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Original article

Textile Research Journal

2018, Vol. 88(15) 1721–1734

Design and evaluation of personalized ! The Author(s) 2017

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garment block for atypical morphology DOI: 10.1177/0040517517708537
using the knowledge-supported virtual
simulation method

Yan Hong1,2,3, Pascal Bruniaux2, Xianyi Zeng2,

Antonella Curteza3 and Kaixuan Liu4

This research puts forward a novel knowledge-supported design process for obtaining personalized ready-to-wear
garment products aimed at consumers with atypical morphology by using a virtual a three-dimensional-to-two-
dimensional (3D-to-2D) design method. The proposed design process starts with designing a personalized garment
block, which is then extended into the desired ready-to-wear garment style. The garment block is obtained by using a
virtual 3D-to-2D design method. The extension and sizing of the garment block pattern into desired ready-to-wear
garment patterns is performed in a 2D environment using classic methods. The proposed design solution begins with a
personalized garment block, thus avoiding the complicated operations of simulating a 3D garment directly in the virtual
environment. The proposed design process can be fully digitalized, which ensures the involvement of the consumer
throughout the design. By repeatedly running the sequence of Design – Display – Evaluation – Adjustment, which is
technically accomplished through the virtual 3D-to-2D design method and 3D virtual try-on, the designers’ patterns
and principles of elaborating personalized garment products can be validated within a very short time. As a knowledge-
supported design process, designers’ design ideas and principles of personalized design solution can be fully extracted to
enhance satisfaction of the final product. A set of experiments and case studies validated the approach and application of
the proposed knowledge-supported virtual design process, and demonstrated its efficiency.

virtual design process, three-dimensional garment design, knowledge-supported design, subjective visual evaluation, fuzzy
logic, atypical morphology

In response to the quickly increasing consumer market finding suitable clothes. This group requires persona-
for individual needs, customized design and production lized products concerning sizes, styles, needs, or expres-
have been recognized as effective means to meet cus- sions.4 However, these individuals have unique figures,
tomers’ needs, improving individual satisfaction.1 which do not fit into the standard sizes that are avail-
Fashion, as an important category of consumer prod- able in stores. The current design solution for this
ucts, has been considered as one of the industrial prod-
uct types that should find a solution for customized
design and production.2 The rising requirements of cus- 1
College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, China
tomized/personalized design in the fashion industry 2
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, France
strengthen the importance of the personalization ser- Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
vice, especially for consumers with particular require- Dong Hua University, China
ments, such as atypical morphology.3
Corresponding author:
There are many individuals within the categories of Yan Hong, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow
atypical morphology, such as the elderly, impaired, University, China, No.1 Shizi Street, Suzhou, Suzhou 215021, China.
and/or disabled, who have exceptional problems with Email:
1722 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

