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The Canonical Glossary of Slang for Cyberpunk

***** Now with OVER 900 Entries! *****

Last updated 2 June 2001 -A-

Copyright © 1994-2001 by Mark F. Cook
A Team:
2020 Hindsight:
n. (Mil.) A small (10-12 men) team of elite
ph. The wise act of watching your back. troops (Green Berets, Special Forces, etc.)
used for advanced missions.
n. 1) The year 2000. 2) the 21st century.
n. 1) An expert in the field. 2) Friend, buddy,
3-V: pal.

n. See ThreeVee. Aces:

404: adj. The very best.

adj. (Net.) Someone who's clueless. From the Ace of Spades:

World Wide Web message "404, URL Not
Found," meaning that the document you've ph. (Solo) Term for death in combat. To "draw
tried to access can't be located. (E.g. "Don't the ace" is to die in battle. "Drawing the ace" is
bother asking him... he's 404, man." a short-hand expression with the same
n. Pronounced "Five Oh". Archaic term used as
a generic reference to LEOs. (From the old TV acr. (Med.) Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
series "Hawaii Five-Oh".)

n. Simple cosmetic surgery.


acr. (LEO) Automated Fingerprint Identification

Agriplex: AMF:

n. An agglomeration of farms with one central acr. "Adios, <expletive>." Good-bye. Typically
managment complex. derogatory.

AI: Amped Out:

n. Artificial Intelligence. A computer or network- ph. Fatigue after being under the influence of
based entity, originally designed to solve amphetamines and certain combat drugs.
complex problems, that has achieved self-
awareness. Usually under the control of a Angel:
megacorp but not always. (See Rogue)
n. A benefactor, especially an unknown one.
Angry Fruit Salad:
n. Shorthand term for an narrow air-cushion
ph. (Net) An interface with too many colors.
AniMan, AniMen:
Air Guitar:
n. Derogatory term for a body-sculpted
ph. (Solo) The act of firing an assault rifle from
individual who resembles an animal form.
the hip and, usually, not hitting a single
intended target. Ant Farm:
Air Rappel: ph. Huge multiscreen theater complexes with
glass facades, often found near American
ph. The act of dropping a long (usually fatal)
malls. Also called gigaplexes.
distance without the benefit of a rappeling rope
and harness. Apter:
Alfa: n. Pronunciation of the acronym APTR
(Augmented Program Trained Reflex.) (AKA
n. (Aq.) Anything fast-moving, esp. vehicles.
skillsoft or reflex chip.) This type of chip
Alien: provides new reflex-based skills for the user.

n. Derogatory grounder term for someone who Arc, Arco:

lives in space (a highrider).
n. An arcology. A self-contained living
Alpha Bravo: environment, usually pyramidal or domed. May
belong to a corporation, government agency, or
ph. (Mil./Solo) Ambush, non-profit organization.

Alpha Geek: Arc Light:

ph. The most knowledgeable, technically n. (Mil.) originally the code name for B-52
proficient person in an office or work group. bombers strikes along the Cambodian-
(E.g. "Ask Larry, he's the alpha geek around Vietnamese border during the Vietnam war,
here.") now a reference to any operation involving
massive amounts of high explosive and general
ALS: destruction over a wide area. The original
operations shook the earth up to ten miles
acr. (Med.) Advanced Life Support.
away from the target area.
Aluminum Rain:
ph. (Rig.) Debris that falls from the sky
n. (Mil.) Artillery.
whenever an aircraft explodes or collides with
another aircraft.
Attoparsec: substance/material (Insulin, Kevlar,
cheaply and in large quantity.
n. (Net) About 3.1 centimeters.
n. Police or corporate security.
acr. Pronounced "Aye-Vee," shorthand term for
a variety of hover-vans. Bagged and Tagged:

Axe: ph. To die.

n. (Rock.) An electric or SynthGuitar. Baf:

 v. To lightly strike someone else in a playful

BA: v. To depart with alacrity.
acr. Pronounced "Bee-Aye," shorthand for
either Bad-Ass or Black Agent.
adj. (Jap.) Stupid. (Pointing at someone and
Ba: saying "baka" is like telling them they're an
n. (Viet.) Vietnamese married woman; used as idiot.)
a title, like "Mrs." Bakebrain:
Bac bac:
n. General purpose derogatory term indicating
someone with limited or damage mental
n. (Viet.) Bastardized Vietnamese for "To
faculties (frequently due to excessive use of
neural cyberware.) (AKA asshole, idiot, jerk,
"Back to the Taxpayers": moron.)

ph. (Rig.) Where you send a wrecked Ballast:

n. (Aq.) Something of particular importance, as
Back Door: in "That is serious ballast."

ph. (Net) A hole in a systems security, that Baller:

when properly utilized, grants an unauthorized
n. A gang drug dealer.
user easy access.
n. A reflex boosted female assassin in the
n. (Thr.) When you wipe out badly on a ramp
employ of a major corp.
and slide back down to the bottom.

Bac-si: Ballistic Counselling:

ph. To adjust the attitude of a malcontent who

n. Vietnamese for "Doctor"; also used to refer
is within range through the use of a firearm or
to medic in the U.S. Army.
other projectile launcher.
n. (Med.) Bacteria Factory. Commercial use of
gene-tailored bacteria to produce some n. (Media) What game- and talk-show staffers
call someone who freezes in front of the
camera (like a deer caught in headlights.)
Bamf: v. (Net) To transfer your apparent location, or
the apparent location of something else,
v. From old X-Men comics, a notional sound without moving you (or it) through the
made by a person/object teleporting into or out intervening space.
of the vicinity. Often used to refer to a dramatic
entrance or exit. (E.g. "Let's bamf outta here!") Beehive [Round/Shell]:

Bang a Left/Right: n. (Mil.) An explosive artillery shell which

delivers thousands of small, directed flechettes
ph. (GoGang) Make a sudden left or right turn, instead of shrapnel. Also known as "Cannister
usually while driving. Shot" or "APERS" (Anti-PERSonnel) rounds.

Banging: Beige Toaster:

adj. (Brit.) Outstanding, excellent. ("That was ph. (Net) A computer and monitor in one
simply banging, old term!") combination unit. Heavy and ugly.

Bare Metal: Bells & Whistles:

ph. (Net) A computer with no programs, not ph. (Net) Useless add-ons.
even an OS. Also, what you reach after
circumventing the most basic programs on a Benji:
n. (Crim.) A Police robo-hound.
Bark at the Ants/Cockroaches/etc.:
ph. To vomit.
n. An out-of-towner. (See Gaijin)
n. Database.
n. Any combat drug, particularly Black Lace.
B.B.: (AKA freakers.)

acr. Either "Big Brother" or "Boys in Black." See Beta Software:

Boys in Black.
ph. (Net) Software that hasn't been fully tested
BCI: for use. Usually not very reliable.

n. Bio-Computer Interface. See DNI. Betty:

B-D: n. A skater chick; female thrasher.

v. Breakdown. Bic:

B&E: ph. (Viet.) "I understand." See No Bic.

ph. (LEO) Breaking and Entering. Biff:

Beaded Up: n. (Vulgar) Modern equivalent of the archaic

ph. (Rig.) Worried or excited.
Big Dive:
ph. (Aq.) To exceed maximum safe dive depth.
n. A scientist or researcher. Usually derogatory.

Big Iron: Biting Angle:

ph. (Net) Large, heavy, fast mainframe ph. (Mil./LEO/Solo) Angle at which a projectile
computers. (usually a bullet) stikes a target, as it affects
optimal penetration. (An ideal angle is
Big (color) Wall: perpendicular to the surface of the impact site.)
Snipers may not take shots when the biting
ph. (Net) Any set of instruction manuals so
angle is poor, as the chances of successful
large they take up more than ten feet of shelf
penetration are low and ricochet are high.
Bit Jockey:
Big Red Switch:
ph. Programmer.
ph. (Net) Originally the emergency shut off
switch for a mainframe, now refers to any Bitslag:
switch that shuts off an entire system.
n. (Net) All the useless rubble on the Net one
Big Room, the: has to plow through to get to the rich
information ore.
ph. (Net.) Hacker-speak for the outdoors. You
know. It's that place with a blue (well, OK, grey) Bitty Box:
ceiling you see if you go outside during the day
and look up. ph. A primitive, underpowered, or generally
useless computer or other electronic device.
Bingo Fuel:
Black, Big Black:
ph. (Rig.) The point at which your vehicle has
only enough fuel left to return to base. ph. (HR) Space. The final frontier. Where no
man... well, you get the idea.
Black Agent:
ph. (Tech/Net) Euphemism for using the toilet.
n. (Corp) An illegal operative.
n. A full-body conversion cyborg.
n. (Aq.) Any Black Ops member.
Black Ice:
n. 1) Cybernetic software chips that incorporate
biological components in their construction. n. Illegal countermeasure software which
Thought to be superior in performance to purely causes physical harm or death to an intruder.
artificial chips. 2) Generic term for any cyber- (See Ice)
data chip which plugs into a neural processor to
provide new skills or knowledge (also known as Black Clinic:
microsofts and skillsofts.)
n. A medical facility which specializes in the
Bit-flip: implant of illegal or unregistered cyberware.

v. (Net) A 180-degree change in behavior or Black Snake:

n. (Thr.) Tar lines on the street.
n. Slang term for a hacker or "nerdy" computer
n. 1) A professional soldier or fighter,
specializing in edged weapons. 2) A surgeon or
Blank: Blue-on-Blue:

n. An individual without a SIN. ph. (Mil.) "Friendly fire" casualties.

Blanket Party: Blue Smoke:

n. Throwing a blanket over someone's head ph. (Net) The mythical stuff that makes ICs
before kicking their ass so they can't identify work. If released from the chip, it stops working.
you later.
Blink, blink?:
n. (Net) From "Boa Constrictor", a really thick
ph. (Corp) A general expression of confusion. cable that seems to have a life of its own,
especially when you try to uncoil it.
n. (Corp) A cartel composed of Orbital
concerns with similar capabilities and interests, n. (Aq.) Any underwater vehicle.
i.e., an Aerospace Bloc, a Pharmaceutical Bloc,
etc. Boat Anchor:

Blood Money: ph. (Net) A really heavy peice of dead or

useless hardware.
ph. Income from the illegal sale of organs to a
body bank. Body Bank:

Blower: n. A storage facility for transplant organs. Many

are illegal and actively "recruit" new
n. (Rig.) Afterburner. merchandise.

Blowing Code: Body Nazis:

ph. (Net) Hacker term for programming. ph. Hard-core exercise and weight-lifting
fanatics who look down on anyone who doesn't
Blowing Your Buffer: work obsessively.

ph. Losing one's train of thought. Occurs when Body Sculpt:

the person you're speaking with won't let you
get a word in edgewise or has just said n. The process of having most or all of ones
something so astonishing that your train of body cosmetically and/or structurally
thought gets derailed. "Damn, I just blew my reconfigured with the use of vat-grown tissue
buffer!" and advanced plastic surgery techniques.

Blown Mind: Boo-coo:

ph. (Med.) Gunshot wound to the head. adj. (Mil.) Bastardized French, from
"Beaucoup," meaning "much" or "many".
acr. (Med.) Basic Life Support.
ph. (Mil.) To have sex.
Blue Load:
ph. (Mil.) Practice ammo.
v. (Rig.) 1) Loud, raucous partying ("we were
Blue Moon: booming last night"); 2) Fast, exciting flying
("we went booming through the Grand
ph. An honest police officer. (So rare, they only
appear "once in a blue moon.")
Booster: Brain Dump:

n. Any gang member who displays a strong ph. (Net) From core dump, to tell someone
affinity for cyberware. everything you know.

Bordeaux: Brain Housing Group:

n. (Med.) Urine with blood in it. ph. (Rig.) Mock-technical term for the skull.

Border Rats: Brain Potato:

ph. (LEO) DEA and/or Customs agents who ph. A Braindance addict.
work the U.S./Mexico border.
n. (Rus.) Razor. Anyone with combat-oriented
n. See Bioroid cyberware.

