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Okay, now let’s talk about corruption and social support in Viet Nam.

Corruption in Vietnam, this is a social problem and very painful for our
country. Talking about corruption, we have to talk about CPI. CPI score
is a score that show how corrupt a country is. The higher score, the less
corruption, the lower score, the higher corruption. Vietnam's CPI score
is 39 out of 100 points .In VietNam, there  are some people who are still
plundering the people's money and social benefits. 

According to a report from the government, in 2021, 618 party

members were disciplined for corruption, an increase of 132 members
compared to 2020. According to a report from the government
inspector, more than 9,000 billion VND, i want to say that 9000 billion
VND, has recovered from corruption cases.

Those kinds of people only think of their interests and happiness

without thinking of the common good and the advancement of the whole
society. They do not take care of people's lives with their hearts. And
that action has brought bad consequences to the relationship between
people and people, between people and the government. How can a
country where people's trust in the government is so easily shaken is
one of the happiest countries in the world?    

Thu hồi hơn 9.000 tỷ đồng bị chiếm đoạt trong các vụ án tham nhũng

Social support ( Phúc lợi và an sinh xã hội )

After the corruption, the amount of tax paid by the people to receive
social benefits has decreased a lot. So social welfare in Vietnam is not
appreciated at all.
According to UNICEF Viet Nam, only 10% of children have
access to social assistance, but more of these children are affected by
poverty than any other age group – 36.7% of the poor in Vietnam.
There is no cash assistance for children to solve age-specific problems
such as malnutrition. If even children are the future of the country but do
not receive support from the government, how can we talk about a
happy future?
 Chỉ 10% trẻ em được tiếp cận với các khoản hỗ trợ xã hội, nhưng số trẻ em này bị
ảnh hưởng bởi đói nghèo nhiều hơn bất kỳ nhóm tuổi nào khác - chiếm 36,7%
người nghèo ở Việt Nam Some Time. Không có hỗ trợ tiền mặt cơ bản cho trẻ em
giải quyết các rủi ro tùy theo từng độ tuổi cụ thể như suy dinh dưỡng. Nếu như
ngay cả trẻ em là mầm non của đất nước mà còn không nhận được sự hỗ trợ từ
chính phủ nhà nước, thì làm sao nói đến tương lai hạnh phúc.

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