of the remedy

 Suddenness of the attacks and prostration are leading indications
 Sinking sensation at the epigastrium
 Drinks rumbles through throat and stomach
 Fears everything and fear of imaginary troubles
 Stage of collapse especially in cholera

Lactic acid:

 Copious salivation water-brash and morning sickness especially in pale anemic women
 Nausea better by eating
 Burning pain in stomach worse from smoking
 Pain in breasts with enlargement of axillary glands and pain extends into hand

Muriatic acid:

 Patient becomes so weak he slides down in bed, lower jaw hangs down
 Offensive secretions and offensive breath from mouth in fevers of all kinds
 Patient cannot bear the sight or thought of meat
 Tongue is coated at edges; shrunken, dry, leather like and paralyzed; beefy tongue
 Pulse intermits every third beat
 Haemorrhoids protrude while the person urinates and involuntary stools while passing urine
 Cannot bear the least touch not even of the bed sheet on the rectum
 Vertigo when lying on the right side.

Nitromuriatic acid:

 Oxalulria
 Constant drooling (salivation) at night
 Metallic taste in mouth
 Sour eructations with empty hungry feeling in stomach

Nitric acid:

 Extreme sensitiveness ; nervous trembling and Irritability

 Urine is very pungent and strong smelling like horse’s urine
 Splinter like pain ; comes suddenly and goes suddenly
 Ailments from loss of sleep, over exertion of body and mind, from loss of a dearest friend
 Tendency to take cold easily
 Great anxiety about disease, morbid fear of cholera

Oxalic acid:

 Pain in small spots, pain is aggravated by thinking of them

 Acts especially on the left side of the body
 Ailments from coffee, wine, sour fruit and sugar
 Nervous aphonia alternates with heart symptoms
 Sharp lancinating pains through the lower lobe of the left lung

Phosphoric acid:

 Patient is listless, apathetic and indifferent to the affairs of his own life; prostrated and
stupefied with grief
 Ailments from loss of vital fluids, sexual excess, violent acute diseases, chagrin or long
continued mental emotions like disappointed love
 Frequent, profuse and debilitating emissions
 Painless non debilitating diarrhea
 Phosphaturia

Picric acid:

 Burning pain along the spine and great weakness of spine and back with softening of cord
 Heaviness, numbness, Formication and weakness are the keynotes
 Burns of first and second degree
 Headaches and brain fag of students, teachers and overworked business men, from grief or
depressing emotions
 Priapism from spinal diseases
 Pernicious anemia

Salicylic acid:

 Meniere’s disease with roaring and ringing in ears

 Fermentative dyspepsia with hot, sour belching
 Complaints from suppressed foot sweat
 Gastro- intestinal disturbances in children with frog’s spawn like stools

Sarcolactic acid:

 Epidemic influenza with violent retching and great prostration

 Dyspnoea with myocardial weakness

Silicic acid:

 Bad effects of vaccination especially convulsions and suppuration

 Every little injury suppurates
 Scrofulous rachitic children with large head and open fontanel’s and sutures, much sweating
about the head
 Obstinate constipation , stool recedes back after being partially expelled, constipation before,
during after menses
 Desires cold food and drinks
 Very offensive sweat of hands, toes, feet and axilla and there is complaints from suppressed
foot sweat
 Chilly patient

Sulphurous acid:

 Headache better from vomiting

 Ulcerative stomatitis
 Persistent cough with copious expectoration

Sulphuric acid:

 Hot flushes followed by perspiration with trembling

 Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries
 Sour eructations; sets teeth on edge
 Craving for alcohol, water causes coldness of stomach ; must be mixed with liquors
 Sensation as if hernia would protrude, especially in the left side of abdomen
 Pupura hemorrhagica
 Cicatrices turn red and blue and become painful
 Worse from excess of heat and cold; better from warmth and lying on affected side

Tannic acid:
 Obstinate nervous cough
 Obstinate constipation
 Intestines can be felt like cylindrical enlargements
 Offensive perspiration

