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29/12 XXXXstreet, G-1 A Block

Chakra Flat , valasaravakkam
Chennai -600094.13-05-2022
The HR Manager,
ZOHO Coorporation ,
140,151 Great Southern TRumk road,
Chengalpattu - 603202.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Application for the position of software developer.

With reference to your advertisement at your website, dated 16-05-2022, I would like to
apply for the position of software developer in your organization. I have done my Bachelor
degree in Information Technology at Meenakshi SundaraRajan Engineering college with
good grade .I am a fresher to this job but can fulfill your expectation. I have strong work ethic
and a eagerness for learning new thngs.
If given an opportunity, I would do my best to complete the tasks presented to me, and work
up to the expectations of my superior and the organization. I have enclosed my resume for
your persual.

Thank you
Yours Truly,

29/12 XXX street, G-1

A Block Chakra Flat ,
Valasaravakkam, Chennai -
Mail Id :
Phone no: 9123530148

To be a part of a growing organisation in a challenging position where I would be able to
fulfil my capabilities to best extended and in process , add value to the organization and my

S no Course Name of College / School Mark / CGPA Year

1 SSLC DAV Matriculation Higher 91.8% 2018

Secondary School,Gill Nagar

2 HSC DAV Matriculation Higher 84.16% 2020

Secondary School,Gill Nagar

3 B.Tech IT MeenakshiSundaraRajan 8.99 2020-24

Engineering College


 Did 30 days internship in “python and machine Learning” at “1 core solution”

 Attended a workshop on “ Cloud Computing”
 Participated in a technical event Symposium held by “SVCE”
 Did a paper presentation on “Quantum Computing” at Meenakshi SundaraRajan
Engineering College
Language known:

o Tamil
o English
o Hindi
Programming languages known:

o C
o Java
o Python
o C++

D.O.B : 18-03-2003
Father Name : KANNAN G

Mother Name : HEMALATHA

Gender : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Indian

I hereby declare that above detail are true to the best of my knowledge.





The Principal,

ABC Engineering College,




The Warden

ABC Engineering College,





The Warden,

ABC Engineering College,




The Principal,

ABC Engineering College,


Respected Sir,

Sub: Report on the fire accident

With reference to the intimation no.561/14 date DD/MM/YYYY, the committee members
constituted by you and by myself investigated the cause for the accident and have prepared a
report with recommendations to avoid such incidents in the future. The report is enclosed for
your perusal.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,


With reference to the accident that look took place a couple a days ago in our college ladies
hostel, the following report is submitted after a thorough analysis of the facts.


On the 25th February 2015, a fire broke out around 02:00 pm in the ladies’ hostel. It
experienced a tragic fire accident caused by leakage of electricity. It spread so quickly that it
is engulfed a vast area consuming a large number of clothes and other materials which is kept
in the Hostel. The laundry nearby started to burn due to that leakage and the fire spread to the
floors on top. Students who were in the top floors were studying for exams and so everyone
was inside the room. Some of the rooms were suffocated due to lot of smoke and everyone in
that building were alerted and escaped safely. Moreover, the two girl students in the top floor
sustained burn injuries were unable to come out of the room. The firemen were summoned
immediately and saved the two girls from further injuries. The fire extinguished after one
hour. The two girl students were taken to the nearby hospital with severe burn injuries. The
doctors diagnosed them and declared that they were already dead. Further, the doctor told that
they were already afflicted with asthma and they were killed by smoke and severe fire


Under investigations, it is found that the fire broke out because of a short circuit in the
switch box. As all the fittings in the rooms were in operation, the fire chanced to spread very
fast. This devastating fire accident has resulted in a loss of two girl students and a lakh of
rupees. Recommendations to prevent such mishaps In order to avert or overcome such
mishaps in future, the following precautions are recommended

1. The worn out wiring should be immediately replaced and checked at regular
intervals for leakages
2. It is extremely necessary to install more fire extinguishers at vantage points
3. Proper fuses must be installed to avoid the excess flow of current
4. Students should be trained to handle the electric components safely along with fire
5. Fire alarms should be installed in Ladies Hostel, since a lot of students are available
in the hostel

If the above measures are implemented forthwith, such accidents can be prevented in future
and thereby great loss to property and human can be averted.
















