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EASTMAN-END Rosicrucians, Exponents /Double Murder in Icy*> Mitt) ta hvsxri I**

Chicajaro Starts i if c **f. 21*
Itv** t-rf tan U <»*J h* *af»»
Relief Fund With ! SU»>k* <*( N*» York
THEME BEFORE Of Ancient Cult, Observe Cocktails At $2 Waste Sets Mounted on
; CHURCH YOUTH New Years Here Sunday CHICAOO~Cecltt*a»
todiy itA
!u»d tc« aid i{jo«
Arctic Hunt for Slaver A~
\lircd SJaw.
Hartley Discusses Suicide of C. W. Rodgers One of Few in New Year for Him »rcf-.!t«t, »;ar!«! ehiia ixvi- Polkc
Noted Men in Address Be- Region Following Path BJai-
ed By An Old Philosophy
s^l pirtjrs rt«r
3i <xs:-of-«*rk
tnvstTd J2 itwa
• tiw brzwot
Ht Slain Trippm a IWrmbtr, ) $39. m
By IBI&ARJ of Far Kwti At
fore Conference J2 tci tiw party.
Tb? ckcen *r«r
ta x-nr-e
to jtwips ci
for Easter
NEWBtraGH—George H. East- Following an intellectual path cut naytiu: sr-wsis Tb<
man, Rochester kodak magnate, and j by the philosopher ot old through, a o«! so tliat 5 SIS roci csiras tn ISar Theiar. i
Ivor Kreuger. European match mon- wilderness of supersUuoc. haif- persons will hsv* «snr*.fae:s*<i
opolist, committed suicide this week j k^owjedge and absolute ignorance K to the cocium rtJ»! ftias! m« US*
because they were unable to face the CUarles W. Rodfiers. 23S East Main Paixv OG
worst in life as they had faced the
best, the Rev. Robert R. Hartley. street, is leaking fcrward to the ad- SCHOOL HEADS VISIT
pastor of First Congregational vent of a New Year tomorrow. oarj» us liw- Anrtfc:
. church. Middletown. declared to the In the calendared esiswncs of the AT MONTGOMERY RICH Tft* d^nw iaark U*- t
[f-fourth annual Orange County majority ol Americans, tomorrow OJsean sjj S K
f Vouth Conference last night in MONTOOMERY-Thtron L Mc- to cfflk.Tt.rt tsxz a*i"t;wr»
|-'Moulton Memorial Baptist church. will be the first day of Spring; but . ireea tc. '.Stt ISasis.-Ki'fe.j
death was attributed to to Mr. Rodgers it will be New Year's KnlRht. of Central VaUey. Disuse: swr, oact>.«ft»i ft Grt-t; T!Sr wti u- »i'.i.*! j.of
t fjoor health and Kreuger's to finan- Day. The difference in oatlrck U Superintendent of Schools aad Miss Slate Is * roars-Err ^tsssfe i!ss a jw.trfcs t,-r Sir-
cial difficulties. accounted for by the fact tha: Sir. Florence E. McCarthy. «£ tiw At- say is brwiMhnt
Mr. Hartley explained that in his Rodgers is a Rosicrucian. and a t^pdance Division of th« S;at* Ed- y-or lie oiurdre* poiss*
opinion education should develop a seek T*tok2sdt, *a EsJaata iis.1
scheme of thought and conduct that Rosicrucian is particularly cogni- ucation Department a: Albany, viiii- * **JE tbosi la Kirs »
would help the Individual face the zant of the laws o! nature. «5 the Moatsotncry HyA School to Uw AT«M oatsa, X* R E A L E S T ATE
best and the worst in life with equal Mention 01 the word Kcsicrucian Thursc&y. Tb* ajsrxSer* *<wr IX D
poise and he criticized severely "the is introduction to a vast store ol I N S U R A X CE
flabby pnilosophy of life we have tradition and niSvOry that lias. iiid- Personal Net« | In S
