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This contract made and entered into this _______ day of ___ , 2020 at Quezon City
Philippines, by and between:

RICK P. LUZANO of legal age and Filipino citizens with address at 132 Dangay Street,
Project 7 Veterans Village, Quezon City, hereinafter referred to as the LESSORS;

- and -

_______________________________________, of legal age, Filipino

citizens and with present address at 132 Dangay Street, Project 7 Veterans Villag, Quezon City,
hereinafter referred to as the LESSEES;


WHEREAS, the LESSORS are the absolute owners of an lady bedspace unit (ROOM 1 AND
ROOM 2) located at 132 Dangay Street, Barangay project 7, veterans village, Quezon
City, hereinafter referred to as the Leased Premises,

WHEREAS, the LESSEES desire to lease the above-mentioned premises and the
LESSORS are willing to lease the same unto the LESSEES subject to the terms and conditions
herein specified;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants
herein contained, the LESSORS hereby lease unto the LESSEES the aforesaid unit and the
LESSEES hereby accept the same to be in good, habitable and tenantable condition by way of lease
subject to the following terms and conditions:

1) PERIOD OF LEASE - this lease shall be for a period of five (5) months from
____________, 2020 to ___________, 2021 unless renewed upon mutual
agreement by both parties provided that the LESSEES must signify their intention to
renew by written notice to the LESSORS at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of
this contract.

2) RENT –The monthly rental shall be _______________________________

(P _______.00), Philippine currency, payable on or before the _______ day of
the month. The payment shall be deposited to any of the LESSORS' bank accounts with
the following details:

Acct Number:

In case the LESSEES fail to pay any of the monthly rentals, the LESSEES authorize the LESSORS
to padlock the unit and to cut its utilities services. The LESSORS will not incur any civil or criminal
liability by doing so. After 10 days from the unit was padlocked and the LESSEES still refuse or fail
to pay the total rentals due, the LESSORS can now exercise the right granted to them under
paragraph 22 of this contract.

3) SECURITY DEPOSIT - The security deposit of _______________________

(P ____________.00) Philippine currency is considered as security for the
faithful compliance of the LESSEES of the covenants hereof and to take care of the
unpaid bills including the damages on the leased property and improvements thereon,
if there is any. However, if the security deposit is not enough to settle such, the
LESSEES are obliged to settle the same to the LESSORS. The security deposit is
refundable thirty
(30) days after the expiration of the contract, provided the LESSEES settle all the bills.
4) FIRST MONTH PAYMENT – The Lessees shall pay the rent for the first month of
the lease on or before the commencement of this contract on ___________, 2020.

5) PENALTY - In case the LESSEES fail to pay in full the agreed monthly rental within
the specified period of time, they will be liable to pay as penalty for late payments ten
percent (10%) of the amount due for every month of delay.

6) PRE-TERMINATION - Should for any reason the LESSEES decide to voluntarily

terminate the lease before its expiration, the aforementioned deposit shall be
forfeited in favor of the LESSORS. Furthermore, the LESSEES shall be deemed
liable to pay the LESSORS all the remaining utility bills and damages to the premises,
before the LESSORS can consider the LESSEES released from this contract.

7) UTILITIES – The LESSEES shall pay for the water, electric, telephone and other
utility services used or applied in the leased premises. The bills may be paid initially by
the LESSORS but the amount paid corresponding to the usage of the LESSEES shall be
reimbursed by the LESSEES by depositing the amount to the LESSORS' bank account
or paying the same in cash.

8) USE OF PREMISES - The premises leased shall be used as residential unit only
and shall not be used for any other purpose without the written consent of the
LESSORS. No illegal drugs shall be kept in the premises or illegal activities committed

9) SUB-LEASE, ASSIGNMENT, ETC. - The LESSEES are NOT allowed to sub-lease

the premises or any portion thereof under any circumstance whatsoever.

10) IMPROVEMENTS - The LESSEES shall not make any permanent or major
structural changes, alterations or improvements in the leased premises without the
prior written consent and approval of the LESSORS; and the parties agree that all
improvements and alterations of whatever kind thereon with the written consent of the
LESSORS shall automatically become property of the LESSORS without obligation on
the latter to pay its value or cost to the LESSEES. Drilling or bearing of holes shall not
be allowed unless with the prior consent of the LESSORS.

11) NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS – The number of occupants agreed upon to stay in the
leased premises is four ( ). The LESSEES are allowed to accommodate visitors in the
leased premises on a temporary and short-term basis.

12) SANITATION - The LESSEES had inspected the leased premises and hereby
expressly acknowledge that the same is in good, sanitary and tenantable condition. The
LESSEES shall comply with all sanitary rules and safety regulations which may be
promulgated from time to time by the LESSORS and shall keep and maintain the leased
premises in a clean and sanitary condition and dispose of all rubbish only through the
means and places indicated by the barangay and municipal officials for the purpose.

The lessees are strictly prohibited from removing the strainer attached
to every sink and floor drain installed in the unit. Disposing waste matter
such as leftover food, cooking oil, fruit and vegetable peel, etc. through the
drainage is absolutely prohibited. The LESSEES shall be liable to all and
every damage caused to the unit or other unit/s arising from improper
disposal of garbage or waste material.