Tartaric acid:

 Coffee ground colored diarrhea with dry and brown tongue

 Dark – green vomiting with burning in throat and stomach
 Pain around umbilicus and region of loins

Uric acid:

 Gout and gouty eczema( the cutaneous outlet for the constitution)
 Lipoma


Most of acids are colourless or light coloured

Corrosive in nature
Sour in taste
Mostly odorless but some having peculiar odour
Evaporates when heated
Combine easily with other elements to form compounds

The word acid comes from Latin , Acious- sour

An acid may be defined as a substance that can provide H+ ion, proton donor, or any substance that
liberates hydrogen ion in a solution.
Most acids derive from mineral kingdom, few from vegetable eg: lactic acid


Used in manufacture of fertilizers, chemicals, explosives, bactericides

Waste water processing
Acids are dehydrating agents, so used in preparation of dry fruits

Classification of acids- mainly two types

Organic- weak or vegetable acids- slow, progressive action producing deep pathology
Inorganic- strong or mineral acids- rapid , acute action producing deep pathology
General characteristic features of acid group( farrington)

1) Acids produce weakness, debility & prostration

The mineral acids, as a class, all produce an irritability of fibre together with weakness and
prostration. Whereas the vegetable acids produce weakness without irritability.

2) All the acids cause a peculiar debility.

This is not a simple functional weakness, such as might result from a rather exhausting diarrhoea,
such as you find under CINCHONA, or such a functional weakness of the nerves as will be curable
by ZINC, but it is a debility which arises from defective nutrition, particularly from blood disease.

Thus we find them called for in very low types of disease, disease in which blood poisoning is a
prominent feature, in typhoid states and in scarlatina, particularly when of a low type.

In conditions of exhaustion from abuse of various organs of the body. Thus drunkards, who have
long been indulging in liquors to excess, may be relieved by Sulphuric, Phosphoric and Arsenious

3) The acids check haemorrhages- ACET AC, CITRIC AC, PHOS AC, ARS AC

4) Tendency to produce pseudomembranes. so some of them indicated in diphtheria- MURIATIC,


As these acids, particularly the vegetable acids, may cause croupous deposits, do not permit a child
convalescing from croup to partake of acid fruits. When the child is susceptible, any one of these
acids may tend to produce this disease again

5)Indicated in diabetes mellitus. The principal acids for this condition are PHOSPHORIC AND

6) Many of the acids are useful in scurvy, particularly when it has arisen from a diet of salty food with
deprivation of vegetables.

Constitution: Lean, thin, tubercular constitution with stooped shoulder and premature old look.

Thermal – Chilly- except fluoric acid & picric acid


Mineral acids- active bleeding
Organic acids—passive bleeding


Acids have all the miasms , but predominantly syphilitic

Inorganic acids- predominantly syphilitic
Organic acids- sycotic & tubercular

Sphere of action

I.mucous membranes–.inflammation; destructive ulceration.

II.glandular system.–congestion; inflamation.; fetid discharges., salivation– pustular ulceration; fungoid growths; perspiration.

IV blood. –broken-down, septic condition, anaemia, haemorrhage

V CEREBRO-SPINAL SYSTEM. Prostration, from Loss of Nutrition.

VI.DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Atony of the whole Apparatus.

VII BONES .Rachitis and Caries., syphilitic affections

1) They decrease the acid secretions in the body and increase the alkaline secretions of the body.
For example; if a quantity of citric acid is taken into the stomach it will diminish the secretion of
gastric juice. On other hand it will increase the secretion of saliva which is alkaline in nature.

2. Antidotal and complimentary action to certain drugs.

a) Vinegar retards the action of Belladonna, but lemonade aids the action of the remedy.
b) Antimonium crudum will not tolerate acids but you may use tamarind water.

