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Năm học 2020 - 2021

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (không chuyên)
Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề)
Mã đề thi: 9

I. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 
1. A. educate B. national C. examination D. magic
2. A. needed B. aced C. wedded (đám cưới) D. hated
II. Choose the word (A, B, C or D)whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group. 
3. A. event B. behave C. surprise D. damage
3. A. impossible B. academic C. optimistic D. education
III. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence. 
5. “________stay with Vietnamese friends in the college dormitory.”
    - “Sorry, but I disagree with you, Ben. It's not convenient for practicing speaking English there.”
     A. Why don't we B. Why not      C. What about D. I think we should
6. Many foreigners found the Ao dai very special and impressive. Actually, it is the ___ dress of
Vietnamese women. 
     A. comfortable         B. unique C. casual D. modern 
7. Lan used to walk past the mosque _________ her way to primary school.
     A. through            B. at                            C. from D. on
8. I don’t like doing the ___________, especially cleaning the windows.
     A. homework B. occupation C. housework D. job 
9. _______________ his frequent absence from class, he passed the test.
     A. Because             B. Though C. Therefore     D. In spite of
10. Nobody can deny the _________ of the internet in our life.
A. benefits B. inspiration         C. information            D. reputation
11. Remote controls are used (for us)_________ with TV.
     A. to interacting B. interacting        C. to interact D. to be interacted
get/be + used (a) to +N/Ving: quen
be usd to V: dùng để làm gì
12. _________ television, people can get the latest information and enjoy interesting programs.
     A. In spite of            B. Because    C. Thankfully              D. Thanks to + N (nhờ)
thanks = (thank you) for: cảm ơn vì
13. The Internet is now _________ not only in cities, but also in the countryside.
     A. being B. available C. coming D. having
14. “Could you do me a favor, please?”
      - “_________”
     A. Let me help you.            B. Yes, go ahead!
     C. No, Thanks. I'm fine                           D. Sure. What can I do for you?
Do S.O a favour: giúp đỡ
IV. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for the following picture or sign. 

15. What does the sign mean?

A. you must not use a mobile phone here B. you must not use a camera here.
C. dogs can’t enter this place. D. you can’t come in here.

16. What does the sign mean?

A. you must not use a camera here. B. you must not use a mobile phone here
C. you must not turn right. D. you must wash your hands.
Must: bắt buộc phải, ắt hẳn là
must not: cấm

V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.  
Humans are destroying the Earth’s tropical rain forests. Nearly 80,000 square kilometers are being
destroyed every year. About a quarter of the (17) __________ comes from people cutting trees for fuels.
Another quarter is to make grassland for their cattle. The (18) ___________ trees are cut down to sell the
wood or to build a farm.
The population in cities all over the world is growing, and more and more wood is needed to build
huge new buildings. For example, 5,000 trees from the Sarawak rainforest in Malaysia were used to build
just one tall building. (19) ___________ people continue cutting down trees in Sarawak rain forest, all the
trees could  will (conditional sentence) be gone in eight years.
The world needs more food, and it seems like a good idea to clear the rain forests and use the land
for (20) ___________. Many people think that the land (21) ___________ these huge, thick forests must be
rich in nutrients, but it isn’t. This is another surprising thing about rainforests. Most of the land in tropical
rain forests is very (22) ___________.
17. A. destroying B. destruction C. destroyer D. destructive
18. A. remaining B. staying C. enduring D. dwelling
19. A. Unless B. Although C. While D. If
20. A. urbanization B. forestry C. agriculture D. cultivation (trồng trọt)
21. A. in B. beyond C. under D. over
22. A. poor B. short C. unfortunate D. ill
Forestry (n): lâm nghiệp – agriculture (n): nông nghiệp – cultivation (n): trồng trọt
Beyond: vượt lên trên
VI. Read the following passage. Decide if the statements from 23 to 26 are True or False and choose the
correct answer (A, B, C or D) for the questions 27 and 28. 
Electricity is the most common form of energy today (23). In the modern world electricity is very
available at the touch of a switch. Electricity has many uses(24). The most common use of electricity is to
provide artificial lighting. In factories, electricity is used to light up the workplace. It also used to operate
air-conditioners, computers and many other machines. Electricity is also used to power the many appliances
that we have in our homes. Such appliances include television sets, computers, electric fans, irons and many
others. The list is simply endless(26) (vô tận). Modern man will most probably be lost without electricity.
23. The passage is about a kind of energy. True
24. Electricity has a lot of uses. True
25. Without electricity, our life will not be affected. False
26. The appliances that depended on electricity are endless. True
27. Electricity is the most _________ form of energy today.
A. popular B. famous C. expensive D. easy
28. Modern man would probably be unable to survive __________ electricity.
A. for B. at C. without D. with

VII. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence. 
29. _____ , the Ao dai was frequently worn by both men and women. (tradition)
Traditional (a) – tradition (n) – traditionally (adv)
30. Some designers _____ the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (modernize)
Modern (a) – modernly (adv) – modernize (v) – modernization (n)
31. Thi Vai River was used for years as _____ waste dump. (industry)
Industrial (a) – industrialize (v) – industrialization (n) – industrially (adv) – industrious (a): chăm chỉ
32. They are planning to protect the forest from _____ . (forest)
Deforest (v) >< reforest (v) = afforest (v) – deforestation (n) – forestry (n)
33. He is one of the most famous _____  in the world. (environment)
Environment (n) – environmental (a) – enviromentally (adv)
34. It was so _____ of you to leave matches where your children could get them. (care)
Care (v, n) – careful (a) – carefully (adv) – carefulness (n)
Careless (a) – carelessly (adv) – carelessness (n)
Answers: 29. traditionally 30. modernize/modernized 31.industrial

32. deforstation 33. environmentalists 34. careless

VIII. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. 
35. in / Is / to / the / conservationists / some / center / Mr. Brown / talking / town / volunteer / living //?/ 
 Is Mr.Brown talking to some volunteer conservationists living in the town center?

36. the/ When / the / trash / covered / ground/, / left / trucks / was / with /./
 When the trucks left, the ground was covered with trash.

IX. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the
sentence printed before it.
37. "Don't forget to do your assignment, Jack." said Jack’s mother.
 Jack’s mother asked (yêu cầu) him not to forget to do his assignment.
 Jack’s mother asked (yêu cầu) him to do his assignment.
 Jack’s mother asked (yêu cầu) him to remember to do his homework.
38. Lan is the best student in my class.
 (phủ định) Nobody else in my class is as good as than Lan (is). (not as a/adv…as)
 Nobody else in my class studies as well as Lan (does).
 (phủ định) Nobody else in my class is as good a student as than Lan.
 Nobody in my class is better than Lan. (everyon else not > Lan  everyone else = Lan)
39. Because of their good performance, they won that match.
 Because they performed well, they won that match.
40. My father teaches Math well.
 My father is a good Math teacher.
 My father is good at teaching Math.

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