group is the adaption of existing garment patterns. Fashion firms are able to win a greater share of the
However, this solution is not only time consuming market through the development of a more advanced
but also leads to a high cost.5 Also, it is not possible business model based on the application of the virtual
to offer customers with atypical morphology a garment 3D-to-2D design process.
to order, according to their desires and body figure.6 In this context, the virtual 3D-to-2D design method
There is a gap between the stores’ supply and the seems to be the ideal solution for atypical morpholo-
demands from customers. The more the figure diverges gies. Traditionally, most of the research about 3D-to-
from the standard figure, the more difficult it is to find 2D virtual design has been focused on the development
suitable clothes in retail stores.7 of 3D garments directly from the scanned body; how-
Recently, with the development of the three- ever, due to the diversity of ready-to-wear garment
dimensional (3D) laser body scan, surface recon- styles, 3D garment simulation requires not only high-
struction, and virtual reality technology, the virtual level technical support for the software, but also an
three-dimensional-to-two-dimensional (3D-to-2D) design experienced designer to perform the design process.14
method has emerged as a new solution to personaliza- It is difficult to extract systematic design rules for con-
tion service in the fashion industry.8 Using the virtual ceiving ready-to-wear products of all kind of styles
3D-to-2D design method, a personalized garment is using the virtual 3D-to-2D design method, which is
designed directly on a 3D scanned body and developing contrary to the mainstream trend of automatic design
corresponding garment patterns emerges as a research in the computer-aided design (CAD) area.15 To avoid
interest for the fashion industry.5 Due to the develop- these problems, some researchers have tried to develop
ment of the virtual 3D-to-2D design method, the man- personalized garment block patterns using a virtual 3D-
ufacturing process of product design and development to-2D design method, which can be further extended
(PD&D) is changing in the fashion and textile industry, into accurate 2D garment patterns for ready-to-wear
particularly in the domain of personalized garment products of desired styles. Time, labor, and technical
product design.9 As a novel design solution, the virtual expense can be greatly reduced if this method is used.
3D-to-2D design method is expected to be able to For example, recently, Hong, Zeng and Bruniaux5
effectively satisfy the personalized garment design developed a garment block design method by defining
requirements. a set of landmarks along with corresponding wearing
Compared to some traditional design methods, such ease controlling lines on the scanned body surface.
as traditional 3D-to-2D and 2D-to-3D methods, the Using surface reconstruction technology, a persona-
virtual 3D-to-2D design method is able to integrate lized garment block pattern can be obtained.16
the concept of collaborative design in the PD&D However, the precision of the design effect is largely
process.10,11 By running the sequence of Design – dependent on the quantity of the defined landmarks.
Display – Evaluation – Adjustment repeatedly, which The wearing ease of each landmark should be given
is technically accomplished by applying the virtual manually, which is also rather complex. Thus, a more
3D-to-2D design method and 3D virtual try-on, the efficient 3D-to-2D design method is required for gar-
whole process can be presented to both consumers ment block generation.
and designers in real time.12 For example, consumers In this research, a virtual 3D-to-2D-based design
can be involved in the whole design process by using process is proposed for designing personalized ready-
a remote monitor. Also, evaluation based on the dis- to-wear products aiming at atypical morphology. The
played design result can be performed by both proposed design process begins with designing a perso-
designers and consumers. Evaluation results constitute nalized garment block, which can be further extended
the input of the adjustment section. Designers’ design into the desired style for the related ready-to-wear
ideas and principles of the personalized design solution product. Obtaining the personalized garment block is
can be validated within a very short time through this realized by using the proposed virtual 3D-to-2D design
design sequence. method, which drapes the shape of the garment block
The novel PD&D process using the concept of the on the scanned human body directly, in a 3D virtual
virtual 3D-to-2D method not only changes the working environment. The extension and sizing of the garment
process, but also leads to a totally new business model block pattern into desired ready-to-wear garment pat-
for the increasing market of atypical morphology. Due terns is carried out in a 2D environment using classic
to the complexity of designing for atypical morphology, methods. The garment block, regarded as a primary
a consumer’s satisfaction can be greatly increased design of the ready-to-wear product, has all the essen-
by his/her involvement in the collaborative design pro- tial elements for a garment, such as the construction,
cess. By using the evaluation section, the designer’s opening, darts, and controlled ease, without extra style
knowledge can be extracted to support the design information.17 Comparing the style of ready-to-wear
process and enhance the consumer’s satisfaction.13 products, which is rather subjective, an agreement for
Hong et al. 1723

