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Samantha Waldick BTT10 June 16, 2022

Are you seeing tons of pop-up ads as you surf the internet lately? Have you noticed your
computer getting slower? The most likely cause of both of these problems is malware. Read the
following information:

Malware is a term used to describe a virus, trojan, adware, spyware, or any other
malicious program. Trojans use your computer to attack other computers or to
send spam email on behalf of advertisers. Adware and spyware watch your browsing
habits and personal information and deliver unwanted advertising.

Adware is software that contains advertisements to make money for the people
who wrote the program. Some adware programs open multiple pages that you don't
want to view for every page that you do. Advertising pop-ups selling dream
vacations, flashing banners asking you to punch a crazy monkey, and fake warnings
about critical updates for your computer are all everyday tactics of these rogue
programs. It can get so bad that the internet connection or your entire computer
can become unusable.

Spyware goes a step further by collecting information about you and sending it to
advertisers. This information can include things like the web sites you visit or the
files you open. Some of it goes as far as attempting to discover bank accounts or
credit card numbers and sending it to undisclosed recipients. In short, this is stuff
you don't want on your computer.

Getting stubborn adware and spyware off your PC can be frustrating. However,
there are steps you can take to make the process easier and more effective. Your
first step should be to make sure you have an up-to-date anti-spyware scanner. Do
not rely on your antivirus program to do the job.

After reading the above article, type up your answers to the following questions in a Word
document. Begin with the title "Adware and Spyware."

1.What is malware?

It is software created by someone that is built to destroy, disrupt and damage someone
else’s computer.
2. What is adware?

It is software created by someone to display ads that are often unwanted when a user is
not present/online.
3. Give some examples of adware?
Samantha Waldick BTT10 June 16, 2022
Fireball, Appearch, DollarRevenue, Gator and DeskAd.
4. What is spyware?

It is software the enables a user to obtain covert information about another’s computer
5. How do you get rid of adware and spyware?

Do an up-to-date anti-spyware scanner because you should not trust your antivirus to do
the job.
6. Do some research to see where the word malware comes from.

The term is taken from the Ancient Greek story that the Trojan horse used to invade the
city of Troy by stealth.

Now, let's fix up the document:

Headers and Footers

Headers and Footers are text, graphics, WordArt, tables or anything else that you would like to
appear at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of every page in your document.

Using your Adware and Spyware answers from above, complete the following:

Step 1:To create a header click Insert tab, Header.

Take a look at the possibilities for the setup of headers. Choose the Blank (three column)

Select the Date and Time button (choose today’s date only)
Press tab
Type the name of the document – Adware and Spyware
Press tab again
Select the page number button, current position
Exit the header by double clicking anywhere on your document.

Now let’s add a footer:

Select Blank (three columns) again.

Press tab twice (to take you to the right edge/margin).
Type your name.
Exit the footer by double clicking.

Step 2:ADD A NEW PAGE to your document without pressing enter a gazillion times (a no-
no), by selecting Insert tab, Blank page (or pressing Ctrl + Enter at the same time. What do
you see? Hopefully you see a blank page with the same header and footer that you just created.

Save this document as Spyware

Samantha Waldick BTT10 June 16, 2022
Step 3: Now, go back to any 3 other documents you have created in this class and add a
header and footer to each. Insert different information by trying out the options for Header and

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