3. Dyspepsia :
Vegetable acids are useful in dyspepsia.
Example; Allow the patient to drink lemonade before meals and we can find that the usual heart burn
and sour rising after eating are diminished. Some persons are greatly relieved by drinking sour milk (
Lactic acid). Muriatic acid and Hydrocyanic acid favor digestion. Some persons have been cured of
dyspepsia by eating peach kernels which contain these acids.

4. Antidote for intoxication.

Vinegar ( acetic acid) has been used as an antidote for intoxication.

5. Corrosive action:
Discharges are acrid and excoriating .
Example; Lactic acid: It will eat into every tissues of the body . It will dissolve enamel of teeth. Dr.
Hering was in the habit of recommending that the teeth be washed occasionally with milk cream that
had become sour by keeping 24 hours.

Common Mental Features

Basic themes of acid group

1) Exhaustion

The most common and well known characteristic of the Acids is exhaustion. Vithoulkas (1991 b,
page 251) describes the mental exhaustion of Pic-ac, the emotional exhaustion of Ph-ac, and the
physical exhaustion of Mur-ac.

Physiologically exhaustion is accompanied by an Acid imbalance.

2) Activeness, hurriedness
Prior to this exhaustion there will be the exact opposite, i.e. an overdose of activity. The Acidums
want to do a lot. They exhaust themselves, they use their energy at a very high rate. They don’t
necessarily have any complaints yet at this stage, they are merely overactive.

This gives us the next characteristic of the Acidums: hurriedness. This is well known in Sul-ac, one
of the most hurried remedies, but the other Acidums have this trait as well. Hurriedness is a
symptom that is often accompanied by tiredness or exhaustion, the primary symptom of the

3) Lively, fresh, extrovert

The Acidums have a certain freshness about them, especially in the beginning,. They are extroverts
and talk easily and openly. Allen writes about Ph-ac: ‘lively, vivacious mood’. Their sexual desire is

They have a tendency to be perfectionists, they have a great desire to have everything ‘just so’. This
rather forced attitude often makes the opposite happen in their lives.

4) Aggression , fighting.

The overactivity goes together with a certain aggressiveness.

This aggressive side expresses itself physically in the rather biting, etching character of the
complaints, as in aphthae, ulcers and fissures.

5)Desire for unification

Behind the aggression of the Acidums lies one very strong desire: that is the desire to become one
with everything and everyone. This aspect comes out very clearly in pure hydrogen.

6) Isolation , apathy

But hydrogen also has the opposite feeling: a deep feeling of isolation, of being separated from your
fellow beings and loved ones. Hydrogen has both a feeling of total unification and a sensation of
total isolation. The Acidums have a similar theme, each one expressing it in their specific area. Ph-
ac, for instance, has the desire for total communication, the way in which twins can often do this.

Over sensitiveness
Syphilitic qualities like : Hateful Vindictive
Irritable Destructive qualities / activities
“Self” egoism and attention towards pleasure seeking inputs
Poor memory, lack of concentration and destruction of all thinking power.
Depression, listless, dejection.
Apathetic, indifferent

General physical features

Location: right sided.

Complaints come and go suddenly. eg:fluoric ac (opp tosuph ac)
Desires: fat, spicy, alcohol, fruit (2), sour (2), refreshing things. Aversion: bread., meat .
Physical: amel. lying down (2), agg. exertion, climbing stairs. agg. touch.
Pains are burning and biting.
Accidents and sprains.
Discharges are watery, acrid, sour and stained with blood. Discharges are acrid and excoriating .
Useful in typhoid fevers
GI symptoms- diarrhea, dyspepsia, increased salivation
Skin: ulcers, fistula. Naevi.
Useful for treatment of drunkards: Example: Sulphuric acid

Phosphoricum acidum – Glacial phosphoric acid. HPO3.

