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How to submit PROG5121 Via GitHub – Step by Step

Please avoid using your mobile phone.

PART 1 Accept GitHub Invite
1. Go to Google or any browser of your choice and on the search bar – type “Outlook login”
without double quotes.

2. Click the first link

3. On the top right click “Sign In”

4. Use your student email as your email address and click next, then type your password and
login. E.g

5. Now look for an email coming GitHub sent by your lecturer (You will see your lecturer’s
name as part of the GitHub email then open it)

6. Once you inside the email, you need to accept the invite. “Please only accept one invite
form your lecture ONLY, if you have already been invited ignore PART 1”
7. It will ask you to log in to GitHub, please do so. This will ensure you complete your
8. Click Join button again, be careful not to hit Decline- if you do that “RIP”.

9. You will now see the below snippet – Please don’t create a Repository. Now you can move
to Part 2.

NB!!! This part 2 should be followed once you want to submit. Work on NetBeans “8.1
or 8.2 no Apache please”. Once you are confident and want to submit then jump to the
steps below.
1. Go to Google or any browser of your choice and on the search bar – type “GitHub” without
double quotes.

2. Click the first link.

3. On the top right corner click “Sign In” to log in.

4. Type your username and password “The ones you use to create your GitHub account” and
sign in.

5. Then you will be directed to GitHub Home page

6. On the top right corner, click your profile icon.

7. Then go to a button called “Your organizations” and click it.

8. Click your organization “This comes from the invite”

9. Now you can click create Repository “Please again, only do this when you want to submit”

10. You will be required to create a repository name “Please don’t change the owner, leave it
as how you find it”.
a. Your Repository name should follow this structure (Only use your names don’t
copy this)
e.g. ST1256891-JuniorManganyi-DIS1-PART2-GR4
On the radio button, click “Private”

11. Check the README box

12. Then click create Repository

13. From here you might go in one of these two ways, Please follow that one that fits you
when you get to this point.
Option 1

Option 2

14. For option 1 then follow below.

15. For option 2

16. Either option they all follow the same below.

17. Two ways to push your project, pick one which you are comfortable.
- Zipped folder
• Go to your folder that has your project NOT a file, the entire NetBeans folder,
right click it, go to send to, then press enter twice then it will be saved.
• The go back to GitHub and click “Choose your files”

• Go to the location of your zipped file project and upload it.

• Then scroll down you will see “Commit changes” and click it.
• Congratulations you now smarter than you were.
- Folder without zipped

- Divides your screen into two so you can see GitHub and your folder that has your

18. Now from your left you will see that I have a project called “HelloWorld” and left click it
and drag to GitHub.
• Then scroll down you will see “Commit changes” and click it.
• Congratulations you now smarter than you were.

Walla you done.

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