Department of English,

ABC Engineering College,




The Principal

ABC Engineering College


Respected Sir,

Sub: Survey report on the reading habit of engineering students-reg.

As per the intimation NO.2156/14 dated 23.02.2019,1 have made an intensive survey
on the diminishing reading habit of youngsters with a special target on engineering students.
The report and the questionnaire used are enclosed for your perusal.

Thank You

Yours faithfully,

Executive Summary:

It is the hue and cry from the industrial sector that though lakhs of engineering

students are churned out every year, the students lack knowledge and attribute to survive in

this career. This pithy prompted the Principal of, to find the underlying cause for this

lacklustre situation. One of the senior Professors of the College has been given the task of

making a survey about the cause for this plight.


On receiving the assignment from the authorities, the Professor had a series of

discussion with her colleagues and her colleagues in the college and her friends outside the

college. She talked to parents of students from the urban and rural back ground. Also, she

talked to students from different strata of the society. Different Questionnaires were prepared
and distributed among parents and students (200 each) to analyse the reading habit among the
students The questionnaire to students was distributed randomly to students studying in the
different years and hailing from diverse background.


On analyzing the questionnaire got from students, it has been heart-warming to find

that 30 % of the students have developed the reading habit on their own followed by 27.2%

and 18.2%with the help of parents and teachers respectively. Nearly 51%of the students

having the reading habit are from the urban.

It has been noted that girl students frequent the library for reading textual matters
only. When analysing the boys, they go once in a while and spend time reading the dailies or
magazines These days, students think that reading consumes a lot of time compared to
computers. They consider the internet more attractive. Students are more concerned about
earning for their living rather than broadening their knowledge. They are stressed due to
various pressures and they seek a way of escapism through easy means. They don't believe
that there is so much in reading.

Conclusion and recommendations:

1. The parents, teachers and the libraries should on their hands to develop the reading
habit in their wards in their early years itself .They should be encouraged to have a
passion for reading

2. At home, separate time and place can be allocated for reading.

3. It should be instilled in the minds of the youngsters that reading is the best source
of spending excess time at one's disposal

4. In schools and colleges, reading comprehension passages should be given. When

understanding the passages the students delve into the passages which help them to
develop their concentration, vocabulary power, imagination and creativity.

5. Teachers, especially the language teachers have the onus to motivate the students to
read. They should inspire independent reading and should encourage them to share
the findings or information to the case. This will make even the dull students to come
up his/her ability to read and share titbits in the class.

6. The school and college curriculum should be made more interactive to enable the
students develop an inquisitive mind and bring out the knowledge acquired.

7. The crucial aspect of Time management skills should be instilled in the minds of

8. With the advent of internet, creating a blog page and sharing information is a good
way to develop reading.

9. In libraries adequate reading areas with good lighting and ventilation should be
made to woo students to the quiet place.

10. Positive reading shows in the higher academic performances.

Though a little has been discussed about the significance of reading and how it can be
overcome the influence of the digital media like the television internet, video game, etc. Due
developed among students especially engineering students, students should be taught to the
invasion of the electronic media, students visiting libraries are in the decline. So,

parents, teachers and the librarians should make effort to imbibe the reading habit in students
by announcing rewards /prizes. That in turn will make our students employable and be
successful citizens for the future India.

Appendix 1

Questionnaire for parents

1. Are you a working parent? Yes/No

2. How much time do you spend with your children? 5 - 10 hours; 2 - 3 hours ; none

3. Do you have track of their friends? Yes/No

4. Can you specify their friends ?1/2/3/4/5.....

5. How much time do you spend on television ?5-10 hours; 2-3 hours; less than 2 hours

6. What are the programmes you are interested in? Serials / News / Sports

7. Did you have the habit of reading for your children as a kid? Yes/No

8. Do you have a library space at home? Yes/No

9. Do you have the habit of reading? Yes/No

Appendix 2

Questionnaire for students

1. Your gender: Male/Female

2. How much time do you spend for reading?1-2 hours / 2-3 hours / 3-5hours / None
3. What is the purpose of your reading?

