Cir 2022-028 - Holy Week 2022 Recommendations

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Diocese of Parañaque


Diocesan Center for Evangelization



Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his
paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life.
Therefore the Easter triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the
culmination of the entire liturgical year. Thus the solemnity of Easter has the
same kind of preeminence in the liturgical year that Sunday has in the week.
[General Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar #18]

As we approach the culmination of the liturgical year with Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum
of the Lord’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection, we would like to present the following
recommendations on the manner of its observance and celebration in our parish communities.
The current situation of the coronavirus pandemic has been taken into serious consideration,
given the context of the alert level in place around the NCR.

In our desire to commemorate the highest point of Christian spirituality, we continue to keep
vigilant and take the course of utmost caution in terms of the health and safety of the faithful, the
lay liturgical ministers, and the clergy of our diocese.


In the celebration of the Holy Week Liturgy, the government mandated minimum public health
and safety standards must always be strictly observed inside the church and in its immediate

 Facemasks are mandatory for the clergy, lay liturgical ministers, and the faithful who are
in attendance. The use of the face-shield is optional.
 Paper-based contact tracing is optional. Digital contract tracing systems may be used as
well, such as the Staysafe.PH application.
 The seating capacity of churches is at 100%. However, we recommend the maintenance
of some physical distance between individuals (e.g., one seat apart).
 The faithful who are above 18 years of age shall present proof of full vaccination before
entering the church. Parishes must likewise abide with the other guidelines set by their
local government units concerning the movement of individuals.
 Parishes must ensure that the liturgical celebrations are made available through
livestream telecast for the benefit of the faithful in their homes.
 The church must have sufficient ventilation in order to maximize air circulation.
 This will aid greatly in the prevention of viral transmission. Air conditioning units
are advised to be turned off.
 Electric fans are turned on and windows are left open.
 The parish must ensure that the church, especially areas occupied by the faithful, are
periodically disinfected and sanitized.
 In cases of necessity, the help of the local government units, i.e., the barangay council
police personnel may be requested for reinforcement.
 Holy water fonts are still to be kept empty, and the touching or wiping of sacred images
must be prohibited to reduce the risk of viral transmission.



 All lay liturgical ministers must wear facemasks, even as they exercise their particular
tasks in the celebration.
 The number of lay liturgical ministers must be kept to the minimum.
 2 lectors for the readings and general intercessions, 1 commentator
 2-3 lectors for the readings of Easter Vigil
 A maximum of 5 altar servers for more complex celebrations
 The general rule of 3-4 choir members, 1 instrumentalist is highly recommended.
 The number of extraordinary ministers of holy communion will depend on the
size of the assembly.
 The only exception is the ministry of ushers, greeters, and collectors. Additional
ministers are required to fulfill their particular tasks.
 The sharing of microphones is strongly discouraged. In cases where necessary equipment
are lacking, ministers must carry containers with disinfectant, or keep them close to their
person, and sanitize as often as needed.
 Parish priests may use their prudent judgement in case processions are carried out and in
view of the following conditions:
 Coordination with local government and barangay units.
 The chosen routes must allow for the maintenance of social distancing among the
 The use of motor vehicles, in place of “carrozas” and “andas” for images
included in the procession is strongly encouraged.
 In place of the aspergillum, plastic holy water bottles will be used for the sprinkling of
palm branches on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion and the Renewal of Baptismal
Promises on Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday in order to lessen the risk of aerosol


The recommendations presented herein are made in view of the prevailing situation of the
covid pandemic and the recently released IATF guidelines. Parish Priests and their liturgy
teams are encouraged to use their prudent judgement in implementing them.



 Commemoration of the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem and the Blessing of Palm

 The Second Form (Solemn Entrance) may be used in all Masses: the prescribed rite is
carried out at the door of the Church only by the priest and ministers.
 The faithful will be seated in designated areas inside the church while carrying palm
branches and will face the door when the celebration begins.
 The entire rite may also be done with the presider at his chair and with the faithful in
their places.
 There will be no blessing of palms outside of the Mass.

 Liturgy of the Word and the Proclamation of the Lord’s Passion

 Two (2) lectors will be assigned for the Readings and a commentator for certain parts
of the Mass.
 The lector proclaims the verses of the Responsorial Psalm, while the choir leads the
chanting of the response.
 The same two lectors will also read the Passion Narrative: as the Narrator (at the
Ambo), and the second lector as other characters (at a separate lectern). The part of
Jesus Christ is read by the presider, and he stays at his chair.
 The Liturgy of the Eucharist is celebrated in the usual manner.

