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A comparison of flotation froth stability measurements and their use in the

prediction of concentrate grade

Article · January 2006


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6 authors, including:

Sameer Harish Morar Dee Bradshaw

Mount Isa Mines The University of Queensland


Brett Triffett
OZ Minerals


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A comparison of flotation froth stability measurements and their use in the
prediction of concentrate grade

S. H. Morar, D. P. Hatfield
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

N. Barbian
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

D. J. Bradshaw
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

J. J. Cilliers
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

B. Triffett
Rio Tinto Technology, Melbourne, Australia

ABSTRACT: Froth stability is a qualitative concept and is known to play an important role in flotation
performance. Higher froth stability improves recovery at the expense of grade, and lower froth stability
improves selectivity. Recently various techniques have been developed to measure froth stability on an
industrial scale. This paper compares three independent measures of froth stability, where two are froth
surface descriptor outputs from a machine vision system, SmartFroth™ and one is a froth property, related to
the air recovery and is obtained from froth surface descriptors and measured values. The froth surface
descriptor stability measures are then evaluated for use in an empirical grade prediction model. This
investigation was performed on a set of test work where air, frother dosage and froth depth were varied at
Northparkes Copper Mine, NSW, Australia.

1 INTRODUCTION quantitative measurements of these parameters using

a machine vision, SmartFroth™ (Sweet et al., 2000,
Froth stability is known to play an important role in de Jager et al., 2003, Hatfield, 2006).
determining the mineral flotation performance and is This paper sets out to compare two froth surface
qualitatively assessed and measured in a number of descriptors that indicate stability to a physical froth
ways. property on an industrial scale. Recent research has
Typically, the stability of flotation froths is a shown the usefulness of these stability measures for
trade-off between recovery and selectivity. A stable the estimation of the froth stability in the context of
froth will have a high recovery, whilst an unstable industrial flotation cells.
froth will be selective. Additionally, flotation froths
should, from the point of view of handling, remain
stable within the flotation cell, so as to support and 1.1 Froth stability
transport the collected solids, and then break down Froth stability can be defined as a measure of the
once collected in the flotation cell’s launder. The lifetime of a froth, or the persistence of the froth
stability of the froth phase plays an important role in (Subrahmanyam and Forssberg, 1987). Harris (1982)
flotation performance by providing a further degree defined two types of froth, the first being unstable,
of separation between the floatable and non- and the second being ‘metastable’ or persistent
floatable, or entrained, materials in the froth (Harris, froths.
1982). Barbian et al. (2005) have shown that on this Unstable froths continuously break down due to
system, higher froth stability conditions, which liquid drainage from between the bubbles, while
occur at a lower air flow rate, have resulted in ‘metastable’ froths are more persistent, and have a
improved flotation performance. longer lifetime in the absence of disturbances.
Typically, operating conditions are manipulated The froth phase can be characterised by the froth
based on a visual assessment of the froth surface. bulk, and the froth surface. The froth surface
This assessment is made using qualitative visual stability is related to the bursting of the bubbles and
parameters such as froth colour, bubble size, surface thus loss of air into the atmosphere.
bursting rate and froth velocity. Recently,
developments have been made in providing
The stability of the froth bulk is reflected by the The recovery of entrained material has been
bubble size on the froth surface. Higher coalescence shown to be proportional to the recovery of water
rates within the froth bed will result in larger (Engelbrecht and Woodburn, 1975).
bubbles on the froth surface. As bubbles get larger, Stable froth, due to an increased bubble film
the surface area available for attached particles viscosity, and reduced coalescence is expected to
decreases, thus increasing the solids concentration entrain more water than unstable froth. Thus, it is
per unit area on the bubble lamella or decreasing the expected that stable froth carries an increased
loading capacity of the froth reduces froth stability . amount of entrained material.
Reducing water recovery reduces the gangue
1.2 Factors affecting stability recovery due to entrainment and thus increases
It has been established and is widely accepted that
many factors lead to froth instability. Solution 1.4 Stability measurement