the general shape of a garment block can be easily Rapidform. Rapidform software was developed by
reached by designers without too many conflicts.18 INUS Technology to edit 3D objects. Point clouds of
In this study, the research domain is mainly focused the scanning result will be simulated by the meshing
on the introduction of the development of a sleeveless tool of Rapidform and a smooth body surface can be
garment block, which can be fast applied to atypical obtained. Also, Rapidform ensures the 3D form can
morphology. The design and construction of the sleeves be re-triangulated and the error holes, which are invari-
are not involved in the proposed design method, ably made as a result of scanning, will be filled. After
because by detecting the circumference of different arm- that, a unique surface modeled by many small facets is
hole curves on the obtained garment block body, obtained.
sleeves can be easily obtained using the 2D classic pat-
tern design method. This will certainly reduce the com- DesignConcept. DesignConcept, developed by Lectra, is
plexity of the proposed design method. An evaluation is able to create points, lines, curves, and surfaces in a 3D
performed by both designers and consumers, based on environment, which permits 3D garment prototyping
the design result obtained from the proposed method. and flattening of corresponding 2D patterns.
During the procedure of subjective visual evaluation,
the design knowledge and experience of designers will Modaris. Modaris software, developed by Lectra, can be
be extracted to provide solutions in the case of an used to create and edit 2D garment patterns and per-
unsatisfactory design effect. Using this method, the form a virtual try-on process. The fabric parameters
concept of knowledge-support design is applied so as of the proposed design can be modeled in the try-on
to enhance consumers’ satisfaction. process at the same time.
The rest of the study is structured as follows. The
general working process of the proposed garment block
development using the virtual 3D-to-2D design method
Virtual 3D-to-2D garment block design process
along with the related software is introduced in In this study, a personalized garment block design
the Methodology section. In the Experiment details sec- method is proposed. The proposed design method is
tion, four experiments are introduced to thoroughly inspired by the general principle of the classic garment
explain an application of the proposed garment block block design method (Figure 1(a)) developed by Appel
design process. Twenty design cases are presented. and Stein: a garment surface framework can be obtained
Furthermore, validation experiments are also depicted from connecting different points of the human body with
in this section with the purpose of investigating if the a given allowance by different lines or curves following
proposed design process could be efficiently accom- the general shape of a garment.5
plished for atypical morphology while ensuring con- The proposed design method starts with 3D scanning.
sumer satisfaction. Also, it is validated that the design The involved consumer is required to wear a bra and
knowledge of experts can be extracted to support the underwear during the scanning procedure, ensuring
design process. The third section is concerned with the that the quality of the scanned result is good, especially
differences between the initial and the modified garment in the breast area. The scanning result will be fur-
block pattern using a set of key fit measurements ther modeled as a digitalized human body model. The
(KFMs). The final section concludes this study. general process of human body modeling using the 3D
scan result has been explained in detail in previous
Methodology The next procedure follows the conical principle
developed by Efrat, which is intended to establish 2D
Virtual design platform co-ordinates for the crucial pattern shaping points. A
In this study, several CAD software systems are applied bodice is specified with several crucial shaping control-
to construct a virtual design platform for the proposed ling points (SCPs). Then, the bodice is defined by sev-
design method, permitting 3D scanning, 3D human eral triangular planes for both the front and back. The
body modeling, 3D garment construction, 2D pattern bust and shoulder blades are the two prominent points,
design, and 3D virtual try-on. which were used to generate these triangular planes.
Each triangle was formed by connecting two adjacent
Human Solution ScanWorX. ScanWorX, developed by the perimeter points and the appropriate apex. Orthogonal
Human Solution Company, is used to control the body projections of the triangles are assembled to produce
scanning process and record the body scan result. front and back bodice patterns; proportional correc-
The body scan data obtained from the 3D scanning is tions are made in the back shoulder area for the differ-
a set of points (point cloud) simulated as the shape of ence between the Euclidean distance calculated from
the scanned object. coordinates and the actual curvature of the back.
1724 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

Figure 1. The process of the proposed design method: (a) general principle of the classic garment block design method; (b) selected
anatomical landmarks for garment design; (c) definition of different shape controlling points, lines, and curves; (d) developing the
proposed garment block framework from the shape controlling points of the breasts and scapular points; (e) general principle of
defining the Normal Line of a curve. (Color online only.)

Firstly, a set of anatomical landmarks for garment curves near the breast area, following the shape of the
design (ALGDs; green points in Figure 1(b)) is selected breast, and end with straight lines when they turn to be
as part of the SCPs from the scanned body surface. far away from the breast area. Finally, 28 triangular
Eight ALGDs are selected in close connection planes are obtained, namely 13 for the front and
with the classic garment block design method,19 includ- 15 for the back panels. By adjusting the position of
ing the waist, side, neck, armhole, and shoulder, as pre- the shape controlling points of the two breasts, an
sented in Figure 1(b). Afterwards, the selected ALGDs ideal framework of the proposed virtual garment
will be connected with lines or curves to create the gen- block can be defined.
eral framework of the virtual garment block. Lines are The distances between the SCPs of the breasts and
marked with yellow and curves are marked with blue, the real apex of the bust indicate the real wearing ease
as presented in Figure 1(c). In the procedure of of the breast area. As the design object is a garment
developing the previous lines and curves, other SCPs block, which contains very limited wearing ease, the
are developed from the human body surface with given ‘‘ideal position’’ of the shape controlling points of
wearing ease (yellow points in Figures 1(b) and (c)). the breast should be that which ensures the shortest
The number and position of these SCPs also follow distance mentioned before, which consequently ensures
the classic garment block generation method,19 includ- a smooth surface of the framework without any over-
ing one point on either side of the shoulder line and lapping between the proposed garment block surface
three points on either side of the pattern perimeters. and the human body.
After that, two prominent points, namely the apex
of the bust and the apex of the shoulder blade, are
Experimental details
used to generate the desired triangular planes, pre-
sented in a purple color in Figure 1(b). Twenty-four In order to validate the proposed method, this research
SCPs are defined to determine the general framework presents case studies using the proposed method to
of the proposed garment block. design personalized garment blocks for physically dis-
Using the pre-defined SCPs, a general framework of abled people of scoliosis type (PDPS). Scoliosis is
the virtual garment block can be defined. A set of a physical condition that results in a curvature of
curves is developed from the shape controlling points the spine.20 Scoliosis can cause atypical morphologies
of the apex of the bust and end with other SCPs to characterized, in some cases, by an uncentered head,
define the 3D garment block surface using several tri- uneven shoulders, ribs of different heights, uneven
angular planes. The shapes of these curves begin with hips, a shoulder blade that protrudes more than the
Hong et al. 1725

