Carbohydrates: Detailed Lesson Plan Science 11 A. Content Standard

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Science 11
A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of the relationship between the function and structure of
biological macromolecules
B. Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to distinguish the structures of different biological macromolecules and relate
them to their properties
C. Learning Competency
Explain how the structures of carbohydrates determine their properties and functions (S11/12PS-IIIe-22)
D. Expected Outcomes/Objectives:
a.) Identify the structure of carbohydrates determine its properties and function;
b.) Recognize the importance of various carbohydrates;
c.) Construct a concept map of carbohydrates.
A. Topic: Structure of carbohydrates and its properties and function
B. References: General, Organic and Biochemistry Books page 201
C. Main Idea: Carbohydrates
carbohydrate may be broken down to carbon and hydrate. Another term for carbohydrate is saccharide. Carbohydrates
are classified either as simple or complex. Simple sugars are monosaccharide and disaccharides. Complex sugars are

D. Materials: cartolina, pilot pen, PowerPoint presentation

E. Values: Collaboration, respecting others’ ideas, empathy, and being just
F. Skills: Communication skills, Critical thinking, Note taking
G. Strategies: Collaborative learning, individualized learning
H. Subject Integration:ICT



A. Preliminary Activities
Lead the prayer Pedro
2. Greetings Yes maam ( The student will pray)
Good morning students
3.Energizer Good morning maam Narmiya, Good morning
Now, let sing a song. Let us sing “Science is Classmates.
fun” (The students will sing)
4. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent from group 1, group 2, group
3. None maam.
5.Emphasis on classroom rules None maam.
Before we start our lesson, let us recall our
classroom rules. Who can give me the first rule?
Sit properly
Correct. What are the others Always wear your facemask
Observe physical distancing
Be quiet
Listen attentively
B. Developmental Activities Participate

I have here several pictures that were most likely
to eat.
What is on the picture? Maam. That’s food
What can say to the picture? (Some Answer may vary)
What dou you think will happen to us if we eat? Maam. That gives us energy
Why do we need to eat? Carbohydrates maam
What is that molecules that give us energy?

Yes, carbohydrates give us energy. very good


Because of that we will watch a video about

Video link:

But before that. You will be divided into three (3)

groups according to your attendance group. Group
1 monosaccharides, Group 2 disaccharides, and
group 3 polysaccharides. Each will assign a leader,
secretary, material keeper and presenter.

Write your notes as we go on.

Because there are question based from the video
These are:

1.Describes the structure, properties and functions

of Monosaccharide, Disaccharides, and

2. Give examples of some food in

monosaccharides, disaccharides and

3. What are the types of monosaccharides,

disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Ok . Lets watch the video.

Class I want you to keep silent while watching the
video, listen carefully, and take note.

1. Give 3 words that interest you from the video?

2. What did you feel after watching the video? (Students answering)


Before we start the activity who can remember Be cooperative.

our rule ?
Show respect to your group
Don’t disturb other group.
Follow direction correctly

Student will read the rubrics

Student will do the activity

Types Properties function Structure

Ok. Very good

4. Explain

Let us hear your work.

The presentation will start from the group 1

followed by the next group 2 then Group 3.

1.Describes the properties and functions of

Monosaccharide, Disaccharides, and

2. Give examples of some food in

monosaccharides, disaccharides and

3. What are the types of monosaccharides,

disaccharides and polysaccharides.

5. Elaboration

1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the primary energy source
of the human body. The different saccharides
that humans eat are converted to glucose which
can be readily used by the body.
The word carbohydrate
may be broken down to carbon and hydrate.
From the chemical formula of carbohydrate,
notice that the ratio of
C:H:O is 1:2:1, which can be rewritten as

Carbohydrates are classified either as simple or

complex. Simple sugars are monosaccharides
and disaccharides. Complex sugars are

Monosaccharide (one saccharide)

Glucose Used in dextrose, blood sugar; the
form utilized by the human body
( The students will present their work)
Galactose Found in milk and milk products

Fructose Found in fruits and honey

The above monosaccharides all have the same

chemical formula of C6H12O6 and its
structure is
the one that made the difference in its

(Student answering)

Disaccharide (two saccharides)

Maltose (Glucose + Glucose) Found in malt

Sucrose (Glucose + Fructose) Found in regular

table sugar, sugarcane, and sugar beet

Lactose (Glucose + Galactose) Found in milk

and milk products

Individual saccharides are connected via

glycosidic bonds.

Polysaccharide (many saccharides)

Starch / Amylose Composed of 250 - 400
glucose molecules connected via α-1-4-
glycosidic bond
Storage form of glucose in plants

Amylopectin Like amylose but has more

branches attached via α-1-6 glycosidic bond
Storage form of glucose in plants

Glycogen Composed of more glucose, more

highly branched (same type of bond
as amylopectin)
Storage form of glucose in animals, stored in
the liver and muscles

Cellulose Composed of glucose units

connected via β-1-4 glycosidic bond,
linear chain arranged in a parallel manner
Structural material in plants--cell wall in wood,
wood fiber
Cannot be digested by humans

1. sucrose when hydrolised, yields two
monomers, glucose and ____________.
b. fructose
d. maltose

2.maltose is disaccharides consist of ________

a. glucose and fructose
b. glucose and galactose
c.glucose and sucrose
D.glucose and glucose
3. Individual saccharides are connected via
a. Hydrogen bond
b. Glycosidic bond
c.Covalent bond
d.Polar bond
For question number 4 and 5 refer to this

4. What differences do you see in the

a. They have similar units (hexagon units)b
they have varying lengths - some have one,
two, and many subunits

b. The position of hydroxyl

c. They have the same element
d. They have no difference.

5. What similarities do you see in the


a. They have similar units (hexagon units)b

they have varying lengths - some have one,
two, and many subunits

b. The position of hydroxyl

c. They have the same element
d. They have no difference.

Reading of a related text: The Cosmic Connection
(Outside of class)
13. For an assignment and as preparation for the
next lesson, have learners read Carl Sagan’s The
Cosmic Connection (Annex B) and answer
the following guide questions:

Understand and remember:

1. Find the meanings of the underlined words in the
2. Astrology and astronomy both deal with the stars
and planets. List at least three differences between
Apply and analyze:
3. Why did human beings invent astrology? How
do we know astrology is not a real study?
4. How does science say we are connected with the
5. Carl Sagan, the author of the essay, famously
says in Paragraph 16, “We are made of star stuff.”
What do you think he meant by that?

Prepared by: Narmiya R. Hussin

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