Washington Evening Star Dec 11 1938 P 16

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B -7

Record Crowd in Prospect as Giants and Packers Clash for Pro Grid Title
40,000 Likely to See Athletic Aid Code Liberalized, Ohio Conference Navy Pins Grid Hopes
Will Disband
Even-Money Battle Spring Grid Drills Upheld B , the Aisoclated Pres*.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 10.— On 'Luck' of Larson,
The Buckeye Athletic Conference
At Polo Grounds In Southern Loop Vote voted today to disband after Its New Coach
By BARTON PATTIE, fore adjournment to meet next year operating since 1926.
Ohio Wesleyan and Miami
at Roanoke and re-elected Dr. W. H.
Wannamaker of Duke president for Universities resigned at today's
Associated Press Sports Writer.
New Yorkers' Triumph RICHMOND, Vs., Dec. 10.—The a third term. Dr. Allan W. Hobbs, versity offered theandresolution
winter meeting, Ohio Uni­ First Marine Made Head
Southern Conference today liberal­ University of North Carolina, again disband. The conference will to
In Earlier Contest ized its regulations governing finan­ wai named vice president, and Col. cease functioning in June, 1939. O f Staff Is Renowned
Ignored as Dope cial aid to athletes, voted down a William Couper, V. M. I., wqs re­
proposal to abolish spring football turned to the secretary-treasurer’s uleTheand1938-9 basket ball sched­ For Fortunate Teams
By B IL L BONI, practice and gave its official blessing post. the spring sports pro­ the Associated Press.
Associated Press Sports Writer. to Duke’s trip to the Rose Bowl. A move by Clemson to elminate Other gram will be carried through. BjANNAPOLIS, Md., Dec. 10.—Navy
NEW YORK. Dec. 10.—A new at­ A spirited squabble over fees of schools in the league are
the conference ban on post-season Dayton, Marshall. Xavier and placed its 1939 football hopes today
tendance record for national pro­ football officials gave the session its games failed, but the by-laws were Western State of Kalamazoo, In the knowing hands of Capt.
fessional football league play-offs only burst of fireworks. The spring amended to permit teams to partic­ the later two probatloriary Emery E. (Swede) Larson, a marine
almost certainly will be set tomor­ football proposal went down by a ipate in bowl contests with consent Mich., renowned throughout the service for
row afternoon when the New York
Giants, Eastern Division winners, HOSTS TO TITLE GAME—New York professional football Giants who wil lstart against the Green
11-4 vote. The vote eliminating a
by-law clause specifying tljat schol­ of the loop. Approval of Duke’s ac­ members. the good fortune that always has
and the Green Bay Packers of the ceptance of a bid to meet Southern followed his coaching efforts.
Western Division meet at the Polo Bay Packers in their championship game at the Polo Grounds in Gotham today are shown as they arships, Jobs and loans be equally California in the Rose Bowl was Capt. Larson’s appointment as
lined up after a final practice. Left to right in the line are Lee Howell, Ox Parry, John Dell Isola, open to non-athletes and athletes unanimous. Trojan-Duke Contest head coach to succeed Lieut. H. J.
Grounds. Victory will give the Mel Hein, Orville Tuttle, Ed Widseth, Jim Poole. Backs are Ward Cuff, Leland Shaffer, Ed Danow­ was not recorded. Graham Plan About Gone. (Hank) Hardwick was announced by
winner the league title, the Ed The conference decided Just be- Capt. E. W. McKee, director of ath­
Thorp Memorial Trophy and the ski and H ank Soar. The most significant action of the
major slice of the post-season pot.
The present play-off mark was
conference was the elimination of
the scholarship clause, one of the Will Be Seen by letics at the Naval Academy. He
becomes the first marine officer to
established in 1934. when 35.000 saw final remaining major planks in the coach a Navy football team.
the Giants meet the Chicago Bears.
Club officials, announcing that 20,000 Playing of Svendsen Graham plan for de-emphasis of
football adopted by the circuit in Over 90,000 %
In appointing Larson, present
commander of the marine detach­
lower stand unreserved, seats and 1936. The measure was Intended to ment at the Naval Academy, the
6.000 bleacher seats will go on sale
at 10 a.m. tomorrow, also said they By Packers Draws prevent faculty committees from
considering athletic ability in aiding Gate Is Likely to Push
Navy stuck to its graduate-coach
policy. Hardwick, it was announced,
were confident a crowd of 40,000 or students, assuring non-athletes an $300,000— Pitt-S. C. will return to sea duty at his own
better would be on hand for the equal chance at all awards. request. No other changes In the
kick-off at 2 p.m. (E. S. T.), with
the possibility of a sell-out if the
Magnates' Kick Dr. Hobbs was the only speaker in
behalf of retention of the clause. He T ilt Set Record
coacning staff were made.
weather turns clear. By the Associated Press.
viewed its elimination as a “bad By the Associated Press. Luck FoUows Larson.
