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A cylinder intruder colliding

against granular matter

Yong Pang, Caishan Liu, Wenting Kang

Peking University

State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems

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1 Introduction

Experimental setup and

2 measurement methods

Theoretical model for the

3 plastic and viscous force

4 Conclusion
1 Introduction
Study about solid projectile colliding against granular
• Penetrating dynamics of a projectile

• Rheological physics of complex fluids around intruders

Current studies about penetrating dynamics
mainly depend on phenomenological analysis.
Understanding the interplay on the solid-granular
interface is essential for both communities. Noting
that the resistance suffered by the flat face of a rigid
impactor is just the representative of the interface
stress, we purpose in this paper to understand the
penetrating dynamics based on the analysis for the
interface stress, which varies with the evolution of
the granular states agitated by impact.
2 Experimental setup and measurement

Cylinders: D30×50, D40×50, D50×50mm;

Release height: h0=46cm~126cm, interval of


Impact velocity: V0=3m/s~5m/s;

Accelerometer: Sample rate 16KHz,

precision ±0.32m/s2;

High-speed camera: 4000 frames per second,

Fig 1: Experimental setup with precision ±0.167mm;
measurements from an accelerometer
glued on the top surface of a steel rob fixed
Grain: Density ρg=2.58×103kg/m3,
in the center of the cylinder, and a high- diameter dg=0.25mm,
speed camera by tracing a label glued on volume fraction φ=0.68,
the side of the steel rob. internal friction angle φ=38.6°.
2 Experimental setup and measurement
Reproducibility: Granular bed is
prepared in a specific way before each
test, which leads to a good
reproducibility of the experiments.
Acceleration responses exhibit
strongly fluctuation due to the impact-
activated vibration of the intruder. To
filter out the high-frequency noise
without losing the physical
characteristics, we piecewise smoothed
the curves by using the algorithms
library in Matlab: the raw data during [0,
T0] is smoothed by an 8-point method,
Fig 2: Reproducibility of the experiments. and 20-point method for other regions.
Raw data obtained from three tests for the The two segments are connected at
same cylinder with a diameter of 50mm, time T0 by slightly adjusting the juncture
released from the same height 46cm.
2 Experimental setup and measurement
Double-peak structure:
The first peak suggests a sudden
shock, in which the sand basically
responds elastically. The large shock
stress yields the granular medium to
generate plasticity reducing the
magnitude of the acceleration until a fully
plastic region is well developed at time
T0. Then flow appears and generates
viscous stress to enhance the
resistance. At T1 the plastic zone evolves
into two well developed homogenous
bulk flow fields symmetrical to an impact-
agitated "stagnant zone". The
subsequent drop is attributed to the
separation of the well developed
Fig 3: Experiment result for the acceleration homogeneous flow with regard to the
obtained by released Φ50 cylinder from 46cm. mobile borders of the "stagnant zone".
(symbol for raw data and solid line for
smoothed data)
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
3-1 Plastic force at T0------Prandtl’s slip line theory
Relationship between two expressions:
Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion: ( 1 ,  2 ,  )  ( x ,  y , xy )

 /  n  0  tan  (1)  1   2
 x   0  cos 2

 1   2  2
 y   0  cos 2 where  0  1 (2)
 2 2
 1   2

 xy  sin 2
 2
From Fig 4(b):

 1   2

 n   0  sin 

 1   2 1   2
Fig 4: (a) Stress tensor with respect to the    cos     0 sin  (3)
principal stresses for a quasi-2D material; (b)  2 2
Mohr circle together with Coulomb’s yield criterion. |  /  n | tan 

3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
When begin to yield: Let us suppose that σ0 and α are located on
 x   0   0 sin  cos 2 characteristic curve (namely the slip line) y = y(x), and
 define κ = dy/dx. By solving the characteristic
 y   0   0 sin  cos 2 (4) equation, we get:
  sin 2  cos 
 xy   0 sin  sin 2  =
 1 cos 2  sin    dy / dx  tan[  ( / 2   )]
Quasi-static equilibrium equation  
(Ignored the gravity):  = sin 2  cos     / 4   / 2
 2
cos 2  sin 
  x  xy
  0 The solution of the hyperbolic PDE is:
 x y
 (5)  C1 exp( 2 tan  ) along  1
  xy   y  0 0   (7)
 x y  C2 exp(2 tan  ) along  2

Substitution of eq.(4) for eq.(5), get the hyperbolic PDE below, whose
solution can be given by two characteristic equation:
  0  0  
 (1  sin  cos 2 )  sin  sin 2  2 sin  (sin 2  cos 2 )0
  x  y 0
 x  y
 ( 6)
  sin  sin 2       
 (1  sin  cos 2 ) 0  2 0 sin  (cos 2  sin 2 )0
 x y x y
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force