chemistry and the nature and concentration of
Bikerman (1953) proposed a method of measuring
attached particles on the froth are expected to be the
froth stability, defined as the ratio of foam volume to
dominant factors in this system.
gas flowrate (∑). It is performed by observing the
rate of froth breakdown from an equilibrium height
1.2.1 Solution chemistry in a sparged column.
The solution chemistry is a major factor of froth The dynamic foam stability is expressed as:
stability. Bubbles in pure water are inherently Vf H ⋅A
Σ= = max
unstable. The presence of surfactant, or frother, Qa Qa
changes the surface chemistry at the air / water
where Vf is the foam volume at equilibrium, Qa is
interface by decreasing the surface tension at this
the gas flow rate to the column, Hmax is the froth
height at equilibrium and A is the column’s cross
The major factor that affects the solution
sectional area.
chemistry is the nature and concentration of the
surfactant (Sweet et al., 1997).
1.4.1 Air recovery
1.2.2 Particle effects Froth stability can be indicated by the fraction of air
recovered to the weir as unbroken bubbles.
Particle effects on froth stability are well known, but The fraction of air that overflows the weir as
not well understood. The main particle properties unbroken bubbles (α) can be estimated (Ventura-
that govern the particle effect on froth stability are Medina, Barbian and Cilliers, 2003) as:
particle hydrophobicity, state of aggregation, bubble
loading, particle size and shape. V v f ⋅ hlip ⋅ w
Johannsen and Pugh, (1992) and Schwartz and α= =
Grano, (2002) have shown that increasing particle Qa Qa
hydrophobicity increases the stabilising effect of
particles up to a ‘critical’ hydrophobicity, where where V is the volume of overflowing froth, Qa is
highly hydrophobic particles start to destabilise the the air feed to the flotation cell, vf is the velocity of
froth. the top surface of the froth, hlip is the height of froth
The bubble loading effect has been attributed to overflowing at the weir and w is the width of the
an in increase in the viscosity of the bubble film weir.
(Subrahmanyam and Forssberg, 1988, Hatfield, Typically, α is determined by obtaining vf using a
2006), and to the formation of a tightly bound machine vision estimate of the froth velocity,
hydrophobic particle layer, which retards drainage. measuring hlip on the launder and obtaining Qa,
Despite the work conducted in this field to date, which is a manipulated parameter into each flotation
many aspects of the effect of particles on the froth cell. The width of the launder, w, is constant for each
stability, including the magnitude of this effect, are flotation cell.
not yet well understood. Air recovery is a key component used in the
modelling of froths and foams (Neethling et al.,
1.3 Relating stability to grade 2003). The most notable use of the air recovery
parameter is in the recovery of liquid, which has
The concentrate is made up of two solid been reported to work well within the laboratory,
components; the attached solids due to true flotation, however, large errors were observed on an industrial
and the transported solids in an entrained fraction.
scale. The errors were largely attributed to the each experiment. Additionally, samples containing
bubble size measurement. the solids on the bubble lamella on the froth surface
were taken using glass slides. The samples were
filtered and dried, then analysed for solids, copper,
1.4.2 Cross correlation peak
sulphur and silica content.
Cross correlation is a well known image processing Image data of the froth was captured on each cell
technique that compares two consecutive images to in the bank over a 20 minute period for off-line
find the relative alignment that maximises their processing using digital video cameras, illuminated
correlation with each other. by 500 watt halogen lights, mounted to observe the
The algorithm, as described in de Jager et al, froth before it overflowed into the launder. The
(2004) produces a normalised height map, where the image data was processed using SmartFroth (Sweet
location of the maximum value shows the image et al., 2000, de Jager et al., 2003, de Jager et al.,
displacement needed to maximise the image 2004).
correlation. The normalised peak is the cross The variables manipulated during the study were
correlation peak measurement. Since this air flowrate Q, froth depth h and frother dosage C.
measurement is a measure of how similar two Within each condition, air flowrate was varied
images are, it is hypothesised that, when applied to between 1070 and 1270 m3/hr. Frother dosage in the
froth flotation, it can be used as an indicator of froth high frother condition was increased from 100 to
stability. The resultant value is valid between zero 135 ml/min and the froth height in the low froth
and one, where one would represent no changes in height condition was decreased from 200 to 155
the image, and thus, as applied here, a stable froth. mm.
It is expected that this measurement is more
sensitive to changes in bubble arrangement and
shape, than bubble bursting on the froth surface. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