NEW YORK. Dec. 10.—The own­ Hard luck has been Hardwick’s
It’s an Even Bet. ers of the 10 National Pro Football thing” which placed the conference PASADENA, Calif., Dec. 10.—The lot in the past two years. His teams
The game shapes up as an even- League clubs almost overruled the on record as admitting that “insti­ Rose Bowl, as might be expected, lost to Army and fared badly against
money proposition for a friendly players on the question of Fred tutions are to help athletes more has been sold out for the Duke- other major opponents. This year
bet. reflected in the professional than any other students.” California grid battle Jan­ he produced an air-minded team
odds-layers’ price of 9-10 and take Svendsen’s eligibility to play with
the Green Bay Packers in tomor­ C. P. Miles of Virginia Tech, who Southern uary 2. that outgained nearly every oppo­
your choice. row’s play-off game at their annual sponsored the change along with Officials of Southern California, nent, but won only one major game.
Off the facts that the Giants won meeting today. Clemson, pointed out that conference the host school, formally announced Good luck, on the other hand, al­
by 15-3 in their regular-schedule Ineligible according to the rules rules still provided that the awards today that no more ticket applica­ ways has followed Larson. His suc­
meeting and looked practically un­ because he joined the team for be made “on the basis of character, tions need be sent in, and gave cess as a service coach at stations
beatable in trampling all over the this season only two weeks ago. WESTERN GRID HOPES—This Is the way the Packers will line-up against the Giants: Linemen, tence scholarship, financial need, compe­ strong intimation that many thou­ from Parris Island, S. C., to Shang­
Washington Redskins for a 36-to-0 League President Joe Carr had ruled for any specific task, and gen­ sand requests now on hand would hai has been pronounced and “Lar­
victory a week ago, it might be ex­ Svendsen could play against the left to right, are Gantenbeln, Lee, Goldenbuerg, Mulleneaux. Engebretson, Ray and Hutson. Backs eral merit.” have to be returned, unopened. son luck” has been a by-word since
pected that the New Yorkers would New York Giants tomorrow if the are Bruder, Laws, Hinkle and Isbell. This picture was made at Central Park In New York, where the Four Oppose Spring Drills. “It Is a shame,” sighed Director he led three Navy teams to victory
be favored. But Green Bay played
the last time without Don Hutson Giants’ players gave permission. Packers did their final tuning up.
They voted this morning to do so. —Wide World Photos. ton and LeeT. joined Raymond Johnson of Washing­ of Athletics Willis O. Hunter, “that over Army as a middy center.
with Miles In we can’t get any more than about In 1935 and 1936, the U. S. S.
and Bob Monnett, two of its most Several club owners protested, how­ the battle for abandonment of dff- 90,000 people in the bowl.” Pennsylvania teams he coached won
valuable operatives. ever, against waiving the rule” and season football training. Johnson Officially Seats 85,411. two successive fleet championships.
Both will be ready for duty tomor­ it was not until John Mara of the said “professionalism is not so much The rose-bordered bowl officially Ten years before that he had
row and as to the Giants’ showing
against Washington—few expecc Giants had pleaded with them that
they altered their stand.
Lifetime Job Offered Ten Colleges Land Gridders a matter of pay as of emphasis’’ in seats 85,411, but last January 1 ad­ coached the all-Navy team in Ha­
contending that spring practice ditional seats were built over the
them to hit that peak two Sundays places too much emphasis on the tunnels and bleachers erected at waii. In 1928, he was line coach at
The club owners also appointed
In succession.
With Hutson back at end, the committees to discuss and decide Monty Stratton by In All-S. I. A. A. Line-up grid sport. Miles said lt was unfair both ends, and California and Ala­ the University of Hawaii.
Civilian Staff Retained.