`Borg'ed: Bridge & Tunnel Crowd:

v. Excessive use of cybernetic body ph. Commuters.

adj. (Brit.) Brilliant. (Frequently used
n. (Jap.) Motorcycle and hot-rod gangs; a prime sarcastically.)
source of Yakuza recuits.
n. slang (usually derogative) term for law
n. (Net) Small programs designed to perform enforcement officials.
automated tasks in the net, and generally act
as meat surrogates. 'Bots can be beneficial or Brother:
n. See B.B.
Bottom feeder:
ph. A low life, one who has yet to achieve, a
n. Derogatory street term for homeless
"wannabe," a social outcast.
alcoholics, constantly seen carrying their
Bourgie, Bourgy: bottles of cheap booze wrapped in brown paper
adj. Common or low-class (from bourgeoisie.)
Box, the:
v. Pronunciation of the hacker acronym BRS
n. (Brit.) The ThreeVee or computer. (Big Red Switch.) 1) To deactivate a machine.
2) To kill someone or render them senseless.
Boys in Black: See Big Red Switch.

ph. Arasaka security personnel. BTL Chip:

BP: n. A "Better Than Life" chip (also called

"DreamChips".) An illegal cyber-data chip
acr. (Med.) Blood Pressure.
which provides the user a combination of
artificial reality coupled with direct stimulation of
different centers of the brain. Though typically
designed to provide a pre-programmed fantasy,
the artificial reality need not be coherent, i.e. it
can provide a totally hallucinatory environment. Buttonhead:
Chips are typically designed to burn out after
one use, both to prevent the users brain from n. See Wirehead
overloading from the sustained stimulation, and
to force the user to purchase additional chips.
BTL chips are psychologically addictive and v. Buzz off. Take a hike. Leave.
repeated, frequent use causes permanent brain
damage. BVM:

Buck Rogers: acr. (Med.) Bag Valve Mask (Ambu-Bag ®). A

manual inflation device placed over the mouth
ph. Derogatory phrase for an individual (usually of a patient, which, when hand-pumped,
a Solo) obsessed with high-tech weaponry. ventilates the patients lungs.

n. (Crim.) One year in custody/prison.
ph. See Guardian Angel.
n. (Aq.) Underwater veteran, derived from "sea
Bumping: dog".

n. (Thr.) Skating down stairs; can be done Cadre:

forwards, backwards, even sideways.
n. (Aq.) Team, also; one's circle of friends.
n. A self-contained and like-minded community,
usually catering to a specific class or race. n. (Mil.) A sniper, or anyone who stakes out a
'Claves have their own restrictions on entry. high recon position for an extended period.

Burn a shoe: Candy Cane Loading:

ph. Destroying a set of fake ID. See shoe. ph. (LEO) The practice of loading a shotgun
with alternating rounds of slug and buckshot,
Bury the Hatchet: through the entire magazine.

ph. (Med.) Accidently leaving a surgical Canoe, Making a:

instrument inside a patient.
ph. (Med/LEO) The act of removing the body
Bushi: organs from a corpse during an autopsy. A
synonym for being killed. (E.g. "Somebody
n. (Jap.) Honor or Code of Honor. A key made a canoe out of him.")
concept for most edgerunner they frequently
have little else to call their own at times. Captain Kangaroo:

Business, `Biz': ph. 1) (Med.) Chairman of a pediatrics

department. 2) (LEO) A child molester.
n. In slang context, crime.
Butt-to-Ground Adapter:
1) n. SIN Card. 2) v. To demand that a person
ph. An impromptu stool fashioned out of
show their personal identification.
Career Decision (CD): Chalk outline:

ph. (Corp) Used among low-level employees to ph. See Sidewalk Outline. 
describe an ill-advised activity. Trashing your
boss while he or she is within earshot is a Check Fire!:
serious CD.
ph. (Mil.) "Hold your fire!"; usually requested
Cargo: WAY too late.

n. 1. Someone completly incapacitated, Check out:

especially when drunk or stoned. 2. The
ph. To die.
emotional baggage one carries as left-over
damage from one's past. "Check, please!":
Carpet: ph. exclaimation. "I've had enough, I want this
all to end."
n. A electronic warfare jamming device.
Check six:
Casters Up Mode:
ph. (Rig.) Visual observation of the rear
ph. (Net) Dead. Dates back from when
quadrant, from which most air-to-air attacks can
computers where so large that they had casters
be expected. Refers to the clock system of
under them to facillitate moving them around.
scanning the envelope around the aircraft; 12
Castrato: o'clock is straight ahead, 6 o'clock is directly
astern. Also a common salutation and greeting
n. See DƵnjĂŬͲDĂŶ͘ among tactical pilots. Keep an eye on your
behind, be careful.
Checking for light leaks:
n. A Class-A information dossier.
ph. (Rig.) Taking a nap, referring to the eyelids.
Chemical Persuasion:
adj. (Net) No longer responding to input. Used
of both hardware, software and 'runners. 1) n. Explosives. Also see instant cave. 2)
Pepper spray or other similar incapacitating
CATNIP: agent (AKA "liquid knuckles".)

acr. (Tech.) "Cheapest Available Technology Chernobyl Packet:

Not Involving Prosecution."
ph. (Net) A network packet that induces
Causing static: network meltdown (failure), named in memory
of the April 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl
ph. Starting trouble. in Ukraine. Such a packet can occur either
accidentally or an act of deliberate malice.
Cement poisoning:
ph. What a person dies of after being pushed
off of a multi-story building and hitting the n. (Mil.) Any new, inexperienced member of a
sidewalk. (AKA Deceleration Trauma) unit or team.
Chain Saw Consultant: Chill:
ph. (Corp) An outside expert who is brought in n. Street term for Freon, a comodity now,
to reduce head count - leaving the top brass available only to the rich, who still have air-
with clean hands. conditioners. 
Chilled: Chromer:

adj. To be cool, together. n. A member of a gang dedicated to hard

(chromatic) rock music (usually a specific band)
Chinese Take-out: and mindless violence. The original "party
ph. Anything extremely jumbled or messy. (e.g.
"That riotgun made his chest look like Chinese Chuck:
n. Caucasian person. Usually derogatory.
adj. Senses, skills, reflexes, and so on,
enhanced by cyberware. n. "Pal" or "Buddy." May be used sarcastically.

Chombata, Chomba: Chunk:

n. (Bantu) Friend. Buddy. v. (Thr.) To damage your wheels so they have

pits or missing pieces. (I.e. "I chunked my
Choo: tires.")

n. Slang for CHOOH-2, a synthetic meta- Chunking:

alcohol fuel.
v. Eating on the run, eating as a secondary
Choob: activity.

n. Jerk, nerd, weirdo. Circling the Drain:

Chop: ph. (Med) Slang for a patient near death who

refuses to give up the ghost. Now generally
n. A credcard or credchip.
used to describe anything that lives beyond its
Chop shop: time, but will not die.

n. A black clinic. CIRS:

Chopping: n. Cybernetic Implant Rejection Syndrome: a

psychotic aberration suffered by excessive
v. The process of cracking a stolen credcard or users of cyberware.
Chow Chit:
n. (Mil.) A MIRV from a nuclear missile.
n. See Kibble Card. Sometimes also referred to as a "Crowd
n. 1) Flash, glitter, bells and whistles, tinsel.
Material used to spice up the appearance of n. (Mil.) The small hand-held M57 firing device
something. 2) Sexy features on a program, not used with a claymore mine. More colloquially,
needed for functionality but radiating style (e.g. any remote detonator for an explosive device.
a guillotine instead of a trash can icon.) 3)
Generic reference to cyberware. Cleaner:

Chrome-Bangers: n. (Cov.) An assassin (or team of assassins)

used to eliminate all traces of a mission,
n. Derogatory term for the C-SWAT team or including the participants.
"PsychoSquad." (AKA "Circuit Breakers.")
Client-Server Action: Comm:

ph. (Net) Net euphemism for having sex. "I n. 1) Communication equipment. 2) Telephone.
went to the Oracle party the other night hoping
for a little client-server action." Config:

Clock: v. (HR) To arrange something.

v. To watch someone or something very closely Content Free:

for a long period. ("Damn, she's been clocking
ph. (Net) Lacking any sort of useful information.
me all night!")
"Clothing by DuPont":
n. Corporation.
ph. Euphemism referring to human suicide
bombers (usually religious fanatics or terrorists) Corpse:
who strap high explosives to their own body
and them detonate them manually once they n.A corporate executive, a CORPorate
arrive at a specific target location. (FYI, from Sleaziness Expert.
1802 until the end of the 20th Century, the
DuPont Corporation was one of the largest Cortex bomb:
manufacturers of commercial and military
n. A small, implanted explosive device (usually
explosives in the North America.)
in the skull) that detonates in response to a
Cobweb Site: timer or remote signal. Usually implanted
against the wearer's will to keep him in line.
ph. (Net) A World Wide Web site that hasn't Most cortex bombs will detonate automatically
been updated for a long time. A dead Web if tampered with.
CostCo Cadillac:
Code Grinder:
ph. Street name for a shopping cart used by the
ph. (Net) A corporate programmer. homeless to carry their possessions. AKA
"FoodMart Ferrarri."
n. Cocaine. AKA "blow," "C," "charlie" and
"white lady." n. A very hot, professional deckjockey.

Collar: Coyote:

n. (Derogatory) A white-collar worker, usually a n. (Mex.) Some who smuggles (usually illegal
low-level employee of a megacorp. immigrants) across the U.S./Mexico border.

Combat Zones: Crack:

n. Areas of urban decay in major cities, n. A smokable form of crystallized cocaine.

characterized by high crime rates, AKA "rock," "crank," "baseball," "white tornado"
unmaintained streets and buildings, poor police and "gravel."
coverage, high concentrations of homeless
people, and frequent outbreaks of (often gang- Crash:
related) violence.
v. (Aq.) To seriously screw up.
Comic Book, Comics:

n. Color, fan-folded (military) map. ("Pass the

comics. I think we're lost.")
Crash Test Dummies: 'Crypter:

ph. Individuals who pay for unstable, not-ready- n. (Net) Cryptographer. Either person or
for-prime-time software marketed by greedy program.
computer companies.
acr. A "Computer Sabotage Consultant." A
v. To kill. - Creased: Killed. tactful form of address for a netrunner. See
n. Money, typically electronic funds.
acr. (LEO) Cybernetic Special Weapons And
Credcard: Tactical squad, the police elite unit who tackle
cybered up criminals. AKA MAX-TAC.
n. A personal electronic debit card commonly
carried in place of actual currency. CT:

Credchip: acr. (Med.) Computerized Tomography (the

follow-on to CAT (Computer Aided
n. See Credcard.
Tomography) scans.) A series of closely-
Credstick: spaced X-Ray cross-sections of a body area,
which are then computer processed to yield a
n. See Credcard. 3-dimensional model of the area being
Culture Vulture:
n. (Thr.) Abbreviated term for "concrete." (E.g.
"He dumped his board and smeared himself all ph. A member of the media.
over the 'crete.")
Curse, the:
n. Phonetic pronounciation of "CIRS".
ph. (Rock.) Quiet, as in "It's so quiet one could
hear the crickets chirping." (E.g. "We thought Cut and Paste:
the song was great, but the first time we played
ph. (Med.) To open a patient, discover that
it to an audience, we finished and it was, like,
there is no hope, and immediately sew him up.
Well, almost immediately. Sometimes young
Crispy: surgeons practice surgical techniques for a
while first.
adj. A compliment. Extremely nice. (E.g. "I'll bet
that monitor looks really crispy in the dark!".) CVA:

Crispy Critter: acr. (Med.) Cerebro-vascular Accident. Generic

term for a vascular occlusion or hemorrhage in
ph. (Med.) A severe burn patient. the cranial cavity.