The plastic region consists of

three parts, including active zone
(OAB), transition zone (OBD and
OAC), and passive zone (ACE and
BDF ). For a given value of p, we can
use eq.7, together with the two stress
boundary conditions applied on the
limited yield region to get the limited
load pu.
Fig 5: Slip lines (a) and velocity field (b) of non-
gravity sand under stress boundary conditions pu For the left side, the characteristic
and p. curves that connect pu and p belong
to the κ2 family. Thus, the
characteristic stress σ0 satisfies:
Boundary ln(  0 )  2 tan   C2 (8)
AE and BF
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
So the deduced relationship between
pu and p is:

1  sin 
pu  exp( tan  ) p   p (9)
1  sin 
In order to take the gravity of the plastic
region into account, we simplified this body
force into a uniform pressure pg along AE
and BF, as part of p. Integrate the area of
the plastic region, we get the half value Sg
as: If pg equals to the hydrostatic pressure
at depth c0D0, then the coefficient
r02  exp(0 )  1 
Sg    2exp(0 ) cos   cos  
4 0  c  Sg
lT D0
Together with the length of AE: exp(0 )  1 1
  4 exp(0 / 2) 
80 exp(0 / 2) cos  exp(0 / 2)
lT  2r0 exp(0 / 2)cos 
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
So the equivalent hydrostatic pressure p
on the surface of the plastic zone is:
p   g(c0 D0  z ) (10)

Finally, the limit load (namely the plastic Experiment D0=50 mm

force at T0) can be expressed as: Experiment D0=40 mm

10 Experiment D0=30 mm
F (T0 )  Fp (T0 )  pu S   g(c0 D0  z ) S (11) Simulation D0=30 mm
Simulation D0=40 mm

Where S is the bottom area of the punch Simulation D0=50 mm

The plastic force at time T0 which calculated 10
0 1 2 3 4 5
by eq.8 is shown as colored lines in Fig. 6,
together with the raw data of all 27 Fig 6: Comparison between theoretical and
experiments. The slight discrepancy may experimental results for the plastic force at
time T0 in all 27 types of experiments.
originates from the uncertainty of experiments
and the shock effect.
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
3-2 Viscous force at T1------Local constitutive rheological law

Using the Double-shearing theory proposed Granular flow generate viscosity to change
by Spencer, we suggest that the flow state of the stress state in flow lines. A local
the sand at time T1 satisfies the following constitutive rheological law proposed by Jop
hypothesis: which reflects the viscous stress gives:
1. The flow lines follow the shape of the slip  f  ( I ) p , I  (12)
p/ 
lines in the plastic zone.
Where τ f is the shear stress, p is the
2. The normal and tangential stress on the
hydrostatic pressure, and I is named as an
flow lines agree with the Mohr-Coulomb
inertial number.
yield criterion.  /  n  0  tan 
To adapt our situation, we modified this law
3. The active region OAB forms a stagnant
into the following format:
region with a homogeneous stress field,
and moves with the cylinder.  ( I ) 
 f   ( I ) s  0  s  (13)
 0 
4. The internal stress in OAB is linearly
proportional to the pressure of the punch. Where σ s is the static normal stress on the
shearing surface.
3 Theoretical model for the plastic and
viscous force
We suppose that the observed variation in the
coefficient of friction is approximately expressed
as  ( I )  0  k0 I , where k0 is a constant quantity.

Thus eq.13 can be written as: Experiment D =50mm

k Experiment D =40mm
 f  0 s (1  0 I )  0 f (14)

Experiment D =30mm
Simulation D =50mm
150 0
So the dynamical normal stress induced Simulation D =40mm

by the flow motion can be expressed as: Simulation D =30mm
k 100
 f   s (1  0 I ) (15)
0 k
Correspondingly we got: pu  pu (1  0 I )


Together with the expression:  Vg / ( Nd )

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Finally we got the resistance at time T1 is: V(m/s)

 k0Vg 
F (T1 )  puf S   pS  1    Fp (T1 )  Fv (T1 ) (16) Fig 7: Comparison between theoretical and
 N 0 p / 
  experimental results for the viscous force at
So the viscous force at time T1 is: time T1 in all 27 types of experiments.
k0Vg (N=6, k0=2.2)
Fv (T1 )   pS (17)
N 0 p / 
4 Conclusion

The results we got:

 The plastic force at time T0: F (T0 )  Fp (T0 )  pu S   g( c0 D0  z ) S
 The viscous force at time T1: Fv (T1 )   pS
N 0 p / 

Other Revelations:
(1) The Mohr-Coulomb theory is responsible for
the yield criteria of the sand in a solid state;
(2) The shape of slip line field is unchangeable;
(3) The flow stresses are governed by a local
rheology law.
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