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DISCRETE VARIABLE METHODS IN ORDINARY ments from the 18th century to the twentieth
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, by Peter Hen- century. Throughout, quadratic fields are
rici. 407 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New emphasized and abelian groups are used ex-
York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. clusively. The text covers: (1) an introduc-
Price, $11.50. tion to number theory; (2) a survey of
number theory and its applications; and (3)
Intended as a senior-level text, this book
a survey designed to prepare the student to
can be used both for mathematics majors
understand modern research work and to
and for engineers and physicists. Prerequi-
study class-field theory. Over 200 problems
sites include elementary differential equa-
are included.
tions, some advanced calculus, some knowl-
edge of matrices and linear algebra, and ele-
mentary complex variable theory. The prob- TIIE CORRESPONDENCE OF ISAAC NEWTON.
lems are largely theoretical. The book is VOLUME III, 1688-1694, edited by H. W.
divided into three parts: (1) One-Step Meth- Turnbull. 445 pages, diagrams, plates,
ods for Initial Value Problems; (2) Multi- 8½ × 11 in. New York, Cambridge Uni-
step Methods for Initial Valve Problems versity Press, 1961. Price, $25.00.
and (3) Boundary Value Problems. The This third volume of the series covers the
book will be useful in the prediction and period from December 1688 to August, 1694
determination of trajectories and orbits of and includes the well-known series of letters
space vehicles. between Bentley and Newton on certain im-
plications of the Principia. Also in the vol-
GRouP THEORY, by Morton Hamermesh. ume are previously unpublished records of
509 pages 6 × 9 in. Reading (Mass.), David Gregory, which indicate Newton's
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., intentions to publish a second edition of the
1962. Price, $15.00. Principia. An interesting exchange of let-
The author presents group-theoretical ters between Locke and Newton throws light
methods with particular emphasis on physi- on the theological beliefs of these two men.
cal applications. He treats symmetry groups,
group representations (both reducible and INTRODUCTION TO STRUCTURAl. STABILITY
irreducible), continuous groups, rotation THEORY, by George Gerard. 170 pages,
groups (in two and three dimensions), linear diagrams, 6 x 9 in. New York, McGraw-
groups, and ray representations. One chap- Hill Book Co., Inc., 1962. Price, $7.95.
ter is devoted to applications to atomic and
There are three parts to this one-semester
nuclear problems. No knowledge of group
text introducing the fundamental physical
theory is needed for a study of this text;
and mathematical aspects of stability theory:
the reader should know quantum mechanics,
(1) Stability Analysis of Flat Elements;
however. The book can be used either as
(2) Design of Plate Structures; and (3)
a text (there are several hundred practical
Stability Analysis of Cylindrical Shells.
problems) and as a reference for research
CONCEPTS OF MASS, by Max Jammer. 224
A SECOND COURSE IN NUMBER THEORY, by pages, 6 × 9 in. Cambridge, Harvard Uni-
Harvey Cohn. 276 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 versity Press, 1961. Price, $6.00.
in. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., The purpose of this book is to present a
1962. Price, $8.00. comprehensive exposition of the historical
This book can serve as a second-semester development of the concept of mass. The
course in number theory. It treats develop- author states: "The historical research is


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