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How does a lightning rod work, in all its spectacular details?

Paratonerin sivri ucunda toplanmış olan artı ve eksi yüklerle bu eksi yükler etkileşime geçer.
Paratonerde bulunan eksi yükler, buluttaki eksi yükler ile birbirini iter ve bu sayede
paratonerdeki eksi yük toprağa aktarılır. Uçta kalan artık yük ise buluttaki eksi yük ile
etkileşime geçerek, nötrleşir. Bu sayede yıldırım oluşumunun önüne geçilmiş olur.
These negative charges interact with the positive and negative charges collected at the
pointed end of the lightning rod. The negative charges in the lightning rod repel each other
with the negative charges in the cloud, and thus the negative charge in the lightning rod is
transferred to the ground. The residual charge at the tip interacts with the negative charge
in the cloud and becomes neutral. In this way, lightning formation is prevented.
. Why do charges tend to congregate around surfaces with sharp curves?
Şimdi, iletkenin özelliğinin direncinin düşük olması olduğunu biliyoruz. Yani yükler üzerinde
rahatça hareket edebilir. Bu durumda ortamdaki fazla negatif yükler birbirini itecektir. İtilen
yükler de olabildiğince uzağa gidecekler. Bu durumda en uzak yer, her zaman cismin dış
yüzeyi olur.
Now we know that the property of the conductor is to have low resistance. So it can move
freely on loads. In this case, the excess negative charges in the environment will repel each
other. The pushed loads will also travel as far as possible. In this case, the farthest place is
always the outer surface of the object.
What is an electric field? How does it relate to the concept of voltage?
. Elektrik alanı, elektrik yüklü parçacıkları çevreleyen ve alandaki diğer tüm yüklü parçacıklara
onları çeken veya iten kuvvet uygulayan fiziksel alandır
. An electric field is the physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts
a force that attracts or repels all other charged particles in the field.
Voltage is electrical energy per unit charge, and electric field is force per unit charge.
In class I employed a device similar to that at right. Inside I placed various items charged with
static electricity. While the item was inside the voltage was measured between the two
cages with a common voltmeter. This voltage was used to indicate different charges on the
cages. (A) Suppose the inner cage was positive, while the outer cage was negative. What
does that tell us about the static charge on item placed in the middle? (B) Suppose the inner
cage was negative, while the outer cage was positive. What do we interpret now? (C)
Suppose I placed the charge between the inner and outer cages? What would you expect?
(D) Back to cases A and B, what does zero voltage on the voltmeter mean? The electric field
is defined by how a quantity of charge (q) experiences a force under the effect of other
charges. Those other charges can be anywhere (or everywhere!), can be any amount, near
and far. So we say that other charge (collectively) produces an Electric Field, E. The electric
field in turn places q under a force: F = qE. If free to move, q would accelerate. At any rate,
energy (work) is exchanged just moving it, or just allowing it to be moved. If you could find a
way to move a charge without changing the magnitude |𝑭| (even if the direction changes),
all those places, together form what is called the equipotential surfaces. (Note: in the
textbook, they use the term “Equipotential Lines.” See Page 675 of our textbook, Openstax
Physics. “Lines” is the natural term when one is discussing a diagram on 2D paper. But the
charges and their electric field lines exist in 3D space. So lines become—in reality—surfaces.)
Equipotential surfaces are also surfaces of equal force; and if you moved any charge from
anywhere on that surface to far away, infinity, it would take the same amount of work
(energy) —Relative to ∞. That is what is meant by equal-potential, Equipotential. Imagine in
your backpack is a large rock. You’re on the ground floor of the building. So, say the rock has
zero potential energy, PE. (If you’re fastidious in your mental imagery, I expect you know this