Cruiser Mode: C-YA:

ph. (LEO) Anyone in a state of mind such that acr. Pronounced as "see ya," acronym for
they require a brief delay before they are able "Cover Your Ass."
to respond to a situation. From the police
practice of carrying a shotgun in the police
cruiser with a full magazine but with an empty
chamber, requiring the officer to "rack the slide"
before bringing the shotgun to bare.
Cyberaxe: Daddy:

n. Any musical instrument (although typically a n. An "add-on" chip; a cyber-data chip

guitar) that is equipped with a cybernetic containing a programmed skill which augments
interface. existing skills or provides new ones. These
chips provide "instant" training of a normally
Cyberdeck: unknown ability (i.e. flying a jet.)

n. Hardware used to access cyberspace Dai uy:

through a DNI link.
n. (Viet.) "Captain." (Pronounced "die-WE".)
Danger Close:
n. A psychotic aberration suffered by excessive
users of cyberware (See CIRS.) ph. (Mil.) An air strike or artillery mission within
100 meters of your position.
Dark, the:
n. 1) The conceptual space within a computer.
2) The conceptual medium within which n. (HR) Space. (See Big Black.)
computer communication takes place, e.g.
electronic bulletin boards, online services, Dark Fiber:
databases, or in general the program space of
ph. When high bandwidth data-comm fiber-
any computer which can run a communication
optic cable that has much more capacity than is
program. 3) A slang term for the global
currently being utilized, the unused capacity is
computer network.
said to be "dark". This is usually done
Cyberware: deliberately, in anticipation of future growth.

n. Any cybernetic/bionic body implant which Data Freight(er):

replaces or augments a specific body function.
ph. (Net) The long haul transportation of bulk
Cylon: digital data. Some companies exist explicitly to
provide high bandwith trans/intercontinental
n. Derogatory term for corporate security channels for high-volume data "freight".
Data Mining:

ph. (Net) Extracting useful information from an
enormous database. Corporations have to
"mine" value from the often bewildering
bedrock of (seemingly) unrelated statistics and
numbers collected from various sources.
n. (Aq.) Corpse underwater, esp. those found in
Dawn Patrol:
sub wrecks.

D5W: ph. (Net) Compulsive netheads or hackers who

are still at their decks when you get back to
acr. (Med.) Dextrose 5% in Water. A common them the next morning.
mixture, given intravenously, to rehydrate a
patient. DDR:

acr. An expert in "Difficult Data Retrieval." A

tactful form of address for a netrunner. See
Dead Baby: Deckjockey:

ph. (Cov.) A false identity. Originates from the n. An expert cyberdeck user, usually a
wide-spread practice of searching hospital specialist and covertly accessing and stealing
and/or church records for the names of children from corporate databases.
who have died at birth or in infancy and
obtaining a copy of their birth certificate for use Deep:
as a basis for a new (phony) identity.
adj. To have many members in your gang.
Dead Cat Bounce:
Deep Reality:
ph. (Fixer) A brief response from an otherwise
ph. The real world we live in. As opposed to the
stomped object or individual that gives the
realities we create for ourselves within our
illusion of imminent recovery.
minds (e.g. fantasy games) and in our
Dead Presidents: processors (e.g. cyberspace.)

n. Old (pre-collapse) United States paper Deep-six:

ph. (Aq.) To sink, also; to kill or be killed.
Dead Tree Edition:
ph. The paper version of a publication available
v. Devalue. To make something worthless.
in both paper and electronic forms. (E.g. "The
dead tree edition of the San Francisco Defilade:
n. (Mil.) 1) Protection from hostile observation
Death Star: and fire provided by an obstacle such as a hill,
ridge, or bank. 2) A vertical distance by which a
ph. (Net) The spherical At&T datafortress,
position is concealed from enemy observation.
resembling the space fortress from Star Wars.
3) To shield from enemy fire or observation by
Deb, Debbie: using natural or artificial obstacles.

n. 1) A derogatory term for male-to-female full- Delta:

body sex change recipients. 2) (LEO) phonetic
n. A smuggling aircraft.
pronounciation of "D.B.", which is police and
medical examiner shorthand for "dead body." Deltajock:
Deceleration trauma: n. A hotshot pilot.
ph. See Cement poisoning. Deniable Asset:
Deck: n. (Mil./Cov.) An independent contractor, with
little or no ties to his/her/thier source of
n. See Cyberdeck.
employment. In the event of exposure during
Decker: an operation, the employer can later disavow
all knowledge of the contractor, and no solid
n. See Deckjockey. connection can be made.

Deckhead: Derm:

n. 1) A SimSense abuser. 2) Anyone with a n. An adhesive skin patch used to apply

datajack or chipjack. 3) Derogatory term for a medication. (These tend not to be very effective
netrunner. during trauma, since epidermal vascularization
is usually the first thing to shut down when a
person goes into shock.)
De-Rezz: Die of the measles:

v. 1) To terminate a program. 2) To kill ph. In military parlance, an assassination which

someone. makes the death appear to be of natural
Digital Kudzu:
n. (Mil./Solo) Olive-drab, 3/16 inch diameter
flexible PETN-based plastic explosive cord ph. Software which places artifacts into every
used as a cutting or breaching charge. nook and cranny of a computer's file system. All
attempts to delete such applications miss at
Detsheet: least some of the artifacts, which then interfere
with other processes forever after.
n. (Mil./Solo) Olive-drab, 10-by-25 inch flexible
PETN-based plastic explosive sheet used as a Dike Out:
cutting or breaching charge.
ph. (Net) To remove with extreme prejeduce.
DF Module: Originally from mechanic slang for Diagonal
Wire Cutters. I.e. "Then their sysop decided he
ph. The "Dumb F**K" responsible for the
had to try and kill me, so I diked out most of his
current problem.
higher brain functions..."
acr. Digital Intelligence. A computer intelligence
n. Derogatory term for a person suffering from
made up of the recorded knowledge of one or
diminished mental capacity (i.e. mentally
more human experts. This is less complex and
expensive than developing an AI.
n. 1) (Rig.) Airborne rigger slang (derogatory)
v. (Viet.) "Go." (Pronounced "DEE".)
for a non-flyer. 2) (HR) A dirtsider.
Dialed In:
adj. Any system where all the variables are set
n. (HR) A reference to a planetary surface (as
opposed to space.)
Diaper Change:
ph. One of several daily visits by a tech-support
n. (HR) Derogatory term for someone who
person to the desk of a particularly cranky, lazy,
rarely or never is in space.
or technically incompetent user. (e.g., "Sorry I
was late, but I had to do a diaper change down Dirty:
in Accounting.")
adj. 1) Derogatory term for low-tech (paper &
Didi: pencil, walking, etc.) 2) Any traceable illegal
item. 3) Contaminated.
ph. (Viet.) Slang from the Vietnamese word 'di',
meaning "to leave" or "to go." Dirty Power:

Didi mau: ph. (Net) Power that is full of spikes and

brownouts. Useable for lights and toasters, but
ph. (Viet.) Slang for "Go quickly."
bad for computers.


v. Disrespect; to treat with disrespect.

Disappear: `Dorph:

v. To cause a person, and all known references n. A synthetic analogue for endorphins (organic
to that person, to become difficult or impossible painkillers produced naturally by the human
to find. body.) Used to suppress pain and shock.
acr. Direct Neural Interface. A high-speed
digital interface directly into the brain, usually n. Member of a gang primarily identified by
through jacks in the wrists, on the scalp at the heavy and frequent drug use. Very
base of the hairline. (AKA BCI.) unpredictable.

DNR: Dot:

acr. (Med.) Do Not Resuscitate. n. (Rig.) Refers to how a distant aircraft looks
on the horizon, ("I'm a dot" means "I'm out of
Do <someone> Ugly: here").

ph. To beat up or be beaten up (e.g. "Boy, Double Tap:

somebody sure did him ugly!")
v. Two rapidly placed, closely spaced gunshot
DOA: wounds. (E.g. "Someone double tapped him
right between the eyes.")
acr. (Med.) Dead On Arrival.
n. Derogatory term for someone wearing too
v. (HR) To have sex.
much body armor.
adj. (Brit.) Risky, unsafe, borderline illegal.
v. (Rig.) Broken, not flying. A sick pilot is
Doi Moi: "down".

n. (Viet.) Literally "reconstruction" or Download:

"renovation." Derisive term for government-
v. See Fuse.
sponsored "urban renewal" that has an overall
negative impact. (E.g. foreclosing on inner city Downtime:
homes and compensating the homeowners at
below market value, only to use the property for n. Free time; off the job; rest; night.
substandard, low-cost housing for the poor.)
adj. (Hng.) Expensive.
n. (Aq.) Underwater platform.
Donkey Whang:
n. Common curse word (From Yiddish,
ph. (Net) A really thick piece of cable. Usually meaning "shit".) adj: drekky.
an inch or more in diameter.
Drift Factor:
Door Stop:
ph. (Rig.) If you have a high one, you aren't
ph. (Net) A not-so-heavy peice of dead reliable.

v. Copulation. Expletive.
n. (Net) A low-level, unimaginative worker.
n. (Mil.) Entrenching tool. Folding shovel
Drooler: carried by infantrymen.

n. (Med.) A catatonic patient. Eating In:

Drop a Dime: ph. (Med.) Intravenous feeding.

ph. (Crim.) Archaic. To inform ("squeal") on ECG:

acr. (Med.) Electro CardioGram.
n. (Med./Tech.) A plug-in transformer that
n. Phonetic pronunciation of "EDs," meaning
attaches to a socket which has been surgically
installed the skull. It is designed to feed low
voltage current directly into the brain for the
purpose of stimulating the brain's pleasure
centers. It is commonly used by wirehead n. The fringe of society, where many engage in
addicts and is illegal. illegal or semi-legal acts or lifestyles.

Dry Op: Edgerunner:

ph. (Cov.) Sitting around, soaking up n. Someone who lives on the edge.
information gathered by others, and then filing
a report without ever leaving the desk. Edgezone:

Dumped: n. A strip, grey area, area of potential

v. Involuntarily ejected from the matrix.
Dung lai!:
acr. (Med.) ElectroEncaphaloGram.
v. (Viet.) "Stop!"
Ego Surfing:
ph. The act of searching public electronic
v. (Mil.) To Kill. bulletin boards and other information sources in
cyberspace to see how many references to
one's self can be found.
n. A phone call or e-mail message you send to
Eleven Bravo:
someone after a long silence - just to "shake
the dust off" and see if the connection still ph. (Mil.) The MOS (Military Occupational
works. Specialty) of an infantryman in the U.S. Army.
More commonly, a reference to cheap,
Dust-off: expendable ground troops. (I.e. "Send in more
eleven bravo.")
ph. (Mil.) Emergency (usually medical)
evacuation by helicopter.

Elvis Year: Faulty:

ph. The peak year of popularity for an item, v. A person or item not to be trusted (or
individual, or group. (E.g. "Barney the believed.)
Dinosaur's Elvis Year was 1993.")
Feet, Foot:
n. Derogatory term for police. (From flatfoot.)
acr. (Mil.) Explosive Ordinance Disposal. A
team that disarms explosive devices. Fem-bot:

Euro: n. Derogatory slang term for a female given to

excessive, but sophisticated use of expensive
n. Eurodollars. cyberware. This term is frequently applied to
high-priced female solos or bodyguards of rich,
Eurodollar: famous, or otherwise important persons.

n. The most commonly accepted standard Ferryman:

currency in the modern world.
n. Term for an expert assassin. Believed to be
Eyeballs: derived from the famed Eurosolo Charon, who
took his handle from the figure in Greek
n. (Media) Slang for a (potential) viewing
mythology who ferried the dead across the river
Styx to Hades.
Film at 11:
n. An obviously biosculpted individual, usually
ph. Used in conversation to announce ordinary
with non-human features (fangs, fur, tail, etc.)
events, with a sarcastic implication that these
events have earth-shattering importance. (E.g.