taught the young." Declaring that dietown wnn tne larmest corner* Mrs. Julius Schmtd. wile of t?» : Prior, tr».pp$r d tJw TbrJcss
the only troubles that ever have of the eartii and the earliest days of proprietor of the Braver 0am Stock. ne^tce. ww * p»ci. o? nasiti«a r KIMBLE&SAYER.I0C.
overcome persons and civilizations civilization. Mr. Kodgers is one 01 Farms, and frranddaushter. Miss is* throisgti the vbpdx. TS* MS VarLfa M. tHaJ C.CJ
are those on which they have turned the lew members in tnis region ot Elisabeth Schmid. went to Nes- Yorit • be believed, inert trow « Use
their backs, the Middletown minis- the order worldwide in scope, an- Thursday whrre they joint d i thfa- .: trappers, Ht rni easig»J:«! »rxi :s?
ter challenged the young people he cient in origin and philosophical in tre parly in celebration oi Mr. Use jaen's bodj«i. Xsawtsy **,-*
addressed to face squarely the in- loundation, and purpose. Schmid's birthday. Miss Schmid is aT aora tops, citsaed
jqualities. injustice and frustrations Claiming origin as a irateroity in a. stenographer in the lasr offices o'
at large today in international af- Egypt in tne reign ol Pharaoh Taut-
fairs, communities and schools, pol- mcse III, the Rosicrucian Ora^r may
CHARLES KODGEBS Watts, Oakes <fc Brish* in Middte- Por w«*fcs in the soisurr hi;U
otwn. • • • Leo Carmcdr, of Mc>c*- met ao oa« is vixaa b* ooa Howsyoaradio Milady's
itical and economic life. The trou- be traced through the ages more by Spring Tomorrow will be birthday of Komery. and Miss Mary V.
ble, he said, was caused not by the the echoes ol its teaching aua the Rogers it will, mark advent of the of most of us, but for Mr. Walden, have secured & ' he SCE; s. zc-ze so Trapper Cos*.
quackery it unwontediy inspired than license. The date of the :GroTt.
failure of Christianity but by the
failure of Christians to apply its by reason ol" its own reputation. Tne
principles. Rosicrucian Order today, reputedly
Rosicrucian year 3285. tras not announced. ; Grofi «n: iise ae-5-£ Ssj- aa Isdiaa
FOR Repairs ION JT
l courier to Fort Reliaiicer ca tie riiv-
Beautv Shop
With a registration of about 150 following the tenets in lorce since its jern end c* Great SSav« Lait. The >trittr t All in
delegates of Sunday schools the con- founding in 1500 B. C.. is fraternity
ference began yesterday afternoon non-sectarian, international and
with the theme Taking Christ in admitting both sexes on an equality
Roosevelt and Smith ; Indian m riv»d tbers 'Dxcvs&tr
I twenty-third end »Sd Jut «cry so
j Constable Gray. Tb« ciic* a
Ih M.
Earnest in 1932. The conference of membership for the promo: ion of j unti! tiie Arctic pasroJ re»cis«J FVsri Dial 3076
:ontinued today.
After a banquet and a business
sleeting last night Mr. Hartley de- times
a more
ignored by human beings. In
Fighting for Lead As
i Rejtaiic*,
;»-ith whom
s-t cu:
I soow-baafced trail, reachirss tht
yttr "^.fr
Earle H. Brown
livered his address. Election of offi- the medieval ages it was the tool of iTheJoa Ri'
i :ers was held during, the business more
•session. Installation was a ceremony knowledge
f this morning. the
than one clever scheraer wnose