II. HOLY THURSDAY: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

 The Rite of Foot-washing may be done in the usual manner, but with the following
 The priest and those whose feet shall be washed must wear their facemask
throughout the whole rite.
 Since the Rite is more symbolic than commemorative, The number of the faithful
whose feet will be washed should not be more than 4.
 One towel must be used for each person.
 The priest may pour water upon the candidate’s feet, without touching them,
spray with alcohol and then wipe them immediately using a towel.
 The kissing of the feet is omitted.
 The Offering of the gifts for the poor may be held, together with the presentation of the
Sacred Oils, and the bread and wine.
 The offerors may place their gifts directly upon a table near the sanctuary but away from
the altar table.
 The same procedure may apply for the presentation of the sacred oils.
 The bread and wine may be carried by offerors using a tray and upon reaching the
sanctuary, the priest takes the vessels for preparation at the altar.
 For Holy Communion, only the Lord’s Body will be given, and as usual, the faithful shall
receive it by hand.
 The Solemn Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament is carried out in the usual manner inside
the church, and only with the priest or deacon carrying the ciborium and ministers
carrying incense and torches.
 The church will remain open for the faithful who wish to pray and will be closed at
midnight. Minimum public health protocols must always be strictly observed, for which
ministers may be assigned to monitor.

III. GOOD FRIDAY: Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and the Adoration of the
Holy Cross

 The traditional Community Way of the Cross around parish neighborhood may be
replaced by other devotional prayers or more laudably the Liturgy of the Hours in the
church either by the priest and the ministers, or with the faithful at whatever capacity of
the church is prescribed by the IATF
 These may be aired through livestreaming telecast over the parish’s social media
accounts for the benefit of the faithful in their homes.

 Liturgy of the Word and the Proclamation of the Lord’s Passion

 The Readings, including the Passion Narrative, are carried out in the same manner as
on Palm Sunday.
 The announcement of the General Intercessions is done in the usual manner by only
one lector.

 Adoration of the Cross

 The preparation of the Cross follows the first form, that is, with the ministers carrying
the cross from the Sacristy.
 The individual adoration is done without touching the Cross.
 The priest, after having uncovered and displayed the Cross for the faithful using the
prescribed rite, may walk around the Church carrying it aloft, accompanied by two
(2) candle bearers. The people, meanwhile, kneel in silent adoration.
 The procession of the Santo Entierro is strongly discouraged.
 In place of the procession, either the cross used for the liturgy or the image of the
Santo Entierro may be displayed inside the church for adoration up to a time to be
determined by each parish. Health and safety protocols must be strictly observed.


 The recommended earliest time for the Easter Vigil to be celebrated is 8:30 p.m.
 The people are in designated seats inside the church carrying unlighted candles before the
celebration begins
 The faithful may be advised to wear white clothes as a reminder of their baptismal
dignity and the renewal of baptismal vows.
 The faithful may be advised to bring candles for the celebration of the light, and the
renewal of baptismal promises.

 The parish may make an announcement to remind the faithful on the manner by which
the lit candles are extinguished.

 Celebration of the Light and the Preparation of the Paschal Candle

 The entire ritual may be held at the door of the Church and done in the usual manner
as prescribed in the Roman Missal.

 Liturgy of the Word

 The full set of readings is to be proclaimed: Seven (7) from the Old Testament, by
two (2) or three (3) Lectors.
 The same lector proclaims the verses of the Responsorial Psalm, while the choir leads
in chanting the response.
 A commissioned lector and psalmist is to proclaim the Epistle (NT) and chant the
Alleluia and verse before the Gospel.
 The Gospel is proclaimed by a deacon, a priest-concelebrant, or the presiding priest

 Liturgy of Baptism

 Either adults or children may be baptized. However, for a fuller experience of the rite,
it is preferable to select adults for the faithful to witness both the Sacrament of
Baptism and Confirmation.
 The Rites of Baptism/and Confirmation are celebrated in the usual manner.
 In the case of an adult baptism, the presider also administers the Sacrament of
 A piece of cotton infused with Chrism Oil for each candidate is used in the anointing.

 Liturgy of the Eucharist

 It is celebrated in the usual manner.


 The Ritual of the Encuentro, or Salubong is strongly discouraged this year, since it is
known to attract a large number of the faithful.
 The faithful may be advised to wear white clothes as a reminder of their baptismal
dignity and the renewal of baptismal vows.
 The faithful may be advised to bring candles for the celebration of the light, and the
renewal of baptismal promises.


Chairperson, DOP-CLPR



Bishop of Parañaque

Attested by:




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