other, one leg appearing shorter than the other, and the based on the experts’ knowledge and experience.
body leaning to one side.21 More severe cases can pre- Several modifications will be carried out in conformity
sent a more severe outward appearance of these visible with the designers’ recommendations. Corresponding
symptoms. Because of the asymmetrical morphology modified 2D patterns will be generated and utilized to
caused by scoliosis, the garment construction method perform another 3D virtual try-on. In Experiment IV,
used for standard body shapes is not applicable for two real garments, using the primary garment patterns
PDPS. Due to the atypical morphology, PDPS were and modified garment patterns, respectively, will be
chosen to be studied. produced using the proposed fabrics. Comparisons of
Twenty PDPS (C1, C2, . . . , C20) were involved in the the pre-defined KFMs between the 3D simulation
case studies. Only female PDPS are involved in the results and real try-on results are carried out to validate
experiments. These PDPS have serve scoliosis, accord- the proposed design method.
ing to doctors’ diagnoses. They had a 50–55 degree
Cobb angle in adolescence.
Experiment I
The proposed case studies include four experiments,
as shown in Figure 2. In Experiment I, instrumental As the virtual fitting is strongly related to the fabric
testing of the fabric property is carried out, using the properties, Experiment I is designed to obtain fabric
Fabric Assurance by Simple Testing System (FAST). properties related to the virtual draping and try-on.
Related fabric property information will be further A piece of woven fabric of the greige cloth type,
applied to simulate the virtual try-on of the garment which is widely used in clothing draping experiments,
block. Also, real garment blocks will be produced is tested. Greige cloth is selected because it can repre-
using real fabric to validate the design idea. sent the most popular fabrics used in apparel prod-
Experiment II explains how an application case of the uct development. Normally, an objective measurement
proposed design method is applied to obtain a perso- of the sample fabric can be performed using the
nalized garment block for PDPS. Corresponding 2D FAST or the Kawabata Evaluation System (KES).22
patterns will be generated and further applied to a 3D Experimental data of the test results of both the
virtual try-on procedure. Experiments III and IV are FAST and the KES can be uploaded to the Modaris
validation experiments to evaluate the proposed software to define fabrics in the simulation section of
design method in terms of garment fitting. Several Experiments II and III. In this study, the KES was
KFMs are defined. These KFMs are further applied applied to the fabric property test. Compared with
to a normalized subjective visual evaluation in the FAST, KESs are more specialized in fabric surface
Experiments III and IV. In Experiment III, subjective performance testing, which is more applicable in this
visual evaluation is used by a group of designers to research. By using the fabric properties presented in
obtain a normalized opinion of the garment fitting Table 1, virtual fabric is simulated in Modaris software.

Figure 2. Experiment design and working process of this study. KES: Kawabata Evaluation System.
1726 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