13) REPAIR - Any provision of law, present or future, or any stipulation in this agreement
to the contrary notwithstanding, the LESSEES hereby agree and bind themselves to
undertake at their exclusive expense, all repairs, necessary or otherwise, such as may
be required to maintain the leased premises in a tenantable state.

14) FIRE HAZARD - The LESSEES shall not bring into or store in the leased premises
any flammable or explosive goods or materials, nor do or cause to be done any act
which may expose the leased premises to fire, constitute a fire hazard or increase the
rate of fire insurance of the unit, or any article which the LESSORS may prohibit.

15) TAXES AND INSURANCE - The real estate taxes and fire insurance charges shall
be for the account of the LESSORS. The expanded withholding taxes shall be for the
account of the LESSEES.
16) THIRD PARTY LIABILITY - The LESSEES shall be responsible at all times for all
acts done by their agents, employees, domestic help, guests and other persons allowed
by them to enter the premises insofar as the enforcement of the provisions of this
contract is concerned. Any damage or injury to the leased premises due to the fault of
the LESSEES, their agents, employees, domestic help, guests, and other third persons
who may have gained access to the leased premises shall be repaired promptly by the
LESSEES at their exclusive expense. The LESSEES shall hold the LESSORS free from
any and all liability from any loss or damage that the LESSEES, their agents,
employees, domestic help, guests, and other third persons in the leased premises, may
have sustained thereon, due to any cause whatsoever.

17) RULES AND REGULATIONS - The LESSEES hereby agree to abide by the laws
ordinances and orders promulgated by the national or City Government and other
competent authorities affecting the use, occupancy and sanitation of the leased
premises. Failure to comply with said laws; ordinances, orders, rules and regulations
shall be at the exclusive risk and expense of the LESSEES.

18) SALE, TRANSFER, AND MORTGAGE - In the event of a sale, transfer, mortgage,
or any other encumbrance of the leased premises, the LESSORS shall warrant that the
purchaser, mortgagee or encumbrances shall respect all the terms and conditions of
this contract.

19) RIGHT TO ENTER LEASED PREMISES - The LESSORS, through their duly
organized representative, reserves the right to enter and inspect the leased premises at
a reasonable time of the day after the LESSEES have been previously notified.

20) RETURN OF THE PREMISES - After the expiration of the term of the lease or upon
cancellation of this contract for any reason whatsoever, the LESSEES shall
immediately vacate the leased premises and return possession thereof to the LESSORS.
Thirty (30) days prior to the return of the leased premises, the LESSORS, through their
duly-authorized representatives, may show the same to prospective tenants at
reasonable hours of the day after the LESSEES have been previously notified. The cost
of restoring the leased premises to the same good, habitable and tenantable condition
as it was turned-over to the LESSEES shall be for the account of the LESSEES.

The LESSEES should personally hand over the keys to the owner or its
representative, otherwise, the number of days that the keys are still with the tenant will
be charged on a daily basis at the rate of P70.00 per day until the keys are returned.

21) FURNISHINGS – The unit is semi-furnished.

22) FAILURE TO RETURN PREMISES - In the event that the LESSEES fail to return
the leased premises to the LESSORS upon expiration of the term of the lease or
cancellation of this contract for any reason whatsoever, the LESSEES hereby grant to
the LESSORS the legal right to enter and take possession of the leased premises,
remove all personal belongings that may be found therein, and deposit the same in a
safe place. The LESSEES further agree to pay all costs for transfer and storage. If the
LESSEES fail to claim their belongings for a period of one (1) week, the LESSEES
grant the LESSORS the right to sell all the items so as not to incur further storage

23) RIGHT TO SELL CONTENTS OF UNIT – In the event that the LESSEES have
unpaid rentals, dues and other utility bills after the LESSORS have exercised their
right under paragraphs 2 and 22 of this contract, the LESSEES grant the LESSORS
the right to sell all the properties found in the unit owned by the LESSEES and apply
the proceeds thereof to whatever accountabilities the LESSEES have with the

24) VACANCY OF THE UNIT - The LESSEES shall notify the LESSORS if the unit will
be without occupant for a period of at least fifteen (15) days so that if there are bills or
other payments to be made, it can be settled prior to LESSEES' vacation.

25) BREACH - Any violation of the terms provided for in this contract on the part of the
LESSORS or the LESSEES shall be sufficient ground for termination or cancellation
of this contract by the aggrieved party. Any breach committed on the part of the
LESSEES shall cause the forfeiture of the security deposit. Said cancellation or
termination is in addition to such other remedies provided by the law.

26) NO PETS and NO SMOKING – Due to safety and health reasons, pets and smoking
are not allowed in the leased premises.
27) PENAL PROVISION – In case of legal suit, the parties hereto agree that the
appropriate court of Quezon City shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over the case.
The winning party shall be entitled to reimbursement of all expenses including
attorney’s fees equivalent to 25% of the total amount awarded by the court but in no
case less than Php__________________.00 plus other damages which the court
may award.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunder signed our names this ______ day of
__________________at Quezon City, Philippines.





BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, this _ day of , 2020, personally

appeared the following:

Name Identification Card/ No. Date/Place Issued

RICK P LUZANO Driver's License No. D11-16-001076

This instrument, consisting of five (5) pages, including the page on which this
acknowledgment is written has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by
the concerned parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand the day, year and place above

Notary Public
Doc. No. ....... ;
Page No. ....... ;
Book No. .......;
Series of .

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