Packers, who haven’t played a game upon a policy to be followed in ATLANTA, Dec. 10.—Ten teams, which totaled 42 victories against to the players to demand so much of bama played before an official paid Larson was varsity center on the
since they bowed to the Giants reference to all-star games and a nine defeats within the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association this their time for football and added attendance of 87,287. Counting 1919, 192 and 1921 Navy teams that
November 20. are expected to throw
more passes than they did that day.
Resolutions Committee to consider
all legislation to be presented to
White Sox Owner year, gained positions on the all-S. I. A. A. eleven chosen for the Asso­ that ft handicapped the regular complimentary guests and a few whipped
ciated Press today by coaches and athletic directors. spring sports program in the smaller hundred who scaled the barb-wlre the Army, and was named
Then they outrushed the New York­ future meetings. They decided all Only Murray (K.v.) State Teachers College landed two players on colleges where material was scarce. fences, the total throng was esti­ in 1921 on Walter Camp's second-
string all-America eleven. An all-
ers by 6 country miles but lost on two resolutions submitted at next Feb­ Chicago Cubs to Play the first selection. Richmond and William and Mary mated at 90.000. America lacrosse player, he received
long runs. ruary's meeting first must be passed The selections: cast their ballots with Tech and W. Gate receipts for the game to­
Hutson, one of the best pass upon by the committee headed by First team. Pos. Second team. & L. for the spring football restric­ taled $293,372, and the coming the Thompsonupon Trophy for athletic
receivers in the business, will be Carr and including Art Rooney, Benefit Contest for
Joel Hitt (Miss. College) E Roland MacMackin (West. Tenn.) tion. Duke-S. C. game will bring in as achievement in 1922.
his graduation
the chief target for “Freshman” Pittsburgh: John Mara. New York; Maimed Pitcher Pete Gudauskas (Murray) T Charles Hegwood (Millsapsi The basket ball tournament, the much or more. After coaching the 6th Marine
Cecil Isbell, Monnett and Arnold George'Marshall, Washington: Wil­ Leo Gruszkowski (Centre) G Chuck Guimento (Miami) loop's only profitable enterprise, Strangely Trojan-Pitt Game Set Mark. Corps football team in Shanghai,
(Flash) Herber. liam Alfs. Detroit: Lee Joannes, By the Associated Press. John Horton (Morehead) C Alvin Yorkunas (Tampa) which netted $4,700 last year, was enough, the Southern Larson was assigned to the Naval
Vote Svendsen Into Game. Green Bay, and Charles BidweU, CHICAGO. Dec. 10.—Baseball of- Walter Ledet (La. Normali
Chicago Cardinals.
G Bill Stevenson (Southwest La.)
T Nathan Schenker (Howard) returned to Raleigh and Committee Califomia-Pittsburgh game in 1930,
while drawing but 65,309 customers, Academy, but did not assist with
The Giant aerial maneuvers, of ferred a life-time job today to Monty Bee Sam Panepinto (West Ky.) Chairman Eddie Cameron of Duke the squad.
Because of protests which have Stratton, the ace Chicago White Moore (Presbyterian) E George Westerfield (Miss. Tchrs.) received praise for successful han­ set a record gate receipts figure of
course, will be entrusted to Ed risen recently over the rule requir­ Sox pitcher who recently underwent Eddie Dunn (Miami) B Jimmie German (Centre) dling of the meet. $306,421 which never has been He will have the same civilian
Danowski, who set a new league ing the league champion to play amputation of his right leg after Glynn Abel (Southwest La.) B June Moore (Presbyterian) The University of South Carolina equaled.wereThehigher reason was that the staff that aided Hardwick—E. E.
record this year with 70 completions first in the Chicago all-star game suffering a gunshot wound. Herschel Ellis (West Tenn. B Winfred Bynum (Centenary) was awarded the boxing tourna­ prices than the $5.50, (Rip) Miller, line coach; Keith
in 129 attempts and has averaged before taking on any other similar J. Louis Comiskcy. White Sox presi­ Bill McRaven (Murray) B Beverly Varney (Morehead) ment, which broke even in expenses- $4.40 and $3.30 scale for the coming Molesworth, backfield coach, and
better than 50 per cent over a 5- games in the fall, a committee dent. notified Stratton that as soon receipts at Maryland last winter. game. assistants Frank Foster, Ray Swartz,
year stretch. headed by Dan Topping of Brooklyn as he is recovered fully he can step Outdoor and indoor track and the theNews on the football activities of Johnny Wilson and Henry Ortland.
