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Fourth Semester


(Regulations 2017)

Time : 3 Hours Answer any one Question Max. Marks 100

(To be filled by the question paper setter)

Q.No Aim/Principle/ Apparatus Tabulation/Circuit/ Calculation & Viva- Record Total

required/Procedure Program/Drawing Results Voce
1 5 25 10
10 10 100
2 5 25 10


1. Create a Table as workers and the details are { S.No, Name, Designation, Branch }
Perform the following commands:
 Alter the table by adding a column Salary
 Alter the table by modifying the column Name
 Describe the table employee
 Copy the table employee as emp
 Truncate the table
 Delete the Second row from the table
 Drop the table

2. Create the following tables

student_details {register_no, student_name, DOB, address, city}
mark_details {register_no, mark1, mark2, mark3, total }
 Display only those rows whose total ranges between 250 and 300.
 Drop the table mark_details and Delete the row whose register_no=161.
 Display all details whose names begins with 'a'.

3. Consider the following relational schema for a Loan database application:

Customer {Customer_id, Customer_name, Age, phone_no}
Loan { Loan_id, Amount, Customer_id)}
 Include the constraint on Loan_id that it starts with letter ‘L’.
 Display the list of the customer_ids and total Loan amount taken.
 Display the Customer_id and Customer_name who have taken less than two loans.
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5. Write a procedure called proc_udate is created and stored in the database. This procedure
when called in PL/SQL block updates the qty_on_hand in the product_master table it also
updates the order_status in the sales_order table.
 Prodct_master { product_no, description, profit_percentage, unit_measure,
qty_on_hand, recorder_level, sell_price, cost_price }
 Sales_order {order_no, order_date, client_no, dely_address, salesman_no, dely_type,
billed_yn, delay_date, order_status }

17. Consider the following relational schema:

Employee( empno, name, office, age )
Books ( isbn, title, authors, publisher )
Loan ( empno, isbn, date )
Write the following queries in SQL:
 Print the names of employees who have borrowed any books published by McGraw-Hill.
 Print the names of employees who have borrowed all books published by McGraw-Hill.
 For each publishers, print the names of employees who have borrowed more than five
books of that publisher.

18. (a). Create a table as book (, book_name, author_name,price, edition,publisher_name ).

Perform the following operations:
 Insert minimum ten tuples in book table
 Commit the table book
 Create a save point for the table book as B
 Rollback the table book after inserting 4 & 5 row
 Define Grant & Revoke
(b). Design an application for Library Management System and Show the database
connectivity details using suitable Front End Tool.

20. Create a table salesman{ salesman_id, name, city, commission } and customer{customer_id,
name, city, grade, slaesman_id}. Write the following query:
 Create a view for those salesmen belongs to the city New York
 Create a view for all salesmen with columns salesman_id, name, and city
 Find the salesmen of the city New York who achieved the commission more than 13%.
 Create a view to getting a count of how many customers we have at each level of a grade.


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