1.4.3 Burst fraction Table 1 shows the variables manipulated in the

The burst fraction measurement is based on a experimental work, with the metallurgical results.
velocity corrected image subtraction as described in
(de Jager et al, 2004) to reveal an image which 3.1 Stability measurement comparison
shows the difference between the two consecutive It should be noted that ‘cross correlation peak and
images. ‘burst fraction’ measurements are froth surface
The pixel values within this image, when descriptors, and are properties of a set of froth
normalised, are the basis for a second stability images, used to indicate physical behaviour.
measurement, when applied to froth flotation. The results shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2
It is expected that this measurement is most compare the stability measures of these two froth
sensitive to bubble bursting events on the surface of surface descriptors with ‘air recovery’. These
the froth rather than the movement of bubbles measurements were taken at a variety of operating
relative to each other, or differences in bubble conditions, for all the cells down the rougher bank.
arrangement and shape, as steps are taken to The results suggest a trend relating the froth surface
minimise the measurement of these effects in the descriptor stability measures to the calculated air
algorithm. recovery over the launder.
The cross correlation peak measure shows a non-
2 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM linear relationship with air recovery with an R2 value
A plant campaign was carried out in the rougher of 0.682.
cells of the flotation circuit at Northparkes Mine, The burst fraction measure shows various linear
New South Wales, Australia. The ore processed in relationships with air recovery at different operating
Northparkes is a copper sulphide ore, mainly conditions, which suggests that burst fraction is
consisting of bornite (Cu5FeS4) and chalcopyrite dependent on operating condition. This implies that
(CuFeS2). The rougher cells are rectangular (2.66 x air recovery can be predicted when treated as a
3.34 m long). function of burst fraction, froth depth and frother
The feed conditions were kept constant through all dosage.
the experiments. The feed was maintained at a 750 The overall R2 value is 0.594, and thus cross
m3/hr flowrate with a solids content of 33% by mass. correlation peak shows a better relationship with air
The head copper grade was about 0.5% by mass. recovery.
Composite samples were taken of the feed to the The surface bubble size distribution can also be
bank, concentrate from each cell and tails in the used as an indicator for bulk froth stability, due to
downstream cell over a period of 90 minutes for the resulting froth surface bubble size being a factor
of the number of coalescence events that occur recovery. This may be due to a non-linearity
below the froth surface. It is a good indicator when between surface burst rate and bulk froth stability.
the bubble size distribution is uniform; however, The non-linear relationship between the air
deviations may occur over wide bubble size recovery and the cross correlation peak shows that,
distributions due to inaccurate measurement of at low froth stabilities, the bulk froth stability is
smaller bubble sizes, as reported by Neethling et al. proportional to the surface burst rate, however at
(2003). more stable surface conditions, the rate of increase
The cross correlation peak measurement, of bulk froth stability is less than the change of froth
however, does not show a linear correlation with air surface stability.

Table 1. Values for the operational variables and performance indicators for rougher bank
Air flowrate Froth depth Frother dosage Solids Recovery Grade Recovery
[m3/hr] [mm] [ml/min] [% feed solids] [% Cu] [% Cu]
Standard condition 1070 200 100 0.91 37.1 82.1
1170 200 100 1.08 33.5 84.6
1270 200 100 1.16 29.6 82.7
High frother 1070 200 135 0.84 38.7 63.6
1170 200 135 1.01 30.2 71.1
1270 200 135 1.33 37.9 75.1
Low froth depth 1070 155 100 0.98 35.0 77.8
1170 155 100 1.21 27.1 81.8
1270 155 100 1.31 27.2 77.5

3.2 Surface burst rate versus bulk froth stability

The burst fraction, which indicates the surface
bursting, is related to and correlates negatively with
air recovery, since the air that is not recovered
represents the loss of air due to bubbles bursting on
the froth surface.