"I'm not wearing any pants; film at 11!")
-F- Fire Ant Warefare:

Fab: ph. (Mil./Solo) Weapon systems in which

hordes of small, smart weapons swarm a
v. (Net) Fabricate. Build from scratch. Never target.
Fire Lane:
ph. (Mil.) Area designated as the field of fire,
n. A sub-fixer in the employ of a major fixer, from a specific position, or by a specific
supporting that superiors network. weapon emplacement.
Faddie: Fire Mission:
n. Someone who follows all the trends. Usually ph. (Mil.) Specification of a target for an artillery
derogatory. barrage.
Fandango on the Core, Do A: Firewall:
ph. (Net) To thouroghly hose a system. n. (Net) Defensive software in a datafort,
designed to prevent unauthorized users from
Fast Mover:
doing damage or accessing restricted files.
ph. (Mil./Rig.) Any high-speed aircraft.

n. See 5-0.
Fixer: Flip a Bitch:

n. A go-between, deal maker, information ph. (GoGang) To pull a sudden U-turn while
broker. Also a fence or mover of illegal goods. driving.

Flash: Flip the Script:

1) v. Anything spectacular (e.g. "That deck has ph. To lie. (I.e. "Man. Don't flip no script on
a lot of flash!") 2) n. Hard currency (e.g. "Loan me!")
me some flash.")
Flash Crowds:
acr. (Med.) "Funny-looking Kid." Usually a
ph. (Net) Swarms of users on a computer mongoloid.
network that appear, then disappear, in a flash.
(The term originates from a short story of the Floater:
same name by Larry Niven. In the story, riots
n, (LEO) Besides the obvious reference to a
break out when thousands of people pour out
waterlogged corpse, this term is also used to
of teleportation booths to see major social
refer to drifters, urchins and other waterworld
Flash Traffic:
Floor Routine:
ph. (Mil./Solo) An incoming emergency
ph. From gymnastics, a (usually futile) attempt
communication, usually from a superior.
to dodge automatic weapons fire.
n. (Mil./LEO/Solo) Disorientation device used
acr. (Med.) Parents of an FLK.
by hostage rescue teams.
acr. (Rig.) Abbreviation for "f*cking magic": very
n. From an old theatrical term for a piece of
high-tech; used to describe how something you
scenery, an actor in a braindance recording
don't understand actually works. The ASQ-81
who is not wired for braindance, but merely
Magnetic Anomaly System works by "FM".
forms part of the background for a scene. An
extra. FNG:
Flatline: acr. (Mil.) F*cking New Guy.
n. A state of death (ref. flat EEG traces upon FOD:
brain-death) which may refer to either a
machine (usually a deck or other computer) or acr. 1) (Net) Finger of Death. Any really
a person. Usually a result of an encounter with powerful anti-personnel program. 2) (Rig.)
black ice during a netrun. v. To die. Foreign Object Damage. Damage to an
(air)craft during take-off or landing caused by
Flea: flying debris.
n. (Net) A non-netrunner who accompanies a Fodder:
netrunner on a netrun by using a `trode set.
n. A derogatory term fixers use for solos.
Flight Risk:
ph. (Corp) Used to describe employees who
are suspected of planning to leave a company 1) n. A slang term for flexible (paper or plastic)
or department soon. currency. 2) v. To shut down something or
someone (e.g. "This operation is about to fold.")
Footprint: From out of pocket:

n. A characteristic "hacking" style; consisting of ph. To attack with a handgun.

such elements as speed, number and length of
pauses, commonly-appearing commands, Frosty:
words, phrases, and mistakes.
n. Derogatory term for an eldery person (in
Four F-er: reference to their grey/white hair.)

ph. (Med.) A gallbladder patient. "Fat, forty-ish, Furball:

flatulent female."
n. 1) Any sort of confusion, snarl-up, or traffic
Fossil: jam. 2) An intense, chaotic battle.

n. 1) An elderly person. 2) Someone who Furvert:

refuses to give up old ways. 3) Any old or
n. Derogatory slang term for anyone with exotic
obsolete item.
skin, cranial, or other animalistic anatomical
Frag: modifications, especially when the individual
uses the feature(s) in conjunction with a deviant
v. 1) Common curse word. adj: Fragging. 2) n. sexual practice.
(Mil.) A fragmentation grenade. 3) v. (Mil.) The
assassination of an officer by his own troops, Fuse:
usually by the use of a fragmentation grenade.
v. To kill someone possessing large quantities
4) v. To kill someone with a fragmentation
of cyberware. (AKA "short-circ" or "download.")


v. A general purpose expletive. -G-

Freakers: Gaijin:

n. See Berserkide. n. (Jap.) A derogatory term for a foreigner or

Game Over:
n. 1) Any straight, unimaginative citizen, usually
a shirt. 2) An elder person or someone who ph. Exclaimtion. An acknowledgement of
clings to outmoded ideas or practices (from catastrophic failure.
Fred Flintstone.) See Fossil.
Gamma Software:
Free Fire Zone:
ph. (Net) Implying a level of untested-ness
ph. (Mil.) Area where everyone has been even in excess of Beta Software. (I.e. the
deemed hostile and is a legitimate target by programmer just finished compiling it an hour
friendly forces. ago.)

Frob: Garbage Detail:

v. To alter control settings in a random or ph. (Corp) A retaliatory raid, usually against a
mischievous fashion. streetgang or street-ronin, which takes
corporate solos into non-corporate controlled
From the shoulder:
parts of the city. (AKA "trash run.")
ph. To attack hand-to-hand.
Gato: Gibson:

n. (Mex.) A smooth operator, cool person; a n. 1) Someone who tells the future; a psychic.
Fixer. 2) (Net) Unexplained phenomenon in the Net.
(AKA "Ghost in the Machine.")
n. (Rig.) A tread or recap from a blown tire.
Creates a road hazard. n. (Jap.) A debt of honor; duty or obligation.

'Gator Bait: Glass:

ph. (Rig.) Bits and pieces of a blown tire. n. (Rig.) In aviation, a 'glass' cockpit has digital
displays/info systems, whereas an older "steam
`Gauge: gauge"/"rope start" cockpit has mechanical,
analog instruments.
n. Gang slang for a shotgun.
Glass Roots Campaign:
ph. Grassroots campaigns conducted via the
n. (Tech.) Someone with an obsessive interest
in acquiring new hardware.
v. Corporate-speak for sleeping with your eyes
v. To kill or die.
open. A popular pastime at conferences and
Generica: early-morning meetings. "Didn't he notice that
half the room was glazing by the second
n. Those features of the American landscape session?"
(strip malls, motel chains, prefab housing) that
are exactly the same no matter what part of the Glom:
country you're in. "We were so lost in Generica,
v. To group or gather. (I.e. to glom at a concert,
I actually forgot what city we were in."
or they glommed at the mall yesterday.)
Go Away:
n. (Ger.) Violence.
ph. (Rig.) What something does when you hit it
Ghost: with a missile.

n. A deckjockey who assists a "physical entry Go Cyrillic:

team" by entering and controlling the computer
ph. (Net) When a graphical display (LED panel,
of the target site.
bit-mapped text and graphics) starts to display
Ghost in the Machine: garbage. "The thing just went Cyrillic on me."

ph. (Net) See Gibson. Go LEO:

Ghosting: ph. To make a trip into Low Earth Orbit.

v. Unpleasant residual sensory stimulus caused Gob:

either by excessive use of braindance or by
n. (Brit.) Mouth. (E.g. "Shut your gob!)
using a braindance playback unit with the
output boosted above safe levels. The effect God Spot:
may last from seconds to days, depending
upon the strength and/or length of the ph. (Mil.) Sniper's position, so called because it
playback. is typically a high position with an unobstructed
field of view in the target area.
Going Postal: Grease the Weasel:

ph. Euphemism for being totally stessed out NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS! GET
and losing it in a violent fashion. YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!! ph. To
schmooze, mingle, make yourself known to
Gomer: others (especially at parties, clubs, or other
social gatherings.)
n. (Med.) A senile, messy, or highly unpleasant
patient. Green Machine:

Gomi: ph. (Net) Military hardware. So named for the

uniform olive drab coloring all of them have.
n. (Jap.) Junk, garbage.
Gone Camping:
ph. To search for something in a very
ph. (Med.) Reference to a patient in an oxygen
methodical manner. Origin: from the Unix line
command grep (short for "global regular
Gonk: expression print"). The command would search
through a bunch of files looking for specific
n. Idiot or fool. string in them.

Gormless: Grok:

adj. (Brit.) Stupid, brainless. (E.g. "You v. See Suss.

gormless plonker!")
Got a Free Tattoo:
n. A (usually derogatory) term used by
ph. Used to describe any situation in which highriders for planet-side residents.
someone is on the receiving end of abrasive
blunt trauma: a Surfer doing a Wilson on his GSW:
plank, having one's head bounced off a
acr. (Med.) GunShot Wound.
dumpster, etc.
Guardian Angel:
ph. Solo on a bodyguard job. (AKA "bullet-
n. A dossier, usually illegally compiled.
n. A member of a posergang whose motif is
n. From Monty Python, an act of minor but
death and old black & white movies.
conspicuous stupidity (e.g. "Pulling a gumby.")
Gravity Check:
Gumby Suit:
ph. Any act of falling down or off something.
ph. (LEO/Mil.) The protective gear worn by
Almost always painful and usually fatal. (E.g.
military and police bomb squad personnel.
"Walt just did a gravity check of the Century
Plaza tower!") Gun Bunny:

Grazing Fire: ph. (Mil.) Attack helicopters (and the crew that
fly them.)
ph. (Mil.) Fire approximately parallel to the
ground where the center of the cone of fire
does not rise above 1 meter from the ground.
Gutter Tribes: Hardwired:

ph. (Nomad) Nomadic bands of homeless v. (Net) Not modifiable.

people in their teens and early twenties who
travel from city to city, making their living Harry:
primarily through panhandling.
1) adj. Complimentary term applied to an
especially lethal piece of hardware. 2) n. a

slang term for Heroin.
-H- Hatbox:

Hackware: n. (Med.) A cylindrical, hand-carried biohazard

container, so-called due to its similarity in
n. Software produced by amateurs.
appearance to cardboard hatboxes of the early
Distinguished by the fact that it works and is 1900s.
ready 2 years before the professional version.
Characterized by non-standard code, lack of Head Up:
comments, and great chrome.
ph. To start a fight.
n. See Furball.
n. (Net) A software bug that changes behavior
Haircut: or location when you attempt to locate it.

n. (Brit.) See Corp. Hexed:

Halogen Handshake: adj. 1) Afflicted with cyberpsychosis. 2)

Obsessed with the Net.
ph. (Rig.) The act of flashing headlight
highbeams at an oncoming vehicle, to Highrider:
encourage the other car to lower their
highbeams. n. Someone who lives or works in space
(typically, all of his life.)
n. A nick-name or working name, by which you
are known on the street. adj. (LEO) Nervous or spooked.

Hanlons Razor: HINT:

ph. (Net) "Never attribute to malice what can acr. (Media) Happy Idiot News Talk. The
adequately be explained by stupidity." vacuous and silly banter that occurs between
newscasters on local TV news.
Hit and Run:
adj. Cool, hip, tough. A flattering term.
ph. (Med.) The act of operating quickly, so as
Hard Rice: not to be late for another engagement.

ph. Weapons, ammunition, and other conflict- Hole-in-One:

related material being shipped under the guise
of humanitarian aid. See Pigs and Rice. ph. (Med.) A gunshot wound through the mouth
or rectum.

n. A suit of powered armor.

Holo: Ice:

n. 1) A holographically generated image. 2) A n. 1) Security software. Intrusion

Eurodollar. Countermeasures, or IC. 2) A form of crystal
methamphetamine. AKA "glass" or "crystal."
Ice, The:
n. See ThreeVee.
ph. The most common nickname for Antarctica,
Honolulu Slingshot: as in, "How long you been on The Ice?"

ph. Generic term for any sub-orbital flight from Icebreaker:

a major city in North America to Hawaii.
n. Any program or software designed to
`Hood: penetrate or foil ice.

h. Neighborhood. ICU:

Horse: acr. (Med.) Intensive Care Unit.

n. Heroin. AKA "H," "scag," "smack" and "joy Idea Hamsters:

ph. (Net) Individuals who constantly seem to
Hose: have a new idea to offer or try out, no matter
how crazy it might be.
v. 1) Make a mistake; screw up. 2) adj. To
spray someone with automatic weapons fire. Identity Hacking:

Hot LZ: ph. (Net) Constructing a false identity in the net.