Leisure / Hobby/For studies only/To gain knowledge / pleasure.

4. What is your frequency of reading for pleasure?

Frequently / Sometimes /Rarely /None

5. What are the materials

you read with pleasure?

Newspapers / Magazines / Comic books /Science fiction / None

6. Hours spent each day on the following activities:

a) Talking on the phone - 1 hour/2 hours/3 hours....

b) Watch Television/Movies -

c) Browsing the net -

d) Play video games -

e) Reading -

f) Spend time with family -

g) Listen to music -

7. When given the option of choosing books, what will you give importance?

Author/type of book / Number of pages/ Abstract or Summary

8. To be you reading will be for any of these ..

Exciting/fun/information /boring/ for studies only

9. What is the frequency of visit to your college library?

Daily/weekly / fortnightly / monthly / none

10. Who is the inspiration behind your reading habit :

Parent, Teachers / Personal





ABC Engineering College


Date: DD/MM/YY


The Head of the Department

Department of Information Technology

ABC Engineering College


Respected Sir,

Sub: Project Report on The Training for Interns

The project report has been prepared to inform the Head of the Department
advantages of going for internship at Cognizant Technologies Pvt Ltd. The practical exposure
that one gets during such training is useful for engineering students. The report is enclosed
for your perusal.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Executive Summary:

The project report has been prepared to inform the Head of the Department
advantages of going for internship at Cognizant Technologies Pvt Ltd. The practical exposure
that one gets during such training is useful for engineering students.


 Python version 3.x

 Tkinter Python GIUI
 Sqlite3


The project mainly aims to track the covid-19 cases in India and demo slot booking
application. The application uses python server less data base at it backend and it uses a
python code to run the application .Python Tkinter is used for GUI. It requires just a simple
application for vaccination booking

I had started my summer internship on 15th January. On the first 10 days, it required
to make a literature study of the products that are being manufactured, the different levels of
work force, the different sections and given tasks to be done under the supervision of a
senior. We were sent to the various departments one week each. This has helped us to get an
overall knowledge of all the departments and the machinery. We were thrilled to use the
technical knowledge we had acquired in college.

Solution and action:

 Student perform their task on live project with the application of the concepts learned
 Students get trained by experts with years of experience.
 This training helps to bridge the gap between the knowledge acquired and industrial
 The training helps the students to choose the career appropriate for them.
 Students get a smooth transition to professional life.
 They acquire the required skills like problem solving, analytical and communication
skills during the training.
Key findings:

Many employers use industry work experience as a prerequisite for the new recruits.
Employers also use this period as a chance to assess new employees for future employment.
If one can demonstrate the ability to take up responsibility, make sound decisions and apply
technical skills- he/she will stand out as someone who might be great for their organization.
Also, it will be an opportunity to evaluate the company and decide whether it will be suitable
for him/her. Most of the students expressed their increased level of confidence after the
training. The real work environment placed them in a state of security. They felt that their
attitude towards work and the world large has improved to a great extent.


1. Before starting on a training program, it is important that the students learn about
the organization at least to some extent.

2. Maximum effort should be taken to acquire the skills required in the work place

3. Make efforts to create a good will with your employers by exhibiting positive
attitude and interest.
1. What is the author trying to say? Answer this question by summarising the main argument
in two or three sentences.

The text gives an account of the potential of nanotechnology in computer technology

research. It also warns against the risk of not effectively coordinating the technology when it
is developed. In this case, the title itself provides a good summary of the content.

2. Who is the text intended for (the audience)? Other people who do similar work to the
author, or anybody who has a general interest?