3.3 Measuring flotation performance

Flotation performance can be characterised by the
grade-recovery relationship of a bank.
Figure 1. Cross correlation peak versus air recovery There are two components that make up the
for the rougher bank at different air flowrates concentrate. The first is the material that reports to
the concentrate by true flotation, and the second is
the material that is floated due to entrainment. Both
of these characteristics have an important bearing on
the grade of the concentrate. Being able to detect
either component effectively would be invaluable
towards optimising flotation performance.
Much research has been performed using machine
vision to analyse the froth surface to interpret the
concentrate grade to provide on-line high frequency
grade data(Hargrave and Hall, 1997, Aldrich et al,
1997, Morar et al, 2005).
Machine vision measurements have shown the
potential to detect the concentrate grade, and the
fraction of entrained material.
The burst fraction and cross correlation peak have
been related to overall grade and shown in Figures 3
and 4. The overall grade shows a large amount of
Figure 2. Burst fraction versus air recovery for the scatter at the different conditions. This scatter can be
rougher bank at different air flow rates attributed to the inclusion of the entrained material
in the concentrate grade, which is decoupled by the It can be seen from the regression statistics that
top of froth grade measurement. This implies that the cross correlation peak is significant to a greater
bulk froth stability is an important factor for the true than 99% degree of confidence, whereas the velocity
flotation component of the concentrate grade for this parameter is significant to greater than a 95% degree
system. of confidence. Figure 5 shows the predicted
Within this system, the froth velocity showed a concentrate grade against the actual concentrate
strong relationship with the fraction of entrained grade.
material in the concentrate.
Table 2: Regression statistics for grade prediction
model for the standard and low froth depth
Coefficients Std. error t Stat P-value
Intercept -68.9 20.24 -3.40 2.68E-03
Corr peak 123.2 21.53 5.72 1.11E-05
Y vel -4.6 0.73 -6.28 3.14E-06

Table 3: Regression statistics for grade prediction

model for the high frother condition
Coefficients Std. error t Stat P-value
Intercept -83.0 30.77 -2.70 2.46E-02
Corr peak 138.4 31.65 4.37 1.79E-03
Y vel -2.7 1.11 -2.46 3.61E-02
Figure 3. Air recovery versus concentrate grade

Figure 3 shows the relationship between air

recovery and concentrate grade, with an R2 value of

Figure 5. Predicted concentrate grade versus actual

concentrate grade

The results of the regression indicate that the

Figure 4. Cross correlation peak versus concentrate velocity and the cross correlation peak are both
grade significant to the relationship, however the standard
error for the concentrate grade is ±3.5% Cu.
The two main components that affect concentrate The error may be decreased using an automatic
grade have been shown to relate well to machine updating model that accounts for normal process
vision measurements, and have thus been used to variations that may arise due to ore, grinding and
predict concentrate grade through the use of a linear operating condition variations. This model could use
regression. Table 2 and 3 show the regression an on-stream analyser’s results to re-calibrate
statistics obtained from this model. The standard and against periodically.
low froth depth conditions were fitted by the same
model, however, the high frother condition’s
regression line showed a statistically significant 4 CONCLUSIONS
difference from the standard and low froth depth’s Cross correlation peak is a better stability
model. This is possibly due to the solution chemistry measurement than burst rate for the prediction of
factor affecting stability, which is independent of the concentrate grade.
solids effect.
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Honaker, R Q, Ozsever, A V, 2003. Evaluation of the
for their support in the research and development of
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Minerals Engineering, 16:975-982.
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