(Mil.) An LZ that is currently under (usually In Country:
intense) enemy fire.
ph. (Arch.) Viet Nam. (Con.) Any 3rd world shit-
Hound-Tipping: hole assignment.
n. Popular street practice of ambushing and Indie:
reprogramming police robohounds.
n. Independent, underground, self-employed.
Huge Pipes:
ph. (Net) A high bandwidth Net connection.
n. (Net) Pretentious name for the net.
Info Bro:
n. (Aq.) Anything powerful or of extreme
physical size. n. Information broker.

Hydro, "H": Input:

n. Shorthand term for hydrogen fuel. n. Girlfriend, female companion.

 Instant Cave:

n. Explosives. Also see chemical persuasion.

Instant Foxholes, box of:
"I see no [X] here.":
ph. (Solo/Mil.) A case of hand grenades.
ph. (Net) Whatever the person is looking for is
not present.
Intel: Jake:

n. Useful information. n. 1)A homosexual (male) prostitute. 2) A

hustler. (Both uses are derogatory.)
Inverse Vandalism:
ph. Making things because you can. "Why did
you write SoulKiller in the first place?" 1) v. To fight or run away. 2) To have sex.
"Because I could."
Jam Hole:
Involuntary Dismount:
n. (Brit.) Hiding place.
v. To crash a bike or motorcycle.
Jerry's Kids:
ph. Disparaging term for any individual who
n. Usually weapons, but can also refer to exhibits signs of a mental or physical handicap,
vehicles. usually applied to mildly retarded homeless
Iron, Big:
n. Heavy duty weapons or vehicles.
v. (Rig.) To maneuver violently to avoid a
Irritainment: threat.

n. (Net) Something that is supposed to be Jock, Jockey:

engaging, but turns out to be really annoying.
n. A person with technical skills of a high order
IV: (e.g. deckjockey, deltajock, panzerjock.)

acr. (Med.) Intravenous. Jones:

 n. Retro-1950s term for an addiction or

expensive habit.
n. Prostitute.
1) v. Jack In, or enter cyberspace. Jack Out, or
Juice a Brick:
leave cyberspace. 2) n. A DNI connection
(usually in the skull) for a cyberdeck. 3) n.
ph. (Tech/Media) To recharge the big, heavy
Money. 4) v. To hold up or rob someone. NiCad batteries used in portable video
cameras. "You better start juicing those bricks,
we've got a long shoot tomorrow."
n. An MRAM chip that incapacitates the user,
Juve, Juvie:
either through constant pain, pleasure, or some
other excessive stimulation. Most chips of this
n. A juvenile. 
type include locks which prevent them from
being removed without a key or special 
command. All types are black market devices.

n. A portable programmable device designed to Kack:

display phoney fingerprints.
v. To murder someone. Kill.
KED: Kodak Courage:

acr. (Med.) Kendrick Extrication Device. A ph. An extra dose of (usually foolhardy) daring
portable head, neck, and back brace, frequently brought on by being filmed or photographed.
used by EMTs to minimize spinal injury while (I.e. "Look! No hands!" BAM! "Look. No head.")
removing a victim from an auto wreck.
adj. (Rus.) Bloody.
n. (Jap.) A cartel or conglomerate where the
suppliers are owned by the same group as the "Kuso shite shinezo!":
manufacturers. For example, an automotive
ph. (Jap.) "Die shitting!" (Not a nice thing to
keiretsu might include a mining company (iron
supplier), a tire company, an electronics firm, a
foundry, the actual auto manufacturer, and a

series of auto dealerships. Each company
would be separately owned, but all would be
part of the same keiretsu. (Note that a keiretsu
is always a zaibatsu, but a ziabatsu is not
Landing Hot:
always a keiretsu.) See also Zaibatsu. 
v. (Solo) A landing fast under hostile fire or in a
damaged vehicle.
adj. (Rus.) Good. OK. Fine.
Latch Jockey:
Kibble Card:
ph. Digital hardware designer
ph. Government food ration card.
LD 50/30:
(Lethal dose 50/30) The dose of radiation
n. (Crim.) A person hired to threaten/beat-up expected to cause death to an exposed
not to kill. population within 30 days to 50 percent (LD
50/30) of those exposed. Typically, the LD
"Killing Baby Seals": 50/30 is in the range from 400 to 450 rem
received over a very short period of time.
ph. Attacking a significantly inferior (basically
defenseless) opponent. Leash:

Klepto, Kleptoid: n. A corporate safeguard implanted into an

employee to ensure loyalty and continued
n. Thief, prowler. service. Cortex bombs and sabotaged chipware
are common examples.
n. A makeshift or temporary solution to a
problem, usually sloppy and inefficient. n. Complimentary term used by boostergang
members about a non-gang member when
Knife Fight in a Phone Booth:
impressed by that individuals ability to perform
acts of extreme violence.
ph. (Rig.) Close-in, slow-speed aerial dogfight
with a nimble adversary. Often just called a
n. Street-doc or med-tech.

n. (Jap.) Yakuza clan member. (Literally, a

henchman or subordinate.)
LEN: ph. (Rig.) Got confused or forgot what was
acr. (Net) Light Emitting Neuron. Used to refer
to the result of some exceptionally nasty lethal Lo-Tek:
programs. 'Then the Liche hit Fred and bam,
LEN's everywhere!' n. Derogatory term for poor individuals who are
unable to afford the day-to-day technological
LEO: benefits of modern society, and either use cast-
off, jury-rigged versions of common high tech
acr. 1) Low Earth Orbit. 2) Law Enforcement equipment, or they do without.
Loud Peddle:
ph. (Rig.) Throttle or accelerator. ("Hit the loud
acr. (Net) Light Emitting Resistor. Another peddle and let's get out of here!")
'dead hardware' phrase.
Let the Smoke Out:
acr. (LEO) Licensed (legal) Prostitute. AKA
ph. (Net) Fry hardware. See Blue Smoke. "Lolly Pop".

Letterbomb: LZ:

n. (Net) A type of anti-personnel program that acr. (Mil.) Landing Zone.

activates when read.

Light Up:

ph. (Mil.) To shoot at. (E.g. "Frag!! Cops!! Light -M-

'em up!!")
Mad Minute:
"Like kicking dead whales down the beach":
ph. (Mil./Solo) A brief period of indiscriminate
ph. Any slow and disgusting job or process. automatic weapons fire.

Liquefier, Liquidizer: Mad Turtle:

n. Any weapon capable of inflicting obscene ph. (Mil.) Combat aviator slang for anti-aircraft
amounts of damage to the human body, ground armor.
particularly automatic shotguns.
Lizard Brain:
n. Shorthand term for a magnetic levitation
ph. a cold, calculating, unemotional person, train.
somebody always running in pure floating point
Make a deposit in the body bank:
mode (e.g. Mr. Spock.)

Lolly Pop: ph. to die.

See LP.

Loose Change: v. Malfunction.

ph. (Med.) A dangling limb in need of


Lost the Bubble:

MAST: Mezzed:

acr. (Med.) Military Anti-Shock Trousers. v. To be so attentive or involved in something

Inflatable pants that can be placed on the victim or someone as to be totally oblivious to one's
and inflated to force blood back into the upper own surroundings. Mesmerized.
body, thus helping to reduce shock by blood
lose. MI:

Matrix: acr. (Med.) Myocardial Infarction.

n. Another term for cyberspace. Microsoft:

MAX-TAC: n. See Biosoft.

acr. (LEO) Maximum Force Tactical Division. Midair Passenger Exchange:

ph. (Rig.) Grim air-traffic-controller speak for a
McJob: head-on collision. Midair passenger exchanges
are quickly followed by aluminum rain.
n. (Corp) A generic term for the endless stream
of low-pay, low-brain, no-future jobs available Mileetsya:
to the hordes of over-educated young people
n. (Rus.) Corruption of the Russian
entering the job market.
pronunciation of "Militia," typically used in
Meat: reference to corporate security or the military.

n. (Net) Your body, the real world. To "meet in Milking mice:

the meat", for example, means to meet
ph. (Corp) Expending a large effort for a
someone face-to-face rather than in the net.
disproportionately small return.
Meat Puppet:
ph. A prostitute whose memory and/or senses
adj. Meeting military specifications, usually
are disabled temporarily.
used to indicate that the piece of hardware is
Mega, Megacorp: incredibly robust and usually expensive.

n. Large (global or extra-planetary) corporation. Mira:

Mentat: (Mex.) Lit. "Look" (third person singular); (I.e.

"Hey, mira. Who's Snow-White?")
n. Brainy individual, specifically one who will
stare at a problem without moving for a while Moddy:
and come up with an answer without doing any
n. A personality module. A cyber-data chip
apparent intermediate steps (like writing things
which allows the user to assume (and become
totally submerged in) the personality of another
Metalhead: person (real or fictional.)

n. Individual with a fully mechanical body - a full Molly Guard:

ph. (Net) Something that keeps you from
Metro, the: accidentally hitting the Big Red Switch. Named
after an early programmers daughter.
n. The subway or underground.
Mongolian Hordes Technique: MRAM:

ph. The act of assuming that a large number of n. Modular Random Access Memory chip.
inexperienced people can accomplish a task as Provides synthetic skills not based on physical
well (or better) than a small number of skilled activity, like Electronics or Cyberdeck Design.
ones. A popular management philosophy and
the very embodiment of Brook's Law ("Adding MRI:
manpower to a late project makes it later.")
acr. (Med.) Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Mr. Johnson:
n. The business term for an expendable
n. Any anonymous employer or corporate
person. See Scratch Monkey.
Monkey Trick:
Mr. Who:
ph. A job in which a monkey is not expected to
n. (Also "The Who") label for an employer or
survive intact.
person of higher authority.
n. (Aq.) Any Corp, esp. a visiting corp on a
n. Someone who smuggles contraband on their
n. Generic term for incendiary or fragmentation
ph. Boring, poorly done CD-ROMs (or any
grenades or devices.
other multimedia platform). (Heard on NPR.)
n. A rigger or mechanic.
n. A person with muscle grafts.
Mouse Around:
ph. To explore in a very low profile manner
n. (Jap.) Computer glitch.
(e.g. "Let's mouse around the perimeter and
see if we can find a way in."). Muzak-Man:
Mouse Potato: n. Derogatory term for a rocker who has sold
out to an entertainment corporation. (AKA
ph. The online and interactive-TV generation's
"synth-soul" or "castrato.")
answer to the couch potato.
"My Fun Meter is Pegged":
Mozambique Drill:
ph. (Rig.) Sarcastic comment for, "I am NOT
ph. (Mil.) A highly efficient method of
enjoying this."
neutralizing a single opponent, using a firearm.
The sequence consists of two shots placed in MVA:
the center of mass (upper torso) as rapidly as
possible, followed by briefly assessing the acr. (Med.) Motor Vehicle Accident.
opponent. If the opponent is still a potential
threat, a third shot, placed in the "occular- 
cranial cavity" (the bridge of the nose, between
the eyes), is fired.
-N- NetFet:

Nanofortnight: n. Net Fetishist. Derogatory term for a

netrunner who can only relate to life in the Net.
n. (Net) 1.2 milliseconds.
n. A session spent interfaced to a cyberdeck
n. (Aq.) A course, map, or chart, also; location, and exploring the matrix (cyberspace), usually
as in "What's our Nav?" in the course of invading a corporate database.

NCA: Netrunner:

acr. (Mil./Gov.) National Command Authority. n. See Deckjockey.

Specifically, the President, or someone in his
absence with the authority to deploy military Net Spider:
forces or release nuclear weapons.
ph. (Net) Anyone who spends an inordinate
NCIC 2000: amount of time in the net, moving constantly
from one BBS to the next. Usually well-known
acr. (LEO) National Crime Information Center. (and considered annoying) by other BBS users.
Replaced the old NCIC in 1995. NCIC 2000 will
perform the existing NCIC functions augmented NewTek:
with new capabilities. New and improved
n. An item or device exhibiting the very latest
capabilities of the NCIC 2000 include: 
technological advances.