3D method consisted of several design phases, which

Experiment II include 3D scanning (Section A in Figure 3), digitalized
In Experiment II, personalized garment block design 3D human body modeling (Sections B and C in
cases were performed using the proposed garment Figure 3), mechanical 3D garment block generation
design method. Figure 3 presents the design process (Sections D–G in Figure 3), interactive 3D garment
using the proposed design method and related software. surface (without fabric property) modeling, and 2D
As explained in the Methodology section, the proposed garment pattern design (Section H in Figure 3).
Using this process, a set of personalized garment
block patterns was generated. Openings and darts
Table 1. Fabric property of the sample fabric were given in this interactive process. The pattern
generation was an interactive process between the 3D
Fabric property criteria Fabric property virtual garment surface and the 2D garment block pat-
Raw material 100% Cotton (wrap and weft) tern. Several modifications of the generated 2D pattern
in a 2D environment using classic 2D pattern design
Weave structure 3/1/1/1/1/1 right-hand twill
knowledge were carried out to ensure that the flattened
Weight (g/m2) 156
2D could be further applied to the real simulation.
Thickness (mm) 0.596
These modifications included smoothing the serrated
Yarn fineness (tex ¼ g/km) Wrap 50 curves, correcting the length of corresponding curves
Weft 57 of pair patterns, and rectifying the position and
Yarn density (yarns/cm) Wrap 12 volume of darts.
Weft 13 Based on the flattened 2D garment block pattern
Bending (10–6Nm) Wrap 3.3735 obtained from the 3D garment surface, a digitalized
Weft 1.4024 human body model of the consumer, and the virtual
Shearing (Nm–1/ ) Wrap 1.471 fabric obtained from Experiment I, a 3D virtual try-
Weft 1.5985 on is carried out in Modaris software. Throughout
Tensile (N/m) Wrap 4.364 this operation, the 2D technical environment is lined
with a 3D virtual display environment. Based on the
Weft 13.0919
3D virtual try-on display, designers and consumers

Figure 3. Garment block generation process using the proposed design method, related software, and different working environ-
ments. 3D: three-dimensional; 2D: two-dimensional.
Hong et al. 1727

Figure 4. Details of the design process for designing a persoanlized garment block. 3D: three-dimensional; 2D: two-dimensional.

were able to give feedback on the design result. The design In order to identify the fit effect of the proposed
case of C1 is presented in Figure 4 to show the details of garment block, a set of normalized KFMs were
the design procedure and the final result. Other design extracted, which constituted the common communica-
cases are not presented due to the content limit. tion language between fashion designers, pattern
makers, and garment consumers. Five experienced
fashion designers were involved in the selection of
Experiment III KFMs. Training sessions for the invited designers
Experiment III was proposed to evaluate the 3D virtual about the purpose of this section were performed.
try-on of the garment blocks of each PDPS. A group of Instructions were given to designers to select a set of
designers was invited to this section to make a group measurements that meet both width and length require-
decision and give feedback to the design result for each ments. Each trained designer generated an exhaustive
design case. list of categories describing the garment fit performance
1728 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

Table 2. Key fit measurements (KFMs) describing Table 3. Evaluation results of all invited designers regarding the
the apparel fit performance garment block designed for C1