Best suited to persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by loss of vital
fluids, sexual excesses (Cinch.); violent acute diseases; chagrin, or a long succession of moral
emotions, as grief, care, disappointed affection.
Ailments : from care, chagrin, grief, sorrow, homesickness (Ign.); sleepy, disposed to weep; night-
sweats towards morning.
Pale sickly complexion, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue margins. (Puls.).
Is listless, apathetic; indifferent to the affairs of life; prostrated and stupefied with grief, to those
things that used to be of most interest, especially if there be debility and emaciation.
Delirium : muttering, unintelligible; lies in a stupor, or a stupid sleep, unconscious of all that is going
on around him; when aroused is fully conscious, answers slowly and correctly and relapses into

In children and young people who grow too rapidly (Cal., Cal. p.); pains in back and limbs as if

Headache of school girls from eye-strain or overuse of eyes (Cal. p., Nat. m.); of students who are
growing too fast.

Interstitial inflammation of bones, scrofulous, sycotic, syphilitic, mercurial; – Boring, drawing, digging
pains in nerves of extremities; necrosis in stump after amputations (Cepa).

Diarrhoea : painless; not debilitating; white or yellow watery; from acids, involuntary; with the flatus
(Aloe, Nat. m.); choking, from fear.

Urine : looks like milk mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces; decomposes rapidly; profuse urination at
night of clear, watery urine, which forms a white cloud at once (phosphates in excess, nerve waste).

Onanism; when patient is greatly distressed by the culpability of the act (compare Dios., Staph.).

Emissions : frequent, profuse, debilitating; after coitus; most desire, after; several in one night;
abashed, sad, despair of cure (with irresistible tendency to masturbate, Ust.).

Chest : weak from talking or coughing (Stan.); in phthisis; nervous from loss of vital fluids, too rapid
growth, depressing mental emotions.

Cerebral typhoid or typhus; complete apathy and stupor; takes no notice, “lies like a log, ” utterly
regardless of surrounding; intestinal haemorrhage, blood dark

Aggravation. From mental affections; loss of vital fluids; especially seminal; self abuse; sexual
excesses; talking causes weakness in chest (Stan.).
Sulphuricum acidum- Sulphuric acid. H2SO4.

Adapted to the light-haired; old people, especially women; – flushes of heat in climacteric years..
Feels in a great hurry; everything must be done quickly (Arg. n.).
Pain of gradual and slow-increasing intensity which ceases suddenly when at its height, often
repeated (Puls.).
The pain is pressure as of a blunt instrument. Tendency to gangrene following mechanical injuries,
especially of old people.

Sensation as if the brain was loose in forehead and falling from side to side (Bell., Bry., Rhus, Spig.).

Aphthae; of mouth, gums, or entire buccal cavity; gums bleed readily; ulcers painful; offensive breath
Chronic heartburn, sour eructations, sets teeth on edge (Rob.).
Water drunk causes coldness of the stomach unless mixed with alcoholic liquor.
Sensation as if trembling all over, without real trembling; internal trembling of drunkards.
Bad effects from mechanical injuries, with bruises, chafing and livid skin; prostration (Acet. ac.).
Ecchymosis; cicatrices turn blood-red or blue, are painful (turn green, Led.).
Petchia : purpura haemorrhagica; blue spots; livid, red, itching blotches.
Haemorrhage of black blood from all the outlets of the body (Crot., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Ter.).
Relations. Complementary : Puls.
Ailments, from brandy drinking.
Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol, 10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four
weeks, has been successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor.-HERING.

Muriaticum acidum – Hydrochloric acid. Hcl.

Adapted to persons with black hair, dark eyes, dark complexion.