• Addition of image processing (i.e., NIMQ:

mugshot, signature, identifying marks)
• Addition of automated single-finger acr. (pronounced "nihm-kyoo") "Not in My
fingerprint matching Queue." Said in response to suggestions to
• Access to external databases (e.g., the take on additional tasks or projects when you're
Canadian Police Information Center
already overwhelmed. Similar to the more
(CPIC) and the Federal Bureau of
Prisons' "SENTRY" database) common "It's not my job."
• Automatic collection of statistics for
system evaluation. Nine:

n. A pistol (from 9mm.)

Ne, Neh:
exp. (Jap.) Interrogative; "Right?" or "you No Bic:
ph. (Viet.) "I don't understand." See Bic.
No Doubt:
n. Immature nerds, implying inconsequential,
generally annoying. Pejorative term. ph. A way of agreeing without really listening.

Nerks: NOE:

n. Agents or officials of the National Emergency acr. (Rig.) Nap-Of-the-Earth flying. Flying as
Resource Control Commission (under the low as possible (literally, following the terrain)
Provisional U.S. government.) to avoid detection.

Net: Nostril Shot:

n. Another term for cyberspace. ph. (Media) Unflattering footage of a subject.

"Not-So-Smart Bomb": Orange Suit:

ph. Derogatory reference to a human suicide n. See Radcal Suit.

bomber. See also "Clothing by DuPont".
v. (Thr.) Term used by surfers who make long,
Acro. No Practical Vertical Application, wide circles to burn off speed.
someone useful only for sex.
n (Rus.) The Russian Mob.
v. (Net) Seriously destroy a system and all
attached devices. Output:

Nutrisoy: n. Boyfriend, male companion.

n. Cheap processed food product derived from Out There:

soybeans, fortified with most essential vitamins.
ph. Strange, weird. ("Frak! That dude was really
out there!")

n. (Jap.) Head of a Yakuza clan. (Literally
O2: "Parent of high status.")

acr. (Med.) Oxygen. 

acr. (Med.) Overdose.
Paint Monkey:
'O' Sign:
ph. (Media) Someone with a less-than-
ph. (Med.) The letter 'O', as formed by a glamorous entry-level computer graphics job. A
patient's gaping mouth. paint monkey may spend months on a
nanosecond of digitized film footage, painting
On: mattes, or doing monotonous touch-ups.
adj. (Brit.) Fashionable. (E.g. "That's very on!") Painting the Cat:

One and Twenty, the: ph. Response to the question "What are you
doing?" when it should be completely obvious.
ph. The twenty-first century.
Panic Mechanic:
ph. A psychiatrist, mental health therapist, or
n. (Net) The amount of time it takes to realize
other professional whose supposed task is to
that you've done something you didn't want to
relieve the pressures of stress in urban society.
do, after you've already done it and it's too late
to change your mind.


v. (Rus.) Awful. Terrible.

Open-Collar Workers:

ph. People who work at home or telecommute.

Panic Merchants: Percussive Maintenance:

ph. (Corp/Media) Businesses, media outlets, ph. The fine art of whacking the crap out of a
and morality groups that make their living by machine or device to get it working again.
capitalizing on common fears and anxieties.
AIDS, escalating crime, ecological degradation, Peripherals:
porn on the Internet, and antisocial rap lyrics
n. 1. A person's entourage. 2. Bodyguards 3. A
are some of the fears exploited by panic
person's date, especially if primarily for image.
Also perfs.
n. Any ground-effect combat vehicle.
acr. (Med.) Pupils Equal and Reactive to Light.
Panzerjock: An immediate check done on trauma victims to
determine whether any cranial trauma has
n. An expert panzer operator. occurred which might have impaired brain
Paper Weight:
ph. (Net) A really light peice of dead hardware.
See Boat Anchor. n. A permanent freelancer. A person hired on a
per-project basis who lives a benefits-free
Paranoid: existence.

adj. Someone who has all the facts. Perp:

Party Lights: n. Perpetrator. A criminal or suspected criminal.

ph. (LEO) The flashing lightbar on top of a PET:

police car. See also Ski Rack.
acr. (Med.) Positron Emission Tomography. A
PASGT: method used to examine neural activity in the
brain, by building a computerized 3-D model of
acr. (Mil.) Personal Armor System, Ground
electrical activity.
Troops. The technical classification given to
modern military protective equipment, such as Pet Goldfish:
current standard issue Kevlar "Fritz" helmets.
ph. (Solo) A favorite weapon or other item
Paydata: which may not actually represent the best
example of that device. (E.g. "That Sternmeyer
n. Datafile worth money on the black market.
jams a lot, but it's Stinger's Pet Goldfish, so
Paygrounds: don't dis it to his face.")

n. Indoor pay-to-play kid parks such as Pet the Cat:

Discovery Zone. Substitute for the now mostly
ph. Any maneuver that requires a crouch and
extinct public playgrounds that previous
constant, extended arm movement to maintain
generations used for free.
one's balance.
Peter Pan:
acr. (Net) "Problem Exists Between Interface
ph. (LEO) The act of committing suicide by
and Chair." Tech. Support slang for "It's the
leaping to one's death from a high place. (E.g.
users fault."
"We had him cornered, until he did a Peter Pan
Peep: out that 42nd floor window.")

v. To look at. (E.g. "Yo, peep the tourists!")

Peter Panning: Plug-and-Play:

ph. (Corp/Media) The process of reattaching a ph. (Corp) A new hire who doesn't need any
shadow to an object in a graphics application training. "The new guy, John is great. He's
such as Photoshop. Named after the boy who totally plug-and-play."
asked Wendy to sew his shadow back on.
Pod, Pods:
n. 1) People who are very much alike in
v. (Tech/Med) Short for pharmaceutical thought, behavior, and appearance. Pejorative
farming. The process of genetically engineering term. Also Podlings - particularly immature
crops to protect them or their consumers from variations of the Pods. 2) (Thr.) Slang for
disease. For example, researchers at Texas "Partner" (a term of affection or friendship.)
A&M and Tulane University have genetically
altered potatoes to include antigenic material POETS day:
from E. coli bacteria, one cause of diarrhea.
ph. (Brit.) A slang term for Friday. POET is an
Theoretically, such potatoes could both feed
acronym for "Piss Off Early, Tomorrow's
people in developing countries and vaccinate
them against E. coli.
Polymer One-shot:
n. A cheap line of polymer plastic, non-
v. (Net) The art and science of making free
reloadable handguns. Very inexpensive, and
phone and net calls.
very unreliable, they come in a variety of colors.
Pond, The:
ph. A police car.
ph. (Aq.) Underwater. NuSCUBA depths.
Pigs and Rice:
ph. Generic term for humanitarian supplies,
n. A low-level streetdealer, lower on the social
usually for a under-developed and currently
scale than a Fixer. (Origin: from a pony's ability
disaster-stricken part of the world.
to carry, but possibly also from London slang:
Pinky Cheater: pony = 20 pounds(£); ponies very rarely sell
expensive items.)
ph. (Med.) Latex finger cover used in
gynecological and proctological examinations. Poppers:

Plank: n. Pop-up weaponry concealed in a cyberlimb.

n. (Thr.) Surfer term for a skateboard. Porky:

Plex: n. Someone who loves or collects weapons,

and is usually bristling with them (from
n. A metropolitan complex, or "metroplex." "porcupine".)

Plonker: Poser:

n. (Brit.) A foolish person, idiot or moron. n. Any gang members who model themselves
after a famous (usually dead) individual, even
Plug: to the extent of having themselves surgically
altered to resemble the famous person.
n. (Corp) Term for either a temp worker, or a
new addition to a work staff, who covers work
overflow. "He's a plug for Jean until she gets
back in June."
Post Time: Punch:

ph. Time to start, to get going. (From horse v. Any form of recording piracy, including, but
racing slang.) not limited to: audio, video, braindance,
software, and chipware. (I.e. "I can punch a
Power Puke: dozen copies of this 'demolition' chip by
ph. (Rig.) Projectile vomiting, a symptom of
extreme airsickness. Puppet:

Prang: n. See Meat Puppet.

v. (Rig.) To bump, crunch, or break an Put up the Dog Ears:

ph. Listen VERY carefully.
'Puter 'Buser:
n. (Solo) Body guard term for the individual
being protected. ph. (Net) short for COMputer Abuser. All
underground programmers and runners.
Priority Interrupt:

ph. (Net) Something in the real world forcing
you to stop running, usually trivial things like
gunfights, the imminent shelling of your
position, or your building being on fire. Q:
n. (Media) A celebrity's recognizability quotient.
n. (Mil) A tenative assault designed to evaluate
'Q' Sign:
the strength of the opposition force.
ph. (Med.) A patient giving the 'O' sign with his
Professional Casualty:
tongue hanging out.
ph. (Solo) Usually refers to a mercenary who is
considered by the unit or the employer to be
expendable. n. Missiles or rockets.

Progs, Proggies: Query:

n. Agents or officials of the Provisional n. (Net/Rig/Tech) This is a general term for any
Government of the United States. type of signal either sent by or directed towards
a cybernetic trode, jack or uplink jack.
n. Lower class individuals, usually non-citizens;
Street scum. See Zero. ph. "Rape and Pillage." To engage in an activity
with excessive force or violence.
Pucker Factor:
ph. Degree of fear or apprehension.
v. (LEO) Flee, run away. (I.e. "Watch it! He's
Pulling Glass: going to rabbit on us!")
ph. (Tech) Laying down fiber-optic cable.

n. Bed, bunk.
Radcal Suit: Recycling:

n. Positive-pressure biohazard suit with a v. Environmentally friendly act of killing

battery-powered air supply. For use in fieldwork someone and taking the corpse to a body bank.
with extreme airborne biohazards. Also known
as an Orange Suit. Red Book:

Rainbow File: ph. (Net) Originally a Manual on the PostScript

page description language, now a generic term
n. The research and development data of a referring to any low-level computer manual.
v. Slang for physical violence. (e.g. "Hey
n. Personality (from computer jargon, RAM.) asshole, shut down your screamer or I'll reduce
your face!") AKA pack, spindle, stomp, etc.
n. Prisons in the Provisional U.S., where
prisoners are used as experimental subjects for n. The act of reducing something or someone.
medical research, cyberware development,
chemical warfare tests, etc. Most consider a Reflex Chip:
sentence to a rat lab to be no different than a
n. See Apter.
death sentence.
Ray-Ban Mode:
acr. (Mil.) Rear-Echelon MotherF*cker.
ph. wearing shades.
Someone who gives orders for a hazardous
Razor{boy|girl|gal|guy|etc}: task, while they remain in a safe location.

n. Heavily cybered samurai or other muscle-for- Rhodesian Ready:

ph. (Mil.) A common method of carrying a rifle
Read you 5 by 5: (or other long-arm) in a relaxed, semi-vigilant
posture, with the stock tucked under the armpit
ph. Communications Protocols meaning "I read and the muzzle forward. While this posture
you loud and clear". Used to let the sender does not offer as quick a response as some
know how well you are receiving them. The first others, it is well-suited for long patrols in that it
number was how loud the line was (5 being the is less fatiguing on the arms.
best) and the second number was how free of
static and other line noise. Rigger:

Real Estate Appraisal: n. A specialist driver, pilot, or other vehilc

operator. Riggers have an uncanny affinity for
ph. Checking out attractive members of the the vehicles they operate, and seem to be able
opposite sex. to make them perform impossible feats. Many
riggers have cybernetic vehicle-control
Reality Junkie: interfaces, which allow them to directly link their
own brains to the computer controls of the
n. Addicts to Virtual Reality, Braindance, the
Net, or video games.
adj. (Brit.) Real, extreme. (E.g. "E's a right
v. To kill or die in a particularly messy fashion,
bastard, an' no mistake!")
usually with a knife.
Rimbo: Rogue Hunter:

n. A gun-totting sex kitten (a rambo bimbo). n. A netrunner who tracks down and captures
(or eliminates) rogues.
Rimm Job:
ph. A bogus academic study masquerading as
legitimate science. Named after Marty Rimm, n. A freelance assassin or mercenary. Usually
author of the dubious "cyberporn" study from considered to be untrustworthy.
Carnegie Mellon University that Time magazine
gullibly took as gospel. Rooters:

'Riph: n. (Med.) Indigents and hangers-on who gather

in big-city emergency rooms in order to be
n. (Net) Short for peripheral. entertained by legitimate cases.