Categories Apparel KFMs FA1 FB1 FB2 FC1 FC2 FC3

FA: Fit in length FA1 Length D1 0 –1 –1 0 0 –1

FB: Fit in width FB1 Waist width D2 1 –1 –2 0 0 –2
FB2 Breast width D3 1 0 –1 0 –1 –1
D4 0 0 –1 0 0 –1
FC: Fit in details FC1 Shoulder fit D5 1 –1 –2 0 –1 –1
FC2 Neck fit
FC3 Arm hole fit
thought, which is full of uncertainty and imprecision.23
In this situation, fuzzy set theory was applied as a rele-
according to his/her professional knowledge. The most vant method for processing uncertain data obtained
relevant three categories describing the KFMs of from subjective evaluation.
the garment block were selected: ‘‘FA Fit in length’’, A triangular fuzzy number (TFN) M is usually
‘‘FB Fit in width,’’ and ‘‘FC Fit in details’’. Then, a denoted using n-tuple formalism as M ¼ (l, m, u) or
list of KFMs, characterizing garment fit in different M ¼ (l/m, m/u), where l, m, and u denote the smallest
categories, was generated by the designers using possible value, the most possible value, and the largest
their garment and pattern design knowledge. After possible value of a fuzzy event, respectively.24 Each set
that, a ‘‘round table’’ discussion among the panelists of TFNs has linear representations on its left- and
was performed to reduce redundant KFMs and those right-hand side. The membership function of a set of
irrelevant to fit. This step led to the generation of six TFNs can be defined as
normalized KFMs assessing the apparel fit perform- 8
ance (see Table 2). >
> 0, x 2 ½1, l
Subsequently, a scale of five evaluation scores, ran- >
> xl
< , x 2 ½l, m
ging from –2 to 2 (–2, –1, 0, 1, 2), was defined to m l
m ðxÞ ¼ ð1Þ
describe KFMs. ‘‘–’’ means that the garment is tight >
> x  u
> , x 2 ½m, u
or small related to the body shape, while ‘‘+’’ goes in >
> mu
the opposite direction (large or loose) and 0 means a 0, x 2 ½u, þ 1
perfect fit on the wearer.
Using these KFMs, group decision-makings were If M1 ¼ ðl1 , m1 , u1 Þ and M2 ¼ ðl2 , m2 , u2 Þ are two
performed in order to assess the fit effect of the 3D TFNs, the operation laws between them can be defined as
virtual try-on result obtained in Experiment II.
Firstly, five experienced designers (D1, D2, D3, D4, M1  M2 ¼ ðl1 þ l2 , m1 þ m2 , u1 þ u2 Þ ð2Þ
and D5) were invited to evaluate the 3D virtual try-on
result using the proposed KFMs. The proposed 3D M1  M2 ¼ ðl1 l2 , m1 m2 , u1 u2 Þ ð3Þ
virtual try-on result was displayed on a screen in
front of the invited designers. Each of the designers l  M1 ¼ ðll1 , lm1 , lu1 Þ, l 2 R ð4Þ
was assigned to evaluate the 3D virtual try-on result  
independently without previous discussion with other 1 1 1
ðl1 , m1 , u1 Þ1 ¼ , , ð5Þ
designers. Designers were free to operate the computer u1 m1 l1
to observe the 3D model under all aspects.
Taking C1 as an example, each of the designers was where  denotes the extended summation of two TFNs
requested to record the fit effect in terms of KFMs pre- and  denotes the extended multiplication.
sented in Table 2, using the pre-defined evaluation Euclidean distance can be used to describe the dis-
score. Table 3 presents the evaluation result of all tance between two TFNs.25 The distance between M1 ¼
invited designers about the fit effect of the 3D virtual ðl1 , m1 , u1 Þ and M2 ¼ ðl2 , m2 , u2 Þ 26 can be expressed as
try-on result of C1.
Experiments designed for the fit effect assessment are 1 
based on subjective visual evaluation. In this procedure, ~ mÞ
d ðn, ~ ¼ ðl1  l2 Þ2 þðm1  m2 Þ2 þðu1  u2 Þ2 ð6Þ
uncertain and imprecise linguistic expressions are often
used by both designers and consumers for evaluating Using fuzzy set tools, a set of linguistic terms,
the garment block. The fuzzy set, as an intelligent tech- describing the evaluation criteria, can be quantified in
nique, was developed to handle the vagueness of human the universe of respective and discourse membership
Hong et al. 1729

Figure 5. The fuzzy linguistic rating scale and related triangular fuzzy numbers.