The Giants voted this morning and including Bert Bell, Philadel­ cross-country meets will all be held ing two rivals remained scant dur­
to let the Packers use Fred Svend­ phia: George Halas, Chicago Bears, into a permanent position with the
Loyola 31-30 Vidor G.W. Quint Defeated the last week. Duke’s unde­
sen, center who rejoined the club and Tom Lipscomb, Cleveland, was White Sox office organization. At at Chapel Hill under the sponsor­ feated, untied and unscored-on
ship of the University of North Devils put in several days of prac­ Wilson Quintet Routed Blue
two weeks ago and therefore was
not eligible officially, and then went named to look into the situation. the same time. Comiskey said a bene­
fit game for Stratton will be played Carolina. North Carolina State was tice at Durham, N. C., while the
through their final workout on a
vacant lot adjoining the Polo
April 17 between the White Sox and
the Chicago Cubs, the city’s National
Despite Late Rush In Clash at Ohio given the swimming meet, while
William and Mary was the success­ Trojans took the week off for rest By Wyomisslng, 36-60
after upsetting Notre Dame last READING. Pa., Dec. 10.—In an
The Packers staged their drill in
23 Terps to Receive League entry.
On November 27, Stratton was By C. U. Quint State, 37 to 43 ful bidder on the tennis tourney.
Golf Goes to Pinehurst.
Saturday, 13 to 0. Coach Howard intersectional game here today,
Jones will bring them back to the Wilson Teachers of Washington lost
Central Park. target shooting on his mother’s farm The golf meet, which was abbrevi­ practice field Monday.
Football 'Ms' at near Greenville, Tex., when his re­ by the Associated Pregs. B> the Associated Preu. to Wyomissing Polytechnic. 36 to 60.
Probable line-ups: volver accidentally discharged. The BALTIMORE, Dec. 10 —In a fast- COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 10.—Ohio ated by a rainstorm at Hot Springs
last May, will go to Pinehurst, N. C.. Wyomissing had a 25-to-9 edge at
• 5-------.
L TG____Del!
N. Y. Giants. G. B. Packers.
. . -------------------------------
------ WldsethI s o la_____________
Belbold bullet struck below the hip, coursing paced basket ball battle that was State opened its basket ball season in
down to the knee, and he lost much nip-and-tuck all the way, Loyola here tonight by defeating George was1939. The wrestling tournament
Undrilled Met Quint the intermission.
Cole was replaced by Dick Gordon
5C. 5.eiP,
R. 9T ----- Parry
__________ Letlow
Tuttle _____________
------------------ Goldenberg Fete Tomorrow blood before his wife, Ethel, got him
to a Dallas hospital. The next day College eked out a 31-to-30 victory
Washington University of Washing­ interest.
ton. D. C., 43 to 37.
abandoned because of lack of at center for Wilson in the second
half and zipped things up for his
R. E------ Howell ----------------- Gsntenbein \
University of Maryland will fete amputation was performed at the tonight over Catholic University of The Bucks held the lead all the little The session had been mild with
debate until the University of Starts With a Win team, scoring five field goals and
T . B.
« B------Danowski _________ 8chneid>nan
Shaffer . ............._. . Hinkle
its varsity football squad tomorrow : ¿nee.
at a dinner at the Beaver Dam
Country Club, at which time letters as “Monty has a job with us as long ! Washington.
The victors were behind by one
Capt. Jimmy Hull of Ohio scored designed Richmond presented a resolution
to lower fees for officials R
three fouls for a 13-point high mark.
Wyoming. G .FPts. Wilson.
6 2 12 Mostow.! . . . 6 111
will be awarded to 23, all but six washea wants it,” said Comiskey. “He 19 points.
Referee. Thorn
man. Tom
Bobby 'Columbia!:
Larry Meyer
Cahn (Chicaeo):
Conover(Ohio iPenn S head
tatel; lines­
field of whom are due to return next man. Baseball fine pitcher and is a finer ¡ point at half time, 16 to 17, but came Hull was the big gun in the Buck­ ference and non-conference football working minor games
can’t affoid to lose back in a hot last half to inch away eye attack, hitting the basket from teams by permitting members to use The Y. M. C. A. Junior Sunday DMiller,
between con­ In Y League Sockel. Í t __ 3 1 31 75 CGarnau.
c c 35 01 10
lark.! I O2 O0 O4
7 Gordon,
Cole, c c. . . 50 13 113
TimeJ.ofL.eame— 2 p.m. Wesleyan'.