Irritable, peevish, disposed to anger and chagrin (Nux); restlessness and vertigo.
Great debility: as soon as he sits down his eyes close; lower jaw hangs down; slides down in bed.
Mouth and anus are chiefly affected; the tongue and sphincter ani are paralyzed.
Malignant affections of mouth; studded with ulcers, deep, perforating; having a black or dark base;
offensive, foul breath; intense prostration; diphtheria, scarlatina, cancer.
Cannot bear the thought or sight of meat (nit. ac.).
Haemorrhoids: swollen, blue, sensitive and painful to touch; appear suddenly in – Diarrhoea: stool
involuntary while urinating; on passing wind (Aloe); cannot urinate without having the bowels move
at the same time.
Urine passes slowly; bladder weak, must wait a long time; has to press so that anus protrudes.
Cannot bear least touch, not even of sheet on genitals (Murex).
Typhoid or typhus; deep stupid sleep; unconscious while awake; loud moaning or muttering; tongue
coated at edges; shrunken, dry, leather-like, paralyzed; involuntary foetid stools while passing urine;
sliding down in bed; pulse intermits every third beat.
Palpitation of heart is felt in the face.
Freckles: eczema solaris.
Relations. Follow well: after, Bry., Mer., Rhus.
Cures the muscular weakness following excessive use of opium and tobacco.


Mainly a male remedy.

A materialist – a man of the world.
Enjoy life to its full extent – not bothered about spiritual development, awareness, discipline, etc.
Crude energy – makes itself known early in life by a driving force for sexual intercourse. Often
begins at age 13-14 and has to have sex every day.
Not easy to discern. May come with falling of hair, or sleeplessness, or anxiety beyond their control.
Destructiveness is the keynote of this acid. Fl-ac. produces slow deeply destructive effects, decay of
long Bones, ulcerations, bedsores, varicose veins. Acts especially upon lower tissues and indicated
in deep, destructive processes, bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins and ulcers.
Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Glabella region bloated.
Patient is compelled to move about energetically. Complaints of old age or the prematurely aged
with weak, distended blood vessels. Hob-nailed liver of the alcoholics.
Early decay of Teeth. Old cases of nightly fevers, coming on periodically. Goiter. Always feels too
hot, wants to bathe in cold water. Tissues are puffy indurated and fistulous. Discharges are thin, foul,
acrid or salty, causing itching. Edema. Felon. Nevi.
Secondary syphilis. Numbness of the part not lain on in brain diseases, spinal disorders. Calcareous
degeneration. Nevus, flat. Suffering, if the call for evacuation is not immediately attended to. Dropsy
with numbness or without.

Nitricum acidum – Nitric acid. HNO3.

Especially suited to thin persons of rigid fibre, dark complexions, black hair and eyes the brunette
rather than the blonde- nervous temperament.
Pains: sticking, pricking as from splinters; suddenly appearing and disappearing; on change of
temperature or weather; during sleep: gnawing here and there as from ulcers forming.
Sensation : of a band around head, around the bones (Carb. ac., Sulph); of a splinter in affected
parts, ulcers, piles, throat, ingrowing toe nail < on slightest contact.
Ailments : which depend on some virulent poison; from mercury, syphilis, scrofula; in broken-down
cachectic constitutions.
After continued loss of sleep, long-lasting anxiety, over- exertion of mind and body from nursing the
sick (Coc.); anguish from the loss of his dearest friend; indifference; tired of life; sadness before

Great anxiety about his disease; constantly thinking about his past troubles; morbid fear of cholera
(Ars.); depressed and anxious in the evening.
Irritable, headstrong; hateful and vindictive; inveterate, ill-willed, unmoved by apologies.
Hardness of hearing >> by riding in carriage or train (Graph.).
Very sensitive to rattle of wagons over paved streets; headache from pressure of hat (Cal. p., Carbo,
Ozaena : green casts from the nose every morning.
Fissures in rectum; tearing, spasmodic pains during stools; lancinating, even after soft stools
(Alumen, Nat., Rat.).
Urine : scanty, dark-brown, strong-smelling, “like horse’s urine”; cold when it passes; turbid, looks
like remains of a cider barrel.
Ulcers : easily bleeding; in corners of mouth (Nat.); splinter-like pains, especially on contact (Hep.);
zig-zag, irregular edges; base looks like raw flesh; exuberant granulations; after mercury or syphilis
or both, engrafted on a scrofulous base.
Discharges : thin, offensive, acrid; of a brown or dirty yellowish green color; rarely laudable pus.
Haemorrhage : from bowels in typhoid or typhus (Crot., Mur. ac.); after miscarriage or post-partum;
from overexertion of body; bright, profuse, or dark.
Cracking : in ears, on masticating; of the joints on motion (Coc., Graph.).
Warts, condylomata : sycotic or syphilitic; large, jagged, pedunculated; bleeding readily on washing;
moist, oozing; sticking pain (Staph., Thuja).
Affects especially the mucous outlets of the body where skin and mucous membrane join; mouth,
nose, rectum, anus, urethra, vagina (Mur. ac.).
Inimical : to, Lachesis.
Often difficult to distinguish from Mer.; but is adapted to black-haired people, while Mer. is more
useful in light-haired persons.

