CREW: State of Alaska: Office of The Governor: Regarding Firing of Safety Commissioner Monegan: 10/16/2008 - GovPalin To SSTock

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Provost, Kathryn T (GOV)

From: Governor Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:30 PM
", a d.l.; f ro-zt.d cLu-y'Y"
SUbject: RE: Corrections
Thank you for writing to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. The concerns, opinions, and/or
information you have sent are important and valuable to the Governor. Although she is
unable to respond to each and every email herself, your message has been received and is
being reviewed by the appropriate staff person in this office who can best address your
need, suggestion, or comment.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 8:25 AM
To: Governor.Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)
Subject: Corrections
Web mail from: Mr. Skip Stock
address: 3353 Wiley Post Loop Anchorage AK 99517
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Sarah - please just grow a set and tell us the truth .... We'll respect you more, and maybe
we can focus on more important things - like state business.
Tell us you did try to get Wooten fired - We can understand your personal involvment.
Apologize for not facing up to and firing Mr. Monegan yourself - we might not have agreed
with your reasons but it would have been the right way to handle it.
Stop looking at every move and decision from a political perspective, and instead just be
professional, forthcoming and TRANSPARENT! (You might have a dictionary handy for your
staff to review the meaning of the word periodically). From the man on the street
it wouldn't appear you are being well served by your staff.
You are NOT going to please all of us all of the time; some of us all of the time; or all
of us some of the time. So stop trying and attend to the business of the state. Please!
You are being distracted and this is taking on a life of its own. Get in front of this and
end it.
From this point on will only be detrimental to State business. THAT is what you were
elected to do.
B r

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