isn’t quite the truth.) Now take the rock up to the top floor. Or the ISS. (Your choice.) No
matter: the rock’s potential energy changed from one known PE position to another.
Similarly, imagine moving (not the rock but) a backpack of charge between two points, each
with known PE. This is the potential difference to which we refer when speaking about the
difference in voltages. (See Section 19.1 in the textbook.) Except: voltage difference is the
potential energy difference per amount of charge, as in [joules]/[Coulomb].
Can different equipotential lines cross? Explain
Equipotential lines at different potentials can never cross either. This is because they are, by
definition, a line of constant potential. The equipotential at a given point in space can only
have a single value.
Charge is transferred to a cooking pot, as was done in the videos. If someone claimed the
whole pot was at equipotential, what does s/he mean?
Equipotential lines are always perpendicular to the electric field. In three dimensions, the
lines form equipotential surfaces. Movement along an equipotential surface requires no
work because such movement is always perpendicular to the electric field.
İletkenler elektrik alan içine konulduğunda yük sistemi yeniden düzenlenerek kararlı hale
gelir. İletkenin içinde elektrostatik dengede elektrik alan sıfırdır. Elektrostatik denge, yüklerin
hareket etmediği, herhangi bir yükün üzerine diğer yüklerden dolayı etkiyen net kuvvetin sıfır
olduğu durumdur.
(A) Explain the observation the electric field is zero inside metals. (A) Now: does this mean
there cannot be an electric field inside metals? Be the answer yes, no, depends: explain the
conditions for each
İletkenler elektrik alan içine konulduğunda yüksistemi yeniden düzenlenerek hale gelir.
İletkenin içinde elektrostatik dengede elektrik alan sıfırdır. Elektrostatik denge, yüklerin
hareketdikkate alınmayan, herhangi bir ödemen üzerine diğer yüklerden nedeniylen net
kuvvetin sıfır olduğundan.
When the conductors are placed in the electric field, the load system becomes stable by
rearranging. Inside the conductor, the electric field is zero in electrostatic equilibrium.
Electrostatic equilibrium is the situation where the charges do not move and the net force
acting on any charge due to other charges is zero.
In a video we saw an electroscope covered by a wire cage. Used like it is, we call it a Faraday
Cage. An electrostatically charged rod was brought nearby. The electroscope did not react.
(A) Why? (B) How would the electroscope react if some of the rod’s charge was deposited on
the cage? (C) Suppose the cage was a metal cooking pot. Suppose it was made of aluminum
foil. What, for each, would be different?
.Faraday kafesine elektriksel olarak yüklü bir malzeme yaklaştırıldığında kafesteki artı ve eksi
yükler birbirinden ayrılır. Örneğin yaklaştırılan malzeme artı yüklü ise Faraday kafesini
oluşturan metalin yapısındaki elektronlar artı yüklü malzemenin olduğu tarafta toplanır.
Kafesin diğer tarafında ise artı yük fazlalığı oluşur. Böylece kafesin iç kısmında dış elektrik
alanla zıt yönde bir elektrik alan meydana gelir.Bu durumda malzemenin içindeki ve dışındaki
zıt yönlü iki elektrik alan birbirini nötrler. Böylece kafesin içindeki elektrik alan sıfırlanır. Yani
Faraday kafesi, içindekileri dış elektrik alanın etkisinden korur.
.When an electrically charged material is approached to the Faraday cage, the positive and
negative charges in the cage are separated from each other. For example, if the material to
be approached is positively charged, the electrons in the structure of the metal forming the
Faraday cage are collected on the side of the positively charged material. On the other side
of the cage, there is an excess of positive load. Thus, an electric field in the opposite
direction to the external electric field occurs inside the cage. In this case, two opposite
electric fields inside and outside the material neutralize each other. Thus, the electric field
inside the cage is zeroed. In other words, the Faraday cage protects its contents from the
influence of the external electric field.

