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King Tut

Nowadays, King Tutankhamun became the most famous

pharaoh among the Egypt pharaohs. He was also called King
Tut. But he was not famous for his power. He was not an
important and powerful king. It was so strange to assume and
say King Tut was well-known due to the burial items along with
his body. He ruled the ancient Egypt during the end of the 18 th
King Tut was born in 1343 BC. Tut’s father, pharaoh
Amenhotep was the most unique with his appearance which
had a distinctive and large shape of head as a man. Tut’s
mother might be one of the unimportant wives of pharaoh
Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of eight years or
nine years after pharaoh’s death. He reigned for about nine
years only. He married his half-sister, half-sister when he was
10 years old. No one knew King Tut had children to accede to
the throne or not. As a royal heir, Tut wore high and heavy
crown made with gold. He wore false beard and carried flail
and crook as other pharaohs. These items were symbols of his
But did King Tut really have power? He was still a child.
The real power was in the hands of the King’s advisors or prime
ministers and army generals. King Tut appeared only at
important ceremonies and holidays. If King Tut had grown up
beyond his teenage years, he might have been a powerful and
wise pharaoh.
King Tut obviously liked the games called Senet and also
liked to play music instruments. The researchers found out four
pairs of things that played Senet and stringed instruments,
flutes, harps and others in his tomb. The ancient Egyptians
believed in the afterlife. The afterlife was similar to real living
life but afterlife is better. So, they buried the belonging with the
body to enjoy the afterlife.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun died at the age of 18 or 19 years
old. Not surprisingly, some historians and researchers had
doubt that King Tut’s death was a myth. Most of researchers
thought he was dead because his head was hit with something
hard. Some thought he was assassinated by prime ministers
and generals. Because it was after Tut’s death, they married the
royal family and became pharaohs.
Anyway, pharaoh Tutankhamun’s death was still strange
and no one could not find out today. Historians and researchers
had been doing their archaeology.

Ingyin Thu
Year 10D

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