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Joe Salinetro

SPED 440
Classroom Design Project
For the first set of desks in the front left corner of the classroom by the teacher’s desk I

placed the visually impaired student up there because that is where most of the teaching will be

done. I also put a student with ADD in that section of desks along with a gifted student. I like

having a gifted student near the teacher to be kind of a class leader and help when needed if they

are caught up in their work. ADD students need to be towards the front with less distractions. On

the other side by the inclusion teacher’s desk, I placed the other ADD student along with a

student with learning disabilities. I placed that student closer to the inclusion teacher incase they

need help. There is also a typically developing student in that section as well. Behind them is two

typically developing students who are with a student with learning disabilities. That student is

also near the inclusion teacher incase help is needed and the other two are just randomly placed.

The middle set of desks that has 4 students in it has one English learner, one student with

learning disabilities, one student with ADD, and one gifted student. I placed the 3 students with

disabilities in the middle behind the projector because they are close to the teacher and right in

front of the board. The gifted student is there as well to help incase they get stuck on anything

but also that student shouldn’t have to be the crutch for them. The next set of desks has two

typically developing students along with an English learner. The EL is placed here to be close

enough to the teacher and has two students near them if they need help. Behind them is 3

typically developing students who are randomly placed and will just work throughout the

semester. Should have zero problems with them. Beside them is two more typically developing

students along with a student with learning disabilities. This student is there because they are

around their peers and close enough to the kidney table for help. The last set of desks has one
English learner who is placed there for help from the teacher’s aide at the kidney table if needed.

The wheelchair student is there because it is right by the door and very easy to access. The gifted

student is placed there because they can be placed anywhere and are reliant.

The classroom has art from local artists that are either former students or lower income

that are trying to get their images out there for more recognition. Another image that I want to

have up is Muhammad Ali and his quote that says, “We can’t be brave without fear.” He is one

of the greatest American icons that conquered all odds. The last thing I would hang in the

classroom is mini flags of countries that are represented by the kids I have taught in years prior.

For assistive technology in the classroom, I am going to have a fidget spinner and poppers for the

ADHD students in the class, so they have something to use during down time for studying or

assigned group work. The last piece of assistive technology in the classroom will be large print

books and handouts for the visually impaired student in the classroom. This is a secondary

inclusion classroom so there will be more assistive technology devices in the room according to

each student’s IEP.

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