Ripperdoc: Rotate:

n. A surgeon who specializes in implanting v. 1) (Mil.) To return home at the end of a tour
illegal or unregistered cyberware. of duty. 2) Leave. (E.g. "Let's rotate outta
Roach Whacker:
ph. (Net) A program that performs some useful,
but not terribly important, function. acr. (Net) Read the F*cking Manual. The usual
response when someone asks you a really
Road Map: stupid question for which they could have easily
looked up the answer.
ph. (Med.) Injuries incurred by going through a
car windshield face first. RTO:

Road Rash: ccr. (Mil.) Radio Telephone Operator. The

radioman in a team.
n. (Thr.) Any wound associated with
unintentional momentum reduction induced by Run up on:
contact with pavement.
ph. To rob by means of a sneak attack.
Running the Line:
v. To kick or punch someone violently,
especially in the head. ph. (Rig.) To carry contraband from one
location to another.

n. Any musician or stage performer who uses
his art to make political or social statements. As
opposed to "rockstars" who are "owned" by
recording companies or other corps. and are
Sacrificial Host:
ph. (Net) A computer server placed outside an
organization's Internet fire wall to provide a
n. An AI which has "escaped" from it's node in service that might otherwise compromise the
local net's security. Spotted in Cheswick &
cyberspace and is no longer under human
Bellovin's Firewalls and Internet Security.
Sagans: Scratch Monkey:

adj. (Net) "Billyuns and billyuns..." From the n. (Obsc. hacker ref.) Any expendable
20th century science advocate Carl Sagan. substitute used in place of a more valuable
(E.g. "The datafort was surrounded by sagans item, on the offchance that it might be damaged
of black ice icons!") or destroyed.

Salmon Day: Screamer:

ph. The experience of spending an entire day n. 1) Slang for mouth (e.g. "Hey asshole, shut
swimming upstream only to get screwed in the down your screamer!" 2) Something fast, sleek,
end. and sexy, used as an expression of admiration
(e.g. "She/He/It's a real screamer!) 3)
Samurai: Somebody who screams a lot while being
reduced. 4) Somebody who screams a lot while
n. (Jap.) Mercenary or muscle-for-hire. Implies
being tightly interfaced. 5) Credstick (or card) or
code of honor. (AKA Street samurai.)
other ID that triggers computer alarms if used.
v. (Solo) A military term referring to an after-
n. Fax-type hardcopy newspapers, available
the-fact clean-up of some event (anything from
by-the-page from street corner dispensers,
completing a report to assassinating someone)
especially one catering to non-issues of the
that might otherwise compromise individuals or
minute (e.g. USA Today, National Enquirer.)
agencies involved.
Coined by Walter Jon Williams.
Scroll, the:
v. Phonetic pronunciation of the phrase "S-and-
ph. 1) The constant, unremitting, and
D," for "Search and Destroy." To sand
overwhelming barrage of information absorbed
someone or something is to locate and
by everyone in modern society from the
severely damage him or it.
modern media, from cyberspace feed, from the
Sarariman: grapevine, and from any other means we have
of tuning in to the world state. (E.g. we find out
n. (Jap.) A corporate employee. about the latest war in the Middle East, the
latest hardware, the latest vaporware from The
Sardine: Scroll.) 2) The term used to describe the
messages, bulletins, and other data daily being
n. A soldier wearing powered armor.
produced and scrolled off various cyberspace
Saturday Night Special: systems.

ph. (Net) Really cheap and badly written Scenery:

n. (Corp) Members of the Board of Directors
School(ing): chosen for their unblemished reputations in
order to make an otherwise shaky company
v. People hanging out, working together or look good.
otherwise acting in close association.
n. (Aq.) Anyone annoying or useless, esp.
n. Money. scientists and biotechs.

Scratch and Sniff:

ph. (Med.) A gynecological examination.

Severe: Sidecar:

adj. Bad. Also, anyone with an unusually n. (Net) A peripheral that hooks to the side of
bizarre appearance, or just the ability to look your computer in its own little box.
extremely mean when needed
Sidewalk Outline:
ph. A recently deceased individual, or one
v. To search a place surreptitiously. expected to die soon. The reference is to the
chalk outline drawn around a dead body at a
Shank: murder scene by the police.

v. To stab. Sidewalk Souffle':

Shirt: ph. (Med.) A patient who has fallen from a

n. A white-collar worker, usually a low level
corporate employee. "Sign here.":

Shoe: ph. Used to inform someone that they have

made a terminal mistake, or that they are
n. A new set of (false) ID. An elaborate version
can include corroborative data in corporate and
government computers. Silly Putty:

Shoemaker: n. (Mil./Solo)Plastic explosive.

n. Someone who specializes in providing false SimSense:

IDs. A forger.
n. Simulated Sensory input, usually from a
Short-circ: commercial recording.

ph. See Fuse. SimStim:

Shortwire: n. Simulated stimulation of the senses, usually

from a DNI recording.
v. To burn out, flame out, splash down and
generally crash mentally. SIN:

Shotgun: n. State/Single/System Identification Number.

An ID number unique to each citizen. Many
n. The front passenger seat of a car or truck;
streetpeople (nomads, derelicts) are said to be
riding next to the driver.
"SINless," i.e. without a SIN. This makes them
Shredder: unknown (non-existent) to the system. It allows
them to move about in society more freely than
n. A minigun or auto-cannon. a "recorded" citizen, but also allows the
enforcers of society (police and corp. security)
Shut Down: to punish/abuse them without due process
since, technically, they "do not exist."
ph. to shut up, used as an exclamation (e.g.
"Hey asshole, shut down!") SIN Card:

Shutter Trouble: n. A registered citizens universal ID card. It

functions as a combination ID card, driver's
ph. (Rig.) To fall asleep (as in "can't keep your
license, medical data, organ donor, residence,
eyes open.") (E.g. "He ran off the road. Must of
and ATM card, all in one. Losing this card can
had shutter trouble.")
have serious side effects for the owner.
SINless: Slam it:

adj. someone without a SIN. See Blank. ph. Generic expletive (AKA kiss off, up yours.)

SitRep: Slap Patch:

n. (Mil.) Situation report. n. See Derm.

Skank: Slice:

n. Derogatory term for an unattractive person, n. 1) A credit card. 2) An electric-powered

usually a female. racing cycle.

Skeleton: Slice n' Dice:

n. All the collected electronic records kept on n. A mono-filament cyberweapon, usually

an individual; their electronic identity. mounted in the tip of a finger, which is used as
a garrotte or whip. It will cut through almost all
Ski Rack: organic material and most plastics.

ph. (LEO) The flashing lightbar on top of a Slicer:

police car. See also Party Lights.
n. One who rides a slice.
n. See Apter or Biosoft.
v. Being careless.
Skin Paint:
ph. An object of individual whose presence is
known, but who is unidentified. (From Air Traffic v. 1) Mild curse word. (i.e. "Slot THIS,
Control, Skin Paint is an object that is being chummer!") 2) To plug a moddy or daddy into a
painted by Radar, but is not emitting a DNI. 3) To have sex.
transponder identification signal in response.)
(E.g. "Then some skin paint walked into the Slot and run:
store and Joe capped him.")
ph. Hurry up, get to the point, move it.
n. An ordinary (defenseless) person (male or
n. Any device which has been augmented to
interface with a user via cyberware; usually
Skitch: applies to weapons or vehicles.

v. (Thr.) To hold on to a moving automobile to Smart Seats:

get a free ride across part of town or up a hill.
ph. The seats found in VR entertainment
An amalgam of "skate" and "hitch". (I.e. "I
venues that are equipped with motion bases
skitched a ride downtown on a Mercedes this
and wired to respond to actions on the
computer screen.
n. A satellite (usually surveillance).
v. To kill someone.
Smoking Hole:
v. To assault or beat up (e.g. "Let's go slam
ph. (Rig.) What an aircraft leaves in the ground
some `dorphers.")
when it crashes.
Smudge: Spill:

n. Pronunciation of the acronym SMG v. To spend money.

(SubMachineGun); thus, a submachinegun.
Spit Jockey:
ph. On camera (video) news reader, anchor,
v. (Brit.) To arrest. host. (AKA Talking Heads.)

Sneeze: Splash:

v. To let go of all a craft's hard kill weapons v. To shoot down. E.g. to splash an idea, or
(missiles, torpedoes, what have you) at once, "Splash that bastard!"
normally in an escape or last-breath effort.
Splat job:
n. A dead body, usually messy. Also
n. (Cov.) Nickname for the truth drug Sodium sometimes used to describe a person (or
Pentothal, written shorthand as "So-Pe" and persons) who are "cannon fodder" and are not
hence pronounced as "soap." It has come to expected to live much longer.
more generically refer to any truth drug.
So ka:
n. Generic term for any paintball-type air pistol.
ph. (Jap.) I understand, I get it. Formerly a trademarked name.

Social Engineering: Sprawl:

ph. (Net) To try and get computer access codes 1) n. A huge metropolitan area, usually
and other useful information by fast-talking consisting of several merged mega-cities,
them out of the operators of a system. covered a large portion of a landmass. 2) v.
The prone position the bronze order perps to
Solo: assume.

n. A mercenary who works the streets. A "for- Sprawling:

hire" combat specialist. Used as bodyguards,
assassins, and soldiers, individually or in v. A corporate pass-time, involving visiting
groups. dangerous areas town, with minimal protection.
Also slumming.
n. Coffee substitute made from soybeans.
adj. Crazy.
Squared Away:
n. (Aq.) Deep dive or Hardshell dive depths.
ph. (Mil.) Wise, experienced, in control.
v. (Net) To transmit huge, unwanted amounts
of irrelevant data across the net, mostly to n. (Aq.) Military personnel, also; derogatory
destinations that would have no possible use term for a C-dee.
for it.
Squirt the Bird:
Sphincter Factor:
ph. (Cov./Media/Mil.) To transmit a signal up to
ph. A level of disgust, nervousness, or fear a a satellite. "Crew and talent are ready... what
(usually on a scale of 1 to 10.) time do we squirt the bird?"
Stack: Stud:

v. To save money. n. See Jack.

Stall: Stunning:

n. (Thr.) When you jump up on an object, hold adj. Mind-bogglingly stupid. Used sarcastically.
still for a couple of seconds, and then jump off.
State of the Art:
adv. Looking or performing in an exceptionally
ph. 1) Hipper than hip. 2) To be on the edge. outstanding fashion.

Steel-collar Worker: Sucker Pockets:

ph. (Corp) Assembly-line robots. ph. (Crim.) Pockets on the outside of a

garment, easily accessible by pickpockets.
adj. Android-like. From "The Stepford Wives", a
1970s film about a bunch of robotic hausfraus n. A straight citizen, usually a corporate
in the suburbs. n. Stepfordification. employee.

Stick-Throttle Interconnect: Sumimasen:

ph. (Rig.) Mock-technical term for a pilot/driver. ph. (Jap.) "I am sorry" or "excuse me."

Stoked: Surfer:

v. A totally intense feeling that you just did (or n. (Thr.) What thrashers call each other.
are about to do) something awesome.
Surprise Party:
ph. What your opponents are likely to get if you
n. A less than affectionate form of address for a break your Trauma Team card during a
psychiatrist. AKA "shrink." firefight.

(Dr.) Strangelove Ocean: Suss:

ph. Ecology slang for an ocean where pollution v. To solve a problem, figure out something,
has killed all the life forms near the water's understand.
surface, making it look like a nuked wasteland.
n. (Rus.) 1) Derogatory term for an individual
n. Derogatory term for commuters. without honor. 2) A bastard.

Stress Puppy: Swarm:

ph. A person who seems to thrive on being n. Any large nomad convoy.
stressed out and whiny.
ph. Concurrence, or "I agree." From the
n. (Cov.) A freelance agent or operative, who French-Canadian "Je suis d'accord."
owes no permanent allegiance to any
organization. Sweet:

adj. (Rig.) Nice; Up and working.