Relieves ailments resulting from abuse of mercury, especially if there be erethism; bad effects of
repeated does of Digitalis.

Aggravation. Evening and at night; aftermidnight; contact; change of temperature or weather; during
sweat; on walking; while walking.

Amelioration. While riding in a carriage (reverse of Coc.).

Lacticum acidum- (Lactic acid)

Morning sickness, diabetes, and rheumatism offer a field for this remedy.
Pain in breasts, with enlargement of axillary glands, and pain extends into hand.
Locally, in the tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.
Tongue dry, parched.
Thirst; voracious hunger.
Canker, copious salivation and water-brash. Nausea; morning sickness, especially in pale anaemic
Hot, acrid eructation.
Nausea; better, eating.
Burning, hot gas from stomach to throat, causing profuse secretion of tenacious mucus, worse

Benzoicum acidum

A gouty, rheumatic diathesis engrafted on a gonorrhoeal or syphilitic patient.

Gouty concretions; arthritis vaga; affects all the joints, especially the knee, cracking on motion;
nodosities (Berb., Lith. c., Lys.).
Urine dark brown, and the urinous odor highly intensified.
Enuresis nocturna of delicate children; dribbling urine of old men with enlarged prostate; strong
characteristic odor; excesses of uric acid.
Catarrh of bladder after suppressed gonorrhoea.
Diarrhoea of children; white, very offensive, exhausting liquid stools running “right through the
diaper” (Pod.); urine offensive and of a deep red color.
Cough; with expectoration of green mucus (Natr. s.); extreme weariness, lassitude.
Pains tearing, stitching, in large joints of big toe; redness and swelling of joints; gout < at night..
Incompatible : wine, which aggravates urinary, gouty and rheumatic affections.

Oxalicum acidum- (Sorrel acid)

Although certain oxalates are constant constituents of vegetable food and of the human body, the
acid itself is a violent poison when taken internally, producing gastro-enteritis, motor paralysis,
collapse, stupor and death.
Influences the spinal cord, and produces motor paralysis.
Pains very violent, in spots (Kali bich.) worse, motion, and thinking of them. Periodical remissions.
Spasmodic symptoms of throat and chest.
Picricum acidum – Picric acid

Is often restorative of a wasted and worn-out system; a fair picture of “nervous prostration” (Kali p.).
Progressive, pernicious, anaemia; neurasthenia.
Headache : of students, teachers and overworked business men; from grief or depressing emotions;
in occipital-cervical region (Nat. m., Sil.); < or brought on by slightest motion or mental exertion.
Priapism, with spinal disease; erections violent, long-lasting; profuse seminal emissions; satyriasis
(Canth., Phos.).
Small boils in any part of body, but not especially in external auditory canal.
Weariness, progressing from a slight feeling of fatigue on motion to complete paralysis.
Relations. Compare :Arg.n., Gels., Kali p., Phos. ac., Phos., Petr., Sil.
Amelioration. From cold air and cold water.
Aggravation. Least mental exertion; motion; study; wet weather.

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