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 simens HIL

1. What are the features of simens HIL system, describe the figure on page4.
To reduce the risks and effort for the real commissioning
machine builders
can simulate and test the mechanical components of their machine in a virtual
Furthermore, these tools make it possible to
validate the mechanical concept of the machine, and the interaction of the
mechanical system, the electrical system, the software as well as the user
program, at an early development phase of a plan
2. Describe the figure 1-3,how is this device doing itsjob?
"Axis1", "Axis2" and "ConveyorBelt" are traversed via PROFIdrive telegrams.

These axes are neither virtual nor in simulation mode. This means that these

PROFIdrive telegrams are interpreted and processed during the commissioning.

This requires a behavior model of the drives in SIMIT. "Axis3" shows a more simple

way of the virtual commissioning. This axis in the TIA SCOUT project is switched to

simulation mode This means no

behavior model of the telegrams is required and the simulated actual position of the

axis is copied in a program to an output address area and so transferred to the

virtual model. For this purpose, a PN-PN coupler is created in the device view. This

is used to create address areas so they can be read and written in SIMIT via the

SIMIT Unit. The address area of the PN-PN coupler is also used for the required

digital inputs and outputs. Alternatively, a distributed peripheral module can be

configured for this purpose.

If the axes are not switched to simulation, they must be interconnected with

external drives via PROFINET

3. Tell me the details of simens hil especially about the signal flow

 NI
1. How many components in the NI’s HIL system?
An HIL test system consists of three primary components:
real-time processor
I/O interfaces
operator interface.

2. Explain the function of each component.

The real-time processor is the core of the HIL test system. It provides deterministic
execution of most of the HIL test system components such as hardware I/O
communication, data logging, stimulus generation, and model execution. A real-time
system is typically necessary to provide an accurate simulation of the parts of the system
that are not physically present as part of the test.
The I/O interfaces are analog, digital, and bus signals that interact with the unit under
test. You can use them to produce stimulus signals, acquire data for logging and analysis,
and provide the sensor/actuator interactions between the electronic control unit (ECU)
being tested and the virtual environment being simulated by the model.

The operator interface communicates with the real-time processor to provide test
commands and visualization. Often, this component also provides configuration
management, test automation, analysis, and reporting tasks

3. How to implement the HILtest system?

 Test bench
1. What are the problems in ordinary test system? Why they need HIL to help
the job.

2. Describe the figure11.1 on page255 by your understanding,such as,how

many components, every one’s function,the flow of the signal

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