Voltages are always measured between two points. Why?

Voltages are always measured with respect to a reference, so you need two points, one the
reference and the other the point where it is being measured.

Voltage is a difference in potential between two points, where one point is at higher
potential and the other is at a lower potential, therefore the difference is what matters and
is termed as potential difference or voltage.
Explain how an electrostatic precipitator works. Suppose you designed one for personal use,
say, on one’s office desk. Your design follows those that use electrified wires. Explain your
design choices for the wire.
partikül giderimi amacıyla sıkça kullanılırlar. sistemin prensibi partiküllerin elektrostatik
elektrikle yüklenerek metal tabakalara yapışması ve bu şekilde giderilmesidir
They are frequently used for particle removal. The principle of the system is that the
particles are charged with electrostatic electricity and adhere to the metal layers and are
removed in this way.
How is it an object can have a very high voltage (read: a very high potential difference
relative ground) even though very little charge may be on the object? Here is a gedanken
experiment to think about the idea: imagine a giant ball with just a teaspoon of charge (i.e.,
a tiny amount). Imagine the ball slowly shrinking, from a large to a small radius. As the
diameter shrinks, what becomes of the forces among the charges, what becomes of the
energy stored with the body of charge?
V(voltage) -) ı(current) x r(resistence)
Once neon light bulbs were among the most common front panel lights. (Now most are LED
based. However, if you have a common extension socket with a switch, or grup priz, like the
one at right, the lights inside are likely neon.) Neon bulbs are glass envelopes with two
electrodes and a tiny amount of low-pressure neon gas. They are lit by applying a sufficient
voltage between the electrodes, the potential at which the gas ionizes. The voltage changes
based on the device design (and who you ask—see this web page:, but is generally about 80 volts (80
V). (The middle image at right courtesy Wikipedia.) Now that you know everything about
neon lights, would you be surprised if I told you one could flash a neon bulb with the static
generated on the plastic ball I use in class? (See the image at right.) I tried it for myself,
charging the plastic ball with a piece of leather, then bringing the ball close to one of the
neon’s leads. In the picture, one lead is attached to a magnet (used only as a clamp, but
otherwise has nothing to do with this question), the other sticking out into the air. There was
no need to even touch the lead; the neon bulb lit well regardless, despite the air gap. The
questions: (A) What does that say about the potential of the charge on the plastic (relative
ground)? (B) Suppose one of the neon’s leads was attached to ground. What question(s)
would you want to ask me so that you could make a rough estimate of the overall voltage
between the tube and ground just before the neon lit up? (C) Then, with that information,
how could you (roughly) estimate the potential difference between the plastic ball and
ground. Note: I frequently mention the “plastic ball”. But it can be anything that can collect
static charge and, as importantly, from which the charge can be transferred—as through a
There are very large numbers of charged particles in most objects. Why, then, don’t most
objects exhibit static electricity?
Most of the object they number of positively charged particle that is equivalent to the
number of negatively charged particles. Those are called electrons rich makes them
electrically neutral, and hence they don't exhibit static electricity.
Nesnelerin çoğu, negatif yüklü parçacıkların sayısına eşdeğer olan pozitif yüklü parçacıkların
sayısıdır. Bunlara elektron açısından zengin denir, onları elektriksel olarak nötr yapar ve bu
nedenle statik elektrik sergilemezler.

Why do most objects tend to contain nearly equal numbers of positive and negative
Most objects tend to contain the same numbers of positive and negative charge because this
is the most stable situation. In fact, if an object has an excess of positive charge, it tends to
attract an equal number of negative charges to balance this effect and restore neutrality: the
attracted negative charges combine with the excess of positive charges, leaving the object
electrically neutral.
Çoğu nesne, aynı sayıda pozitif ve negatif yük içerme eğilimindedir, çünkü bu en istikrarlı
durumdur. Aslında, bir nesnede fazla pozitif yük varsa, bu etkiyi dengelemek ve nötrlüğü geri
yüklemek için eşit sayıda negatif yük çekme eğilimindedir: çekilen negatif yükler, pozitif
yüklerin fazlalığı ile birleşerek nesneyi elektriksel olarak nötr bırakır.
An eccentric inventor attempts to levitate by first placing a large negative charge on himself
and then putting a large positive charge on the ceiling of his workshop. Instead, while
attempting to place a large negative charge on himself, his clothes fly off. Explain.
the electrons in the foil moved to one side of the oil, leaving the other side partially positive.
And then this attraction is stronger than this repulsion between these two. So this would be
repulsive. This would be attractive in this, a stronger so then that would lead to a net
the electrons in the foil moved to one side of the oil, leaving the other side partially positive.
And then this attraction is stronger than this repulsion between these two. So this would be
repulsive. This would be attractive in this, a stronger so then that would lead to a net
When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it becomes positive and the silk becomes negative—yet
both attract dust. Does the dust have a third type of charge that is attracted to both positive
and negative?
No, the dust is attracted to both because the dust particle molecules become polarized in
the direction of the silk. In turn, this negative electrical charge in the side facing the rod will
be attracted to the positive rod with greater force than the repulsion force which appears
between the two positives
Why does a car always attract dust right after it is polished? (Note that car wax and car tires
are insulators.)
the presence of charged particles in paint that is applied to the car. The process of attraction
takes place between the charged particles present in the paint and the particles of dust.
Thus the dust particles are stick to the paint of the car.
What is grounding? What effect does it have on a charged conductor? On a charged
When a charged object is grounded, the excess charge is balanced by the transfer of
electrons between the charged object and a ground. Negative charged Conductor- e- from
conductor to earth, making conductor neutral. Grounding makes charged conductors neutral
and charged insulators non-polarized.
]. Given the polar character of water molecules, explain how ions in the air form nucleation
centers for rain droplets.
Ions are either positively or negatively charged. Water molecules will be attracted to them
and will surround them causing a buildup of raindrops.

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