Table 4. Evaluation scores, corresponding linguistic terms and Using the same calculation process, the perception
triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) of all the designers can be aggregated in terms of dif-
ferent KFMs, as presented in Table 5.
scores Linguistic terms TFNs After that, in order to investigate the fit effect of
different garment block positions regarding various
2 Very loose/big (VL) (2.5,3,3.5) KFMs, the distance of all the aggregated TFNs are
1 A little loose/big (AL) (2,2.5,3) measured to the ‘‘Perfect’’ condition, whose corres-
0 Perfect (P) (1.5,2,2.5) ponding TFN is (1.5,2,2.5). When the distance is
–1 A little tight/small (AT) (1,1.5,2) shorter, the satisfaction is higher. For example, using
–2 Very tight/small (VT) (0.5,1,1.5) equation (6), the fit effect of FA1 can be calculated as
function (Figure 5). TFNs, as a classic fuzzy set tool, ð1:8  1:5Þ2 þ ð2:3  2Þ2 þ ð2:8  2:5Þ2 ¼ 0:17
are used to quantify the utilized linguistic terms in this
research. Each score of the scale is defined by a corres- Similarly, all the aggregated TFNs and correspond-
ponding linguistic term. In order to quantify these lin- ing distance to the ‘‘Perfect’’ condition can be formu-
guistic terms, corresponding TFNs are also given, as lated as presented in Table 5
presented in Table 4. Based on the result obtained, a group discussion was
Then, the aggregation operation of the quantized organized again to decide a pattern medication plan.
evaluation result is performed using the following Then, the garment patterns were modified in a 2D
equation environment according to the professional knowledge
of pattern designers. The modified pattern was simu-
1X l
1X l
1X l lated in a 3D virtual environment again to be analyzed
aij ¼ aijh t1 , aijh t2 , aijh t3 ð7Þ by the designers. The same evaluation procedure that
m j¼1 m j¼1 m j¼1
was applied at the previous stage was carried out again.
The sequence of Design – Display – Evaluation –
where t1, t2, and t3 correspond to the value of TFNs, Adjustment can be performed repeatedly until a satisfy-
which are taken according to Table 4. Using this ing design solution is obtained. Figure 6 presents the
method, the evaluation results of the designer can be modified garment block patterns and corresponding
quantified and aggregated into a group decision related virtual try-on result for C1.
to the fit effect of the proposed garment block displayed
in the 3D virtual try-on. Experiment IV
For example, for the group perception of the invited
designers (D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5) in terms of FA1 of the Experiment IV was designed to validate the proposed
garment block design for C1, can be formulated as a design process. Real samples for both the initial design
new TFN using equation (7) result and the modified design result were simulated
using the proposed fabric in Experiment I and different
  garment block patterns in Experiments II and III.
1:5  2 þ 2  3 2  2 þ 2:5  3 2:5  2 þ 3  3
, , Figure 7 presents the two real samples of the design
5 5 5
case of C1. Another group of five experienced designers
¼ ð1:8, 2:3, 2:8Þ were also invited to evaluate the two real samples tried
1730 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

Table 5. Aggregated evaluation result and corresponding distance to the ‘‘Perfect’’ condition of the design case of C1


Aggregated evaluation result (1.8,2.3,2.8) (1,1.5,2) (0.7,1.2,1.7) (1.5,2,2.5) (1.4,1.9,2.4) (0.8,1.3,1.8)

Distance to the ‘‘Perfect’’ condition 0,17 0,17 0,40 0,00 0,12 0,35

Figure 6. The modified garment block patterns and corresponding virtual try-on result for C1.

Figure 7. Different views of two sets of real samples of C1 produced by initial and modified garment block patterns, and the
proposed woven fabric of the greige cloth type.

on by C1, according to KFMs presented in Table 2, other designers. During the evaluation session,
using the evaluation scores presented in Table 4. Each designers were free to observe the consumer with the
of the designers was assigned to evaluate the 3D virtual two different pieces of garment block from various
try-on result one by one, avoiding any discussions with angles. Each of the designers was requested to record
Hong et al. 1731

the fit effect in terms of the KFMs in Table 2, using the formulated. Using equation (6), the dissimilarity between
pre-defined evaluation score. After the evaluation of ñ (n1, n2, n3) and m~ (m1, m2, m3) can be denoted as
each designer, there was a rest period for the PDPS.
1 2 2 2
3 ð n 1  m 1 Þ þ ð n 2  m 2 Þ þ ð n 3  m 3 Þ
~ mÞ
d ðn, ~ ¼ ð8Þ
Results and discussion 10

Results and discussion of the design case of C1 Correspondingly, the similarity between n~ and m~
Evaluation results for real samples of Experiment IV could be defined as
were collected and aggregated using equation (7), as
presented in Table 6. According to the result presented ~ m~ Þ ¼ ð1  dðn,
sðn, ~ m~ ÞÞ  100%
in Table 6, distances of the quantified designers’ per- 0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 2 2 2
ception about the fit effect between different garment 3 ðn 1  m 1 Þ þ ðn 2  m 2 Þ þ ðn 3  m 3 Þ
¼ @1  A
positions on the real garment block sample regarding 10
different KFMs and the ‘‘Perfection’’ condition are all
very short; thus, it can be concluded that the satisfac-  100%
tion of the real garment block sample, produced using ð9Þ
the modified garment block patterns, is very high in
general. Using equation (9), the similarity degree of the
This indicates that, through a subjective visual evalu- aggregated evaluation results between virtual and real
ation performed by the invited designers regarding the garment try-on results using the initial garment block
proposed KFMs, the design effect can be effectively pattern, regarding different KFMs, can be obtained.
analyzed to generate a knowledge-oriented pattern For example, concerning FB1 Waist width, the similarity
modification section, which can fully ensure the satis- degree of the aggregated evaluation results between the
faction of the final product. As a knowledge-based pro- virtual result (1,1.5,2) and the real garment try-on result
cess, the knowledge and experience of the designers can (1.2,1.7,2.2) can be calculated as
be largely extracted and applied to support the design
0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
process and enhance the desired garment design effect. 1
ð 1  1:2 Þ 2
þ ð 1:5  1:7 Þ 2
þ ð 2  2:2 Þ 2
Also, in order to validate if the proposed design @1  3 A
method is a normalized method that can be generally 10
applied to provide a design solution for consumers with
 100% ¼ 88:45%
atypical morphology, comparisons of the similarity
degrees between the evaluation results of virtual samples
and real samples using the initial garment block patterns All the similarity degrees were calculated in the same
were performed. The similarity degree is a score to be way and the results are presented in Figure 7.
uniformly distributed in the interval of [0,1].27 In order From Figure 8 it can be seen that the highest simi-
to obtain the similarity degree, the following equation was larity degree is 100% (FA1 Length and FC1 Shoulder fit),