The text is essentially a review of some of the current scientific political and business
aspects of the topic and would be of most interest to people who would want to know what
kind of research was being conducted into the technology, and who was conducting it. This is
supported by the technical elements of the text and the references to specialist organisations.

3. Is the author trying to persuade you or inform you in the text?

The aim would appear to be to inform the reader of the current situation regarding the topic.

4. Can you think of anything that is left out of the text?

On the surface, the article would appear to cover a good range of research questions related to
the topic as well as issues related to the policy decision of its use. However, a reader who is
familiar with the field may identify missing elements or themes.

5. Does the author present a balanced picture of the topic?

Balance would appear to be achieved between reporting the situation regarding

research on the one hand, and political and business issues related to its development on the
other. There is only a very brief reference to the concerns that some have over the
development of this technology, although the title suggests that this is not an aspect that the
article would be covering.

6. Does the writer oversimplify complex ideas?

Clearly there are very complex ideas associated with nanotechnology. Aspects of the
technology are referred to for the purpose of the text, and many of these are in the form of
quotations from researchers. For the purpose of this article, they appear to respond with
sufficient detail to illustrate the points that are made.
7. Are the ideas of others represented fairly and accurately?

This article is largely composed of the views of others. Extensive use of quotation is
used to represent the views of those involved in research with paraphrase often used to
introduce the direct quotations. Clearly the emphasis is on the views of those who regard
nanotechnology as having a significant impact on computer technology through its
application. Although “most experts agree that the real world application of nanotechnology
is at least a decade away", it is possible that some of these experts would argue that the
setting up of groups or organisations to coordinate the use of this technology is a little
premature. These views are not expressed.

8. Is there evidence to support the points made by the author?

There are extensive and fully referenced quotations and paraphrases of those working in the
area. Greater use of quotation and paraphrase is a feature of writing reviews in academic
writing, such as a Literature Review in a thesis.

9. Is there any indication of bias from the examples, tone or language used by the author?

The general message coming from the article is positive concerning the potential of
Nano technology, but there is concern over the ability of authorities to coordinate its effective
utilisation. The author uses a neutral tone. In other words, it is difficult to determine the
author's opinion because language that can express feelings about the topic is not used, unless
one accepts that positive views were deliberately chosen because they reflected the author's
bias. However, there is no direct evidence of this.

10. Do you agree with the points made by the author?

Your personal response depends on your position towards Nano technology research
and its use. However, it is important to recognise what the writer has tried to do. The neutral
tone, extensive use of carefully referenced quotation and paraphrase, balance of content with
respect to the title, together with the academic register of the language, have all combined to
create the academic 'feel' of the text. It does not contain examples of emotional or sensational
language to persuade the reader, and given its length, it appears to cover a reasonably wide
range of points related to the title. These are all features of effective academic writing.

Name of the applicant:

Course applied: MS in Computer Science

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you
truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -Steve Jobs.
Ever since I was young, I have cultivated a deep love for problem solving. Right from a very
young age, I have always enjoyed coding and programming. At the same time, I have been
fond of mathematics and it easily became one of my most favoured subjects, Thanks to my
passion for problem solving I went on to pursue this dream in college. During my college
years, I decided to pursue a bachelor's of engineering in computer science. At that time, I
learned the ins and outs of computer programming as well as where my strong points were.
Studying computer science shapes more than just your academic life and career. Since I
started programming, I have seen the logic and critical thinking required for the field
permeate into my daily life. I have become fascinated by the continuous development of new
programming languages and the logic behind translating that to efficient machine
programming. My most recent job experience was working at Cognizant technology solutions
as a senior programmer. With that position I have created user information and developed
solutions based on components of JAVA programming. I am now looking at pursuing an MS
in computer science. I want to get myself involved myself with teaching and research. I have
already discussed my options with my seniors and professors as well as colleagues regarding
my options at university. I believe that your institution is reputable because I have heard a lot
about all of your research facilities, as well as computing resources. This has further
intensified my resolve to study further in this field.

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