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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that smartphones are
destroying social interaction today.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Write at least 250 words.

Complete the table below with the main points you will develop:

Reason / Point Explanation / Evidence Example

It is a distraction People concentrate on the People gathered do not

screen while ignoring those interact between them
around them
It reduces the distance People who live far away can Chat and share photos or
be in contact videos on a messaging app

Write your essay in the next page.

Nowadays, smartphones have become an indispensable tool for many people
around the world. They are frequently used for communication, work, business
and entertainment. However, some persons claim that this device has
somehow damaged social interaction, although it is undeniable that many
families and friends who are far away can keep in touch.

On the one hand, smart devices can be a distracting element for some people
when they are in a meeting with family and friends, as some of them tend to
focus on the mobile screen while ignoring those around them. For example,
you may see many people gathered together who are not interacting with each
other, because they are playing games or scrolling through their social media
such as Instagram or Twitter. This could, in the long run, affect face-to-face
communication especially in children and teenagers if this becomes a habit.

On the other hand, mobile phones have helped people shorten the distance
among relatives and friends who are living far away, maintaining the bond and
communication between them. For instance, through messaging applications
such as Whatsapp or Telegram, it is possible to keep in touch and find out
about any news that may occur with any family member. Additionally, it is
possible to share photos, videos, voice notes and video calls using those
applications, which reduces the likelihood of losing contact with those who are

In conclusion, I believe that smartphones have a positive and negative

contribution to social interaction. Although it is a distraction that affects the
relationship between people who are gathered in one place, it also allows
them to keep in touch with their distant relatives and friends.

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