Table 6. Aggregated evaluation result for garment samples of C1, produced by initial and modified garment block patterns and
corresponding distances to the ‘‘Perfect’’ condition

Aggregated evaluation result FA1 FB1 FB2 FC1 FC2 FC3

Real sample of initial garment (1.8,2.3,2.8) (1.2,1.7,2.2) (0.8,1.3,1.8) (1.5,2,2.5) (1.3,1.8,2.3) (0.9,1.4,1.9)
block patterns
Real sample of modified (1.33,1.83,2.33) (1.5,2,2.5) (1.67,2.17,2.67) (1.5,2,2.5) (1.33,1.83,2.33) (1.17,1.67,2.17)
garment block patterns

Distance to the ‘‘Perfect’’ FA1 FB1 FB2 FC1 FC2 FC3

Real sample of initial 0,17 0,29 0,46 0,00 0,06 0,40
garment block patterns
Real sample of modified 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.19
garment block patterns
1732 Textile Research Journal 88(15)

Figure 8. The similarity degree of the perception of designers between virtual and real samples using the initial garment block
pattern of the design case of C1.

Figure 9. Average similarity degree between virtual and real samples using the initial garment block pattern regarding different key fit
measurements of all design cases based on the perception of designers.

most of the similarity degrees are higher than 94% method, which can generally be applied to provide
(FA1 Length, FB2 Breast width, FC1 Shoulder fit, FC2 a design solution for consumers with atypical morph-
Neck fit, and FC3 Arm hole fit), and the lowest is 88% ology. The application of subjective visual evaluation,
(FB1 Waist width). It can be concluded that the general according to the proposed KFMs, design knowledge,
similarity degrees of the aggregated evaluation results and experience of the designers can be extracted to
between virtual and real garment try-on results, using support the design process and ensure a stable precision
the initial garment block pattern, are at a high level, of the result. The experience and professional know-
which indicates that different groups of designers can ledge of the designers can be applied to evaluate the
have a common perception with the real and virtual design effect and easily obtain a common agreement
perception, and current virtual software can simulate without conflict.
virtual products with a high fidelity. Several experienced designers were involved in the
proposed fit effect evaluation method; the sensitivity
of the subjective data, obtained by subjective visual
Results and discussion of all the design cases
evaluation, can be largely reduced. The fuzzy logic-
Figure 9 presents the average similarity degree between based group decision-making method works properly
virtual and real samples of all design cases, evaluated in knowledge extraction with stable quantified evalu-
by designers. From Figure 9, the minimum average ation results.
similarity degree is 84.31% (C11) and the maximum is The proposed sequence of Design – Display –
96.53% (C18). The average of all these similarity Evaluation – Adjustment can be effectively applied to
degrees is 91.65%. This indicates that the similarity the personalized garment design, especially for atypical
degree between virtual and real samples maintains a morphology with an ensured stability and precision of
high level. Even though the visual evaluation is subject- the results. Also, virtual reality technology is able to
ive, the proposed evaluation method, using evaluation simulate garment products in a virtual environment
criteria realized by a set of KFMs, is a normalized with a high similarity degree of the real garment
Hong et al. 1733

product, which indicates that the proposed digitalized article: This work was supported in part by the SMDTex
3D simulation-based design process can ensure a high Project, funded by the European Erasmus Mundus Program.

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