(E. S. T.). fall. him.” all angles with spectacular one-
from the visiting squad, then hang hand shots. Capt. Bod Faris officials not affiliated with the School Basket Ball League opened Hoekman. g O i l E rvin.* Kurowski. g 4 1 9 Glllam. ( ___2 15
A half dozen cross-country run­ Comiskey conferred briefly today desperately on in the closing min­ 0O 1 i 1l
P. K. Wrigley, owner of the utes as the Cardinals put on a sparked the Colonial offense, get­ central booking office. yesterday and one of the teams Johnston, g . 30 30 90 Gaw, g
ners also will get their “Ms” at with The proposal was defeated, 9 winning its initial start never had Snyder. Lewis.*______ 0 C 0
Group Rowing List the banquet. Cubs, and then announced plans for whirlwind
Those to receive football letters the Cub-Sox game, all proceeds from took the Baltimoreans. finish that all but over­ ting 11 points
Ohio State, a fast-breaking outfit, to 6, after lengthy discussion and held even a practice session. It Sc«—e by periods: Totals 24 12 60 ""otals 14 8 36
are: which will go to Mr. and Mrs. Strat­ Ambrose, at forward, and White, set up a tight zone defense which the group then voted to continue to happened this way. Last Sunday Wyomissing
all officials through the central the superintendent at Metropolitan Wilson T each ers
P o ly _______ 13 l j 20 15—60
4 5 9 18— 36
Shows 17 Events cisEnds—
and Dwyer. Frank Blaxek. F ran­ ton, whose son, Monty, jr., was a at guard, sparked the visitors’ game, George Washington was unable to get booking office for another year. The
Leo Mueller.
Tackles— Ralph Albarano. Bob Brown. year old the day the amputation scoring 24 points between them. Am­ penetrate, forcing the Colonials to M. E. Church announced that an
Krouse George Cochrane. John De operation was performed.
and Bob Lawreroce. brose tallied 13 and White 11. make shots from outside the foul Football Committee was designated entry in the league had been filed
to meet with the officials, however, and asked candidates to come out Hockey Results
For Colleges Army. Ed Lloyd and Elmer Bright. Harry Grablner, White Sox vice Clancy.!____
Loyola. O.F.Pts. Catholic U. O F. Pts. circle.
Centers— Bob Smith
Backs— Charlie
and JimFrank
Forrester. 1 0 2
Skot- president, said Stratton was “coming Thobe.f . . 0 O2 4 Ambrose.
Í H 1 13 The game was witnessed by 5,698 in an effort to work out a lower fee for the team. It was pretty short
scale for games which attract small notice, but a practice session to Toronto, 4; Chicago, 1.
National League.
Seventeen rowing events appear nickl John Boyda. Joe Murphy, Fred Hew­ along fine” and may leave the hos­ Barczak! 3 8 Kanc.f
Carrig.f . _ O O 0 fans.
O 1 1 gates. Officials now are paid $62.50 loosen the boys and get them work­
on the newly formed Eastern As­ itt. Bob Brand. Dick Shaffer. Fred Wld- pital in two weeks. He was a big Bock.c 4 1 30 Miller, f 0 0 0 O. W. G.F.Pts. Ohio State. G.F.Pts.
Pirro.c O 1 1 Garber.f . . 1 2 4 Hull.f ____9 1 19 and expenses.
factor in White Sox hopes for 1939, Keech.g 1 07 2 9 The Conference Executive Com­ ing together was scheduled for yes­ Cleveland, 2; Hershey. 1.
ener and Joe Devlin. 1 1
sociation of Rowing Colleges or­ Manager— George Knepley. Cummings.* Oo 0 O CM atikaltis.c. 1 03 112 Fsrls.f _. 4 3 11 Baker I terday morning at American Uni­
ganized to facilitate schedule-mak­ Gold awards for three years of having won 15 games last season Cox* 1 5 White.*
4 8ilkowltz,c . 2 1 5 Myckelaon.c 1
1 O o Auerbach,g. 1 1 3 Lynch.a . 1 0 2 mittee took under advisement for, versity.
Philadelphia, 3; New Haven, 2.
ing among members whose events service will go to Weidinger, For­ even though out of action with a Syracuse Stars, 5; Pittsburgh, 0.