of the mysteries and de-
ceptions of alchemy made fools of
to the disadvantage
Straw Vote End
| cicted the xatu ««-» slain B-;th i
New officers are Hobert Cornell, '- and knife rsore tixas a. yea,- bfiz BE St'KK TO VISIT OUtt
I St. Paul's Episcopal Church, New- the Rosicrucian reputation in gen- i Traveling br dog teajsi, ' Gray a
CLEVELAND—Like a race horse : and behind him is Senator William • Gagnon questioned the itv irapa
aurgh, president; Glenn. Young. Port eral.
Jervis First Presbyterian Church, although
rice president, and Miss Flora ate secrecy,
Its. existence shrouded in mystery, coming down the home stretch to i E. Borah of Idaho, with 1.551.

Saedeka, Monroe Methodist Church, tory, knowledge

apparently not in deliber-
during most of its his-
of the Eosicrucian
secretary-treasurer. They replace Oraer was revived in the Seventeen- cut down the lead of Alfred E. i poll
riobert Sharpies of Port Jervis. pres- th Century by the writings of Jo- Smith to less than a thousand votes i Will
anead. Governor!
felt of N*w York, i persons
• and Indians of the disirirt
More than 60 nationally known : They lEamed Tefcalidt L
have received ballots in the '.at the time of tie murders.arsd thl":
and the final tabulations -xiU he carried a riSe siraUar to one s^
incluQe the entire list. Among them , ing from the camp.
Rogers is the foremost non- ; Trapper EVUE Peitrscn said )
Fl ower St ore
.dent, who presided last night; David t it cut t-o political figure. More than 800 per- ', rcet Tefcaliii in & snoa- "nut rif&r Li JAMES ST. COKNKR KING'
3ill, Goshen, vice president; and cleric who told the story j>f Chris- j in Central sons in different sections of the ;Bode cauip last March ar,d :hi: \'.
I Miss Florence Gillespie, Newburgh. tian Rosenkreuz, a. fourteenth Cen- | country have indicatec they desire .Eskimo "signed scineili-rig »"ia t
secretary-treasurer. tury scholar who was supposed, to j
Many members of the clergy at- have spent much time in the lands i in the straw vote, participated in by | him as a presidential nominee. ! fingers about two men." Peters« OPENS M O N D A Y for EASTEK W K K K
| iended the conference, in addition of civilization's origin in pursuit ol newspapers in every section of the j i could not undersiarjc! *^he Esfcis1-:
the j'oung delegates. The aver- the vaunted Wisdom of the Kast. country, should be complete in 24 ' EPISCOPAL WOMEN HAD ! sign language, but said Ttk^ui: v
I age age of those in attendance was Having acQUired it, he returned to j hours.
sixteen, and attendants ranged from Europe to snare nis knowledge with | Roosevelt was 3,000. votes. behind
;wolve years to twenty.
those who cared to tune their liV'is I Smith
to that high level, according to the j but by the
Andrsa stary. But there stul exists \ counted
as the day's tabulation becan.
time the last ballot was
the New York: governor-had
Mrs. Louis Hoffman of Newburgh.
increased his total to 160.126 votes educational secretary, presided dur-
Easter Plants
The Rev. Forest P. Hunter, Miss
Alice Hodge and Miss Lottie Ben-
Kreuz was a
or the
; as against Al Smtih's 161,040. ing an intensive day of instruction
President Herbert Hoover, still under auspices of Women's Mlssipn-
s. j. H-HITAKER n <»rcat Variety
nett were among Middletown repre- invention ol Andrea lor me purpose heading the list, increased his __ vote ary Workers of the Episcopal dio- 1W Sprijnie Ave.
I sentatives at the convention yester- of a misunderstood saiirizauon ot 177,813 in the "overnight "tabula- j cese at St. James" Episcopal church Dial £510 Don't Mi--. Seeing This Fins' Display
I day and today. the philosopnical lollies cl his age. tion. I in Goshen Thursday. An all day
The tsrm iiosicrucian is variously In fourth place in the poll dem- session was held and branches of
reported to have its origin in his

