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My Ambition

Ambition simply means aim or desire for one’s future. It helps us in keeping our
attention focused on a particular target. It motivates us. There are various aims
set by the people. Everyone has an aim in life. Mostly people wish to be doctors,
engineers, officers, and industrialists. It is because these are the paying
professions. As far as my aim in life is concerned, I wish to do master’s in
information technology. Information technology has modernized our life. It has
changed our attitude. It has changed the world into a global village. The reason
why I want to be an expert in information technology is quite simple.

First of all, it is the need of the hour. This field is the most popular and emerging
branch of contemporary knowledge. After the 11 th September catastrophe of the
USA, Islam has become the most widely discussed issue throughout the world.
The anti.Islamic propaganda campaign is flourishing through various media. Being
a muslim,it is my duty to defend my religion. This I can do effectively and
forcefully by information technology. This will help me in preaching my religion. It
will also become a source of my cordial and spiritual satisfaction.

I work day and night to achieve my goal. I am sure that after four years, I will
become a competent master in information technology. I have special aptitude
and talent for this field. May Allah help me in achieving my aim and keeping my
intentions in the right way! (Ameen)!

=====Good Luck=====

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