rester, De Armey. Hewitt, Jim Meade sore arm for the first month of the Totals 13 --------- 6 31 Totals .. . 12 e 30 Borden.g V eld ri.g
. . 0 4 4 Bouchner.g. 2 2 0 further study a proposal by Houston
O O O Mees g 1 O 2 Arriving at the gym, the team
on the water have become rather and Nick Budkoff. Both Meade and campaign. ----------------- Amendola.g. 4 1 9 Maag.c ____ 1 1 3 A. Lawing of the Greensboro (N. C.) found a ping-pong tournament in
Borum.e . . O O O Scott.g
complicated. Budkoff, lettermen in 1937, were out Osborne.g _ " ' "1 st ll l wag on .t - O O O Record, that a baseball tournament progress, so the Mertopolitan play­
To simplify the activities of dual, practically all season with injuries. Old Dominion Bowling C om er.* ___ 0 be held each year to determine a ers entered the game yesterday REPAIRING
triangular and quadrangular races These six will be the only ones lost Grid Slate Kept Clean Total* . 12 13 37 ~ T otals. 16 1143 titleholder in that sport. afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. with­
and cup regattas, the colleges— to the squad.
Won by Frances Roth .ifcore at hall— Ofhlo State. 24: O. W.,
18.Personal fouls: Myckelson (4), Baker out having had their hands on a SPEEDOMETERS
Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Har­ Bethesda Eagles 135-pound team SpcclAI Dispatch to the Ster.
Cross-country men to be rewarded finished Iheir football season of nine RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 10.— (4). basket ball this season. They de­ AMMETERS, etc.
vard. M. I. T., Navy, Pennsylvania, Borden. Faris (2), Lynch (2>. Garber
Princeton, Rutgers, Syracuse and
Yale—have included their rowing
James Kehoe. Joe Peaslee Tom Fields. games unbeaten and untied by down­ Frances Roth, an obscure Richmond Auerbach.
Condon. W.RoyI. Sktpton. ing the Kenwood All-Stars, 47-12, girl bowler, flashing a superb brand Stillwagon
(2). Silkowitz (2). Mees (3). Veldrl
Bouchner. Amendola (3). Comer.
and Maag.
(2). 24 Varsity, 16 Frosh feated
the other
M. E
., 26-20.
game yester­
day, Memorial Chapel won over 1311 14*H ST. N.BROTHER!
in the program of the central office and Manager Miller. Hermle
Peaslee IsEvans
the yesterday. Free throws missed— Baker. Bouchner
(3). Lynch. Silkowitz (2). Garber. Hull United Brethem, 39-16. W. OEcatur 4220
for Eastern intercollegiate athletics.
In addition to rowing the associa­
only senior. of rolling, won the third annual Old M at*.
Dominion sweepstakes with a 10- pire—
Borden. Faria (31. Stillwagon.
Referee— Mr. Reiff (Northwestern). Um­
Mr. Krleger (Ohio U.l.
Gridmen at V. M. I.
tion now assists football, track, base­ game score of 1,270 at Bill Haskins'
ball. basket ball, hockey, swimming, Health Center here tonight. Ida Are Rewarded
golf and fencing. Simmons, duckpln's No. 1 woman Varied Sports
The rowing schedules: bowler, had a second-place score FOOTBALL. 8peclal Dispatch to The Star.
_ April 15. Columbia vs. Rutgers at New
York City. of 1,246. U. C. L. A..Tsnks.6: Oregon State. 6.Colle*e LEXINGTON, Vs., Dec. 10.—Forty
April 22. Rowe Cup (Harvard-M. I. T.- Lorraine Gulli, after a low first Louisville All-Stars, O.
18; Kentucky Virginia Military Institute football
at at Cambridge: Nary vs. Princeton
Annapolis. set of 558 came back to shoot 658 BASKET BALL. University, players, 24 varsity members and 16
April 20. Columbia vs. Navy at New York
for final block to finish third and Loyola 30. College. 31; Catholic
freshmen, have been awarded varsity
MayCornell-M. I. T.-Syracuse
ti. Blackwell at Ithaca.
Cup tColumbia-Penn- lead the Washington field that wit­ Wyomissing. Ohio State. 43: Oeorire Washington, 87. monograms or freshmen numerals
(Harvard-M. I. atT.-Prlnceton)
Derby: Compton Cup
and Syra­
nessed Georgia Hays running fourth Carnegie Tech.00; 52; Wilson. 36.
Washington and by the V. M. I. athletic council.
cuse at Cambridge; Cornell vs. Navy at with 1.209, Ruth Rothgeb, fifth with Colgate. Jefferson. 37
61: Toronto.
