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Name: Aullya Mayandzru

Class: 5BD
Nim: 061930901809

1. Interviews are one of the most common methods of collecting survey data. The term
interview can be divided into two terms, such as "inter" and "view". The essence of the
interview is that one mind tries to read the other. The interviewer attempts to evaluate the
interviewee with respect to the aspects investigated or the themes analyzed. The main
purpose of interviews as a data collection tool is to collect data comprehensively and
intensively. As Pauline.V Young pointed out, the purpose of the interview may be to
exchange ideas and experiences, to collect information related to a very wide range of
data that respondents repeat the past and define present and future needs. there is. Discuss
options. In other words, the interviewee has two goals.
1. Exchange ideas and experiences,
2. To retrieve information. The importance of an interview can be seen from these
• It is the most appropriate way to assess an individual's qualities.
• There is clear value for the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of emotional problems.
• It is one of the indispensable bases for counseling.
• Provides information to complement other data collection methods.
• In addition to observations, it can be used to validate the information obtained by the
response method.

2. Every questionnaire has two main objectives. The first is to keep respondents focused and
on task as they move through the questionnaire. The second is to get them to answer each
question honestly. The second step is to collect data that satisfies all of the study's
objectives. A decent questionnaire should not be difficult to complete. It shouldn't take
too long or be too tough to respond. It should ask sensible questions and not be biased (no
bad questions about a certain community should be asked).
The following are some guidelines for creating a questionnaire:
1. Use the questionnaire to gather information on important topics.
2. Ask questions that you can't find or get answers to from other sources.
3. In a short question, focus items on a single topic or idea.
4. Arrange in a logical manner.
5. Create the questionnaire attractive and brief.

3. Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or

problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert
Babbie, “research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the
observed phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.” Inductive research
methods analyze an observed event, while deductive methods verify the observed event.
Inductive approaches are associated with qualitative research, and deductive methods are
more commonly associated with quantitative analysis. Research is conducted with a
purpose to:
 Identify potential and new customers
 Understand existing customers
 Set pragmatic goals
 Develop productive market strategies
 Address business challenges
 Put together a business expansion plan
 Identify new business opportunities

4. I agree because if the research is not based on true facts, there will be distortion of the
data and the research carried out does not know the truth.

5. The larger the sample size, the more likely it is that the data obtained will be statistically
significant. One of the most difficult aspects of statistics is determining sample size,
which is dependent on a number of factors, including the size of the original population.
A larger sample population minimizes the chance that the data is the result of a chance
occurrence, resulting in more accurate and reliable data. Before you can move on, you
must first determine the overall population size of your target audience. The margin of
error is a measure of how much wiggle room you're willing to allow for mistakes. The
great majority of surveyors choose 90 percent or 95 percent confidence ratings.

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