News of the
name; in the cross decorated with a onstrating
single rose that is its public symbol Votes
ana in, combination of the wpros res, for the
meantaK dew whicn medieval al- the eventDemocratic
his staying; power, is John the work were explained. Mrs. Hoff-
N. Gamer of Texas, who with 50,145 man invited all members of the or-
appears the logical contender ganization to participate in a tour
nomination in of New York city Wednesday, April
Hem sner
chemists considered the most pow- tion between of a deadlock in conven- thirteenth.* and \Visner ,\v«-mi*-t»
Smith and Roosevelyt. Among those from Midd'.ctown
State Hospital erful solvent of gold, and crux,
meaning cross, whicn 10 them was a if
symbol of Light rather tiian reiig- indication.
the straw vote is to be taken as an who attended Thursdays session
were Mrs. Marion Wickham. Mrs.
1 N S U R A N C' E
lous revelation. Behind Garner trails William H. John Robb and Mrs. Raymond Hen-
After Anqrea public interest .in "Alfalfa Bill" Murray. Oklahoma's derson, and Mrs. Edward J. Opdyke
The regular weekly dance for pa- Rcsicrucianism seemingly lagged | picturesque chief executive. He has of New Hampton.
tients will be held next Monday until the spurious County Catiuos- i E. Ritchie, of Drama and Spirituals
I Evening at the usual hour. tro seized upon us mysticism and | 4. folowed by The drama. Joseph and his Breth-
Monday evening, April twenty- the EiRhwemn Century pascion lor | ren, a biblical play, will be present-
le'ghth, is the date of the Easter pseudo-science to prey on common- j ten D. Baker, of Ohio. 9.2733.'
I dance for both patients and em- ers and royalty aiiKe with tne aid , Melvin Traylor. Chicaco banker, cd by the members of the Drama-
jplbyees. There will be an orchcs- of his lascmatinn and tqualiy in- i has polled 4.0^4 votes, while Norman ( zion church under the direction of
!. and the dance will hold to a Over
I [etc hour for both employes and pa- (jngliostaos
tne length ana breadth ol £ur- I
ope and in Asia iiiia ,^i:ica me j president
sold loye philtres,
Lients. The dance will be held in pensed elixirs of youih arid dealt in i his favor. dis- |
tic club of the St. John's A. M. K.
if present plans are matcrial- priniciplcd wile, Lorenza reliciana. j Thomas. Socialist candidate lor Mrs. A. E. May in Fellowship Hall :
in 1928, hold.5 next, place at North Congregational church next .
in the handings with 3.880 ballots in Thursday at eight-fifteen p. in. Thf :
I Amusement Hall. drama will be preceded by a group •
Kinds ol magic tnty muuueu n. •: The first of the Republican pos-
Dr. Solomon Kleiner and Dr. Syl- all
Irester Catalanello have been pro- what
j noted from medical internes to as- system
their activites establishment of < sibilities after President Hcov:r is of Negro spirituals sung by a mixed i.
Senator Hiram Johnson, of Cali- chorus of forty-five Voices.
CaKliostro asserted was a new i fornia. His total to date is 3,529.
of the Freemasonry m EIIK- j
I iist.ant physicians. land but which the iviasonic order j REO
Another razzle- dazzle bowling appears to have repudiitt: d.
|natch, was bowled on the club al- With the Egyptian inllucncc con- i
Wednesday evening. Joseph tinuing to doniuia.le.its esoteric pnn- i
J Walsh and Thomas Hickcy made ciples and practices, the ancient j
j I N S U R A N C E
all lines
11228 pins, which brings them to the order has acc-ommodnted itself to j FRANK 0. TOMPKINS MOTOR CORP.
llrst place with highest score for tne demands 01 progressing ages ' Orange and SulUran counties
I.he tournament. Brown Hunter and through its combination of practi-
I David Cryer thus move down from cality with inystricism.
Merchants Bank Bid;. Srrwior and
Announcement is made herewith that War-
Tel 3515 4th Floor North St. 1OO3
I.he leading place to second high- Tomorrow therelore will see the '
j;st, with 1184 pins, and Arthur Giin- beginning of the year 3285 en the ;
wick Laundries, Inc., has passed to the control
Idcrson and Thomas Hickey move Rosicrucian calendar. |
I down from second to third, highest . The advent of the Rosicrucian j
New Year varies with each year, de- j
of new owners long successfully identified with
Ift'ith 1141 pins.
Robert Brennan. student nurse, is pendinK on the exact time the sun j
to the Nurses' Home by enters the zodiac sign of Aries.

piking a three days' freedom from Eastern

In the 1932 of the Julian calendar |
Albert and Herbert Joljnson are the sun willStandard
twentieth, and
enter Aries at 2:44 p. m. j
(.service and are spending a portion mon with Rosicrucians throughout i Mr.
Time, March !
Rodders, in
Men! Attention!

i Rested Wives Mean Happy Homes!