Arnold. 31.30 . Eleven seniors, 3 Juniors and 10
April 13. Childs Cup (Columbia-Penn- 1,194, and Caroline Hiser 10th with Cornell 58: sophomores composed the varsity
aylvanla-Princeton) at New York City: 1,168. Lalsyette.
West 38; Upsala.
Virginia, 43: West24.Virginia Wes­ list.
M. I. T.-Syracuse-Yale
thw alt Cup (H. 150-Pr. at150-Y.
>at leyan 20 . Three varsity players made the
Princeton: Dartmouth vs. Rutgers at New Kentucky. 57:
Pittsburgh. 48: Kentucky Wesleyan.
Northwestern. 37. 18. all - State team. They are Andy
Brunswick. Wisconsin 45: Notre Dame. 30.
Aoril 20. Adams
Pennsylvanla) Cup (Harvard-Navy-
and Columbia at Cambridge:
Sunday School Basket
em. and
Trazeciak (third year), Paul Shu
33. Henry. 43: Tennessee East- (second year) and Red Echols.
Carnegie Cup (Cornell-Prlnceton-Yale) at Tennessee. 29: Clemson. 24.
rinceton: Vail Trophy Regatta at
grunswick (tentative); 150-pound Regatta New Ball Loop Games Arkansas. Special honors went to Capt. Andy
_ Teachers.36:21.Southeastern Oklahoma Trzeciak, who received the Jacobs
a t April
Boston.27 Cornell-Harvard-Syracuse at CU. M. E. O.F.Pts. Con. Luth. G.F.Pts. Slipnery Rock Teachers. 48; Buffalo
Ithaca. F rick ,f 2 2 6 C. Grimm,f. 3 0 6 State. 43.
Michigan 41: Michigan State. 34. Trophy as the best Southern Con­
LoveU.f — 4O O0 O8 R. MMer.f 10 00 0 2 Minnesota.
P. Sch'eder.l 47: Carleton. 22. ference blocker, and to Capt.-elect
Holland.! 2 1 5 B. Steiner.c O O O
Corbin,c 12 0 1 25 Btrobel.c
Indiana. 40;44: Miami.
South Dakota
23. 30. Paul Shu, who made the all-South­
Gallaudet Varsity Five Jon es.c D. Miller.* 2O O1 5O Iowa State Teachers. 38; Iowa State, ern Conference team for the second
0 0 0 Cincinnati. 40; Morehead State Teach­ year and earned a berth on the third
S aylor.*... 2 0 4 E. Grimm.g. 1 0 2 Kansas State. 66. Doane, 86.
M oyer.*... 4 0 00 80 Abner,*
Warvel,* Associated Press all-America.
Romps Over Alumni ers. 19. Coach Allison (Pooley) Hubert’s
Total* —1 7~ 3 37 Total* . . ^ “ l l s Ashland. 64: Kenyon, 38.
With Forward Ludivico tossing in Toledo. 38; Hillsdale. 30.
Marouette. 43: Chicago. 23. fighting squadron turned In Its best
11 field goals to lead the attack, Peck.
Bau.f . . 12
G.l Cal. Bapt.
P. Law less.!. 3 0 6
G.F.Pts. Wilmington. 65: De Sales. 40. Southern Conference record In his­
Gallaudet’s varsity defeated its Dlnamore.f. Western
MaealesterReserve 67; Findlay.
46: Huron, 33. 80. tory by placing second to Duke with
alumni, 54-29, in a basket ball game P. Brown,! . 0
Shlffelt.g . 8l
Gleasin,! . 0 0 0
Pritchard.! 8 3 1 5 Baltimore Poly, 46: St. John’s J. V . 17. four victories and three ties.
a t Kendall Green last night. E^Brown,*. E. Lawless,e o O O
Quinn,c 2 0 4 Bovth Dakota State. 31; St. Thomas. Varsity monogram winners:
Staac*I . Abrahams.* 8 0 6 Ball 8 ta ts,4 5 ¡Indiana Central, 87. v Aiklson.
í'.uírr“ c‘5k'_Cy ,t- elect p. c.
The alumni grabbed an early lead Goodson.* , 0 0 0 S i kiln. 32: Evansville. 31. R. O. Brlttlnchun. L.
which faded quickly when the var­
sity turned on the heat. S oleman.* . 3 0 6
o*er.c 0 0 6 B?ooklliTVy?:-8-U4,y*h' n"tXkisincers,
Newark *2'
Oklahoma A. and M..-25: Kansas.
