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Ailments from :-

• Dentition

• Narcotics

• Anger

• Cold

Indicating symptoms :-

• Dentition with diarrhoea of green stools.

• Stools are grass-green or like chopped eggs.

• They may be yellow or white with mucous.

• May copious stool or may scanty stool.

• Watery diarrhoea, 6 or 8 times with thirst.

Female symptoms :-

• Irregular & intolerable labour pains; down inner thighs; with profuse discharge of clotted, dark

• Breasts sore, nipples inflamed and very tender.

• Leucorrhoea – Yellow, dark, lumpy acrid.

• At puberty – Membranous dysmenorrhoea.

• Dysmenorrhoea – from anger or emotions in those women who do not suffer from it, with sexual

• Menorrhagia – with black clots, profuse, with coldness of extremities and much thirst.

• Women become suddenly capricious, quarrelsome, obstinate, before menses.

Guiding symptoms :-

• Over sensitiveness : Patient is very oversensitive to pain.

• Burning: Burning in soles at night, puts feet out of bed.

• Pains: Violent and intolerable rheumatic pains with numbness of the affected parts.
• Sleep: Patient is sleepy but cannot sleep, half-open eyes.

• Numbness: Numbness of the affected parts alternate with pain is very characteristic.

• Excoriation: Soreness of skin. Excoriation about the anus, corroding stool.

• Thirst – excessive thirst for cold drinks.

Mental symptoms :-

• Ugly in behaviour; Cross and Uncivil.

• Quarrelsome.

• aggravated at every trifles.

• Averse to being spoken to or touched; or being looked at.

• Children want many things, but refuse them when given.

• Aversion to talking.

• Omits words while writing and speaking.

• Hasty, hurried.

• Can not bear anyone near him.

Modalities :-

• Aggravation : by eructations, anger, coffee, dentition, Taking cold, Coffee, Narcotics, Alcohol, Lying
in bed, Warm food.

• Amelioration : Fasting, Being Carried, Mild weather, Heat, Sweating, Cold applications.

Under guidance of :-

Dr. Bhoomi varma ma’am

Efforts by :-

Shaikh Hasnain (106)

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