the laundry industry.
Be^inninjr Monday, March 21st, the htisinesH
will he conducted under the name
'f the time in Newburgh.
Miss Miriam Steckley. class girl. atheNew world, will celebrate the birth cf j Happy Homes Mean Happy Men!
Year with a symbolical feast !
1'ias sufficiently recovered from a represented fay the use of corn, salt ;
•brief illness to be able to go to her and grape juice, prayer and a brief :
liome in Port Jervis for the week- ritual that includes an attempt at i
|:nd. mental contact with Rosicrucians in i Result
Willis Frost, of Mr. Shelter's de- every part of America.
partment, is an absentee from ser-
when you send your famih wash to the With Henry R, (in f fen rchiincd
|/ice over the week-end.
Miss Katherine Barrett left Val- PAPERS' EMERGENCY AID I as manager.
ley Home for a week-end visit out
|jf town.
Miss Mabel Bond, a member of
J.he first year class of the Nurses'
NEWBURGH—Cards and danc- !
TROY LAUNDRY rnrut of thf tjtiaiit* work ami! »rr*irr irr»slt»*4 «n
Irraining School, is confined to the ing attracted more than .900 men [ ''A Particular Laundry for Particular People"
|iew infirmary by illness. — and women to the Armory last i III line •Hilh thr (tHic-s, <i la uui f»at(ij«t s» tij }*r in
Mrs. Ruby Hoyt commenced a night for a miunmoth benefit cur- { 14-16 MONHACEN AVK. DIAL 1202
l/acation period on the sixteenth, nival in aid of the Emergency Relief I
Imd will visit with her sister in Mid- Fund. The vast drill floor was cov- i
liletown. crcd by card tables. Music was fur-
Miss Lena Tanner is an absentee nished by five volunteer orchestras.
I'rom night service from the six- All money received goes into the p| HAVE JUST THK
[.eenth to the twenty-first. fund.
Miss Ethel Walsh of the Main Incomplete returns indicated Wet Wash—ik per fHiund . . . . . . . ...... , , . T-k
(Building, has entered upon a vuca- about a $750 total of proceeds. The
l.ion period. party was sponsored and conducted
Mrs. Amelia Paller is absent from bv the entire employment roster of
thf. Nurses' Grill over the week-end the Newlmrjh News.
t, USED CAR Thrifty Service-rw per lb.
Mrs. Rosie Smith is confined to plus TK- per Ih. for flat work ........ SUM)
Nurses' Home by Illness.
It is now expected that Helen YOU WANT.. ALL MAKES Hough Dry Servici-IOr per Ib. . . . . . . . . . SUM)
in yes will appear on Amusement
ITall screen next.Wednesday even-
Ing in "Sin of Mndelon Claudet."
iThundcrlng Terrors" will be the
Farm ALL TYPES.. ALL MODELS Float Ironed StTvice-JOc per Hi.
|>reliininar,y comedy. plus ;>c jM*r !b, for apparet , . — . . $1.20
Miss Ernnm Imholz. of the Nurses
|3rlll, Is nwny over the week-end.
The most recent enrollment in the Harness Homestic S«»n'ice-10c fM*r Ih,
Iwvlcr of the institution Is that of
| Lucy Foster.
The resignation from the sen-Ice
plus lik per Ib. for apparel . , , SL5D
Prim Prest Servire--I0f per Ih.
Lucie C. Joseph has become ef-

;V,;S: Birth of n son. Wodncsday, to Mr. My own iriiarant- ni make
Motor Sales Co. phis 20e per Ib. for apparel
$7?md Mrs, Leo Prcdmore. of 10
'"'"Thnrlrs street, has been announced HORSE "COLLARS
t llorton Memorial Hospital,
NORFOLK, Vn.—The Mor Now In the time In l>oy
If U P S 0 N - E S S B X
SALES and SKKVK'K Middletown Laundry Service
'anke.r Ruiln. reported In distress
'huredn.v 30" miles off Cup,? Hmry. H. Josefson 8-10 John street Dial 3302 192 MONIIA<;KN AVK,
as out of danger today, the c~ti?l
i;nrd reported, and proc?:dinir to ;S Kazl Main Kt Mlddlrtown
| ore under her own oow.r.


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