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My first WoWFanFic, so please be nice with reviews and such xD

He could taste it. The blood of King Varian Wrynn literally on his tongue, as the young rogue s Sneak dissipated, his dagger lodged deep in the sleeping ruler s chest. He yanked the dagger out and ran his tongue along the length of it, before sheathing it and jumping out the window, to where his mage associate has set up a portal to the distant lands of Tenaris.

Myroniz! Mythunne called after me as he sped behind me on hisGryphon. My blonde hair flapped behind me as I raced him to the distant lights, those of Shattrath. We halted just at the border of the Lower City, and dismounted and headed towards the Terrace of Light. You re fast for a Blood Elf. He said to me. I smirked and slapped him on the back. Oh shut up, you puny Draenei. I could squash you in one hit. My mage friend laughed. We ll see when I got you trapped with ice in between Warsong Lumber Camp and Silverwing Hold. As usual, people stared at us, like we were betrayers to our kin. Funny story, my parents adopted him when we were young, and since then we ve been best of friends. We headed into the center of Shattrath, where the Naaru roam, and saw grieving people, mainly Alliance faction members, huddled in corners. What happened? Exclaimed Mythunne as he raced toward the nearest group. Our leader He whimpered. He s been assassinated. Both of us gasped. Even though I belonged to Horde, knowing how upset my brother was made it much worse. There! A rogue, and a mage! THAT S THEM! Two of the colossal Scryer Guardians held us, and Khadgar approached us. Khadgar! I exclaimed. What in the world is happening? In case you haven t heard He said in a matter of fact voice. The King of Stormwind has just been murdered. From the style of the crime, experts have already deduced that a rogue, much like yourself, has committed the crime, and a mage with access to portals helped him escape. That s nonsense! You know us, why in the world would we do this? Oh, I don t know. The Alliance Mage with the knowledge of Stormwind, its inner workings, raised by Horde who taught him their ways. And, the Blood Elf, a true Horde member, who, among others, would love to see the Alliance fall. That s preposterous! Mythunne screamed. I live my life for King Varian! Ah, but we ll see to it that you are put behind bars until we can prove that. It only took a few minutes to locate the storm drain that led to the little-known Shattrath Prison, below the entire city. It was dark, of course, but small slots in the cell gave light at all times, letting us know we were right under the head Naaru.

Well this is great. Mythunne fell to the ground in despair. Yeah, but I m sure the Horde will defend our rights and stuff. But I don t want to be known as the Alliance Betrayer Who Killed the Prince! I just wanted to stay out of all of this! I fell down next to him and put my arm around him. Brother, it s okay. We can get out of this, and clear our names. I m sure of it. I thought for a minute. Hey, wait, didn t you just stop and buy Runes of Teleportation in Dalaran? Only bought two, and used one getting here wait We stood up in a sudden outburst of ideas. I still have one! He opened his cloth cloak and reached in an inner pocket, pulling out a palm sized rune. He muttered a few incantations, anda portal to the Northrend Capital opened up. Why here? I asked. There s a Horde sanctuary place here, isn t there? Good thinking! We jumped in the portal, and I heard shouts after us as it closed behind me.

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