” • W. M. Echols.
man, O. Chtpmim,
T w W.
Holland. L. R. Huyett. R. L. Irby V P
ortvW. *Col£

G .FPts. Alumni. O F Pts
Total* ..1 0 7 27 Totals ..1 7 H»ml
North Dakotata tans
State. n?*,ar-, **• _N. Meem. A. L. Nelson.' R w"
í ÍS® wR. «D. ' Strickler.
Ruett. l . E.L. RSexton.
O A llA U d e t.
Doerlng.f . 4 0 8 Ewan.f 2 .1 5 Pirst Bant. O. P. Pts.............
w . Wash. O P. Pts. Swarthmore. 44; jiRtonEliot University. Taylor TL*
Ludivico !__ 11 0 22-W undy.I 1 O t> Bentley.r! _ 33 *7 H. Culim.i, 7 2 16 K eh tstate" 2 7: Blulftbn3 25. L. Thresher. H. G. Tipton end B. W. Welker!
FhlUtPs.c 2 0 4 Ztmmcrman.c 2 0 4 Bolstadt.l 7 R. Boyd.!.-- 0 0 0 St. Joseph's.Eatlea.
64: Wake Forest.82.49.
Hanson.* 1 0 2 Curtls.g 4 o r
Breedlove.g 4 O R Goodin.g
Welngold 2 0 4 Kowslewskl
Encelgau O n o H os i sr O
2 0 4
_ 2 O 4 Montgomery 3 0 6
o o o
Orr.c. ____
S O Rowzle.i
8 PUloh.e
eashoe,*... O111O Ritchie.*.Norris.*
10 2
52 02 124
. 0 0 0
« utler,
38: Duke.
Detroit Tech. 48: Ohio Chiropody. 81.
St Francis.
26. 28/
135-Pounders to Play
Auerbach.. O o o Cuppy 0 0 0 R. Cuism.c.. 6 3 15 « i: Conn. Teaeheri.
State. 81.83: Oonn. For Grid Honors
Clem ents. _ 0 O o Hospital,*.-. 2 0 4 wast Stroudsburg
Pitaer 1 0 2 T o ta l* ...U ~ 6 2 8 Total* — 23 ~7 63 Teacher*. 32. The Taranto and Wasman eleven
Totals 27 0 54 Totals 14 1 29
williams. 33: Clark. 24.
Hampden Sydney. 41: St.39.John’s. 24. plays the Georgetown team at 2:30
L. D. S.O. P. Pts. N. C. Chr.G. P. Pt*.
Lind.!________3 1 7 OmeUa.!_ O O O
Manchester. 63; Taylor.
St. Joaeph'i. 48: Concordia. 22. pjn. today at Ballston with the International Harvester Co., Inc.
championship of the National City
Warrentons Booking KISS FOR NEW MENTOR—A tickled couple was Capt. Emery E. —
Boden.e 3 81 56 W ooden.!... O O O
Diccle.l. -O O O neerlng. 2 1 . 135-Pound League at stake. 901 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. ATIantic 3998
Warrenton Athletic Club has or­ Larson and his wife when they received word that the marine e Evans,c 1
umbach.*. 0 S. 2O8_ Bien*.!.
0 0 0
Read in*, c ... 40
3T9 M * ° tat TMeh*ri> 8$ : Northland. Both teams have won five games OPEN EVENINGS
ganized boys’ and girls' basket ball officer had been appointed head football coach of the Naval nnedy,*.. 4 Dale.*. ------- 1 and tied one, the tie being the
teams and is booking games in Academy at Annapolis. They received the news yesterday while Barker.* 0 „ . SWIMMING. scoreless tie between them earlier
Washington and Virginia. Contact Wear.* 0 Mereersbur* 47: Allentown. IS. in the season. Taranto and Was­
John Kessler, manager, Box 883, visiting at Quantlco, Va. He lucceed* Lt H. J. Hardwick, who Uppold.s.— 0
0 Carlisle MT.l,,t 8 : lj ^ S bOT. It, man has been scored upon only once IN T E R N A T IO N A L T R U C K S
returns to sea duty. P. Photo.
S o n .*.
Warrenton, Va., phone 694-W. IS 9 28 6 414 in six games.
a s A

Washington Evening Star, December 11, 1938,Pg. 16, Washington, Washington DC, US

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