Swiss: Tapdance:

adj. (Brit.) Expensive. n. See Floor Routine.

Synthespian: Tchort:

n. (Media) Synthetic actor. Used in 3-D n. (Rus.) Literally "Devil." A common expletive.
computer animation to describe sophisticated
human forms that can be imported into a virtual Team:
world. Also "electronic puppets," "dolls," or
n. A gang.
n. A gang member.
n. See Muzak-Man.
Techno Scum:
ph. A personally very unpleasant, but
n. (Med.) collapsible tube of morphine attached
technically brilliant individual.
to a hypodermic needle. The contents of the
tube were injected by squeezing it like a Tek:
toothpaste tube.
n. 1) An item of a highly technical nature. 2) A
 technician of any kind.

-T- Term:

Taking on space: n. Short for "terminal", as in "computer terminal"

or "data terminal." (Brit.) Friend or trusted
ph. Sure it doesn't actually happen, but this is a person.
hull breech on a space craft. As in "we're taking
on space." Thank you, Captain Obvious:

Tag: ph. Thanks for telling me something I found out

on my own or already knew. (E.g. "It looks like
1) n. (Gang) A graffiti signature. 2) v. To kill your pen isn't working." "Thank you, Captain
someone. Obvious.")

Tag Team: Thirdman:

n. A (usually corporate-sponsored) gang whose n. See Fixer.

fights with other Tag Teams are covered by the
vid networks as a commercial combat sport. Thrasher:

Talking Head: n. A dedicated skateboarder or in-line skater.

Someone who considers it not just a sport, but
ph. See Spit Jockey. a life-style.

Tango Uniform: ThreeVee:

ph. (Rig.) Polite phonetics for "tits up"; broken, n. A 3-dimension projection system which has
not functioning. superceded the television as the primary form
of information delivery.
Tape the Gerbil:
Throttle Back:
ph. To study hard. (E.g. "Man, I really had to
tape the gerbil to knock out that perimeter ph. (Rig.) To slow down, take it easy.
Throwback: Trog:

n. Derogatory term for an exotic. n. Short for troglodyte. A derogatory term

meant to indicate that an individual is
TIA: subhuman or extremely ugly or misshapen.

acr. (Med.) Transient Ischemic Attack (mini- Trolls:

n. Street term for older gay men who cruise the
Tiger: streets at night in search of young male
n. (Net) A military netrunner.
Tuning Up:
Tiger Team:
ph. (LEO) Beating a prisoner to elicit a
ph. (Net) Professionals hired to break into a
facility to test the security. Just about the only
real job you can have and still be respected by TV Parking:
below the law 'runners.
ph. Finding a parking space right in front of
Tight: where you want to be. A phenomenon that only
happens in TV shows.
v. To be best friends.
Tight Interfacing:
n. A naive, defenseless, vulnerable, or
ph. To have sex.
otherwise useless person.
Tin Can:
n. A suit of Powered Armor.
n. A careless, scatterbrained, or otherwise
Tip: unreliable individual.

n. A token credchip; a very small amount of Twitchers:

Taser and, by extension, any electricity-based
Toss: weapon.

v. (LEO/Cov.) To surreptitiously enter and Two Pot Screamer:

search a location. (I.e. "We tossed Nicks
ph. (Aus.) Someone who can't hold their liquor.
condo, but didn't find the papers.")


n. (Gang) A stranger; anyone not recognized in -U/V-

the `hood.
Trash Run:
ph. (LEO) Also known as "Low Ready", this
ph. See Garbage Detail. stands for "Uniform Cover Mode" and is the
position a police officer would hold their
Tri-Dee: sidearm while assessing a target or scanning
for threats. The sidearm is held in both hands
n. See ThreeVee.
(in a Weaver, Chapman, or Isoseles stance)
with the barrel pointed approximately 30
degrees below horizontal.
Under the Paint: V-fib:

ph. (GoGang) The act of hunching down on a acr. (Med.) Ventricular Fibrilation. A condition in
motorcycle's gas tank to reduce wind which the heart no longer beats rhythmically,
resistance. but rather convulse in an arhythmic fashion.

Undocumented Feature: VICAP:

ph. (Net) A bug. acr. (LEO) Violent Criminal Apprehension

Program. An FBI program designed to facilitate
Uninstalled: cooperation, communication, and coordination
between law enforcement agencies and
v. 1) Euphemism for being fired. 2) Killed.
provide support in their efforts to investigate,
USAMRIID: identify, track, apprehend, and prosecute
violent serial offenders.
acr. (Mil.) U.S. Army Military Research Institute
on Infectious Diseases. Vidflick:

User Hostile: n. Flat screen entertainment that predates 3D

or holographic projection. Old style TV or
ph. (Net) An interface that is incredibly movie.
annoying or difficult to use.
User Obseqeous:
n. A virtual reality or video game addict.
ph. (Net) An interface that patronizes and limits
you. Voice Novel:

Valkyrie: ph. A voice-mail message that goes on forever.

n. An assault helicopter or hover vehicle in VRcade:

attack mode.
n. A virtual reality, Braindance, and/or video
Valuta: game arcade or parlor.

n. (Rus.) Literally "foreign currency." Refers to 

any hard currency, either electronic (cards,
sticks) or scrip. -W-

Vatjob: WageSlave:

n. 1) A person with extensive cyberware n. See Shirt.

replacement. 2) Organic enhancement by
means of vat-grown tissue or muscle. War Shot:

Veg, Veggy: ph. (Mil.) Live ammo.

n. (Med.) A patient requiring intensive care, Water Burner:

incapable of movement.
ph. A fusion power plant, or any craft that uses
Very: fusion. Stems from those power plants you can
refuel with water.
v. Hip term for "cool" or "in." Alternately, may be
used derisively, i.e. "Oh, how very," as in "big Wearing Color:
ph. Usually associated with streetgangs, to
wear clothing with colors or designs which
identify you with a specific gang.
West Coast turnarounds: Whirlpool:

ph. (Rig.) Benzedrine, Speed. So-called n. (Aq.) Chaotic environment, as in "I can't do
because a driver could (theoretically) take anything in this Whirlpool!".
these and drive from the East Coast to the
West Coast, turn around, and drive back to the White Load:
East Coast without stopping to sleep.
ph. (Mil.) Live ammo.See War Shot
n. (Aq.) Someone who's never been
n. (Thr.) Surfer term for wiping out. (I.e. "He did
a Wilson into a tree.")
n. 1) human augmentation mechanisms based
v. (Mil.) Navy. Out of ammo.
on biochemical methods. E.g. biochemical
processors, custom crafted DNA, custom Window:
biological tissue, brain implants/grafts,
mind/body altering drugs (rare). As opposed to n. (Solo) A narrow interval of opportunity.
hardware which is based on artificial, physics
based methods, e.g. chips. 2) Slang for cyber- Wired:
augmentation of skills or other mental
adj. Equipped with cyberware, especially
functions. 3) The human brain (a backhanded
increased reflexes.
reference to normal organic thought
processes.) Wirehead:
Wetwork: n. 1) Someone addicted to computers or
electronic communication (e.g. a person who
n. Assassination. Murder.
would rather hack then eat or have sex). 2)
WGASA: Someone addicted to electric stimulation
directly applied to the pleasure centers of the
Acr. Pronounced "wig-assa", it stands for "Who brain.
Gives A Shit Anyhow?
v. Very impressive.
v. To kill.
acr. "Waste of Money, Brains, And Time."
adj. High on drugs, mentally unstable, or
irrational. Word, the:

Whacking Roaches: ph. The latest gossip or rumors on the street.

ph. (Net) Wasting time. Remember that most 

'runners live in cheap housing. Also,
debugging, but usually meaning eliminating -X/Y/Z-
bugs that are annoying, but not life-threatening.
Xin Loi:
ph. (Viet.) A Vietnamese idiom meaning "Sorry
n. (Aq.) A Corporation. about that." (Pronounced "Zin LOY.")
Yard Sale: Lexicon of keywords & abbreviations used in
this glossary:
n. A horrendous crash or fall that scatters your
gear all over the ground as if on display for List of Origin keywords:
Aq. - AquaPunk slang.
Aus. - Australian slang.
n. (Rig.) Mileage markers alongside a highway,
so-called because they are about one yard tall. Bantu - From the Bantu (African) language.

YODA: Brit. - British street slang.

acr. Young Opinionated Directionless Artiste. Corp - Corp slang.

An arts major or related hanger-on who lingers
Cov. - Corvert Ops. (Mil/Gov/Corp) slang.
in coffeehouses spewing strong opinions and
perennial wisdom without doing much to make Crim. - Criminal/underworld slang.
a difference.
Fixer - Fixer slang.
Gang - Street gang slang.
n. (Kor.) A person who is scum or a low life.
Ger. - German.
(From the Korean "Yonomoseki".)
GoGang- Motorcycle gang slang.
HR - Highrider slang.
n. (Jap.) The ritual Yakuza act of slicing the
joint off the little finger to atone for a mistake. Hng. - Hungarian.

Zaibatsu: Jap. - Japanese.

n. (Jap.) A group of corporations that cooperate Kor. - Korean.

on an informal basis for the purpose of mutual
- Law Enforcement Organization personnel (if used as a
defense or financial gain. (Originally, a zaibatsu LEO
definition origin), or Low Earth Orbit.
would have been controlled by a single family,
but this practice was forcably ended by the Med. - Medical or MedTech term or slang.
American Occupation Forces after World War
II.) Typically, a zaibatsu will include one or Media - Newscaster/Journalist slang.

more privately held banks as a part of its

Mex. - Mexican/Spanish.
overall holdings. See also Keiretsu.
Mil. - Military slang.
Net - Netrunner slang.
1) n. See Blank. 2) v. To delete or destroy a
piece of software. 3) v. To kill someone. 3) Rig. - Rigger slang.
Midnight (From zero-hour.)
Rock. - Rocker slang.
Rus. - Russian.

n. See Combat Zones.

Solo - Solo slang.

Zoned Residential: Tech. - Mechanic/Engineer slang.

adj. Pregnant. Thr. - Thrasher slang.

 Viet. - Vietnamese term or slang.

List of other abbbreviations and/or keywords: • The StreetSpeak web-site, managed by
Greg Sanders. (Alas, the StreetSpeak
AKA - "Also Known As." page has gone private. If you want to visit,
you gotta pay.) :^(
Abbv. - Abbreviation. • A HUGE "Thank you!" to Gareth Branwyn
of Wired magazine for tons of cutting edge
acr. - Acronym. terms.
For a look at more jargon from Wired
adj. - Adjective.
magazine, check out their WWW site by
clicking HERE. You can also pick up a
copy of his killer reference book Jargon
adv. - Adverb.
Watch at any of your better bookstores
(ISBN 1-888869-06-2).
e.g. - (Latin, exempli gratia) for example.
• Editing and proofreading by Julie Prince.
• Really slick page-title graphic by Amy
i.e. - (Latin, id est) that is. Luther.
n. - Noun.

ph. - Phrase. Additions? Questions? Comments? E-mail me at 
v. - Verb.

Sources & Credits:

• Cyberpunk RPG by R. Talsorian Games.

• Shadowrun RPG by FASA.
• USA phrasebook by Lonely Planet
• The Edge column of the Oregonian
• GURPS RPG Cyberpunk/Cyberworld
• CyberSpace/CyberHero RPG by Iron
Crown Enterprises.
• Misc. Cyberpunk Fiction by William
Gibson, Bruce Sterling, George Alec
Effinger, John Brunner, et. al.
• Collins Third Street-Slang Dictionary by
David Perry (Challenge magazine, issue
• The Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything
Else, Volumes 1-4, by Jerry Stratton.
• Additional terms by Gus Silber, Britt Klein,
Ridley McIntyre, Robert G. Pippen, Marc
Brenowitz, and Mark Cook.
• Majority of Netrunner terms by Rev.
Jonathan Bastow.
• AquaPunk slang terms from the Firestorm
Stormfront datastore, courtesy of John
• The American Slanguage Site, owned and
operated by Mike Ellis.

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